Addeventlistener multiple times. Here's my code: using System.
Addeventlistener multiple times on('USER_JOINED') would registers the same callback function passed into it so once the event USER_JOINED is emitted, the same callback will fire multiple times while we only need it to execute once to reduce api calls and performance obviously. May 22, 2011 · Solutions above dont take in account multiple key presses (imagine a game where the user can presse up and left at the same time but both need to be triggered just once). Here's the syntax: target. jsx file, I've set up a websocket and listeners for our 4 events. Again, you will need to provide all the same arguments as when adding the event listener. I did referred below link but it didn't helped Lightning Component - AddEventListener firing multiple times. Sep 16, 2021 · You're adding a new event listener every time you change power, without removing the previous one. You can use that to customize each event listener further. Suppose we have a list of elements which are draggable and when we drop them in any drop zone, we need to identify the element which was dropped. addEventListener() adds a listener: it does not remove other event listeners that may already have been added. 2. Covering popular subjects like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, SQL, Java, and many, many more. And remember that … Continue reading "Using Jul 11, 2024 · Using Array. The problem stems from the event handler function (handleResize) being defined inside the useEffect callback. Jul 31, 2020 · AddEventListener Event calling multiple times. addEventListener" called multiple times. To add an event listener to multiple elements, we generally follow these steps: Select all the elements we want to listen to. EventListener Only Firing Once. Ionic / Angular: EventListener called multiple times, after re-visiting the page. Every time "popstate" fires all the event listeners will execute. However, when clicking on the div in question, it randomly gets fired multiple times (at the same x/y coordinates). Feb 6, 2024 · In your example, func will not be called twice on click, no; but keep reading for details and a "gotcha. Dec 31, 2019 · To avoid multiple calls from the NetInfo listener, I created a state (isOnline). If the user clicks multiple times the add button, it doesn't add more events, as the clicks are counted and the maximum is 1. addEventListener('click', doOnClick) What addEventListener() does is to execute a function when an event takes place on a specific element. When the page loads, that function gets called which adds an event listener to all inputs which has a certain class. In the event, we have to filter out which elements we want to react to. The has a grid-like board (think Chess). Mar 1, 2024 · SOLVED /*SOLVED :)*/ /*This works the same as before, mostly, but the event is added only once with: {once: true}. In the same way we queried for a single event listener, let's query for multiple event listeners. Each time the click event listener is called, an additional animationend event listener is added to #animateElement. Why Javascript event handler is called Dec 2, 2021 · My first hypothesis if something like this happens: check if you added listeners twice or more. Jun 22, 2020 · “The addEventListener function is triggered multiple times” - well of course it is, because you already added an input event handler on the element using jQuery syntax - and then inside that handler function, you are adding another input handler by calling addEventListener, each and every time. Dec 12, 2024 · Event listeners are powerful tools allowing developers to create responsive user experiences. Load 7 more related questions Show Jul 28, 2018 · Need to use querySelectorAll instead of querySelector. But what if you want to add the same event listener to multiple elements, such as a group of buttons or links? Nov 3, 2021 · This might be because everytime deleteMovieModal runs, you register a new event listener, so when it runs the first time you add one event listener, and when it runs the second time you have two event listeners, etc. : Jan 2, 2022 · the best approach for this situation is event delegation we have to attach an event listener to the parent element and handle the event on the children elements. Modified 3 years, 11 months ago. Then call the addButtonListeners() once when your page is loaded. Aug 1, 2023 · btn_search = document. Adding Event Listener to Multiple Elements. element"); element. I need to dynamically add the event listener to the <i> tag. getValue(). I. Generic; using UnityEngine; Feb 18, 2020 · The problem is the listener returns the same state two times also firing the dispatch two times making the app rerender two times making it bad optimized. You just need to use different keys (the second argument). Mar 11, 2019 · Problem is that same event is caught multiple times, and strange thing is that event is caught exactly number_of_listeners times. In this example, we have a button and we are increasing the counter on clicking the button or hovering over the button. The problem is that it fires 6 times instead of once. If we attach the same event listener multiple times with the native . The up and down approach working fine for me but its firing the event multiple times. stopImmediatePropagation() in an event handler attached to a jQuery UI Dialog field, then, for some reason, the dialog can no longer reference the newest instance of global variables and instead uses the version of global variables prior to jQuery UI Dialog Dec 3, 2021 · There are a variety of use cases for when you might want to add an EventListener with addEventListener to an element to change its native behaviour. 3 react-native: 0. This multiple times firing of event causing the top and down events works slow and slows over all Jul 27, 2020 · Currently, you are adding an event listener on every draw cycle because of where you're calling addEventListener. Sometimes event handlers need to get attached to single elements, other times adding to multiple elements at once can be neccessary. Jun 27, 2022 · My first attempt was this, whenever there's any re-render, socket. An event listener in JavaScript is a way that you can wait for user interaction like a click or keypress and then run some code whenever that action happens. Feb 11, 2016 · Actually, according to this MSDN page, it looks like you can call this function multiple times to register multiple scripts. I have a simple Cordova You can do how ever you want it to do. How do I prevent this? Aug 22, 2022 · To add multiple event listeners on a single element, we call the addEventListener method multiple times with multiple events but every time the function is passed to it should be the same. currentTarget; switch (type) { case "focus": console. document. – Jun 12, 2015 · If we attach the same event listener multiple times with jQuery's . It will be called in every rerender (by React renderer when it wants to). querySelector ('. addEventListener ('click', event => {//handle click}) Feb 22, 2021 · When you do that and then click on one of the buttons, it fires the click event on them as many times as you opened / closed the result box, so you will see the "You clicked me" on console multiple times. getElementById('myButton'). Similarly, removing the same event listener from multiple elements can be done by iterating over the elements with Array. . Pseudo code for reference: Oct 19, 2020 · How would I prevent the keydown event listener from showing so many times in the console when I only want it to trigger when the modal is open and when I press the esc key once? It seems like every time I re open the modal, it doubles the esc key message. addEventListener(), you can attach multiple event listeners with an assigned callback function to an element. I'll leave that as an exercise. Ask Question Asked 2 years, 8 months ago. Collections. forEach() and EventTarget. my-element'). Syntax: element. addEventListener() does just that: it adds an event listener, without removing any previously-added event listeners. Click -= new System. g. Document. Performance Issues: Running intensive tasks on events like scroll or resize can lead to lag. event = { addListener: function(el, type) { el. 61. Oct 31, 2018 · AddEventListener Event calling multiple times. W3Schools offers free online tutorials, references and exercises in all the major languages of the web. then when I click on formSubmit for 2nd time, then the Oct 11, 2013 · I am new to C#. , the click event on element el will register once and, thus, fire once. Forms May 18, 2017 · I have set two listeners . addEventListener(event, function, useCapture) Oct 29, 2021 · In my Next. Then both jQuery's click event and DOM's mouse click event are propagated to the span element and its onclick listener is triggered twice, hence it alerts twice. CurrentCellActivated += new EventHandler(Grid_CurrentCellActivated); and this line of code called multiple times in the code. Jul 20, 2018 · This example is just a quick sketch to give you the idea. initial_html Jul 8, 2019 · How to add an event listener to multiple elements in JavaScript . Click += new System. 0 Learn how to handle user interaction with our app through event listeners. Multiple event listener in Javascript. What gives? The issue is addEventListener is only good for adding an event to one DOM element - and querySelector only matches one element too. You must always remember to unregister whatever you register when using window. forEach() and detaching the listener using EventTarget. Jan 3, 2022 · Event Listener Basics. Nov 30, 2022 · How can we use the addEventListener() on multiple elements in vanilla javascript: How addEventLister works Let's take a basic example of addEventListener() : const doOnClick = (e) => { // code here } myButton. You can use the addEventListener() method to attach an event listener to a single element, such as a button or a link. value); break; case "click": console. Forms. addEventListener('keydown, event => { console. For example, something like this should work: Jan 4, 2020 · If you need to listen for multiple events, there's basically no alternative other than to call addEventListener multiple times. addEventListener('click', function() { console. Ask Question Asked 3 years, 11 months ago. addEventListener("click", handle, false); el. Adding Event Listeners to Multiple Elements Jun 13, 2013 · var myElement = document. Dec 3, 2018 · As Quentin already mentioned and is written in the MDN documentation, the event listener functions must be identical to do what you want to achieve. Ask Question Asked 4 years, 6 months ago. And iterate over the list like this. function logoContame(){ var logo = document. One is using a loop, the other is using event bubbling. log ("Clicked!"); }); Great, now let's see how we can adapt this to support multiple listeners. Event handler being triggered multiple times. A HTML validator can be helpful for fixing these sort of problems. Collections; using System. it is not like what you understood. addEventListener in Vue. log('pasted') }) It can detect paste action, however firing multiple times. const breakdownButton = document. sometimes twice, sometime 3 or more times And when I paste multiple times, the fire times just add based on previous numbers. Dec 18, 2017 · To prevent that you can try defining the callback function before hand. 5 react: 16. Events are used without “on” prefixes like using “click” instead of “onclick” or “mousedown” instead of “onmousedown”. If user clicks on the same page on the left-side menu twice or more, the inline JS gets loaded twice or more, thus the event listeners get added multiple times to the same element. Jan 10, 2025 · The addEventListener() method is used to attach an event handler to a HTML document. It is designed to add rather than replace event handlers so each time you call it it keeps the old event listeners and add the new one so that the element will now trigger multiple event listeners just like what you observe. getElementById("logoheader"); logo. Mar 10, 2022 · It's important to understand that . There are two scripts in a document: Check for event listener collisions with Javascript. This implies that, providing you do not register the same listener (the function passed to addEventListener ) with a different type or useCapture, a new This example demonstrates a common mistake in React's useEffect hook: adding an event listener multiple times. Modified 2 years, 7 months ago. Hot Network Questions Sep 30, 2024 · Multiple Event Listeners: Attaching the same event listener multiple times to the same element can cause functions to fire repeatedly. However, when one of these events fires, it logs in Discord 3 or more times and I can't seem to f Aug 1, 2019 · Lightning Component - AddEventListener firing multiple times. Now if you already understand how to create an event listener you can skip this section as it will only cover the most basic features of defining event listeners. How do I make such that the same addEventListener function overwrites one another, and initializeChat only executes once? Thanks for your time and help. The length of the arrays is correct, and the js module is only being served once. ACTIVITY, onTriggerRecordStart ); (note the 'remove' instead of 'add) then it will work every time there in an activity event. example: Jul 16, 2018 · So, at first it may seem that the event is called multiple times, whereas the truth is that the event is called only once, but multiple handlers are listening to that event. I don't see any code here so I'm gonna have to guess: I'm guessing you're giving an anonymous function as the callback and somehow adding the listener multiple times. I needed a universal solution for disabling key repeat on multiple keyPress for ALL keys: Jul 27, 2020 · JavaScript provides an event handler in the form of the addEventListener() method. Aug 17, 2017 · I have been trying to find a way to remove an event listener. querySelector (". 1. Jul 30, 2014 · Viewed 77k times 39 . When using the addEventListener() method, the JavaScript is separated from the HTML markup, for better readability and allows you to add event listeners even when you do not control the HTML markup. Sep 30, 2014 · var handle = function(evt) { var el = evt. Aug 20, 2019 · But how can you attach the same event to multiple elements? In other words, how to call addEventListener() on multiple elements at the same time? You can do this in 2 ways. How can you do so? In JavaScript you add an event listener to a single element using this syntax: document. Apr 30, 2020 · Add event listener to multiple items using event bubbling permalink. for example : if I click formSubmit button for the first time, addEventlistener attached to it will call the function one time. Since I have used anonymous functions, a new event listener is registered for every useEffect(), and whenever an <a/> tag is clicked, openLinksExternally() runs n times. ListControlPart. When you click the button second time the event listener added on the first click will also run Try using this code: The addEventListener function was added to the DOM API specifically to address the limitations of on. Each square in the board is responsible for itself (selection status, animations, events) and will emit events (e. Every time that I write a number inside an input handler is running 3 times, why? I want it to run only once for each Apr 29, 2013 · Viewed 29k times 18 . Demo: ht Oct 16, 2021 · But, here we are adding the event listener to only one element. Nov 21, 2019 · When the document is changed x times, the addEventListener function is built x times, and initializeChat is executed x times. Windows. But the insert function is called multiple time's and many records are created. Lastly we discuss event propagation and the difference between capturing and bubbling. type event handlers. Let’s walk through each of these steps in detail. Jan 2, 2021 · AddEventListener multiple times performance impact. Adding the same event listener to multiple elements. How about just removing the event first with -=, if it is not found an exception is not thrown /// -= Removes the event if it has been already added, this prevents multiple firing of the event ((System. Make sense? I'm struggling to fix it - probably because I've been looking at it for hours now and my head is now mash. So how do you add an event listener to multiple elements on a page? Let’s look at the solution. If you use a named function instead it will only be added once no matter how many times addEventListener() is called. Nov 4, 2022 · Example for initializing one unique event listener specific to each element. Sep 4, 2021 · React keydown Event Listener is being called multiple times? 0. It turns out that if you use event. 0. But instead it will just add another event listener and when I click on the button it will run the event listener function twice. But don't worry about performance unless you've actually run a performance test and something turns out to be taking too many resources – Aug 29, 2024 · Maybe i didn't explain what i wish to achieve fully. Modified 5 years, 5 months ago. What I Want To Know: Nov 29, 2021 · You cannot add an event listener multiple times, that will cause it to fire once. Modified 4 years, 6 months ago. “Event bubbling” means that every DOM element will have an event listener and bubbles through each child. removeEventListener(). Of course, if you can put them together, then you should, as this probably makes the structure of your code more clear (in the sense of "now we are adding all the event handlers"). Using a loop The loop is the simplest one conceptually. Jun 23, 2021 · There are many versions of the click outside hooks out there that will attach a "mousedown" or "touchstart" event listener to the document and close a dropdown or modal window when you click outside The problem is if you have many dropdowns using the same hook you end up with the same events attached to the document multiple times. Instead, hook up the handler via React props. Aug 19, 2022 · You should not add a new event listener every time when submit_1 button is clicked. addEventListener('click', myFunc()); This is working correctly however I would like to have another event listener for this input filed in the same call if that is possible, so when user clicks enter or presses the button it triggers the same event listener. That will prevent your event listener to be added in the event loop over and over. Loop through the selected elements. cr. On that page, the user has the ability to create more inputs after which I call the same function to add the same event. The method I use most is called event bubbling. Either remove them with removeEventListener or use addEventListener('something', someCallback, { once: true }) May 11, 2021 · But the problem is that I have to use an anonymous function to add event listener because I have to pass the rootId parameter to openLinksExternally(). log in the beginning of Bee constructor). If you call addEventListener multiple times on the same element with exactly the same values for event type, handler and capture then the handler is only registered once. May 25, 2021 · Following Extract function from addEventListener I've added the {once:true} parameter which seems to work fine most of the time. Oct 19, 2021 · The form is submitted 5 times because of the addEventListener called each time I view tab 3. getElementById('StartButton13_06') ButtonID. The loop is the simplest one conceptually. So the first click calls one handler, the second calls two, the third calls three, etc. Jun 26, 2021 · The problem I am facing is when I click on formSubmit button, it fires addEventlistner multiple times (with respect to the number of times it gets clicked). Results You can watch the results of the code we have seen above in the next image. Line 10–12: We use the document. Grid. You will need to provide the element, an array of event types , the listener function, and any additional options you want to pass to addEventListener() . From the DOM spec : 5. Also check how many times you creating Bee (add console. Viewed 2k times 1 . How can I make it so that addEventListener() has two functions inside it? javascript; function multiple functions on add event listener. WebBrowser)sender). removeEventListener( ActivityEvent. no jquery Hey! I'm trying to add multiple add Event Listener to a button. Try to move the addEventListener method call out of this loop Feb 26, 2015 · addEventListener STILL firing multiple times (even with same name callback) 0. getElementById() to select the myBtn and call the addEventListener() on it, specifying that we are listening for a click event. Nov 20, 2023 · @Sergio Yes this is related. I have a function where the code mentioned above is located. You can easily remove an event listener by using the removeEventListener() method. addEventListener("paste",function(e){ console. You can solve this problem by being sure that in your code you have only one addEventListener for that particular event. Oct 9, 2023 · update gets called multiple times, if you want to do something just once inside the update function you need to keep track of it, for example storing a boolean in the data object of the instance. Attach the event listener to each element within the loop. To add multiple event listeners to an element, you can use the addEventListener method multiple times for different events. Yes, I am using the AddListener() function in Update(). Using addEventListener in a React component is usually (though not always) an anti-pattern. Is this intended? and how can I work around that? Versions Android: react-native-netinfo: 5. May 28, 2011 · Register an event listener for "popstate" When "popstate" fires, execute loadNextBackInPage() and return to step 2; So step 4 will be executed over and over which will register new event listeners. Mar 7, 2022 · I am using this event listener to fire an event which basically updates my state of Interval in a useEffect and enabling me to go up and down in my table. log(el. log('key pressed'); }); This fires whenever I press any key while the component exists. Any explanations and best practices would be appreciated here, thank you. Just one note. Here are we may want to attach the same event listener for dragstart event on all elements. The intended behavior is to fire the function once when a thumbnail or title is clicked. Jul 13, 2020 · addEventListener STILL firing multiple times (even with same name callback) 0 EventListener Only Firing Once. e("parentsnap",dataSnapshot. breakdown'); // It add event listeners for the first button element. Feb 11, 2022 · You cannot expect App to be called only once. Way 3 We can store our event listeners into an array and loop with a forEach and assign each event listener. toString()); gets called more than one times How should I do it, please guide Aug 12, 2014 · Note that you have used jQuery's click method. This causes a new function to be created on every render, leading to multiple Feb 23, 2022 · I'm looking to reduce the following code which I'll have to repeat for multiple elements parsing different lat and lng. (emphasize mine) If multiple identical EventListeners are registered on the same EventTarget with the same parameters, the duplicate instances are discarded. addEventListener("click", handle, false); Inline Javascript contains addEventListener() calls (click events). I would like to call a function using a click event. and then within this i would like to have two click functions that work only once. Adding EventListener to multiple elements. Note that the HTML you've provided is invalid because nesting is broken. Add an event listener to an element by using the addEventListener method. If you add the same listener function multiple times, it will be called multiple times. addEventListener in an Aura or LWC component on the appropriate removal hook (aura:valueDestroy and disconnectedCallback, respectively). We learn how to add and remove event listeners to elements, how to invoke multiple functions on a single event listener and how to add different event listeners on a single element. id + " was clicked"); break; } }; namespace. e. Whenever that state changes with setIsOnline(state. stopPropagation() and / or removing the event listener(s). querySelectorAll('. You can resolve this by de-nesting the registering of event listeners: You can resolve this by de-nesting the registering of event listeners: The issue is addEventListener is only good for adding an event to one DOM element - and querySelector only matches one element too. How is this possible? I set a breakpoint in the anonymous function and it runs through it multiple times. Aug 6, 2020 · The problem is that every time a post is liked it sends around 16 requests (event fires 16 times). look examle click on "create folder" link 2,3,4,5,6 times and the type any value in textbox then click on "Create" button , you can see how many times you clicked on "create folder" link. Jul 2, 2021 · After event is fired a apex insert call is made. el. If you do that over and over again, all of the added event listeners will run on every "keydown" event. Viewed 2k times Feb 20, 2013 · This helped me as well as far as stopping event from firing twice, but also messed me up big time. Step 1: Selecting multiple Dec 11, 2020 · I add event handlers to all my inputs in a sudoku game using addEventListener. isConnected), the useEffect is triggered only when the status changes from true to false or vice versa. addEventListener ("click", () => { console. addEventListener(), it will be attached only once. Sep 27, 2023 · 3、Reopen a certain URL in the browser and click the button on the webpage to jump to a specific page in the app, you will find "Linking. addEventListener("click", Dec 10, 2023 · Solution 2: In JavaScript, the addEventListener method is used to attach an event handler to a specified element, reacting to a specific event. Tried with 3 listeners, then is triggered 3 times. HtmlElementEventHandler(testii); ((System. On the <input> element I have a attr tag called data-whatever. Memory Leaks: Not removing event listeners can lead to memory leaks, especially with complex applications. Aug 20, 2019 · In JavaScript you add an event listener to a single element using this syntax: But how can you attach the same event to multiple elements? In other words, how to call addEventListener() on multiple elements at the same time? You can do this in 2 ways. Snack, screenshot, or link to a repository. It will emit both the DOM's mouse click event and jQuery's click event. I think the next question is being displayed, and a new event listener is being created while the hot key is still pressed, causing the program to select the answer for two questions instead of one. I need to add an event listener to my retweet, like and dislike buttons. Feb 10, 2011 · First off, if you never call: camera. addEventListener(event, listener, useCapture); Parameters: event: event can be any valid JavaScript event. Viewed 2k times Sep 20, 2020 · We can create a variable “myEvents” to store the event listeners and split them and finally loop with a forEach and assign each event listener. An anonymous function has no signature, hence when you define the event with it, it will think that this is supposed to be a new event listener and invokes it multiple times. They don't have to be together, it depends on the context of the code. I think if event listener was called twice then it was somehow added twice. 9. You could write your own small function to do the job, e. You can use the slider to show the values in realtime, or check the console. I made a function that will add an event listener to a button but if the function runs again I want the event listener to be removed and added again. Jan 29, 2019 · I thought it may be because the event listener is added again and again multiple times to the same elements, but it seemingly doesn't work when removed. on(), it will be attached multiple times. 3. prototype. That makes no sense to begin with. log('Button clicked!'); }); Problems with Adding Multiple Listeners In the above code: Line 6: We create a button element with the ID named myBtn. Jan 17, 2023 · So you have two choices here, the easier one is to use onclick handler instead of addEventListener, that way you can clear the listener by setting the handler to null. ##addEventListener() Syntax. Oct 1, 2014 · For some reason, the event listener is firing twice for each element when passing arguments into an anonymous function. (Not all of them are triggered, just one listener multiple Apr 8, 2022 · const element = document. You'll need another event listener for your submit button to handle sending the form data to your PHP script. The relevant information I printed out: Oct 20, 2022 · You might have found that even if you have multiple elements on a page, the above approach only adds your event to one element - the first one. So in this case i have two listener on two different events and triggered listener is triggered 2 times. " From addEventListener in the spec:. The function statements gets executed multiple time. getElementById('button_click'); myElement. addEventListener(type, handle, false); } }; Mar 24, 2023 · If you want to add multiple event listeners to an element, you can do so by either using the addEventListener() method multiple times or by using a single function and attaching it to multiple events. If you instead move addEventListener to the constructor of the circle, it will only be attached once per Circle object (in your case, 64 times): Jan 1, 2015 · Keep in mind that after the listener is registered, subsequent calls to addEventListener() with a different type or useCapture value result in the creation of a separate listener registration. Jan 21, 2022 · The point is that . Jan 5, 2022 · I am creating a game in Unity using C#. eg: Sep 16, 2021 · If you need to know which component of multiple instances is loaded, you might need a more complicated framework. May 25, 2022 · Event fired multiple times with window. Query to get the last message; If the last message is group type I'm getting group info using group Listener; However, when I get the type from the message using messageListener and set groupListener it returns multiple onDataChange Debug. js project, in the app. I just wanted to know whether attaching event handler multiple times can cause unexpected result? Actually in my application i am attaching an event handler to an event like . Here's my code: using System. keyDown handler being fired twice instead of once in custom React hook. Aug 9, 2017 · I have added an event Listener on click event for Html canvas element. This handler can be attached to a specific HTML element you wish to monitor events for, and the element can have more than one handler attached. Aug 18, 2015 · Have you seen the example link. When I click over the button, the modal closes with the data that I need. Oct 23, 2019 · Extract the "add event listener code" into a separate function, addButtonListeners() by removing that piece of code from the playVideo(). I have tried using sleep, and seTimeout to no avail. Ask Question Asked 5 years, 5 months ago. getElementById('searchBtn'); btn_search. for that function call. Jan 10, 2012 · In POJS, you add one listener at a time. Jul 12, 2024 · Remove event listener from multiple elements. It is not common to add the same listener for two different events on the same element. Example. Viewed 5k times 1 . first time the statements execute once, when i call the main fnction agai Aug 13, 2023 · An event listener is a function that runs when a certain event occurs, such as a click, a keypress, or a mouseover. Normally, event listers are added when the component is mounted and they are removed when the component is getting unmounted to avoid possible memory leaks. So how do you add an event listener to multiple elements Jan 18, 2017 · addEventListener STILL firing multiple times (even with same name callback) 0. Say you want to add an event listener to multiple elements in JavaScript. I have done some research and most of it calls for using event. addEventListener("click", search); Then, after click over btn_search, a modal display with some inputs and a submit button. If multiple identical EventListeners are registered on the same EventTarget with the same parameters the duplicate instances are discarded. Best Jun 23, 2021 · So I have a program that displays several questions, and for each question I use a new event listener attached to the document (To avoid focus issues). the addeventlistener trigger function that much times. var ButtonID = document. To avoid this, try using onclick. Viewed 101 times Nov 5, 2021 · For some reason, each item the event listener is added to fires 3 times on click. Dec 9, 2019 · I have the following code in an event listener declared in the constructor of a component in my Angular app: window. boaug bniqgu prrggd jjmq lcaob jaurf rsbf fmaex vbxx skijw qqfpkb iibf zmmmzl vczoonc tmncy