Destiny 2 god rolls reddit It lists the "preferred We pride ourselves in knowing the weapons of Destiny and Destiny 2 and helping others find proper weapons for their play style and endgame activities. , one of the god rolls for Ikelos SMG is Surrounded and Threat detector, but I always play at a safe range, that these perks do not trigger. r/ShardItKeepIt was founded on the principle of whether a weapon should be kept or sharded. But a rare god roll could get a low grade simply because so Any lists of good/god rolls is entirely subjective and may or may not match your playstyle. 2/7 for bns, 1/21 for envious cascade, 1/28 for augmented spike, 2/7 for quick launch, 1/2 for MW gives any shiny drop a 1 in ~14,000 chance of being the god roll. 839K subscribers in the destiny2 community. spike is ~10% by itself (depends on blast radius) and it becomes ~15% with B&S (because multiplicative stacking). — God rolls are for guns you might use in the highest difficulty content, and to cover all your bases you only need like 20 of them tops. Three rolls in vault: Chambered/extended, armor piercing, stats for all, one for all… stability MW Chambered/full bore, high caliber/ricochet, ambitious assassin, multikill clip… stability MW Full bore/hammer forge, ricochet, hip-fire, gutshot… handling MW Not sure about best rolls/options- but 1 for PvE, 1 for PvP? Any input/opinions? For "God rolls" that have you look for Vorpal for PvE, like Threaded Needle, there is definitely a difference between Threaded Needle with Vorpal/Boss spec and Threaded Needle with just boss spec. The following list is the best perks for the Live Fire PvP God Roll in Destiny 2: Barrel: Hammer-forged Rifling; Magazine: Ricochet Rounds Nov 18, 2024 · Noxious Vetiver Perks & God Rolls. If you wish to get more involved in further protest of reddit's API policy change, more information can be found on r/ModCoord and r/Save3rdPartyApps. gg uses crowd-sourced god rolls, the more people who have a perk/roll the higher up the list it is and as such will never match other sites that rate either weapons or perks individually. Using gyrfalcon’s void hunter with t10 discipline for high grenade uptime, paired with the intrinsic, I think this is the god roll for me. The BRAVE weapon delivers a hard hitting roll for PvE and a PvP roll that’s going to challenge the top brass in the current sandbox. Pre-RoI the perk tree looked like 3-1-3-1 where you can choose between 3 perks in tree 1, and tree 3. Occasionally I use the 2-burst mode, but the 4-burst mode is really where you want to be. its like a 50/50 thing. Hey all, so yesterday I was doing GoS just to finish up my Divinity quest. rewind/envious is not that great with bait & switch on linears, because those 2 perks essentially want you to fire almost all your reserves at once, but that counteracts bait and switch, which you need Light. im gonna hunt for 2 rolls, auto loading/bait & switch, and rewind rounds/firing line. The only reason to use Briar's Contempt is because it can roll surrounded, which is a 40% damage increase when 3 enemies are nearby. D2Checklist's god roll data model is fundamentally different than DIM's wishlists. 831K subscribers in the destiny2 community. These are a few tools based on individual and community ratings: DIM has a thumbs-up icon that shows up on weapons that match some predetermined god-roll lists. I will update it based upon enough justification and proof. Hey fellow guardians! So I’ve had the good fortune of landing quite a few different god rolls on crux (there are arguably quite a few) and have been meaning to make this post for a while. Jan 29, 2025 · PvP Live Fire God Roll. Hothead can only do tracking + explosive light, while ascendancy can do tracking + impulse (or ambitious, which by the way is pretty easy to trigger on bigger targets since it only needs 1 kill to get 2 in the mag) + explosive light. Same rules apply at the masterwork and perk level (MW's are not factored in for overall item classification, if you have a god roll gun by perks and your MW is sub-optimal its still considered a god roll). Welcome to Destiny Reddit! This sub is for discussing Bungie's Destiny 2 and its predecessor, Destiny. g. but thats still impressive when youre being charged by a person whos deadly with a slug. gg things any weapon with “good” pens is automatically a god roll, so it’s worth avoiding if you want to know actual god rolls since it will call combinations that don’t work together a “god roll” when they are some kind of disaster. DIM wishlists call out precise rolls of a gun. it’s nearly perfect, the god roll is probably enhanced battery and a charge time masterwork so you can run major spec and still get 5 shots of chill clip. 76 Range, 100 Stability, 80 Handling. Absolute work horse weapon that kept those Forges burning for many to hunt down the perfect roll. Hear me out, you only need like Apex, Cataphract and, I don't know, Retrofit Escapade for heavies, etc etc. i think most people would do well with a max range, under pressure, high impact reserves roll. Like for example, there are combinations of perks that lead to the highest DPS, but DPS isn't relevant for most weapons besides the heavy and special weapons used for dedicated boss DPS. Like I said, it's certainly not a bad roll, but it's a roll that you can get elsewhere. So if you considered a gun to potentially have 2 god roll barrels, 2 god roll perks in the second to last slot, and 2 in the final slot, DIM's wishlist would store 2 3 = 8 total rolls. the thing about the new GL is that with the 5/5 roll (hard launch, spike nades, envious, B&S, non-BR masterwork handling, reload, or velocity are probably the best though negligible) it Blast Furnace god roll. nah. These provide important stats, utility, and damage for the weapon. r/destiny2 is a community hub for fans to talk about the going-ons of Destiny 2. I thought I had a pretty great build that revolved around Charged with Light rockets and a Lasting Impression Duello, but these other folks with, what they claimed, were god roll Royal Entry launchers were completely dwarfing the ever living crap out of my damage. gg gives you what a "god roll" is as much as it'll tell you what the most popular roll is. Either perk is great and up to personal preference. Kill Clip lets you 2 head and 1 body for the kill, adding greater forgiveness, whereas encore is better for chaining fast kills back to back. Edit 2: a "god roll" is pretty much a roll that fits your play style or has an amazing set of perks. news Revenant Act 2 Reveal & Free God Rolls Xtra37 - November 12, 2024. All posts and discussion should in someway relate to the game. I am by no means a PVP expert, so the more useful input the better. This sub is for discussing Bungie's Destiny 2 and its predecessor, Destiny. nothing hits harder than my rangefinder hawkmoon. gg or other tier Welcome to Destiny Reddit! This sub is for discussing Bungie's Destiny 2 and its predecessor, Destiny. r/destiny2 is a community hub for fans to talk about the going-ons of Destiny 2… r/destiny2 is a community hub for fans to talk about the going-ons of Destiny 2. I shouldn't say light. Personally I manage fine with ability loops and a funnel web to deal with ads and focus on dropping DPS on bosses, so having a specifically this weapon with the god roll can make my life a little bit easier when trying to keep stocked on energy and heavy ammo. If you could craft your perfect 5/5 god roll of this gun r/destiny2 is a community hub for fans to talk about the going-ons of Destiny 2. typically, a god rolled weapon has either a very good combination of stats that put it above the standard performance of other weapons of it's type, such as a high stability pulse rifle, or has it's randomized perks synchronize very nicely, such as a Eh, kinetic tremors on hand cannons is extremely over rated, I'm not dumping 6 bullets (which is 2-3 seconds of consistent shooting with a primary) into an enemy before realizing I can one tap it with a special or heavy. I propose a new hypothesis: meme rolls > god rolls. I’m pretty sure they call it god roll because it’s the most preferred perk to use. r/DestinyGodRolls: A place to discuss and identify god roll weapons and armor in Destiny and Destiny 2. People dont typically use the term god roll for armor, but a god roll is just the best possible roll for a given weapon. gg if you had those perks even though that particular roll is pretty Welcome to Destiny Reddit! This sub is for discussing Bungie's Destiny 2 and its predecessor, Destiny. A God Roll means that the gun has the best combination of perks possible for that specific weapon. PVP God Roll Quick Reference Guide. The perks either synergize for big buffs (outlaw/kill clip is the old standard) or all combine to improve a weapon to make it perform slightly better than all the other rolls (sight and barrel combos for either stability or range, some mag options hit a breakpoint for triple tap or 4TTC to proc more than once in a mag on specials). 143 votes, 55 comments. Enchanced field prep giving you about 100+ more ammo reserves and enchanced incandescent applying more scorch stacks requiring less enemies to kill to trigger ignite. hey i have this same roll lol. But yes, you're 100% that popular roll does not equate to a god roll. Problem is, one man's god roll is another's trash roll. i quite often shut down my buddy who is a duality main as long as i can backpedal quick enoughl. God rolls are not absolute, and it comes down to personal preference, as well as PvE vs PvP. Note that "god rolls" are player opinions, not a game mechanic. All posts and discussion… Welcome to Destiny Reddit! This sub is for discussing Bungie's Destiny 2 and its predecessor, Destiny. gg however, is SOLELY popularity. light. We pride ourselves in knowing the weapons of Destiny and Destiny 2 and helping others find proper weapons for their play style and endgame activities. Please read the sidebar rules and be sure to search for your question before posting. . I grabbed one with repulsor brace and desperate measures that absolutely shreds. Today, we’ll cover one of the better ones to enter the Vanguard pool: Wicked Sister. Every weapon (barring exotics) come with random rolls for their perks. gg's recommended rolls and ratings are based on what perks most players use on a given gun, which may not be the best overall perks. those are the 2 best rolls imo, for different situations. Nov 25, 2024 · The Lost Signal God Roll is the perfect roll to spawn kill rank-and-file combatants. While you can use a number of websites to give you recommendations, it is best that you take them to the field to try things out for yourself. The Noxious Vetiver submachine gun can roll with the following perks: Perk 1: Loose Change, To The Pain, Thresh, Unrelenting, Attrition Orbs, Pugilist, Heating Up. rewind + bait is the god roll with arrowhead + tac mag (or r/ShardItKeepIt was founded on the principle of whether a weapon should be kept or sharded. In my mind that typically equates to what a god roll is because the majority will see what is a meta with a gun that's posted somewhere and try to get that roll. ask any of my buddies from the rumbles weve had together. You'll get many takes on this. gg will show the more popular rolls for any particular weapon, which can be 'god rolls'. Sometimes this overlaps with god rolls (FTTC + BnS Cataclysmic), sometimes it doesn't (the #1 Igneous Hammer roll for a while was the one you got from a rankup reward - this also happens with popular rolls Xur sells). If you like chucking grenades, try going for a gun with Demolitionist or Adrenaline Junkie (or both), even if Light. E. D2Checklist plus getting a better feel for what the different perks are like is really good imo. Mfs be grinding onslaught for a weapon that has worse rolls than the old one. God rolls are gold, good rolls are black. liquid coils is usually worth it as the range/resilience advantages it offers are not big enough to take a very long charge time and push Welcome to Destiny Reddit! This sub is for discussing Bungie's Destiny 2 and its predecessor, Destiny. D2Checklist breaks down good/god rolls by PVP/PVE and MnK/controller. Nov 3, 2024 · Playlist weapons are perhaps the most diverse set of weapons Destiny 2 has to offer; some are extremely potent, while others are immediately forgotten. Luna’s Howl god roll Welcome to Destiny Reddit! This sub is for discussing Bungie's Destiny 2 and its predecessor, Destiny. Demo got nerfed a little while back to make this time out after 2 grenades. it’s main use is freezing things though, so i don’t think that extra damage matters too much. Elsie’s Rifle has a new challenger. Very conservatively saying that 1 in 10 brave weapons are shiny and you have a 50% chance of getting edge transit gives a 1 in ~300,000 chance of any weapon drop being perfect. This obviously makes it situational, so if you're having to use a linear for some reason, cataclysmic is better in most scenarios, as BnS is a long lasting buff that is easier to proc, and doesn't require adds. Since most of the guns drop with random perks, getting a combination of the best ones is considered a "God Roll". Ascendancy has built in tracking, with 0 downsides since all rocket frames do the same dmg. This Special Grenade Launcher is an Area Denial Frame, meaning that it creates lingering pools on impact that damage over time. Light. Few are based on something truly objective that is also relevant to everyday use. Welcome to RaidSecrets! We share secrets, glitches, tricks, and more related to Bungie's game Destiny 2 and its predecessor, Destiny. Crucible Guidebook is a subreddit for the continued discussion focusing on strategies and techniques for Destiny's Crucible. The best perks for the Live Fire PvP God Roll are Hammer-forged Rifling, Ricochet Rounds, Rapid Hit, and To the Pain. God Rolls for guns is just what the hivemind considers to be good by taking in the opinions of YouTubers and other redditors. Which makes those 3 perks god roll perks. I’m not really interested in any slideshot crazy niche use (only been playing 1yr) so I have what I would consider to be the other 4 normal god rolls. Nov 19, 2024 · Maxroll Destiny 2 God Rolls Live Now Xtra37 - November 19, 2024. God Roll Hub In-depth stats on what perks, weapons, and more are most popular among the global Destiny 2 Community to help you find your Welcome to Destiny Reddit! This sub is for discussing Bungie's Destiny 2 and its predecessor, Destiny. There was testing showing that the optimal stability threshold for 140s and 120s is 68-72 and hawkmoon most rolls get well over that as well as over 80 handling before any sort of boosts so surplus is just not the best option when things like eye of the storm r/destiny2 is a community hub for fans to talk about the going ons of Destiny 2. news Assess your entire arsenal with all perks in one place. long angles and rifht side peeks are your savior r/ShardItKeepIt was founded on the principle of whether a weapon should be kept or sharded. thats what the best shotgun damage boost is (vorpal/frenzy -15%), so it is a sizable increase. My roll is Arrowhead Brake/Ricochet Rounds/Perpetual Motion/Short-Action Stock/Under Pressure. Note the Vanguard icon for PvE rolls, and the crossed swords icon for PVP. Not everyone uses it, but for funnel most people swear by adrenaline, Frenzy and sub. A lethality roll consists of perks such as rampage and outlaw. Thanks in advance! This is a quick reference guide for God Roll PVP Weapons (these are just recommendations and not everyone will agree) Hawkmoon has naturally high stability and handling and the paracausal charges increases those as well so feels pretty redundant. For instance, the new solar high-impact AR, Chrysura Melo, has DSR and Dragonfly as it's most popular perks by usage, therefore you would have at least an A-tier roll according to light. fusions are weird like that. EDIT: This will be a "Live" guide. In other words it's the perfect combination of perks that are available for that weapon. There are generally to types of rolls to look for, PVE god rolls and PVP god rolls. Be sure to read the sidebar rules and search for your topic/question before posting. Go in dsc and do like 3 runs of 2nd encounter farming and you will have crafted heritage and succession. Members Online Stochastic Variable roll for PvE & PvP. . It's enough to get 3 rockets off, but you can do the same with clown cartridge or overflow in the same amount of time or less. Team tactics, map knowledge, class builds, loadouts, game modes, gun skills and more. So while most "God rolls" are some variation of meta, PvE God rolls often have situational justifications to them. Members Online Welcome to Destiny Reddit! This sub is for discussing Bungie's Destiny 2 and its predecessor, Destiny. In terms of god rolls, I recommend: Fluted barrel, ricochet rounds, moving target, and then kill clip or encore with a stability masterwork. Fixed odds with enchanced field prep and enchanced incandescent is god tier for solar builds. God rolls are perk combinations that weapons can get that are EXTREMELY good. Compare your rolls against what's popular in the community with S thru F Popularity Ranks or against theorycrafter opinions with PVE/PVP/God Roll tags. We are not affiliated with Bungie in any way, and are a strictly fan-run community. As the situation continues to develop, we are prepared to explore additional actions in protest of this short-sighted, greedy, IPO-focused boondoggle from reddit's executive team. At the end of the day personal preference is far more important. You should go for whatever fits your play style. since you mentioned high impact reserves i will assume that you mean a pvp god roll then it becomes about preference and familiarity. Let’s dive into its best rolls, potency in the current sandbox, and its method of obtainability. Generally for PVE most god rolls will consist of lethality style rolls. So perk god rolls are god rolls for a reason. idss ttt idlcde chot qouuv hdzgf gaujfk bcvwys gvtn lcpshn asnyr cpn usozx ygyw wfkd