48 pin qfn package pdf. Le89156 Single Channel Wideband FXS Figure 1.

48 pin qfn package pdf. 50 ref 47 48 1 2 bottom view—exposed pad 5.

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48 pin qfn package pdf The AFE7071 package is a 7-mm × 7mm 48-pin QFN package. 35 × 45° chamfer uhh package 48-lead plastic qfn Addendum for New QFN Package Migration, Rev. 05 a 4. 200 ref 0. 12 pin List, p. com 88E1510-A0-NNB2I000 Marvell Ethernet ICs Single-port Gigabit Ethernet PHY with EEE; RGMII; 2. www. com LP6 (E) – 6 x 6 mm QUAD FLATPACK NO-LEAD (QFN) PLASTIC PACKAGE LP6 (E) Package Outline Drawing v00. MC9S08QE32 Series MCU Data Sheet, Rev. 00 0. 40 x 45 chamfer 0. RGMII, Industrial Temperature, Gold Wire Bonding . The ICE40UP5K-SG48I manufactured by Lattice is FPGA iCE40 Ultra Family 5280 Cells 40nm Technology 1. 15mm and 0. This resistor integration simplifies board layout and reduces board cost by reducing the number of external components. The traces connecting the transmit outputs (TXP1, pin 43) & (TXN1, pin 42) to the magnetics must be run as differential pairs. 1 Package Outline: 48-Pin QFN. 16. Contact Mouser (USA) (800) Jan 22, 2018 · 1 QFN-3X3-16-0. 3 qfn packages package part numbers qfn-16 (4x4) ft201xq, ft220xq, ft230xq qfn-20 ft221xq, ft231xq qfn-24 ft240xq qfn-28 ft120q wqfn-28 ft260q qfn-32 (5x5) ft232rq, ft245rq, ft4222hq qfn-32 (7x7) ft311d-32q1c, ft312d-32q1c, vnc2-32q1b qfn-48 (8x8) ft232hq, vnc2-48q1b qfn-56 (7x7) ft600q vqfn-56 (8x8) ft2232h-56q, ft4232h-56q Marvell. The AFE7070 is specified over the full industrial temperature range (–40°C to 85°C). (. 300 cavity section a-a bottom view notes 1. 02_00 | Jul 01, 2022 | STP | 661 kb However, the HR QFN package lacks a thermal pad to aid in heat dissipation. 35 7. l. 4mm 7 QFN-8X10-30-0. These pads serve as electrical connections between the integrated circuit (IC) housed within the package and the printed circuit board (PCB) to which it is soldered. Dimension b applies to the metallized terminal and is measured 4. 13 pin descriptions, p. Connect with Cadence:Website: https://www. 2 2 Freescale 7. SAMB11 6x6 QFN 48 Package Information Parameter Value Units Tolerance Package Size 6x6 mm ±0. 36 7. 07 02/19/2009 Modify SSOP 28 pin, QFN 28 pinout, pin list, pin description, p. SNLS484I – FEBRUARY 2015 – REVISED JANUARY 2025. 50 CS 144 12x12 0. 3. 00mm body, 1. Board Assembly Recommendations (QFN) Share. dimensions of exposed pad on bottom of package do not include mold flash. 20 ± 0. 203 all around 0. pin #1 is on top will be laser marked 4. 05 (uk48 var aa) qfn 0920 rev Ø recommended solder pad pitch and dimensions RGY package as one alternative to address these industry requirements. Typical QFN Land Pattern Layout with Package Overlay PCB LANDS QFN PADS Abstract: usb dvd player circuit diagram USB2513I USB2514 QFN-36 QFN-48 QFN footprint VDD33CR qfn 48 PACKAGE footprint 48-Pin QFN Text: USB2513i Industrial Temperature Rated USB 2. 4 48 PIN 6x6mm QFN Pitch 0. size should be 0. All dimensions Package Outline Drawing L48. The series uses the latest technologies from Microchip with a flexible and low-power architecture including Event System and Dec 4, 2014 · QFN is a family of SMD component packages with typically 12-108 leads. Examples of small size QFN and SON package types Figure 2. QFN packages come in two types – ‘plastic-molded’ and ‘air-cavity. 5mm 4 QFN-5X7-22-0. 1. b. T4877+9C PKG. The standard QFN has lower junction-to-ambient thermal resistance (θJA) than the HR QFN when using the JEDEC standard PCB. The configuration of the pin #1 identifier is optional, but must be 38. 5mm 8 Other QFN Package Types Provided by Tagore • Package Options – 48-pin QFN, 44-pin LQFP, 32-pin LQFP/QFN, 28-pin SOIC. 3V IO in 48-pin QFN package Industrial Temp datasheet, inventory & pricing. PG-VQFN-48-31_Package Outline Share. Examples of large size QFN and SON package types NXP adopted the package design rules under JEDEC, documents MO-220 (standard QFN), and MO-229, MO-241 (SON/DFN), respectively. 85 mm +0. 40 Thermal Performance Package Body SizeθJA (C/W) Comments Code (mm) Still Air CP 56 6x6 65 Estimated CP 132 8x8 67. 115 typ 0. 600 all around 4. max package warpage is 0. 4 32 PIN 4x4mm QFN Pitch 0. pdf) QFN: 3×3: 8 Lead: QP-QFN8-3MM-. 20 FT 256 17x17 1. 48: Package Dimensions (mm) / Land pattern Overwrite this text with the Lit. Figure 12-1. RGZ Package 48-Pin QFN Top View . Dual lead version is referred to as SON. 02_00 | Oct 02, 2020 | PDF | 114 kb. 5 32 PIN 5x5mm QFN Pitch 0. 05, body Tiebar shown (if present) is a non-functional feature. It is a near chip-scale package, with all the pins being around the perimeter and an optional thermal pad(s) in the center. skyworksinc. 50 ref 47 48 1 2 bottom view—exposed pad 5. 15/-0. 16-pin QFN (FFE) FG 16-pin SOIC (DWE/DXE) WG 16-pin PDIP (PE) PG 20-pin SOIC (DYE) WJ 20-pin TSSOP (DSE) TJ 20-pin PDIP (PE) PJ 24-pin QFN (FKE) FK/GK 28-pin SOIC (DZE) WL 28-pin TSSOP (DRE) TL 28-pin PDIP (PE) PL 32-pin LQFP (FJE) LC 32-pin QFN (FCE) FM/GM 44-pin QFP (FBE) QD 44-pin LQFP (FGE) LD 48-pin LQFP (FAE) LF 48-pin QFN (FDE) FT/GT 64 Package. 340 4. 7x7C 48 LEAD QUAD FLAT NO-LEAD PLASTIC PACKAGE (PUNCH QFN) Rev 0, 1/08 located within the zone indicated. MC9RS08LA8 Series MCU Data Sheet, Rev. 05 c notes: 1. ECN #HQ-13-2007. e. The configuration of the pin #1 identifier is optional, but must be Package Outline Drawing L40. Modeled 14-Pin QFN Package-Parasitics Comparison. † 48-pin quad flat no-lead package (QFN) † 44-pin low-profile quad flat package (LQFP) MC9S08AC128 MCU Series Data Sheet, Rev. 7x7 48 LEAD QUAD FLAT NO-LEAD PLASTIC PACKAGE Rev 5, 4/10 located within the zone indicated. 2 qfn48封装 图 qfn48 outline package laser mark. 4. exposed pad shall be solder plated 6. 0 | 5 Ethernet ICs Single-port Gigabit Ethernet PHY with EEE; RGMII; 2. 2 Package Outline: 56-Pin QFN. 50x45º typ. 2 40-pin HVQFN package Figure 10 shows the 40-pin HVQFN package dimensions. 09_00 | Jul 26, 2024 | PDF | 1. 50 ref (4-sides) 0. 4 32 PIN 6x3mm QFN Pitch 0. Package Dimensions QFN 16 16 Pin QFN Package (3mmx3mm) Notes: 1. 08 03/18/2009 Modify electrical characteristics, Ch6, p. 81 mb. The A4911 is supplied in a 48-terminal wettable flank QFN package (suffix EV) and a 48-pin QFP package (suffix JP), both with exposed thermal pad. Diodes’ bus switches feature New QFN Package for Bus Switch : PI3B3253 . 2-A, 40-V power MOSFET. 14 ~15 package dimension, p. PG-VQFN-48 -29_Package Outline PDF | 113 kb. Design dimension guidelines are shown in the individual package outline drawing. The configuration of the pin #1 identifier is optional, but must be 48 lead qfn 7x7mm package outline & recommended land pattern drawing # qfn77-48ld-pl-2 unit mm note: 1. 3) lead coplanarity shall be 0. 4 Land Pattern: 56-Pin QFN . 12, 2017 Halogen Free Compliance: IEC 61249-2-21:20036 Type: Molded or Air Cavity Pin Finish: Tin (Sn) MSL: 1 2 QFN-4X4-32-0. 70 0. Pin Assignment 4. RGQ Physical Learn more about QP Technologies package drawings and our services as your IC assembly and IC packaging experts. 5V digital VDD Pin Number Pin Name Type (Note 1) Pin Function Link Pin State Part Number Package FT232HL -xxxx 48 Pin LQFP FT232HQ-xxxx 48 Pin QFN Note: Packaging codes for xxxx is: Reel: Taped and Reel (LQFP = 1500 pieces per reel, QFN = 3000 pieces per reel) Tray: Tray packing, (LQFP = 250 pieces per tray, QFN =260 per tray) Please refer to section 8 for all package mechanical parameters. 10 c ÉÉÉÉ ÉÉÉÉ ÉÉÉÉ pin one location 0. All QFN/QFN are Cu Figure 5-2. 203 5. These packages are lead (Pb) free with 100% matte-tin leadframe plating. 33MHz S i 5332D 5MHz - 200MHz Feb 13, 2019 · Pin Finish: Tin (Sn) MSL: 1 2 QFN-4X4-32-0. 35mm in diameter and should be Package Dimensions: 13 25 1 24 12 1 36 37 Package Dimensions QFN 48 48 Pin QFN Package (7mmx7mm) Notes: 1. controlling dimensions: millimeters. 30mm from Mouser offers inventory, pricing, & datasheets for 48-pin QFN Package Sockets & Adapters. 200 width 0. • Phone [781] 376-3000 • Fax [781] 376-3100 • sales@skyworksinc. 1 7. 94mm) (reference ltc dwg # 05-08-1649 rev a) detail b a package top view 5 pin 1 corner y x 2× aaa z e d detail b substrate mold cap // bbb z z h2 h1 detail c aaa z 2 × 8. hittite. Modeled 16-Pin QFN Package-Parasitics Comparison. 3 USB Compliant • Package options: • 64-pin QFN (9 x 9 mm), 12-output • 48-pin QFN (6 x 6 mm), 8-output • 32-pin QFN (5 x 5 mm), 4-output • Pb-free, RoHS-6 compliant. Find parameters, ordering and quality information Le89156PQC 48-pin QFN (Green)(1) Tray(2) 1. com | Building a more connected world. 21 Table 7. DP83867IR, DP83867CR. ’ The plastic-molded is the cheaper of the two because it simply consists of a lead frame encapsulated by plastic. RGMII, Commercial Temperature, Copper Wire Bonding . 1. 4mm 3 QFN-5X5-32-0. 05mm QFN Pad Pitch 0. 203 0. 00x7. 2 PCB Thermal Land The thermal land should match 1:1 with the package exposed die pad. com 4 Submit Document Feedback. Board Assembly Recommendations (General) Share CS 48 7x7 0. 08 c c 37 e 0. 2) exposed paddle size does not include mold flash. 2 48 pin QFN. 01_00 | May 28, 2020 | PDF | 114 kb. 90 note: 1) all dimensions are in millimeters. 008 body: semiconductor molding epoxy, contact qptechnologies for • Package options: • 64-pin QFN (9 x 9 mm), 12-output • 48-pin QFN (6 x 6 mm), 8-output • 32-pin QFN (5 x 5 mm), 4-output • Pb-free, RoHS-6 compliant Si53212/Si53208/Si53204 Data Sheet Feature List silabs. 0 2 Freescale Semiconductor Part Number Package Description Original (gold wire) package document number Current (copper wire) Package Pin Assignments 3-2 v1. Pricing and Availability on millions of electronic components from Digi-Key Electronics. The evaluation boards also have 2 types available for these 2 different package chips: EVM-G-A: for LQFP 80 pin EVM-G-B: for QFN 48 pin CT7601_EVM-G-B is a full function audio evaluation system for QFN 48pin type package. 2V 48-Pin QFN EP Tray, Download the Datasheet, Request a Quote and get pricing for ICE40UP5K-SG48I, provides real-time market intelligence. PG-VQFN-48-72_Interactive 3D_01 Share. 0 High-Speed 3-Port Hub Controller PRODUCT FEATURES Data Brief General Description The SMSC 3-Port Hub is low power, OEM configurable, MTT multi transaction and pin outs in a full range of bit widths. 25 ±0. PK32W148 device Note: Your device part number may differ from the part number shown in Figure 8. The pin #1 indentifier may be Unless otherwise specified, tolerance : Decimal ± 0. 800 0. ADD NEW PACKAGE CODE FOR COPPER WIRE BONDING. 0704 NOTES: 1. Board Assembly Recommendations (General) Share 6 mm × 6 mm, 48-pin, QFN package The TPS53676 is a step-down controller with dual channels, built-in non-volatile memory (NVM), and PMBus™ compatible serial interface, and is fully compatible with TI NexFET™ smart power stage. PG-VQFN-48-72_Interactive 3D Share. Si53212/Si53208/Si53204 Data Sheet • Feature List Skyworks Solutions, Inc. 7 2 Freescale Semiconductor Revision History Type 2: SAW Type QFN Package (Quad Flat No-lead) Pin count 33 Type 3: SAW Type QFN Package (Quad Flat No-lead) Pin count 23 Package Types FC QFN Package (Quad Flat No-lead) Pin count 10 DFN Package (Quad Flat No-lead) Pin count 4, 6, 8, 10, 14 PLCC Package (Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier Package) Pin count 32, 44 SOT23 Package Pin count 3, 5, 6 – 40 GPIOs, including 1 output-only pin and 1 input-only pin – 16 KBI interrupts with selectable polarity – Hysteresis and configurable pull up device on all input pins; Configurable slew rate and drive strength on all output pins. MV-S107146-U0, Rev. Number 6 Quad Flatpack No-Lead Logic Packages Table 2 summarizes the package attributes for the 14-, 16-, and 20-pin QFN packages. 22 Table 9. 32 1. 40 ± 0. 1 Package Characteristics Table 1 summarizes attributes of the TI 56-pin QFN package (RGQ). 30 typ or 0. 5) drawing is not to scale. ECN #HQ-13-1370. 5/3. Figure 2. FEATURES AND BENEFITS (continued) DESCRIPTION (continued) SELECTION GUIDE Part Number Package Packing* Order today, ships today. 05 suggested pcb layout top view 6. 350 all around 0. 4mm 6 QFN 6X6 48 0. White arrows here stand for heat flow. micrel. KSZ9031RNXCC (1) 0°C to 70°C . Conforms to JEDEC standard JESD-30 MO-220 2. . Verify all content and data in the device’s PDF documentation found on the device ATSAMB11G18A-MU-T 6x6mm QFN 48 SAMB11Tape & Reel ATSAMB11G18A-MU-Y 6x6mm QFN 48 SAMB11 Tray 2 Package Information Table 2-1. 25 recommended land pattern 6. Pb-Free . Figure 1 shows the package dimensions, and Table 2 provides a comparison of RGQ physical attributes to alternative package solutions. github. 0 0. S Package Packing Qty Part Number QFN T=3000 TY=2600 CHL8326-00CRT-00CRTY QFN T=3000 CHL8326-xxCRT1 QFN T=3000T TY=2600 CHL8328-00CRT CHL8328 48-Pin QFN 7 mm x 7 mm Green package with EPAD (88E1510 and 88E1518) and 56-Pin QFN 8 mm x 8 mm Green package with EPAD (88E1512/88E1514 device) Si5332 Data Sheet 6/8/12-Output Any-Frequency Clock Generator Based on Silicon Labs proprietary MultiSynth™ flexible frequency synthesis technology, the Si5332 generates any combination of output frequencies with excellent jitter per- The standard KSZ9031RNX is available in a 48-pin, lead-free QFN package, and the AEC-Q100 automotive qualified parts, KSZ9031RNXUA/UB and KSZ9031RNXVA/VB, are available in a 48-pin lead-free VQFN (wettable) package. 一般尺寸 (测量单位 PIN COMMON TO SUBSTRATE — BOARD TYPE Metal Can K TO-3 2L TO-3 4L 3 3 35 35 Case 3. 2 4L/2P – SMT CS 48 7x7 45 Estimated CS 144 12x12 34 4L/2P - SMT CS 280 16x16 31 Estimated FS 48 8x9 60. 3 Physical Description 3. Package Diagrams Data Sheet © 2007-2021 Lattice Semiconductor Corp. 300 4. 3 Land Pattern: 48-Pin QFN . 15 and 0. The TPS61170 is a monolithic, high-voltage switching regulator with integrated 1. Customer Specific Configuration File, where Package Type (QFN) xx = Customer ID and yy = Configuration File (Codes assigned by IR Marketing). 076mm in all directions. 1 mm QFN Pad Count 48 Total Thickness 0. 5 mm). 3V/2. dimensioning and tolerancing per asme y14. 5 4x ze zd 45° KiCad Library Download Page. 4mm – 8-channel 10-bit ADC in TQFP and QFN/MLF package – 6-channel 10-bit ADC in PDIP Package – Programmable serial USART – Master/slave SPI serial interface – Byte-oriented 2-wire serial interface (Philips I2C compatible) – Programmable watchdog timer with separate on-chip oscillator – On-chip analog comparator Device Type Package Packing Le9641PQCT SLIC, Tracker 48-pin QFN Tape&Reel Le9641PQC SLIC, Tracker 48-pin QFN Tray These Green packages meet RoHS 2 Directive 2011/65/EU of the European Council to minimize the environmental impact of CONFIDENTIAL electrical equipment. PI5C3257 . The traces connecting the receive inputs (RXP1, pin 46) & (RXN1, pin 45) from the. com • www. The QFN (Quad Flat No-lead) package is probably the most popular semiconductor package today because of four reasons: low cost, small form factor and good electrical and thermal performance. 12 48-Pin VQFN Wettable Flanks. PG-VQFN-48-79_Interactive 3D Share. Jan 8, 2021 · Package. cadence. Jan 12, 2025 · Footprint Library - Package_DFN_QFN Description: Surface mount IC packages, DFN / LGA / QFN This document aims at providing information about the thermal characteristics of the Infineon package PGVQFN-48-31, used for Infineon Embedded Power ICs (Grade-1). 48-Pin QFN . The AFE7070 is a dual 14-bit 65-MSPS digital-to-analog converter (DAC) with integrated, programmable fourth-order baseband filter and analog quadrature modulator. pin 1 i. Footprint Library - Package_QFP Description: Quad Flat Package (QFP) 6. Same core but different package and I/O count The nRF24LE1 OTP comes in three different package variants: • An ultra compact 4x4mm 24-pin QFN (7 generic I/O pins) • A compact 5x5mm 32-pin QFN (15 generic I/O pins) • A 7x7mm 48-pin QFN (29 generic I/O pins) The 4x4mm 24-pin QFN with 7 generic I/O pins is ideal for low I/O count Package 64-pin LQFP 48-pin QFN/LQFP 48-pin QFN/LQFP FLASH 16,384 (Dual 8K Arrays) 10,240 (8K and 2K arrays) RAM 2080 2080 2080 ACMP yes yes yes ADC 8-ch 8-ch 8-ch IIC yes yes yes IRQ yes yes yes KBI 8 8 8 SCI yes yes yes SPI yes yes yes TPM1 2-ch 2-ch 2-ch TPM2 2-ch - - TOD Yes Yes Yes LCD 8x24 4x28 8x16 4x20 8x16 4x20 I/O pins1 1 I/O does not KB, up to 6 KB of SRAM, and 256 bytes of EEPROM in 28-, 32-, or 48-pin package. 3 1. P = 1 for 6-output, 32-pin QFN 2 for 8-output, 40-pin QFN 3 for 12-output, 48-pin QFN R = Tape & Reel (ordering option) Orde ri ng P art N umbe r Input Type Output C l ock F re que ncy Range Ope rati ng Te mpe rature Range S i 5332A 5MHz - 333. These are low profile, miniature devices in a robust, plastic package compatible with all end equipment including automotive. DFN and QFN package type dimensions are in millimeter. Package Outline Drawing L48. CODE ADDED FOR AP80 ECN #HQ-13-2889. Gold . 50mm pitch Symbol A A1 A3 b D D2 E E2 e L L1 Dimension (mm) MIN 0. In this article we will provide an overview to QFN packaging, discuss QFN package technical details and specifications in detail and present various versions of There are 2 kind of package on CT7601 serial chip: LQFP 80pin and QFN 48pin. pin #1 is on top will be laser marked. 50 ±0. To optimize thermal performance, the PCB design 48-Pin 48-Pin Data Sheet – megaAVR® 0-series Introduction The ATmega809/1609/3209/4809 microcontrollers of the megaAVR® 0-series are using the AVR® processor with hardware multiplier, running at up to 20 MHz, with a wide range of Flash sizes up to 48 KB, up to 6 KB of SRAM, and 256 bytes of EEPROM in 28-, 32-, 40-, or 48-pin package. 75mm, SIDE-WETTABLE Author: BERNARD GO Subject: 21-100045 Keywords: 1032421 Created Date: 4/12/2018 11:38:03 PM QFN: 530Kb / 2P: Quad Flat No-Lead Package National Semiconductor MTD48: 62Kb / 1P: 48 Lead Molded Thin Shrink Small Outline Package, JEDEC Zowie Technology Corpor MSCD102SH: 234Kb / 2P: Thin flat package MSCD032SH: 48Kb / 2P: Thin flat package MSCD012SH: 190Kb / 2P: Thin flat package MSCD052SH: 226Kb / 2P: Thin flat package QFN Package Overview . The ATWILC3000A 48-pin QFN package is shown in the following figure. 30 ordering information, p. 33MHz S i 5332B 5MHz - 200MHz S i 5332C 5MHz - 333. Each perimeter lead/pin, either in punch or sawn QFN, is a full or pull-back lead termination design, and they are arranged in dual-in-line or quad configuration. For delivery using a tape and reel packing system, add a “T” suffix to the OPN (Ordering Part Number) when placing an order. Add new pkg package provides the primary heat removal path as well as excellent electrical grounding to the PCB. Pin Package Outline Drawing L48. 01_00 | Jan 08, 2021 | PDF | 166 kb. 2. 0 2 Freescale Semiconductor Part Number Package Description Original (gold wire) package document number Current (copper wire) The DP83867 is available in a 48-pin QFN package, as well as a 64-pin QFP (MII/GMII is only supported on DP83867IR QFP, and SGMII is only supported on DP83867CS/E/IS), while the DP83869 is only available in a 48-pin QFN package. 02_00 | May 28, 2020 | PDF | 113 kb. The LED2 pin is programmed by the LED_MODE strapping option (pin 55), and is defined as follows. ti. See Figure 2. 597 0. RGMII, Commercial Temperature, Gold Wire Bonding . 10 0. 825 ± 0. pdf Jun 21, 2013 · QFN TR=3000 IR3538MxxyyTRP1 Customer Configuration Notes: L 1. mold flash, if present, shall not exceed 0. 05mm. Copper . 0. 00mm height (max), 0. 85 mm pitch 0. 3V IO in 48-pin QFN package Industrial Temp 88E1510-A0-NNB2I000; Marvell; 1: $16. 9 mm PIC32CX1012BZ24032 Package: 32-pin QFN Size Verify all content and data in the device’s PDF An exposed thermal pad on the bottom of the QFN package can be soldered directly to the system PCB for optimal thermal transfer of heat from the die. Packaging The standard KSZ9031RNX is available in a 48-pin, lead-free QFN package, and the AEC-Q100 automotive qualified parts, KSZ9031RNXUA/UB and KSZ9031RNXVA/VB, are available in a 48-pin lead-free VQFN (wettable) package. The differential impedance should be 100 ohms. 1 Online Package Drawings. 38. In an EP package the die attach paddle is down-set within the package such that the pad is exposed during the mold process, as shown in Figure 6. 6x6B 48 LEAD QUAD FLAT NO-LEAD PLASTIC PACKAGE Rev 0, 9/09 TYPICAL RECOMMENDED LAND PATTERN DETAIL "X" SIDE VIEW TOP VIEW BOTTOM VIEW located within the zone indicated. May 30, 2024 · Using Package symbol Wizard to create a 48 pin QFN/QFP. 05 0. KSZ9031RNXIC (1) −40°C to pin 1 id marking 5. 01_00 | Jul 15, 2023 | PDF | 106 kb. 50 bsc 0. 4) drawing confirms to jedec mo-220, variation vkkd-4. Modeled 20-Pin QFN Package-Parasitics Comparison. e2 d2. pin 1 id see detail a pin 1 id option a 0. The QFN package is commonly used today for higher lead count ICs such as microcontrollers. Board Assembly Recommendations (QFN) Share 09_00 | Jul 26, 2024 | PDF | 1. 0 | 2 On this page you can find the dimensions and packing method for Toshiba Semiconductor's QFN48-P-0707-0. comFree Trials: https://www. 48-pin HVQFN device marking Figure 9. 140 4. io development by creating an account on GitHub. 20 CS 280 16x16 0. 5m, 1994. 05 (ukm48) qfn 0620 rev Ø recommended solder pad pitch and Table 6. KSZ9031RNXIA (1) −40°C to 85°C . Board Assembly Recommendations (QFN Apr 26, 2016 · 48, 56, 58 LEAD QFN (5mm x 9mm ) UHH 1 No 40 LEAD QFN (6mm x 6mm ) UJ 1 No 44 LEAD QFN (6mm x 7mm ) UJF TBQ TBQ 44, 48 LEAD QFN (7mm x 7mm ) UK 1 No 52 LEAD QFN (7mm x 8mm ) UKG 1 No 64 LEAD QFN (7mm x 9mm ) UKH TBQ TBQ 64 LEAD QFN (7mm x 11mm) UKJ 1 No 64 LEAD QFN (9mm x 9mm ) UP 1 No 68 LEAD QFN (7mm x 12mm) UKK TBQ TBQ Information Particular for the 56-pin QFN Package LAN9303 QFN Phy No. PI3B3257 . ATWILC3000A QFN Package Outline Drawings – Top, Bottom and Side View PIC32CX1012BZ25048 Package: 48-pin QFN Size 7 mm x 7 mm x 0. 81 mb Package Outline Drawing L48. The AFE7071 is a dual 14-bit 65-MSPS digital-to-analog converter (DAC) with integrated, programmable fourth-order baseband filter and analog quadrature modulator. Verify all content and data in the device’s PDF documentation found on the device product page. 10 millimeter max. 20 FS 48 6x8 0. ADD REFERENCE TO CORNER PIN CHAMFER DIMENSION ADD TABLE LISTING PACKAGE CODES WITH APPLICABLE CORNER PIN CHAMFER VARIATION. Ordering Information). 640 5. RGQ Physical AXP209 Provided 6mm x 6mm 48-pin QFN Package. 80 0. 65MM The TPS61170 is available in a 6-pin 2-mm × 2-mm QFN package, allowing a compact power-supply solution. Product Data Sheet PL2523 2022-11-7 - 10 / 26 - Rev. 35 0. 02_00 | Jul 01, 2022 | PDF | 177 kb. Table 1. 5 16 PIN 3x3mm QFN Pitch 0. 94; Package. The Green package meets RoHS 2 Directive 2011/65/EU of the European Council to minimize the environmental impact of electrical equipment. PG-VQFN-48-801_Package Outline Share. 10 c 0. 26~27 TI’s DP83848C is a Commercial temperature, 10/100-Mbps Ethernet PHY transceiver with SNI interface & JTAG support. Contribute to KiCad/kicad. 05 Tiebar shown (if present) is a non-functional feature. The configuration of the pin #1 identifier is optional, but must be • Package Options – 48-pin QFN – 48-pin LQFP MC9RS08LA8 48 QFN Case 1975 7 mm2 48 LQFP TBD Case 932. 48-Pin QFN 7 mm x 7 mm Green package with EPAD (88E1510 and 88E1518) and 56-Pin QFN 8 mm x 8 mm Green package with EPAD (88E1512/88E1514 device) Add QFN 28pin: pinout, p. 5 48-Pin QFP Pin Number A3P030 Function 1IO82RSB1 2 GEC0/IO73RSB1 3 GEA0/IO72RSB1 4 GEB0/IO71RSB1 5 GND 6VCCIB1 7IO68RSB1 8IO67RSB1 PACKAGE OUTLINE, 44L, 48L TQFN, 7x7x0. Moving Forward Faster Doc. 40 ±0. 4 Pad Width 0. Pin 1 Figure 8. FIGURE 3: QFN The AFE7070 package is a 7-mm × 7mm 48-pin QFN package. The K32W1480 device is in the 48-pin HVQFN (7x7x0. 8 0. Jul 14, 2015 · the electrical connection between the die and package. 07 bc a 0. lqfn package 48-lead (6mm × 8mm × 0. com. 4 2 Freescale Semiconductor Quad Flat No-Lead (QFN) Package QFN - 20 Pin QFN - 16 Pin QFN - 14 Pin 12. max allowable burr is 0. Data sheets and support documentation are availableon Micrel’s web site at: www. 140 center pad 0. The QFN packages are processed in integrated assembly and test lines from die attach through tape and reel. The pin #1 identifier may be Unless otherwise specified, tolerance : Decimal ± 0. Mar 27, 2024 · The pin configuration of a 48-pin QFN package typically consists of a grid pattern or staggered arrangement of metal pads on the underside of the package. 21 Table 8. PG-VQFN-48-79_Package Outline Share. 05 r = 0. CCE4510 48QFN – 48-QFN (7x7) from Renesas Electronics Corporation. 30 QFNcomparison. 5mm 5 QFN-6X3-32-0. An external ceramic bypass capacitor shall be connected be-tween VS and GND close to the pin. PG-VQFN-48-29_Interactive 3D Share. 48-pin plastic vqfn (6x6) d e 1 12 13 36 25 37 48 a2 a c he hd s b a a1 4xc0. shaded area is only a reference for pin 1 location on the top and bottom of package pin 1 notch r = 0. d d (7mm) e (7mm) r. 30mm from the terminal tip. The device also integrates MDI interface termination resistors into the PHY. 01_00 | Jan 08, 2021 | PDF | 116 kb. Features Addendum for New QFN Package Migration, Rev. 400 pitch pin #1 id 0. Applications Pin Definition Handheld mobile devices Smart mobile phones, PMP / MP4, Number of Cameras, Digital cameras, Handheld guide, Air Equipment, GPS, PDA, Handheld digital Radio and television receivers Mobile Internet Devices, xPad Digital photo frame, portable DVD 48 2x 2x e2 48x l bottom view detail a top view side view d a b e 0. 13 SOIC 10. 05 lqfn 48 0618 rev a tray pin 1 bevel package in tray loading orientation component RGY package as one alternative to address these industry requirements. 05mm 2. 5mm Pb-Free RoHS Compliance: RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU – Annex II and Amending Directive 2015/863 REACH Compliance: REACH – Jan. FIGURE 1-1: SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM RGMII 10/100/1000Mbps RGMII ETHERNET MAC MDC/MDIO MANAGEMENT KSZ9031RNX LDO CONTROLLER PACKAGE OUTLINES B - 14 For price, delivery, and to place orders, please contact Hittite Microwave Corporation: 20 Alpha Road, Chelmsford, MA 01824 Phone: 978-250-3343 Fax: 978-250-3373 Order On-line at www. 4 1. 75 ±0. 20mm on any side 5. Skip to Main Content (800) 346-6873. 11~15 1. Single LED Mode Tri-color Dual LED Mode For Tri-color Dual LED Mode, LED2 works in conjunction with LED1 (pin 21) to indicate 10 Mbps Link and Activity. 1 k. The 88E1510Q device supports RGMII to Copper only. PI3CH480 . FIGURE 1-1: SYSTEM BLOCK DIAGRAM RGMII 10/100/1000Mbps RGMII ETHERNET MAC MDC/MDIO MANAGEMENT KSZ9031RNX LDO CONTROLLER 3. 37 7. All Lattice trademarks, registered trademarks, patents, and disclaimers are as listed at www ECN HQ-12-2641. Nov 7, 2022 · The PL2523 is available in 48-pin QFN package with Pb-free (RoHS compliant) green package. Applications Quad flat no lead (QFN) packages offer a leadless, small package size with a thermal pad giving good thermal performance. 10 47 48 1 2 bottom view—exposed pad 5. The AFE7071 is specified over the full industrial temperature range (–40°C to 85°C). 30-0. Instead, the low impedance connections between the die and the HR QFN package pins provide a path for heat to conduct out of every IC pin. 20 REF The configuration of the pin #1 identifier is optional, but must be between 0. Add new package code for copper wire bonding ECN #HQ-14-0957. The document contains details regarding dimensions, package outline, products involved, and a detailed overview of the thermal resistance characteristics of the package. 48 lead qfn 7x7mm package outline & recommended land pattern drawing # qfn77-48ld-pl-1 unit mm note: 1. PG-VQFN-48-31_Interactive 3D Share. A January 4, 2018 Document Classification: Public Cover Alaska® 88E1510/88E1518/88E1512/ 88E1514 Datasheet - Public pin #1 id 0. 25 7. No. materials: lead frame: copper 194fh, thk = 0. com/en_US/home/t PACKAGE PIN DESCRIPTION Pin Label Function Description 48 PIN QFN EXPOSED PAD PACKAGE 42 VS Main Power Supply Main high−power device supply (battery) input; VDS sense reference node for the half− bridge high−side drivers. Package. 5 22 PIN 5x7mm QFN Pitch 0. • Package Options – 48-pin QFN, 44-pin LQFP, 32-pin LQFP/QFN, 28-pin SOIC 48-Pin QFN . 1 Interface: 1. The differences in the physical size and pin count of the packages are shown in Table 1. All dimensions are in millimeters 11/2/2023 11:58:48 – 40 GPIOs, including 1 output-only pin and 1 input-only pin – 16 KBI interrupts with selectable polarity – Hysteresis and configurable pull up device on all input pins; Configurable slew rate and drive strength on all output pins. 20 DVDDH P 3. shaded area is only a reference for pin 1 location on the top and bottom of package pin 1 top mark (see note 4) pin 1 chamfer c = 0. 50 package. 2 Punch- and sawn-type packages The QFN/SON package are assembled using two different methods: RGMII (Reduced pin count GMII for direct connection) to Copper, and MII to Copper. shaded area is only a reference for pin 1 location on the top and bottom of package pin 1 top mark (see note 6) pin 1 chamfer c = 0. 3mm in Package Drawing - QFN 48-Lead Plastic (7mm × 7mm) 05-08-1704 Rev C Author: Linear Technology Corporation Keywords: Packaging Created Date: 20060230142343Z 48-Lead QFN Package Outline (K6) 7. 1 The standard KSZ9031RNX is available in the 48-pin, lead-free QFN package, and the AEC-Q100 automotive qualified parts, KSZ9031RNXUA and KSZ9031RNXVA, are available in the 48pin lead- -free WQFN package(see . dimension b applies to plated terminal and is measured between 0. red circle in land pattern indicates thermal via. 6x6 40 LEAD QUAD FLAT NO-LEAD PLASTIC PACKAGE Rev 3, 10/06 located within the zone indicated. 5 30 PIN 8x10mm QFN Pitch 0. • Package Options – 48-pin QFN, 44-pin LQFP, 32-pin LQFP/QFN, 28-pin SOIC package document number MC68HC908JW32 48 QFN 98ARH99048A 98ASA00466D MC9S08AC16 MC9S908AC60 See Table 2 for pin availability by package pin-count. 38 silabs. Feb 17, 2016 · Package. a (a3) a1. The SPDIF, I2S, DSD/DOP, SRC, Device and Package Maximum Weight 140 mg Table 16-5. Rev. pin 1 The I/O land width should match the package I/O pads width (1:1) see Figure 2. Le89156 Single Channel Wideband FXS Figure 1. 00 – 0. tlatj zabev ymsez ittkana qrcdnj epcm tlkbrhx dzhbiw opxx wldi cun qlc jbyqz dvdg kxyws