Coc clan war rules. Clean ups normally last 12-14 hours of war, not before.

Coc clan war rules These changes will reflect a more accurate measurement of a player’s and clan’s offensive power. Collaboration is a very important and helpful aspect of this game. Clan War Leagues is a season-based league structure for Clan Wars. In short, it's not based on average destruction, it's based on each clans' best attacks. Rewards in the Clans Battle. Oct 27, 2018 · Regular Wars and Clan War League Wars – Which Can You Do? Hey Chief, We wanted to give some additional explanation regarding if you can do Clan War Leagues and/or regular Clan Wars. Each War will last for 4-5 weeks, with 1 “River Race” each week. I personally don't see it as much work, but I've always enjoyed running stuff like Discord servers, clans, managing spreadsheets, etc. 1. The outcome of a Clan War is determined by which Clan manages to get the most stars during the war, or on total destruction percentage if Stars are tied. The main amount comes from the position during War Day compared to the other 4 clans you’re competing against. - Tumulong sa pagpuno ng clan castle sa mga war base kapag may war. Please do not take these rules lightly. Watch the video now and find base links in the description along with the recommended Clan Castle troops. You also aren't competing/participating in any of the daily wars, and in this scenario you get nothing. I general our wars using a spreadsheet with our clan members and their best attacks. Clan War yang ada pada CL COC terbilang sangat menarik perhatian pemain untuk diikuti. Both clans’ members will be awarded their bonus loot, but at a penalty. It is most likely determined by the first the length and then the character of your profile tag. Continuous wars till clan level # even without heroes🤴. This is basically your village copied into the War Base. The importance of rules vary from clan to clan. Each player can use the ‘Clan Wars’ button in their profile to indicate if they are available for Clan Wars or not. Almost every clan has rules, as they are required for a clan to run effectively. Pasalnya, event tersebut menawarkan berbagai hadiah menarik yang unik dan langka bagi pemain. Jun 19, 2015 · Hello, fellow clashers! This is a page that helps us keep track of war records, members, updates, etc. If not, tell me, and I will remove this statement. Winning in Clash of Clans clan wars and events boosts your clan’s reputation. Make the members earn that spot! Nov 12, 2024 · This leads to a thriving and successful Clash of Clans community. You can also team up You can be included on the clan's master roster, but not compete/participate in any of the seven wars. Rules updated as of Dec 2021. Wiki Rules Behavior and Social Rules Dos. Our focus is to be able to harvest the free loot generated by the Clash system, easy stars and generous clan XP. - Kung ikaw ang may malalakas na troops, inaasahan na magdodonate ka kapag may war dahil sa iyo aasa ang buong clan. Also worth noting that it is quite possible for a clan to be overpowered for one league and underpowered for the league right above it. In our clan, we don't let people in CW if they are upgrading heros. The concept of total destruction was introduced to minimize clan war ties, but if both clans get all stars, the total destruction amounts to 100%, and the war ends in a draw. Bottom 10 attack twice in 10 hrs. Clan Wars are found under the Clan tab. Participating in Clan Wars will give your Clan a certain amount of experience, which you can use to give the people in your clan new perks. There Win the War, and your Clan will receive a War Win Bonus! This is extra loot awarded to all participants when the War ends. The Leader selects the Clan members who will participate in the Clan War. Jan 7, 2022 · Clan Wars are one of the best ways to get a boost in one's in-game progress. The best performing clans get promoted and the worst get demoted. Nov 24, 2024 · Clash Champs is the Premier Tournament League for Clash of Clans War Champions. You can do Clan War Leagues in one Clan and you can do normal Clan Wars/Friendly Wars in another Clan. Strength is based on each member’s attacking power (troops, army camp capacity and spells) and defensive power (defense buildings, walls and traps). They can also choose to set Hard Mode, which makes the attacking Heroes weaker and defenses stronger. Excelling in Clan Wars and Events. For example: Giving extra storage to the Treasury. Clans that take random wars seriously and sometimes/often push Supercell Clan War Leagues. The loot one earns from a Clan War is simply amazing. A lot of clans take pride in their long war streak and enemy clans trying to break another clan's war streak is very prevalent. Each clan should have 2-4 representatives (leader or co leaders) one of which must speak English, in our BAND where we communicate. This roster comprises all the eligible clan members who can participate in the Wars during the Clan War Apr 10, 2018 · In a nutshell, Clan Wars is an epically awesome way for two Clans to go head to head in all-out war! Clan Wars can range from 5v5 all the way up to 50v50 wars! There are two phases in a Clan War: Preparation Day and Battle Day. Strategies change each war so speak to a leader before attacking. If you have something upgrading (spell factory, both dark barracks, barb king, archer queen, etc…) or a real life event which would prevent you from being at 100%, we require you to opt out of war until you are back to 100%. They’re a great way to test your Clan’s strength and earn bonus loot while you’re at it! To participate in a Clan War, the Leader or Co-leader who initiated the war must choose you for the lineup. Only the best troops should be donated for war. Each war that the Clan wins increases the amount of players eligible for the Bonuses by one. "Clan Games are all about completing Challenges and earning points together with your clanmates. A clan is only as strong as the players around you. All of these 4 Town Hall 9 bases have been designed and tested against the current popular TH9 attack strategies. Once a month Clans can sign-up and fight a week of wars with Clans of similar skill level. Your defenses combine together to create a "weight " for your base. Drawing or losing the War will result in a reduced War bonus. Each Clan has it’s own rules about what to donate. Here are some key tips and other things to keep in mind to excel in clan wars: Communication is key. The size of a bonus as well as how many people it can be given to depends on the Clan's League during SC have changed their info: your clan cannot do regular war at the same time as league war. So I'm thinking about splitting the alliance into one clan for all heroes up, and letting people move to our second clan to do wars with heroes down Clan Leaders can also reward Clan members with bonus League Medals. Remember, there is a 1 hour cooldown period until you can write a message again. At the end of Battle Day, you’ll get the full War Win Bonus for a victory, 40% for a draw and 30% for a loss. Some Clans having a wide range of Town Hall Levels so they have the basic rule that you can only request reinforcement Troops you can donate yourself – players constantly asking for Level 4 Dragons while only being Town Hall 5 themselves aren’t that much support for your Clan, are they? The Reasoning for This: Our clan is trying to recruit higher Townhall members to have a better chance at advancing our Clan in the Clan War Leagues, therefore, having too many low level alt accounts wouldn't help us in War Leagues much and it would limit the space in the clan for new higher townhall players to join. The size of a bonus as well as how many people it can be given to depends on the Clan's League during The clan was open to anyone TH 6 and over, but I eventually added a 2000 trophy requirement to keep out spammers and players so new that they didn’t know what a war is. The Clan that earns the most points in the most categories wins the Competition. We only have May 28, 2023 · All the current clan wars in any status were ended. Kung wala ka balak magdonate, madaming ibang clan dyan. so to each their own. They defend well against dragons, ground spam, and witches at Town Hall 9. But is… Clan War Matchmaking Clans are matched up based on the overall strength of its members. These clans do not participate in formal tournaments or leagues. Subscribe to us on YouTube Our clan specializes in clan wars, war league, clan games, and clan capital. For Clan War tips check the "Clan Wars: Tactics" page on the Strategy Guide. These rules will apply to all active clans involved in Clan Wars activities, and may be revised at any time as necessary, without prior notice. Adding these villages to the Clan War, especially Engineered Bases, will increase the number of villages without adding much weight to your Clan. When it comes to Clash of Clans, picking the best Clan Castle troops for defense can make or break your base’s performance. The rules may change/update periodically depending on the requirements, complaints and feedback that we receive. Some concepts when talking about Clan Wars: the WAR BASE means your home on the war map. But there are some rules that need to be explained. Clan Leaders can also reward Clan members with bonus League Medals. All clans can join in the CS Clan War without registration. One clan was in a 40 v 40 war and the opposition (Chinese) clan got 70 stars in the first 2 hours of the war and they simply gave up…. g. For your clan it could be something Worst clan rules: not worth mentioning Best personal rules: Clash is more than just a game, or, that clash is not just any other game. Rules are chosen by the leaders of the clan, and can be changed whenever appropriate. . Atlanta, GA To participate in a Clan War, tap the"Clan Wars" button in your profile to turn it green. Clans with multiple base errors can be sanctioned up to and including removal from FWA. I would love some organised looks with emojies and not too much details. The clan rules are in the clan description. - Use your best troops during war or else you might be kicked out of The Group view shows the current standing of Clans competing in the same Group. As well as the usual looted resources, the War Win Bonus also includes all types of Ore. Simply taking your trophy base is not enough – you will need a proper war base layout in Clan War. There is one huge change to consider: you don’t have to defend your resource silos, but the Town Hall as you want the enemy attackers to get the least stars possible with their attacks. Whether you’re defending in Clan Wars, the Home Village, or pushing for trophies in Legend League, your troop selection matters. The internet is full of bases that claim to be great war bases, but in fact like 90% of them are just trophy bases that won’t be good fits for a Clan War – what you need is a proper Anti 3-Star Base. Do not hit anyone elses target before 12 hours is up unless they attack and do not get more than 1 star. Some clans may just have it be a guideline, while others may hand out expulsions if rules are broken. Clan War League Rules. 10. The Clan War Leagues are Bronze, Silver, Gold, Crystal, Master and Champion league. The lineup of war bases is determined by war weight. PREFERABLE: People who have shown skill in attacking in wars. This is happening waaaay too often in the last time. Bottom 5 need to attack within 4 hours of war starting. In the final week of a Clan War Season, there is no River Race, and therefore no Boat Battles. Treat others like you yourself would like to be treated. Jun 28, 2024 · The clan war ends in a draw. Achieving reward tiers in Oct 12, 2024 · These TH12 War bases will help you win wars and Clan War League wars. Although it’s not considered illegal or cheat and will not get you or your Clan banned, Engineered Bases are not considered fair play by most of the clash community. You can also join another clan with a mini account if you have the time to try and make some more friends that way. We are friendly and chat often and can give tips for your future progress in clash. Gladiators 2014 for example. COC Gems Generator (Unlimited Gems) Benefits of having a COC Clan Description – COC Clan Description Rules. LEADERS FILL WAR CLAN CASTLE. Write a good clan description of what your clan stands for. He was able to start a regular war because the time to sign up for CWL was already over. This ensures that the FWA clans are matched with each other in the clan war, and the focus is on maximizing loot and XP rather than winning the war. In mixed TH wars, I will use the map notes and put “TH11 pick em” or “TH14 drop here” to slot levels on the map. These items are required for upgrading Town Skins. Clans are groups of players that join together in order to compete with other Clans in two ways: the first is to pool their trophies and battle to collect the most trophies, and the second is to win Clan Wars Jan 18, 2021 · Talketive and Friendly clan🤗. Clan Games are only Clan War Matchmaking algorithm changes. War Report is the ultimate companion app for Clash of Clans, which offers detailed statistics about every part of the game. 😌Peace!! 2. The amount of ore that a base is worth in ore is determined by their war weight. We want to make sure everyone has a good time while keeping it professional. Please note if you have not yet been accepted your request may have been pushed down past the chat limit. USE BOTH ATTACKS; We are a War clan which means we want to win. Our first goal is to work together to accomplish great things. If your heroes upgrade gets finished on war attack phase. My personal view. RCS event participation is frequent, and clan games are completed every month. Clan wars are intense battles that pit clans against each other. Clan wars are matched up with war weight (as best they can). Always doing clan war/leagues/clan games. Clan rules create structure and set expectations for participation, communication, and teamwork. The Basics of War. The greatest form of scum in clash of clans are players who opt in for war, get added to a war roster, then leave the clan before using both of their attacks. Here is a screenshot of a tie: Nov 23, 2016 · The Base Layout. It elevates Clash Wars to a whole new level by creating Tournaments utilizing the Clash of Clan War results. That also means it is too late for you to join another clan for CWL, though you may want to next season. Hit the enemy target across from you for your first attack. Participating in a Clan War should not be a right, but a privilege. Do not fill requests with wrong troops. Otherwise, we have to kick you out of the clan. We are active daily so if you miss attacks multiple times then you are out. This guide dives deep into attack techniques, base layouts, and tips for improving your clan’s performance. A lot of time passed since then. They cannot be used to attack on war nor on regular attacks. If your Clan decides to not join in CWL, it can call regular Clan Wars without issues. I analyze the enemy bases and determine best attacks. Apr 5, 2016 · Both clans having the same stars before the tiebreaker would cause a draw. The war can be set to allow either one or two attacks per player, consistent with rules of Clan War Leagues and regular Clan Wars respectively. Dec 10, 2021 · The next Clan War League is scheduled to start on 1st August 2024 (8:00 AM UTC). If the two clans have the same amount of stars at the end of the war, whichever clan has a higher average destruction will win. All clans must set their location to Lesotho and add [💎FWA💎] to their description. 2. New Clashers often get confused about when does clan war leagues start in COC. So Many Clan Rules There will always be Clan members who are irritated by written Wars Rules. PREFERABLE: People with the highest townhall level or war weight (see regular clan wars where they were placed), unless they fail to meet requirement 2 and 3 and 4. They don’t affect e. It can be good practice for you both and maybe your clans can help each other out more later on. Do you have a TH10 that can 2 star TH12's? You're hired. It also draws in new members. Oct 25, 2018 · Hey Chief, We wanted to give some additional explanation regarding if you can do Clan War Leagues and/or regular Clan Wars. rUsHeRs NoT ALLOWED I'm a leader of a competitive clan but I have no clue what my clan description would be. The Clan with the most Medals per Battle Day, will reach the War Gate first and earn the biggest reward. Clan Wars are always ongoing; they do not need to be started by a Leader or Co-Leader. Clean ups normally last 12-14 hours of war, not before. They defend well against dragons, ground spam, and witches at Town Hall 12. This view can be accessed at any time during the Clan War Leagues season. SELECT THE RIGHT MEMBERS. Spell Factory does not add war weight, but when you learn a new spell that spell adds war weight. In this area As far as my experience goes with my clanmates, Clan Wars matchmaking is almost definitively based on your ELO, which initially rolled over from Clan Wars 1 in the form of your War Day Wins. The participants need to have 300+ BP. Oct 5, 2024 · CWCL atau Clan War Champions League Clash of Clans menjadi event yang ditunggu pemain. Invite players to the Clan Accept players into the Clan Promote and demote Clan Elders Promote new Co-Leaders Kick out Clan Members and Elders Send messages to the whole Clan. While in clan war, attack twice. Completes Clan Games Fast🎌. Once a month, Clans participate in week-long Seasons, during which they fight other Clans of similar skill level each day of the week. /r/GameDesign is not a subreddit about general game development, nor is it a programming subreddit. Here are the rules for the Clan War League: All clan members are, by default, included in the participation roster for the Clan War League. If you feel this has happened, apply again the next day :) We are the official clan for the Clash of Clans Wiki. Don’t prioritize winning or micromanage stars, help your clan take the next step of working Your clan leader couldn’t have started a regular war during the time to sign up for CWL. Create Rules for Your Clan. The League divisions give cool badges to the clan and they affect the trophies. Players not only fail to earn points for missing attacks but also lose 10 points per missed attack (the thinking is that it's much worse for the clan if you opt-in to war then fail to show up and The War Leader can give harder bases to tougher attackers, giving easier targets to those who need one, producing on balance, more triples. Event kompetitif tersebut membuat para pemain menjadi lebih tertantang. If a draw occurs, both clans war streaks are broken and days/weeks of endless winning wars to get a war streak ends because of a draw. This time I will talk about the best strategies to win Clan Wars. To Dec 2, 2024 · You might be thinking why a dedicated post for defending Troops in Clan War is necessary. Typically, each 1. As a note for small clans, if a clan reaches the goal in normal wars, they always receive the normal reward, but if it does not reach the goal or if it's the last week of the season war, if the clan does not reach a minimum of 80 attacks, it will give a low value boot instead of a chest Yes, but something that everyone needs to know!Join my clan: ECHO Fam https://link. Since my account is so old my profile tag is one character shorter than all the other accounts in clan. But with Clan Wars always being a major addition to our clan life, we do need to recognize the importance of keeping a solid structure to maintain a healthy clan. The matchmaking is purely based on the league, the th levels of you and your clan mates don't matter for the matchmaking. That bonus is the loot you’ll get if you get at least one star and your Clan wins the war! You still get loot even if the base was previously 3-starred. They start and end through Clan War Seasons. If I wanted something I could pick up, play, and drop, I wouldn't play clash. In this scenario, we WAIT until the last 1-4 hours and then we can use our second raid to attack the highest person possible to get a good loot bonus. TAKING ADVANTAGE OF THE SYSTEM. Drawbacks: Apr 11, 2014 · The most important element in a Clash of Clans clan war is clearly the War Base. Studying enemy bases is key in clan wars. We have Level 8s and 9s with triple digit War Day Wins who kept getting matched with maxed Level 13s (now Level 14s) even in Bronze and Silver Clans. Active players are always welcomed🙋🏻‍♂️. This time I will give you 12 important tips to organize, manage and be successful on Clan Wars! 1. Clan A decides they want to do a Clan War Leagues is a feature that was added in the Version 11 update on October 23rd, 2018. It takes some time, but eventually, you will be matched against clans with similar strength as your clan. New CWL Clan. Understanding these guidelines is key to making a meaningful contribution while building strong relationships within your clan. Rules are a code of conduct that every member in a clan must abide by. For me that was: 18+, Dutch/Belgian only. If more than one player raids a given base, only the strongest attack will be counted toward your Clan’s final score. - If you have the highest level of troops among all members, we expect full support in clan donations during war. 23 Hours Day. One of the biggest perks of joining the clan war league is that you get to earn league medals. Someone sees that anti-air that isn't even behind walls and releases all his giants who get demolished by the lvl 4 wizards I've given him. This clan description provides a clear picture of the clan’s goals, expectations, and culture, and gives potential applicants an idea of what they can expect if they decide to join. You will still get 20% of the medals that are possible. - Ok lang mag chat ng hindi tungkol sa COC, wag lang sosobra dahil nakakaabala sa iba. Why Clan Rules Are Important. Aug 30, 2020 · Unlike the old Clan Wars, Wars in Clan Wars 2 are always ‘on’ and don’t need to be started by a Clan Leader. I've been playing in a max TH9 clan only for a long time and I will always be the top base on the war map, because I play Clash since release. Players earn 5 points per war for CWL wars, and they earn 10 points per war for regular wars (basically it's +5 points for every war attack). Competitive War Clans typically have higher town halls in wars. To participate, Clans have to sign-up for Clan War Leagues with at least 15 (maximum 50) members. In my opinion, the first step is developing a culture of communication and strategizing while still keeping it fun and relaxed. To accept that war, the second clan should also meet the same requirements. " Clan Games is a type of event introduced in the December 2017 update. Each Clan War Season lasts for either 4 or 5 weeks and each week contains a RIVER RACE. If you no 7, do not take enemy no1-6, you can take enemy from 7,8,9,. Can start a Clan War and decide who participates in it. dOnatiOns WiLL MAke ew eldEr, s0 dOnAte aNd gEt dOnAtE😉. Any form of disrespect or rudeness to staff members or other users is not tolerated, and may lead to your account to be given a warning, or result in a temporary block (or in severe cases, permanently blocked) by a Staff Member. Written rules (in the clan description): First rule is speak Dutch, second rule: be active every month by either doing ONE or more of these things: Getting at least 1000 point in clan games Participate (ATTACK) in clan wars / CWL doing Clan Capital attacks weekly Unwritten rules of the clan: Be nice Nov 20, 2016 · These rules define what everyone in the Clan may or may not do. and a "strikes" system to penalize failure to meet expectations, and to eventually trim the fat to get better players. Nov 20, 2016 · Clan Donation Rules. Seasons in Clan Wars 2 follow the regular game Season, so you have a clear start and end date. Everyone else needs to attack down and attack for 3 stars. In this post, I will show you some Clan Rules that you might want to adopt to help manage your Clan. Every base has a unique War Win Bonus. War rules 1st attack -> Take down enemy that you are confident getting 3 stars -> Do not take enemy above you eg. Do you have what it takes? War Alliances, commonly called "War Leagues" (but should not be confused with "Clan War Leagues" which were introduced in the October 2018 Update) are groups consisting of multiple competitive Clans from around the world, looking to battle against each other in Clan Wars to see who is the best clan. So for example: ⚫The Snow Owls⚫ ⚫competitive warclan⚫ ⚫back to back wars⚫ ⚫update your (war profile (I mean the option to opt in or out with your profile) ⚫ Basically, you get put into a pool of 8 clans that are the same league as you (probably also same division). Clan War + Clan War League. MUST USE BOTH ATTACKS IN WAR (if a player does not use both attacks in war then they will be opted out next war) NO TOWN HALL SNIPE'n. Be 100% War Ready. Main Strategy Guide here. The "Day 1" used to be 24 hours, but was reduced to only 23 hours to make help clans that make non-stop wars. - Contribute in filling up clan castles on war bases during war. 132 votes, 106 comments. Contents Declaring a war War process How opponents are displayed Ending the war and its results Chat commands Declaring a war A clan level 5 or above consisting of at least15 characters can declare a war to another clan. Nov 22, 2023 · Clan War: Unleash Your Clan’s Power. However, the Clan must have For the in-game War Leagues, see Clan War Leagues. clashof How to Start a War in Clash of Clans - Basic topic here for COC Yes, but something that everyone "Earn Clan XP and level up your clan to unlock powerful perks! Clan XP is earned by competing in Clan Wars. Unless they fail to meet requirement 2 and 3 and 4. I’m talking about real tactics to manage and organize your clan that will make your clan win! Organizing your Clan is the best way to improve the chances of victory. - Too much non-COC related chat is discouraged. 4. 9. We don't play that much war because i don't find people that are talk with each others and most of them are upgrading heros. Thats a big part, why we don't play that much war. In short: Yes! You can do both. In older days if the stars in clan war were equal for the clans then the war was declared as a tie/draw. Since I started playing CoC this seems to be the most straightforward clan war strategy that almost every clan uses. Final Week of Clan Wars. For frequently asked questions about Clan War Leagues, see Clan War Leagues FAQ. These war bases will help your clan defend in regular Wars and Clan War Leagues. With the recent changes implemented to the Clan War matchmaking algorithm, based on the feedback we have been receiving and also after reviewing our data, we felt further changes needed to be implemented. Develop Effective Attack Strategies. In the unlikely event that the two clans have the same average damage, the war will end in a draw, and both clans will receive reduced loot, but more than if they had lost. This indicates to the Clan Leader and Co-Leaders that you are available for Wars. You will need that in order to donate Siege Machines to your clans and it will help your clan out tremendously in the long run. If you are # 10 you hit # 10 on the enemy side in the first 12 hours of war, failure to do so could result in not being in future wars. The best attack is near about never 100%, as pointed out here. For example, let's say you're a member of Clan A. A red arrow down indicates that a Clan is heading towards a demotion. You CAN use them to attack in war but they will continue defending with the level they were when preparation phase finished Mar 23, 2023 · The Farm War Alliance operates through communication platforms such as Discord and Band. Loss in War streak. rewards. " Clan XP and Clan Perks were introduced in the February 2015 update. One clan war he was attacked 8 times before someone who knew what they were doing finally 3 starred him. The highest leagues offer the biggest rewards and show that the clans in them are the best of the best! Supercell described Clan War Leagues as "Eight Clans Enter, One Clan Leaves" in a It’s Tom here (@HouseofClasers) with another exclusive tutorial for the House of Clashers app. Winning a Clan War is a team work, so take the preparation day create rules and to send instructions to all clan members. -> Do not take enemy which already gained 2 or 3 stars -> Any questions, ask in chat -> Finish 1st attack within first 12 hours 2nd attack Apr 19, 2021 · They will defend your village in war at the level they were when preparation phase finished. Additionally you gain 1 trophy for every War Day win your clan gained. The members announce a schedule for clan wars, in which all the clans within the alliance participate. With the next update I would love to get some kind of tiebreaker or at least the possibility of getting the full war rewards at a 100% tie - as you literally can't do any better since time is not accounted into stats for normal wars. This guide explores common clan rules, why they matter, and how to follow them effectively. It started with the th16 release. General stuff, do Raid Weeknds, don't miss Clan Wars, etc. Increasing Influence and developing the Clan Stronghold. For topics related to the design of games for interactive entertainment systems - video games, board games, tabletop RPGs, or any other type. This gives us time to see what cleanup needs to In Clan Wars, Clans compete against other Clans for rewards and Clan Trophies. For the last year or so my clan has bounced between masters 3, where we typically win 0-1 wars and get demoted, and crystal 1, where we typically win 7 wars and get promoted. The Bonuses have to be distributed within 21 days of the Clan's War Week ending. Instead, your Clans enter the Clan War Colosseum to battle against other Clans for bigger and better rewards and ultimate Clans are an optional feature in Clash of Clans, but it is strongly recommended that every player should join a Clan. This is the only way to make it so that many different people work and operate as single entity. Leaders and Co-leaders can take their Clan to War by opening the Clan War screen and pressing the ‘Start War’ button. Provided your clan’s May 15, 2024 · Check out these 8 War bases, from Town Hall 9 to Town Hall 16, for May 2024. - Gladiators 2014 Veteran’s rules - Below are rules that only apply to well seaoned war clans. All Clan members who are at least King Level 6 and have attacks left are able to participate. So that's still the rule for now. WARNING - regular matchups might be slow and bad if most clans are doing CWL Jun 28, 2024 · In Clash of Clans, if there is a tie in a war where both clans have earned the same number of stars and have the same total destruction rate, the war will end in a draw. Whether you’re just starting or looking to rebrand your existing clan, this tool provides name ideas based on popular themes in the game, like warfare, mythology, and fantasy. Do not attack in war to farm or without a complete army, spells and CC. Whether you’re aiming for a perfect war or recovering from losses, this post has you covered. Clan Wars are a strategic set of battles between two Clans of roughly equal strength. Assigning targets relies on having a war leader who knows their stuff, is an excellent scout, and has a very good command of what's in the personal meta of each player in the clan. Do read through and understand. Any member of the clan may edit this page to help improve it. Thix ix a wAr cLan⚔️ evryOnE hErE sHould bE aCtive🏋️. Do respect other users. All of these 4 Town Hall 12 bases have been designed and tested against the current popular TH12 attack strategies. Essentially upgrade one attack composition at a time. These Games introduce in-game tasks and challenges for the clan members to try to complete for a limited amount of time, with each challenge having different amounts of points, difficulty and duration. Suggestions To Resolve More tiebreakers to decide a war winner. Both clans voted in favour of all heroes up for war. After this update, whichever clan has the highest percentile of destruction in their clan best attack wins the war. Coordinate with your clan mates to plan So i took a vote in my 2 busy war clans. The heavier war weight is typically the higher more developed Town Halls. But there were about 30% votes in favour. 5. He gets attacked several times every clan war, and 95% of them are the same. The size of a bonus as well as how many people it can be given to depends on the Clan's League during Clan Leaders can also reward Clan members with bonus League Medals. Participating in clan wars offers exciting opportunities for loot, experience, and camaraderie. The war base is not the village. Build my clan from a small group of friends to a 30 active people clan. What is FWA? The Farm War Alliance is a group of over 600+ (and climbing higher every day) clans whose primary goal is to match against each other in arranged wars. The bonus is calculated based on the destruction percentage of your attacks. Don't upgrade troops and spells you won't use in wars, the upgrade will add to your war weight) -Other Buildings to Upgrade 1st: Spell Factory, 1st Barracks. War Report for Clash of Clans Wars Clans Players Settings No clans in war Here you will see ongoing clan wars of all your bookmarked clans and players that have a public war log . Well you came to the right place! In this guide, you can find most of what you need to know about Clan Wars, including good bases, army compositions, and etiquette for players with Town Hall levels 5-8! All bases on this page have been originally created by me, unless said otherwise. The size of a bonus as well as how many people it can be given to depends on the Clan's League during Jul 14, 2021 · Cross-server Clan War Rules. There are some circumstances in Clan War that require variations in order to have the best Troops in the War Castle: Lack of surprise – your enemy will know after 2-3 replays what’s inside your Clan Castle without having to make a first attack Clan Wars are a huge source of player retention in Clash of Clans, and if players feel like upgrading their town hall means spending 3-6 months straight grinding before they're in a viable state to war again then it sucks a lot of the fun out and drives down player retention as accounts get to higher Town Halls where that downtime grows Jan 24, 2025 · A comprehensive guide to building, growing, and leading a strong clan in Clash of Clans Clash of Clans is a fun and dynamic game that allows players to build villages, as well as attack the villages of other players. A Clan can only participate in one war type at a time: Clan War Leagues, regular Clan Wars, or a Friendly War. Members of the winning Clan who earned at least 1 point receive special items – Star Shards – as rewards. OPTING out is an option for war but leaders have sole discretion of who will war based on clan needs and balance. Competitive War Clans. To do well, you need good attack plans and teamwork. If you are left off of the clan's master roster. Second place in war will take 1&2. and they were a GOOD clan. What are Clan War Leagues? Clan War Leagues is a league structure for Clan Wars. You can do Clan The COC Clan Name Generator is an online tool created specifically for Clash of Clans players who want a unique and fitting name for their clan. Some other great ways to make connections would be to arrange a friendly war with another clan in the clash of clans discord. In War Leagues, groups of 8 clans compete against each other to progress through the leagues, as well as win rewards. But individual players CAN leave the league clan, join another clan and start war or FW there during league week and do both by hopping back and forth. Clan Wars come in different variations- 5v5, 10v10, 15v15, 20v20 Clan Wars in Clash of Clans are a thrilling test of strategy, teamwork, and execution. We at TheEyez have an amazing clan with some wonderful people. 3. We constantly have members attacking up or down and across in same war to exploit the enemy weaknesses. Clans should enter the CS map 44-0 war clan with 15 perfect wars (full stars). The real preparation starts even before the war, when you select the members of your clan to join the war. Oct 16, 2024 · These TH9 War bases will help you win wars and Clan War League wars. However, the Leader who initiates the war has to choose you into the war before you can participate, whether your button is green or red. A green arrow up indicates that a Clan is heading towards a promotion. With any game mode in Clash of Clans, certain rules dictate the gameplay. The second greatest form of scum in clash of clans are players who regularly opt in for war, get added to a war roster, then don't show up to use their attacks. We expect each war participant to be at 100% when the war starts. Please be mindful of others requests. yfhulyz pspl yhpb etwl qzmcl yriecrj tunjb osbddl jffq jzhme prbxwfe lffu jtsiv cuxagj ihuje