Ender 3 filament sensor octoprint not working. Now we can add our filament sensor to the printer.
Ender 3 filament sensor octoprint not working The solution for this plugin is inspired by Marlin Firmware. Thanks for this. I just setup the octoprint on my Ender 3 V3 SE a few weeks ago and have a filament runout sensor ready to be installed so just been waiting for the firmware file. 2 board only has 2 pins for the filament runout location and this sensor needs 3 (you can see the 2 pins next to the red connector from my BL-touch). Your octoprint takes the role of commander and tells the 3D printer what to do. I’ll start a print, it runs and draws the first purge line, and I can see the filament sensor measuring the filament on the octoprint plugin. Mar 16, 2021 · Hello, I have a ender 3, with the latest bugfix version of marlin. The remaining distance ticks down and when it hits zero it triggers false for the “filament is moving. May 22, 2021 · Hope I'm not necroposting here, but I have the same kind of question that roblewis has. org Just checked mriscoc professional firmware wiki and it does support Host action commands for filament runout. 0 with octoprint so your milage may vary. Aug 18, 2024 · Try adding these scripts to Octoprint Settings->Printer->GCODE After print job is paused: {% if pause_position. The firmware will not inform OctoPrint about job pause & cancellations, filament runouts, and similar firmware-side events. 7_Firmware_Marlin-2. I run this firmware on all my Ender 3 v2 and S1's, if you want to install this firmware you will need to remove the bottom panel from the printer and check the Arm chip to see if its is an STM32F401 or STM32F103. Adding a runout sensor is the simplest and detects the largest percentage (by occurance) of failures. bin No BL Touch I am using GPIO 27 (pin 13) through ground (Pin 14) with the Filament Sensor Simplified plugin. I just wanted to know if there was a plugin for Octoprint to detect a filament runout sensor attached to the printer, and not GPIO pins on the device running OctoPrint. Doesn't seem to work. Oct 3, 2021 · Ender 3 V2 Recent upgrade from Mainboard V1. 4 MB) Latest OctoPi version with Cancel objects and a TSD plugin running on an RPi2 with a PiCamera Mar 7, 2022 · Greetings, Has anyone successfully managed to workout with one of the filament runout plugins to sense if the new Creality Ender 3 S1 - original runout sensor sends a runout signal? As far as I saw in the logs there was no code sent to OctoPrint by the sensor. Actually I was reading this very long topic about filament sensors and at the end someone suggested Enclosure-Plugin would do the job. If you dont that's the problem. Is there a plugin for the Creality Ender 3 S1? What did you already try to solve it? Wrote to craelity, no answer OctoPrint plugin that lets integrate Smart Filament Sensors like BigTreeTechs SmartFilamentSensor directly to RaspberryPi GPIO pins. I have confirmed this via SSH and the command 'gpio readall'. And yes, updating the OctoPrint SW seems a good idea! Rgds Uwe Apr 12, 2020 · Artillery Genius' Pre-installed filament run out sensor is not stopping prints if the filament runs out octoprint. I read this website: Adding filament sensor in SKR electronics (MINI E3, v1. Yesterday I started a print job but run out of Filament in the night because of wrong calculation. But, I read a post that says that won't work if using Octoprint, since Octoprint will have no way to know the runout event occurred and will just keep sending GCode. Yes, I have it working now. Do you have to enable something in Octoprint to allow this? Mar 7, 2021 · Hello everyone. log (you may have to enable if before). 4 with tft35 screen and Marlin 2. g. Apr 17, 2021 · I don't use a Raspberry Pi to run OctoPrint, as i had an extra banged up 2 in 1 laptop that i Installed Ubuntu onto. Apr 25, 2021 · Artillery Genius' Pre-installed filament run out sensor is not stopping prints if the filament runs out octoprint. (3 wires from sensor plug into my rpi3) i printed a gcode file on my Ender 3. I connected the Signal to PC15, GND to the GND below PC15 (those two into the E0-STOP port) and the V into the PT-DET +5V. i see the M600 and M601 gcode command does not work in Terminal tab. So understanding how this work's. Bug Description I have a problem with a runout sensor. I'm running otopi 0. But op states "Factory fitted filament sensor doesn't work with octoprint, but works ok when printing from SD card. 7 Silent Raspberry Pi 4 OctoPrint via browser running Windows 10 Creality firmware: Ender-3 V2_4. The pin goes from low to high when filament runs out, therefore the sensor is operating correctly and the pin is being read correctly by the Raspberry Pi. Oct 11, 2020 · Thanks for your replys so far. 4 MB) Latest OctoPi version with Cancel objects and a TSD plugin running on an RPi2 with a PiCame… Describe the bug Cuando instalo el Firmware nuevo el sensor de filamento deja de funcionar. When removing the filament, there was no effect on the printer, it continues to print. I've hooked up my sensor to my Pi as advised, and if the sensor trips it pauses the print. 0. This discrepancy has caused confusion among users. I've tried cutting the filament as well as pressing the lever on the extruder but the sensor never pauses the print job. I have the sensor running to the Raspberry Pi, and when I use the Smart Filament Sensor plugin for it that has a test setting, the filament is accurately determined to be either moving or not moving per the test. Everything is working correctly except the gcode command for initiating the filament change. Fork of Octoprint-Filament-Revolutions plugin by RomRider. 2. Is there any way to add functionality? I'm not scared of any kind of programming. 75mm Filament (Black). 2 and the BTT Smart Runout Sensor. If neither configuration works with your filament sensor, there may be a currently unresolved incompatibility for your specific hardware configuration. May 9, 2022 · The PluggedIn3d Runout Filament Sensor is designed to work with the Filament Sensor Simplified plugin for OctoPrint running on a Raspberry Pi. Jun 11, 2023 · Did you test with a precompiled firmware? Yes, and the problem still exists. The solution given there is to configure the printer firmware to tell Octoprint about the situation. Initial work based on the Octoprint-Filament-Reloaded plugin by I have skr 1. I've not seen it like that before, but I guess the screen was just telling the printer to pause, but of course it was telling the wrong person since OctoPrint was in control. The LED on the filament sensor it working correctly. Welcome to the Ender 3 community, a specialized subreddit for all users of the Ender 3 3D printer. cfg! You should now be back up and running in Fluidd, without any errors on the dashboard. I believe the community firmware has fixed this issue (i am still running stock firmware so don't take my word on community firmware) Creality Ender 3 V2 Filament Sensor Kit, 3D Printer Parts Filament Detection Device Sensor Kit for Ender-3, Ender-3Pro, Ender-3 Max, Ender-6, CR-10 V2/V3, CR-10S Pro/V2,CR-10 Max Creativity 3D Printer Filament Detection Sensor Module Filament Run-Out Pause Detecting Monitor for 3D Printer Lerdge Board 1. log (3. log. That looks like the right pin (can see it in the Marlin source code), it's labelled right and it looks like Apr 12, 2020 · Artillery Genius' Pre-installed filament run out sensor is not stopping prints if the filament runs out octoprint. Also it could be (very likely) that the printer firmware does not pass on the filament run out event to the host software via USB. 4 Turbo) - 3DWork I unplugged the filament sensor from the TFT screen and plugged it into the E0DET port thinking this would fix it, but still no luck. Initial work based on the Octoprint-Filament-Reloaded plugin by kontakt. ALSO tried connecting it to three GPIOs on my OctoPrint Pi, but that also did not work. I'm sorry but the original point of the post was thoroughly discussed. My previous printer was an E3 MAX, and everything worked exactly as it did when I wasn't printing through Octoprint, so I was hoping this would be the same. Fixing the tubing inside the hot end the way you did should be fine. 1 KB). The commander (ocotoprint has no idea that sensor has gone off) since it might be connected to your ender 3 motherboard id The main issue I'm having is with my Filament Runout Sensor. Mostly not pausing when it ran out. When the purge starts, the filament sensor triggers and shuts down the print. cfg as well: [filament_switch_sensor runout_sensor] pause_on_runout: True # When set to True, a PAUSE will execute immediately after a runout # is detected. So: Is there currently a plugin which is able to correctly mate that BTT Smart sensor to Octoprint through the control board and not in conjunction with a Rasbpi? The configuration my Octoprint controls is mostly stock Ender 3 Pro, one of either the Oct 11, 2021 · FYI: The systeminfo bundle is not this system info list, it's the zipped file you can find at the and of the systeminfo list. My printer, the Creality Ender 3 MAX, comes with a Filament Runout Sensor. Tenga o no tenga filamento la impresora sigue funcionando. 1_TMC2225. I use Cura slicer I have been using Octoprint since late 2020, I have it installed on a Welcome to the Ender 3 community, a specialized subreddit for all users of the Ender 3 3D printer. the hotend temp went down but you have an option on the screen Apr 12, 2020 · Artillery Genius' Pre-installed filament run out sensor is not stopping prints if the filament runs out octoprint. 4 MB) Latest OctoPi version with Cancel objects and a TSD plugin running on an RPi2 with a PiCame… This doesnt fit the redesigned sensor by Dr_Overdose but this sensor works fine, just needed to resize the ball to 105% and it works. And not having access to UI Control… Apr 12, 2020 · Referring to the serial log, there is no information from the printer to OctoPrint that a filament change is needed and therefore OctoPrint has to pause. However i get this notification "Your printer's firmware supports host action commands, but they are disabled. Jul 6, 2022 · Hope I'm not necroposting here, but I have the same kind of question that roblewis has. Apr 11, 2020 · Artillery Genius' Pre-installed filament run out sensor is not stopping prints if the filament runs out octoprint. There is no effect whether the filament is present or not. I was following this conversation Need Plugin for Smart Filament runout sensor but it doesn't quite answer the question I have. However, I had a lengthy build run out of filament. Thanks forward Sep 14, 2024 · Hello from Germany, I am new and got my Ender 3 V3 SE some days ago. Feb 9, 2019 · Hi, I'm having a hard time setting up the filament runout sensor of my printer with octoprint. I don't have GPIO on the laptop. Cuando cargo otra vez el Firmware original funciona perfectamente. My guess would be that's what's causing it not to work. Install via the bundled Plugin Manager or manually using this URL: Sep 5, 2023 · i have a ender 3 max neo, that has a filament sensor, since ive had it connected to octopi it never detects when it runs out of filament, is there a way to toggle it on or do i need a plug in to make it work? any help would be great! Aug 5, 2021 · I feel like the original point of the post is being missed. Jan 27, 2020 · As a replacement for the generic run-out sensor + plugin approach, I'm developing a new method which works with the idea that "if the filament itself isn't moving during a print job, that's bad". This enables that this sensor can also be used on 3D Printers, that do not have a E0-Stop like e. Then i tried the the smart filament sensor plugin with the sensor setup on the Gpio. so i am using the M25 command and that works. On the other hand, the serial log starts at line 393466, the change is that the runout occurred before. 4 Mainboard of Ender 3. Every time I test the sensor, it doesn't work. What might be obvious to some, I just learned the hard way that my filament runout sensor on the E5P does not work when printing through Octoprint. Marlin will generate a M600 command depending on the sensor data and settings in configuration_adv. Now we can add our filament sensor to the printer. HIGH => Endstop Test is always TRIGGERED no matter if filament is loaded or not. So I figured it was time for a filament runout sensor that pauses the print. I'm using a BTT smart filament sensor with an Ender 3 V2 and Raspberry Pi 4. Whether you're looking for guides on calibration, advice on modding, or simply want to share your latest 3D prints on the Ender 3, this subreddit is your go-to hub for support and inspiration. I'm using the Enclosure plugin as recommended. but Jan 12, 2021 · Yes the second one is the way. Jul 22, 2024 · Now that the SE has it's firmware released open source by Creality, what would I need to modify in the Configuration_adv. Jul 18, 2022 · What is the problem? New firmware version 1. 4 MB) Latest OctoPi version with Cancel objects and a TSD plugin running on an RPi2 with a PiCame… Oct 29, 2021 · Filament Sensor Revolutions. I have not installed any filament runout plugin in Octoprint. May 6, 2021 · Why do you want to add the filament sensor to Octoprint? I am using the BTT smart Sensor on my Ender 3 v2 plugged directly to the main board of the printer. If you already have a Raspberry Pi running OctoPrint this guide will quickly and easily add a filament sensor to your printer. The 2nd problem could perhaps be fixed with a solution according to Ender 3 V3 SE filament sensor in octoprint - #7 by jneilliii - Get Help - OctoPrint Community Forum but I still don’t see the possibility of re-loading the filament Jun 21, 2022 · Installed a Creativity 3D Printer Filament Sendor module. 3, v1. The filament sensor only appears to work when printing from the touchscreen. My M115 report shows this: Feb 8, 2021 · This seems to work, although I had a detection just when starting the print, including unload and load. Check out our guide for all you need to know. 0 and higher; NOTE: this plugin won’t work if you use OctoPrint only to start printing from SD card. But others said, they tried and it didn't work either. My M115 report shows this: Jan 1, 2023 · What is the problem? Greetings everyone. zip (71. Aug 4, 2021 · octoprint-systeminfo-20210803184316. 4 and v1. I got it wired up and working but its response to filament running out is to pause the print and nothing more. I started with the BTT Smart Runout Sensor in both the Touch screen and motherboard and nothing happened when triggered. But I want to print with Octoprint so as far as I know, I have to enable HOST_ACTION_COMMANDS in the Firmware. An API is available to check the filament sensor status via a GET method to /plugin/filament/status which returns a JSON {status: "-1"} if the sensor is not setup {status: "0"} if the sensor is OFF (filament not present) {status: "1"} if the sensor is ON (filament present) In my search for the 'best' filament runout sensor for the Ender 3 Pro, I ended up with this one Git. Oct 10, 2024 · Octoprint will display the message “Purge More”, “Disable Runout”. The sensor is designed to pause your print when the filament runs out. May 2, 2020 · No filament sensor plugins work now, even though the GPIO pins are verified to respond correctly to the filament sensor microswitch. This seems to work, although I had a detection just when starting the print, including unload and load. 4 board. Setup. Load it up to the printer. Well in the case of my printer it uses Marlin gcode, and the pause command is M25 like I said. Octoprint is probably confused because it disables more or less everything while a print is in progress (obviously, you wouldn't wanna bump an arrow key and screw up your print) so what's happening is the plugin is detecting end of filament, and moving the print head I’ve added a BTT Smart Filament Sensor to my Ender 3 V2. On the other hand, another post said that there will be a long delay between when sensor Oct 19, 2021 · when i start the Test, Octoprint can detect if the filament is moving or not. h. Jun 14, 2023 · Im trying to get a filament runout sensor working on my E3Pro SKR Mini E3V3, TFT35 E3V3, Raspberry Pi 4b and newest release of Octoprint. I’m running Jyers UBL 15x15 firmware. 3 Octoprint version 1. It has a beautiful synergy with the runout sensor and i think you'll like how it's implemented. The filament sensor wont work if you start the job from Octoprint because Action Commands aren't enabled in the stock firmware. I was about to make the change when I realized a curved piece of filament would also get stuck and not make it through the sensor, forwards or backwards; the microswitch sensor is ripe for those kinds of mishaps. . I'm not sure if M600 is supported by the stock firmware. Jun 11, 2023 · The filament runout sensor can be configured in the filament settings submenu. 2) to get it to work. After intentionally cutti… Oct 20, 2021 · when i start the Test, Octoprint can detect if the filament is moving or not. If I enable this Jul 19, 2024 · FYI it is basically an Ender 3. I’m really not sure what’s going on :(( Aug 8, 2024 · I just wanted to share my setup with the community in an effort to help anyone going through what I went through setting up Octoprint with Octo4A and Octoeverywhere on a TronXY VEHO 600. Aug 4, 2021 · Seems like you are getting somewhere, but it is also interesting how the runout sensor was setup on the screen. 4 MB) Latest OctoPi version with Cancel objects and a TSD plugin running on an RPi2 with a PiCame… Apr 13, 2020 · Artillery Genius' Pre-installed filament run out sensor is not stopping prints if the filament runs out octoprint. Aug 9, 2021 · Hi charlie, testing with M119 shows the filament sensor as open. 10 on raspberry pi zero W. Where can I find a tutorial on editing the config. Aug 1, 2021 · My filament sensor is plugged into my TFT screen on the printer, not the SKR 1. Required sensor Welcome to the Ender 3 community, a specialized subreddit for all users of the Ender 3 3D printer. " Interesting that notes for M412 are" Requires FILAMENT_RUNOUT_SENSOR. 3 to V4. Creality 1. Standard S1 F1 board. Here, enthusiasts, hobbyists, and professionals gather to discuss, troubleshoot, and explore everything related to 3D printing with the Ender 3. 2 months ago Creality released the Source Code and a github user released a custom firmware with HOST_ACTION_COMMANDS See full list on community. Oct 25, 2021 · when i start the Test, Octoprint can detect if the filament is moving or not. So I tryed to resume printing but I could not resume the print. 8. but sadly, I am very wrong. I keep getting false positives on my BTT filament runout sensor, on an Ender 3 Pro with Octoprint. The pins I am using will work but you’ll need to make some additional firmware changes. Funny enough I've installed the BTT Smart Filament Sensor with Octoprint and the pause to change filament issued by the plugin works perfectly. 6 for the S1 allows host commands (it appears) but the filament sensor does not stop the print. octoprint. But I want to print with Octoprint so as far as I know,… Oct 16, 2020 · This enables that this sensor can also be used on 3D Printers, that do not have a E0-Stop like e. Jun 28, 2022 · What is the problem? My printer Creality Ender 3 S1 Pro works flawlessly with octoprint. I'm using OctoPrint on a Raspberry Pi to do my prints. If you want this functionality, you need to change your firmware's Nov 22, 2020 · DON'T SWITCH YOUR PRINTER OFF AND LEAVE SOMETHING CONNECTED TO USB I have 2 almost identical setups - Creality Ender-3 Pro with BigTreeTech SKR Mini E3 V2 mainboards, BTT UPS, BTT Relay, BTT Smart Filament Sensor and PEI build surface - each with a Raspberry Pi 3B+ running OctoPrint. Prints canceling when the runout switch was triggered. 4 MB) Latest OctoPi version with Cancel objects and a TSD plugin running on an RPi2 with a PiCame… So understanding how this work's. NB: This work has been based on the work of maocypher available at the GitHub repository Octoprint-Smart-Filament-Sensor (see his repository for more details). It was a little bit different as I got the BTT Smart Filament Sensor V2 with 1 cable for the motion sensor and 1 for the switch sensor, but using the motion sensor cable, it work perfectly in octoprint and detect the filament moving in the plugin Aug 5, 2021 · Factory fitted filament sensor doesn't work with octoprint, but works ok when printing from SD card. On the positive side, Octoprint realized this and correctly paused If you are using stock firmware, the filament runout sensor will not work with octoprint unless you hook up the sensor to the GPIO pins on the pi and install an octoprint plugin. I attached the original Filament Sensor and so far, its working if I print from the SD-Card. An excess tension sensor (or a rotary sensor) can be used to detect these. If I don't have installed or if I disable the "Filament Sensor Reloaded" Plugin the printer works fine and everything is ok. Initial work based on the Octoprint-Filament-Reloaded plugin by Oct 11, 2020 · Thanks for your replys so far. I decided to reuse my Z-stop switch using this STL instead since it incorporates a bearing ball and a more narrow channel, meaning the fila OctoPrint plugin that lets integrate Smart Filament Sensors like BigTreeTechs SmartFilamentSensor directly to RaspberryPi GPIO pins. Can you simulate a run out and share the serial. The next most common problem is probably those related to tangles at or near the filament spool. 1_V1. Jan 26, 2021 · I can load a version of Marlin on my Ender 3 V2 that supports filament runout detection with the sensor connected to the printer motherboard. Benefit: filament run out sensing also works without OctoPrint Jul 3, 2021 · Published Jul 3, 2021 Adding an OctoPrint filament sensor is easy and could prevent a lot of wasted time and material. 1. So then when a filament run out occurs, OctoPrint will be informed. 3 I have the Prusa filament sensor connected to my Mini+. Note that OctoPrint not showing you this warning doesn't mean your printer I'm trying to get my Ender 5 Plus filament runout sensor working with Octoprint. ” Then it does the filament change. Du This enables that this sensor can also be used on 3D Printers, that do not have a E0-Stop like e. 4 MB) Latest OctoPi version with Cancel objects and a TSD plugin running on an RPi2 with a PiCame… The Ender-3 V3 SE 3D printer comes with a 4-pin filament sensor connector on the board, while the official website shows a 3-pin filament sensor. After intentionally cutting the filament, the printer still print and not pause. May 16, 2022 · When the printer detects a filament run out, first wait to complete the Runout Distance for use the filament between the sensor and the extruder, then informs Octoprint to start a pause, the printers enter in the Advanced Pause routine allowing you to change the filament. Ah. FYI it is basically an Ender 3. I just tested this with an SKR Mini E3 V1. Parameter D requires FILAMENT_RUNOUT_DISTANCE_MM. I've investigated this and found this post on the octoprint forum which asks about how to do this with an Ender 3. Aug 4, 2021 · Factory fitted filament sensor doesn't work with octoprint, but works ok when printing from SD card. However i don't think you have the filament sensor hooked up to the ocotpi. 4mm nozzle, original extruder and a BL-Touch Clone; the other, a Dec 24, 2021 · Thanks for posting this. What did you already try to solve it? I have the cable from the sensor plugged into the RPI header at 3 of the Good idea. The only hardware differences are: one has a 0. The 3-pin filament sensor is not directly compatible with the 4-pin connector on the Ender-3 V3 SE board. I've tested using the USB stick and the printer (no Octoprint) and the sensor does work. There must be different z stop switches shipping with the ender 3v2 because Dr_Overdose redesign makes my z stop switch constantly connected. Jan 11, 2021 · 2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Ender 3 V2Filament sensor PrintedWeezl Closed January 11, 2021, 11:02pm if your printer doesn’t support M600 you have option to use Octoprint pause and the plugin will park the head to X0 Y0; runs on OctoPrint 1. It can also be tested using the endstops diagnostic tool in the Advanced settings menu. 15. I recommend picking up a screen for your OctoPi and running OctoDash as well. 4 MB) Latest OctoPi version with Cancel objects and a TSD plugin running on an RPi2 with a PiCame… You should get a prompt when you login on your connection tab along the lines of such as well. Apr 13, 2020 · Artillery Genius' Pre-installed filament run out sensor is not stopping prints if the filament runs out octoprint. I have tried changing RUNOUT_STATE from LOW to HIGH, this made it read triggered at all times. Everything is working nicely, I've also set up a new instance of Octoprint for it, but there's one problem: Jul 31, 2020 · This can be detected by a runout type sensor (or a rotary sensor). Compile the firmware. Even though the pin responds correctly Jan 11, 2021 · OctoPrint needs the proper information from the printer in case of a filament run out. I tested all the options throw the octoprints plugin and these are my c Aug 1, 2021 · I can load a version of Marlin on my Ender 3 V2 that supports filament runout detection with the sensor connected to the printer motherboard. 7. Still need to fix on the Cura side though :( I have an Ender 3, and I have several spools that are running low but that I'm wary of using because as we all know that means they'll run out when I'm not there to keep an eye on the print. First, a PSA: To anybody who has a printer with integrated filament runout detection and prints via OctoPrint, then your sensor may not work or you may get unwanted/confusing behavior from the printer and Octoprint if they both try to address the runout. 4 MB) Latest OctoPi version with Cancel objects and a TSD plugin running on an RPi2 with a PiCame… Just checked mriscoc professional firmware wiki and it does support Host action commands for filament runout. I tried to print a testfile and let the filament run out to see what will Now let's add the filament sensor to the printer. Sep 11, 2024 · Hello from Germany, I am new and got my Ender 3 V3 SE some days ago. So it should in theory cover problems which a run-out sensor wouldn't detect: jammed nozzle wrong temperature for filament broken filament past the run-out switch (from being too dry) filament Accessories purchase, Please contact our official email or website, remember to attach your machine type and accessories picturesOfficial email:info@creality Printer: Mini + Firmware 4. so i know that the sensor is working. h file, and I have the sensor plugged into the correct E0DET port for sure. Jul 6, 2021 · Hi Community i´m tryin to get a filament sensor plugin (linked below) working on my octoprint setup. I would look there to start. 4 MB) Latest OctoPi version with Cancel objects and a TSD plugin running on an RPi2 with a PiCame… Hi everyone, I already have some years of 3D printing experience but just received my first Creality machine: Ender 3 S1 Pro. Verify that you set your Octoprint according to this guide: https Nov 13, 2019 · No filament sensor plugins work now, even though the GPIO pins are verified to respond correctly to the filament sensor microswitch. WRITE HERE The Ender 3 Pro motherboard has a connection for the sensor, but I do not have the skills needed to modify the operating system (Marlin 2. Good to hear, dont think it will help my case though since mine is leaving a gap and not digging into the print. Mostly not pausing when The main issue I'm having is with my Filament Runout Sensor. snipping the filament) for an updated serial. Aug 26, 2024 · Nice work TechieZebra. I want to enable detection of the filament runout sensor for Octoprint. I have tried FIL_RUNOUT_PULLUP to PULLDOWN and this has no Apr 13, 2020 · Artillery Genius' Pre-installed filament run out sensor is not stopping prints if the filament runs out octoprint. You may can connect the sensor to the Pi, but not to both the printer and the Pi. On the positive side, Octoprint realized this and correctly paused the print until I reloaded (the wrongly unloaded) the filament again. The commander (ocotoprint has no idea that sensor has gone off) since it might be connected to your ender 3 motherboard id Dec 11, 2024 · Great work! However, I am not sure if this is firmware related, but I tested if a print pauses due to filament runout sensor flagged the print to pause, changing/adding the filament and resume printing via OctoPrint/OctoApp, will not resume the print, especially via the host (printer’s LCD knob). As discribed in the plugin features the command M600 will be send to the printer to pause the print and move it to x-y-Home. I jumped right in the deep end with Octoprint, not knowing anything Long story short, had TONS of problems with filament runout not working correctly. I've had a couple of prints run out of filament and octoprint does't pause the print. Filament runout sensor is firmware dictated. Well, I guess I have to try for myself. Here you go. x is not none %} ; relative XYZE G91 M83 ; retract filament, move Z slightly upwards G1 Z+5 E-5 F4500 ; absolute XYZE M82 G90 ; move to a safe rest position, adjust as necessary G1 X0 Y0 ; relative XYZE here so that you can adjust your Apr 11, 2020 · Artillery Genius' Pre-installed filament run out sensor is not stopping prints if the filament runs out octoprint. 4 MB) Latest OctoPi version with Cancel objects and a TSD plugin running on an RPi2 with a PiCame… Jan 4, 2021 · This is not the suggested location for a filament runout sensor but the v1. It is simple to set marlin to monitor the sensor. If printing from octoprint or an SD Card, the filament runout sensor will work just fine. But yes plugging the stock filament sensor to the daughter board with the ender 6 stock mother board worked for me. I was passing by my printer when I noticed a filament run-out message on the screen and the head was parked at the corner. h file to make the runout sensor work, and the display to show print progress when printing from Octoprint? I've enabled HOST_ACTION_COMMANDS as such #define HOST_ACTION_COMMANDS #if ENABLED(HOST_ACTION_COMMANDS) #define HOST_PROMPT_SUPPORT #define HOST_START_MENU_ITEM Examples for this is that a filament sensor attached to your printer will not work as expected since your firmware won't be able to instruct OctoPrint to pause a print on a runout, or that pausing or cancelling a print from your printer's LCD menu will not work either. also setting #define HOST_ACTION_COMMANDS Apr 7, 2017 · where XX represent the GPIO pin where your sensor is connected. I have checked the pins_BTT_SKR_V1_4. OctoPrint plugin that integrates with 1 or 2 filament sensors hooked up to a Raspberry Pi GPIO pin and allows the filament spool to be changed during a print if the filament runs out or is jammed. 1 and octoprint 1. After intentionally cutti… Welcome to the Ender 3 community, a specialized subreddit for all users of the Ender 3 3D printer. In order for OctoPrint to react to "a working filament runout sensor" when the sensor is connected to the controller in the printer, the printer's firmware needs to be configured properly. I've been following u/geeky-hawkes guide from this sub-reddit already. Jul 3, 2021 · Published Jul 3, 2021 Adding an OctoPrint filament sensor is easy and could prevent a lot of wasted time and material. My smart sensor is working fine, except for the part that i have i have to choose a pause command. So this file will pretty much be the same with all features as the Creality file but will allow more host action and filament sensor ??? Sep 14, 2022 · Hello, I got an Ender 3 S1 with Filament Sensor printing with Octo Print. 3. h file and recompiling? I'm running Octoprint on a Win10 computer connected to my Ender 3 S1 via USB cable. And I LOVE it! It has saved my butt many times (or helped me create cool multi-color prints while getting rid of old filament). You unncommend that line. There is no “Resume” here. The sensor I'm using is this one: I have double checked the wiring and connections. You may print a small piece and manually initiate a runout event (e. cujbhesx ptxbiv dweoav spb mpuaucf wawsvl jhpnop kzvkx vfg bpkco hsqzyj twiqhe xdau bcilpr mjvfn