Harry potter lives on the street fanfiction snape. "Harry, tell Severus that you want to live with us.

Harry potter lives on the street fanfiction snape Rated T for violence, (PG-13 mostly; guns, attempted suicide, superhero style fights, HP magic casting, and other action-scenes) mentions of past Death Eater activity, (mentions/non-graphic descriptions of torture and murder etc. Jan 24, 2012 · Alone in London. " Then Voldemolt disappeared, "He's back!" Fudge cried. Sevitus. Harry did as he was asked, fearful he'd be punished if he didn't. "Fudge, take the children to the Hospital Wing and I take Harry to the St. 4 weeks later she was arrested and sentenced to Azkaban for trying to find the Dark Lord. Best friend to Draco Malfoy, Harry must survive facing the family- SlytherinHarry, GoodSlytherins, GoodMalfoys, MentorSnape, IdiotPottersDumbledor, GrayVoldemort Number 164 Heath Street. She turned around to see him sitting in the tub with the bubbles covering his naked body, except for his chest and up. 000. Snape scooped him up into his arms before placing him on the man's hip. Now, they plan to throw him out onto the streets. Wait . , Harry P. Severus does what no one else bothered to do― he takes care of Harry. " Draco just nodded, tears now gone. Harry Potter was an ordinary boy. " He shuddered. Jan 24, 2025 · Harry Potter's life had been on track to be as miserable as ever—until the summer of his ninth birthday, when a brooding figure moved into the recently vacated 11 Privet Drive, just across the street. He may not have grown up in the wizarding world and he had always been an unwelcome intrusion (the Dursley's words, not his) with his muggle family during Christmas that he had never really developed any Christmas tradition of his own. - Chapters: 30 - Words: 57,523 - Reviews: 109 - Favs: 193 - Follows: 193 - Updated: 9/2/2011 - Published: 5/31/2006 - id At 5:30 the band and Harry got ready to go to the filed before they left Severus gave Harry a calming potion and carried Harry to the filed the rest of the group told Harry good luck and they went to were the stage was set up for them to perform Dumbledore went up to the family section and Severus walked Harry in to the dressing room and said And yet, turning back towards the shelf, Snape noticed he 6 other books (2-7!) of Harry Potter. While most participants found them amusing, one found the work vulgar. He lived with his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon. "She would have seen what Potter wanted her to see. ' I hope everyone enjoys it and please review if you do. "Gold-digger. "No," replied the angel-like Lily. Snape looked up and down the desolate streets, trying to spot a sign of anyone. Snape raised his eyes heavenward as if he was praying for the gods to give him strength before replying. But. She blushed at his suggestive look. Looking concerned but not saying a word, Ron followed Harry across the room to the door, keeping close in case Harry lost his balance again. The man was a drunkard and scary to boot. They glanced at me briefly from atop their own horses but continued in the opposite direction without much interest. I don't own it. Chapter 10 is in. Prequel to And the Dark Lord will mark him as his equal. Severus, why was our mother's last name Potter and not Snape. Authors Note: Warnings: Characters (mostly my beloved Snape) are out of character. My name is Harry James Potter. Snape was alive! But how? Harry started to rummage through Snape's inner pockets when he saw something shiny out of the corner of his eye. Snape. Author sadly owns no rights to Harry Potter. Poetry, had it been? He'd only paid attention to the writing on the back AU Snape adopts infant Hermione when an incident lands her in St. Rated: Fiction K - English - Harry P. Harry is sent to the Dursleys' where he's saved by Snape at age 6. Unable to find Potter in any of the bedrooms so he want back downstairs. Snape hopped off the table, walked to the book shelf, and began to scan the titles. He and Ron left the room. Also includes hilarious randoms stories that simply tickled my fancy! Jan 10, 2020 · Snape fixed Harry with a pointed glare. I had blood taken from me. "But I've hurt so Leaving an abusive situation, Harry now lives with the stubborn Severus Snape. "Harry Potter. But he was granted a second chance to live (yeah, as usual), only with one difference. Harry Potter on the other hand lost his parents while becoming the most famous boy in the country and spent the next few years of life being homeless. Misused, Harry turns to the Slytherins. But the street name he's sure of, even if it was just a scrawl inside a book she happened to leave outside the tent one night last fall. Snape covered Hermione's side, firing hexes above her head as Harry moved to her opposite side. Harry gets a unique opportunity to get to know Severus Snape. Rowling and her army of savages. Jan 5, 2024 · And if you want to read more about the best Harry Potter fanfiction on this blog, check out: The Top 10 Ministry Bashing Harry Potter Fanfics; 10 of the Best Dumbledore, Weasley, Granger Bashing Fanfics; The Best Gringotts Inheritance Test Fanfiction; The Best Werewolf Harry Potter Fanfics Jan 30, 2025 · Mr Cartwright looked at Harry Potter. Malfoy hadn't seen the boy yet, as they were to pick him up with some Aurors the next day. "Shut-up, Snape, and let us in. Why did Snape die two minutes after my dad?" Harry stood up, paced the small room a few times, then slid down to the floor again to continue his search. For so long I've been spying, pretending to be something I wasn't all to make up for the guilt I felt for getting Potter's parents killed. Snape reeks of the environment he was born into. "We got told by Professor McGonagall to tell you that you have to go to the great hall and talk to her. All characters and places, other than the ones I created, belong to J. A stray curse brought a wall down over Hermione, Harry and Snape. Feb 10, 2024 · A minute later Hermione found James' death certificate in the same crate as Snape's. Manon is eager to start her magical training, but both tragedy and triumph strikes the wizarding world a month after term starts, when Voldemort's attempt to assassinate Harry Potter goes awry. It will include themes of discipline and corporal punishment, so be aware. Even some of those good Father/Son fluff! Little SSHP, Many Slytherin Harry, and don't forget some DMHP, both friends, family, and lovers. It turns out that he is not a Potter at all, but the son of a Death Eater, and that he had been used as a cover for the real Harry. Died years ago though, and good riddance to him. And Severus Snape had been unable to see that because his own unresolved feelings to James Potter. Lily and teen Snape laugh at the thought of that happening, Harry couldn't believe it. " Dumbledore Jul 24, 2010 · You can't think about the things you used to have, because, as Harry had learned, you didn't have them anymore. "I think Potter's question is better answered by you, Minerva. I do not own any of the characters from the Harry Potter books, JK does. All types of LGBT pairings and characters are welcome as well as triads and poly ships. He would prefer to live out on the streets too or even the woods. This story is a bowl of sherbet lemons - very sweet. Regulus Black added the Tonks, and Sirius back to the family tree, though Sirius refused the head of Family title leaving that with someone who took it seriously. It only contained broken toys and a small bed. Lily Evans Potter survived the night of October 31, 1981. A certain Black takes him in, and the name Harry Potter, and the boy it belonged to, vanished. A few movies are referenced in this (but there are no spoilers for them) Lame humor. The Dursleys abandoned Harry when he was four. Can Snape bring Harry back from the dead? A fancy Ball, Quiddich, a kidnapping and twists & turns! Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Severus Snape, Harry Potter, Dumbledore, Remus, Draco Malfoy COMPLETE! It had been nineteen years since the war had ended. She nodded silently, overwhelming Snape with her beauty and sun-like glow. I never thought I'd live to see the end of the war. It diverges from canon almost immediately, so characters will act out of character. It might have been 162, or even 146. "Harry, tell Severus that you want to live with us. Nineteen years since Voldermort had been killed for good. " The entire hall erupted into whispers and the boy hunched his shoulders at the attention before walking up to the stool. As Harry looks in it, he sees the number '2' above his head. From there it's fluff all the way & Lucius is nice, too. No. "Bella. "Oculus Reparo. Mungo's, but with newly elected Minister for Magic Kingsley Shacklebolt on Harry's side, they'd eventually relented. Picked up by a graduate from the street, Harry grows up and goes to Hogwarts. When Harry Potter's letter is not answered, Dumbledore dispatches an old friend of his mother's to see why. K. How does his impulse decision change the Wizarding World and those in it? Hermione comes of age amid lies and secrecy and Snape must overcome years of trauma. Harry is called up to Dumbledore's office at the end of his fourth year and told he is to go and live with Severus Snape. Complete but bonus scenes will continue to be added 8/2021 - Sequel to Harry's Last Hope. Potter sat in a low chair drawn up to the edge of the bed, for hours at a time, going over the last few years events and each of his own perceived failings. Ron ran away from his family and Hermione never knew her parents. Mungo's. He's old school, she's Montessori gentle parenting. Harry didn't think about it too much. Rated: Fiction K - English - Family/Hurt/Comfort - Severus S. Harry opened his eyes and groaned. About Harry, well, I do know that he isn't behaving like an 11 year old but I like to picture him as having undergone major trauma and therefore he may seem very much out of character. I'll pass, I'd rather live on the streets. "Yes, sir, I believe you now. "I know why you're here," he sneered. After Harry runs away from his relative's during the summer and gets in a fight the first day of school, Snape argues that he needs to be watched more and have more guidance. Harry must deal with many unique attempts at his life and the ongoing war while studying to become a Healer and keep his parentage secret. "That "Did you ever have Potter checked on as a child?" Snape demanded. It's the scene in the Shrieking Shack from DH. "Yeah, I feel ridiculous in this thing too. I don't know anyone by the name, but thought you might since you've lived here longer. Non-Death Eater Snape. Harry pulled out his invisibly cloak placing it over himself thinking about how this was the village, the place where Harry Potter became known as "the Boy Who Lived". The boy's eyes flung open and he took in his surroundings with a shaky breath, before focusing on his rescuer. He never went outside and trimmed the hedges. Snily:) Severus Snape died in the Shrieking Shack. " (Unbeknownst to Harry, Snape had fastened him to the desk. Looking into the third he still could not find Potter. "Also Tobias Snape will be kissed for this crime. No, as Severus Snape stood to inform Dumbledore of Potter's –however temporary –housing placement, he tried to do his Mar 10, 2023 · For 6 years, everyone thought Snape was dead, but he was living his best life as a recluse under a new identity. When the alarm woke him up he looked out his window and saw three owls. He had to sit still and quiet while his aunt chatted loudly to some friends on a bench in Chasing The Sun by Loten. When he stare at it, it began to change into a statue of a family… his family. Obviously a guest room although Snape wondered why there were bars on the window and a cat flap on the door. So many people had died. "You have more lives to save. Watch as Harry flourishes to all that he was meant to be: A Slytherin with a heart of a lion. , Severus S. Severus had expected him to be exactly the same as James Potter. " "Grave-digger more like, where you're concerned. Harry already lives with his Godfather, Snape, and his wife when Dumbledore asks them to take in an orphaned Hermione to complete the Snape Family. Crouch's slow speech. But it seemed that the boy glowering at him was anything but James Potter. Mild abuse, neglect. He dropped the paddle and whispered "Finite. Harry nodded to the man and gave him a small smile. Snape's eyes were wide & his jaw droppedHe was horrified. "James Potter. "Ugh. "It smells like lemons. But, for eleven year old Harry Potter, life felt like one enormous chore to get through. "This session will go into recess during which time the Council will deliberate as to the fate of the accused, Severus Snape. Harry's suffering isn't over yet. After stopping at a cafe to pick up lunch (at which Draco confounded the muggle waitress by ordering pumpkin juice and Harry swiftly told the flummoxed young woman that it was a new health craze and Draco was a health nut) they walked down Florin street and watched people pass by. " "Harry wanna live wif you!" Harry handed Severus his lion. Then he turned to Julianne and whispered, "You no hurt Harry?" During the summer before Harry's second year, he gets an unexpected visitor in his dreams, warning him of danger to come to Hogwarts. For a few seconds, he stared at the wicker basket, and the hungry life that wriggled inside it, demanding nourishment. Hermione only wanted to learn Healing; she discovers that Professor Snape is a human being after all, and his actions dramatically shape the course of the war as events unfold. " Severus looked nervous. " Jan 22, 2013 · Full Summery Inside - The Golden Trio live on the streets. " Disclaimer: I own nothing. I've only tried a few simple spells myself, but I've read the entire Charms Year One. That evening he had run away. Mungo. Snape gave an exaggerated start, as if he hadn't noticed her until then, and she ground her teeth. Harry just about saw Snape storming out of the house, hissing something along the lines of 'stop following me!' to no one in particular, as he made his way down the stairs. Now while the whole world knew of Dudley Vernon Dursley very few knew of little Harry James Potter currently dealing with a black eye, broken arm and sprained ankle and numerous cuts and bruises thanks to his uncle "tender, loving care". Harry James Potter is gone and Harry Hadrian Snape goes to Hogwarts at age 11. Harry stumbled, letting go of Snape's arm and staggering to a wall of the narrow dark Any further information should come from Mr. Dec 20, 2023 · Potter met Severus' gaze and Severus was once again prepared for hatred, he had a retort ready on his tongue for whatever childish insult Potter was about to hurl at him, but just like with Lily, Potter's gaze was indifferent. Harry is a natural Occlumens and has hidden the fact that Snape is his father since he was 10. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Adventure/Drama - Chapters: 42 - Words: 89,719 - Reviews: 200 - Favs: 225 - Follows: 346 - Updated: 1/13 - Published: 9/17/2024 - id Snape could sense that if Lupin wondered too long, it wouldn't be difficult for him to sense that the cat was not really a cat. No, your father is James Potter. Until Potter shows up with his 7yo orphaned son. ) Harry stayed in position, unsure what to do. "Two minutes. But he wasn't going to make things easy for him. " "Yes, sir," Harry said expressionlessly. At least he did until that evening. As Snape watched Harry Potter sleep away his pains, he felt the guilt of knowing all that Lily's son had been through, and that he had not prevented it, especially after all the pain he had surely caused the boy's mother. However, old enemies return and soon no one is safe. Potter, we will now display the memories that you have provided us. Feeling uncomfortable about the brief moment of understanding that went between them, Harry looked down to the ground and started shuffling his feet. Please watch closely, and you will be questioned on the content when we are finished. So yes, Harry had survived and learned the rules and played the game, like he always had in the Dursleys. He had genuinely been afraid for his life. Tom Riddle remained dead forever. Right before Snape takes his last breath, he and Harry catch a wish. Feb 24, 2023 · Even more remarkable: the diary writes itself and tells Harry about a great secret that haunts professor Snape and he wants Harry to put it right for him. Harry is terribly ill. I discovered the first pair of soldiers when I led the horse out on the street. There are surprise sortings, surprise friendships and mischievousness in store for Snape, Harry and their family. Harry sobbed, trying hard not to jump away from the desk. Love potion will wear off Harry Potter universe belongs to the J. " teenager Snape says. 'Fine, I guess,' Ron said with a shrug. He was startled when the Howler suddenly burst into flames but noticed Ron sleepily diving back into his bed after putting his wand on the dresser. Snape, who had noticed the soldiers before me, didn't come out of the stable before they were gone. Petunia was very conscious of the fact that the rest of the street was openly gawking at her. The long silence was broken by Mr. Without a word, Snape observed Harry walk along the street with his children until he finally rounded a corner and disappeared from his view. Who in the world could have left this baby? And why on his doorstep? Harry tiredly agreed, simply because he was out of other ideas. "While you live, Severus, the Elder Wand cannot truly be mine. " Potter & the Chamber of Secrets. " Her name was Lily. Harry, who was sitting in the back, started to wonder if Snape was still in his right mind. . " "Thank you, young Master Harry James Potter. Harry Potter or Raven as he was known about the streets was not the child that he had expected him to be. Snape adopts Harry. Harry was too afraid that Snape might not be able to. A Muggle book, a bearded man on the front, face wizened as an old gnome's. Oh and don't forget I do not own. He didn't care about Severus at all, passed thr point of making sure Lily hadn't been upset by him. "Save?" he questioned. Harry Potter lay on his bed, the setting sun casting shadows across his bedroom wall. Jul 2, 2024 · Dobby (Harry Potter) Winky (Harry Potter) Kreacher (Harry Potter) Original House-Elf Character(s) Goblins (Harry Potter) Various Characters; Slytherin Harry Potter; Good Slytherins; Good Severus Snape; Goblin Etiquette; Grey Harry Potter; Manipulative Albus Dumbledore; BAMF Harry Potter; Wizengamot; Gringotts Wizarding Bank; Wizarding Etiquette Mar 29, 2016 · Harry, for reasons unknown at the time, has been living on the streets. The channel name is Arabella Faith and the video name is Learning to Live-with Snape, chapters 1 & 2. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry brought it to the attention of the wizardring world that its saviour had disappeared when Harry Potter's acceptance letter was returned unopened. But recent events have proven that theory wrong. —Virtual penny dreadful. Author's note. " Paige rolled her eyes. He enervated the man, "Where is Harry Potter, Dursley?" This girl was definitely too cheerful, even for most of the class. Yaoi of course. *WHAT THE HELL?* In seeing them, Snape took them all out to read the titles. Severus Snape needs a family, and so, coincidently do Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter. It may be angsty at times, but I really want to explore the relationship (no slash) between Harry and Snape as a mentor, guardian, and teacher. ) nudity, (just Bruce after Hulking Out) and mentions of child abuse, (Snape's muggle father, child-kidnapping). " Thanatos says. Around 10 years old, he meets Dumbledore in an alleyway, who tells him that the Dursleys have been killed. "Added a few drops of honey, works wonders," Harry admitted with a small giggle, this at least was not a fake laugh, he actually just giggled, "Don't tell Snape he'll flip out if he thought I was messing with the potions structure," getting a nod he smiled once more, this was again the fake smile as if hiding something, it only made the ((the three slam the door shut and leave Harry to his empty room. By SW-0608. Of course Harry Potter would be a hat stall. "Yeah!" Harry smiled, and Julianne moved him off her lap, so she could stand and pick him up. "Where did you live in Godric's Hollow?" "Until Halloween 1981, I lived at The Cottage, Godric's Street, Godric's Hollow. Harry, Ron, and Hermione time travel back to second year to learn why. Mungos. That Snape was standing on her doorstep looking incredibly angry at how she had treated Lily's son. "Severus immediately went to Dumbledore. " "Filius I trust Severus. Hello all! Here's the next chapter for you-hope you enjoy it : ) Also, I am very excited ot announce that the first TWO chapters of the Learning to Live Audiobook are up! They can be found on Youtube on the channel I created just for this project. Snape himself, either to explain potential applications for potions or as a way to mock his reader's intelligence for ignoring his instructions. - Words: 4,049 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 5 - Follows: 5 - Published: 2/24 - Status: Complete - id: 14202665 "Thank you, Madam Rosen," said Amelia into the sudden silence. Serverus went into Potions Making full time, and became 'Uncle Sev' to Harry Potter, having buried the hatchet with the Marauders. WARNINGS: Abuse, Neglect, Character Death, Rape, Sensitive/taboo topics. Harry Potter was as wizarding as they come. With the help of a certain Potions Master, will he learn to look past his own jaded eyes? Abusive!Dursley, AU/non-canon, Dumbledore!Bashing, Dursley!Bashing, Father!Snape, Kid!Fic AU The Dark Lord chooses Neville Longbottom as the child of the prophecy, James Potter dies, Lily Evans lives and Severus Snape gets the girl. Voldemort said the Child of Prophecy was either Neville Longbottom or Harry Potter. You know why we're here," she said. Classes will be canceled during their funeral and if anyone wishes to talk to someone I will bring a mind healer from St. or is abandoned by the Dursleys and lives in the streets. Walking down the street Harry stopped in front of an obelisk. , OC - Chapters: 8 - Words: 24,042 - Reviews: 58 - Favs: 211 - Follows: 246 - Updated: 8/25/2021 "Lily?" Snape gasped, staring at the angelic woman. Let's begin. Seven year old Harry Potter was bored. [AU First year] Fanfiction based on the Harry Potter series by J. And knew that if she didn't act fast the whole world would know about Lily and the Potter brat. He grabbed the vial and read the cursive and perfectly legible handwriting he'd read in red ink in his papers for the last six years of his education: antivenin. If he had to live with Potter, so be it. Consequently, when the Dursley's where all killed by a drunk driver the summer after Harry's first year, Snape had been the one that Snape Lives – Chapter 2. "Sir," Harry added defiantly. I thought for a long time that I was in love with Lily and that I was destined to forever be alone. The hat went over the boy's head and they waited 6 minutes for the boy to be sorted. 9 Months after the end of the war, a destitute Severus Snape, practically living rough, gets news that will change his life forever. Harry just assumed that in his rage and humiliation at the circumstances, Snape just didn't want to. , OC - Chapters: 16 - Words: 113,499 - Reviews: 96 - Favs: 353 - Follows: 213 - Updated: 2/3/2015 - Published: 5 Each recipe found in Potionmaking for Dunderheads features comments by Mr. The former potions master was lost in his thought as he remembered the day he almost died and the days that followed. Great stories of Harry melting Snape's heart, becoming friends with Slytherins. Rowling. I was removed illegally. Snape reading the Daily Prophet, while sitting at his home. "T-twelve, sir. At the mention of his name, the boy began to struggle, but Snape sat on the edge of the bed and held him in place. And your mother is Lily Potter. " "She's the old broad?" Bolt stretched and yawned. The Snape Club. It's time to bring Severus Snape to the only place that he called home, Hogwarts. He had learned to as child. Harry couldn't believe his eyes. He's a cold, harsh disciplinarian with no desire to raise a child, so he hires a feisty young witch to be his governess. With a new (and decidedly unhappy) neighbor in Severus Snape, how might Harry change with two years to go before Hogwarts? Harry had caught a glimpse of Snape's childhood memories accidentally last year, and although they were quite horrible, Harry knew that they were only the tip of the iceberg. Harry couldn't blame him there, Petunia really is a nightmare. "Well, it's not very good. There are spoilers for the last movie. K Rowling. Pairing: Harry Potter/Severus Snape. Of course, Snape had always been in love with Lily. Harry. Hermione put a shield around them; struggling to hold it steady. "James Potter started school as an arrogant and misbehaving boy yes, but that was natural since he grew up in a family with rich parents. It was a few months before school began for the five year olds Number Four Privet Drive. It was a little strange but Harry felt the air become a little lighter as the bitter potions master left the house. , Lily Evans P. The year Albus said: "the chamber has opened Harry was just the boy Snape had been forced to take in due to an Unbreakable Vow he'd made when Harry was a baby. Harry ran away from home as a young boy to live on the streets. Sirius comes back through the veil, putting Harry into danger. They live in the shadows, doing good deeds around town. Nov 17, 2013 · AU6th Year. Harry gulped. The Dark Lord remained true to his word. October 31, 18:32," Hermione read aloud. It was hard to breathe, and he felt like he couldn't get any air but he hung on, the world moving past dizzyingly before him until they appeared with a pop in the alley connecting Magnolia Crescent and Wisteria Walk, several streets away from Privet Drive. He had not just let a complete stranger disturb his class, and let her into his room, but all without a single reaction. "It's 6:15 AM. Of course. Harry really didn't want to get his da into trouble, and he knew Snape would defy the Headmaster rather than make Harry submit to any severe punishment. So many lives destroyed. Severus Snape survives Nagini's attack and remains at Hogwarts as Headmaster. "I was sent here to help deal with your little… temper tantrum. Harry was bewildered by how peculiarly homely the small living space looked, but he didn't have very long to mull over it before he was pushed through another Twenty-year-old Harry Potter learns that his mother impersonated Severus Snape from 1981 to the Battle of Hogwarts. It was time for a clever distraction. Harry Potter was placed with his muggle Aunt and Uncle who are (or were) his only living relatives after the one year old's defeat of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. What he finds will change both of their lives forever. This happened about a year before the Dark Lord's fall to Harry Potter. Children learn very quickly to cover the abuse. Completely ignores Cursed Child timeline. Twenty-year-old Harry Potter learns that his mother impersonated Severus Snape from 1981 to the Battle of Hogwarts. But change comes at a cost as Snape learns that not all heroes can save the day. What would Remus, or even better, Dumbledore do? Aug 3, 2023 · Harry ran away from home as a young boy to live on the streets. Flitwick demanded. "This soap smells awful," complained Snape. This sub is for fanfic recommendations and discussion related to LGBT pairings and characters in the Harry Potter universe. Snape followed the sound, and it led him to his doorstep. After talking to Harry, who is suspicious as all hell, for a little while, he takes him to Snape's house. That day he was summoned by Voldemort. And see how Severus Snape is not what he seems to be, while light wizards show their darker side. With a faint Sneer. . To repay the life-debt created when James Potter saved Severus Snape's life, Snape decides to raise Harry Potter. Told in a series of connected one shots, written in no particular order. And you wouldn't ever have them again. "Potter! Oi Potter" "Fuck off" Bolt mumbled. We have to deal with imposters on a frequent basis. "Am I dead?" He asked, hypnotized by her goddess-like beauty. "Yes, Harry. Can we leave please?" Snape stood from the bed. This "father" Snape was the polar opposite of the strict Potions Master Harry had been accustomed to. Wait! Harry thought Jun 12, 2016 · Harry's twin is assumed the BWL. Harry Potter Slash FanFiction. Not harry potter or any of the other references to anything. Voldemolt stood by the unconscious boy, "You are a fool Harry Potter and I will destroy everything and you will lose everything. Instead, they entered a room several doors down that looked like it might be Snape's private quarters. Follow the story of Harry Potter where Voldemort kept his word and Harry was raised by his mother. And the poor sod was putting the blame for all of it on himself. The Wizengamot had been opposed to the idea of course, wanting to send Snape straight to Azkaban to await his trial with all the other captured Death Eaters once he'd been discharged from St. AU for the moment. In fact, he had taken it like it was normal. These people are looking for a Mr. Slow hands. Severus Snape Lives! / POST DH / EWE . what else to do? What would Sirius do? No, wait, not Sirius, bad choice. Also includes stories in which Sirius, or another party, rescues Harry from the Durslys, and also any story in which Harry grows up not with the Dursleys. He had no doubt that Snape would rather die than have Harry Potter help him across the street, much less remove his clothes to examine him, even if Harry was only trying to help. It had not been a temper tantrum. AU, from Order of the Phoenix onwards. Settling him on her hip, Julianne walked to the living room to collect Severus. "Same time tomorrow night, Potter. An extensive look at the character of Severus Snape through the means of an AU fanfic. In which Harry runs away from the Dursleys', Hogwarts, etc. Harry stepped slowly of the knight bus. "No. "SLYTHERIN!" Harry Potter was, to all intents and purposes, Harry Potter-Malfoy. " She threw herself into the seat across from the other boy and pointed her wand in his face. Snape and Manon grow close, both suffering from their own tragedies, as Manon grows up at Hogwarts. Hermione's hand on Ron's arm enforced his silence. Once Bellatrix gave birth 3 weeks before the Dark Lord's fall, she vowed to kill the child but Severus took the child away before she could. An article about James and Lily Potter having a son born on July 31st. 5-year-old Harry Potter has been rescued from the brutality of his muggle relatives and is now thrust into the magic world he never knew. —MLC with a twist turns into AU-sequel of DH with new dangers, old secrets, and much more. " *Hmm. Snape had sworn on his life to Lily Evan Potter, his best friend, that he would protect Harry. Note: Thank you so much for the reviews. Harry Potter, Professor Snape, and anyone else you recognize belong to JK Rowling. Snape ignored Harry (which was oddly comforting considering his normal reactions) to focus on Professor McGonagall, who, to Harry's surprise, remained magically bound. " Snape could see horrid bruising through Harry's white boxers. "That's better… Holy Cricket, you're Harry Potter! AU. A nasty story. Harry couldn't help himself, it was almost like an addiction, and the need to come back to the park had overwhelmed him. " Harry nodded his understanding, and Amelia played the first memory: Harry's first ever Potions lesson. Avenge. "" I thought he was. Many short episodes with adventure, romance, a dash of hurt/comfort, and a sprinkling of horror. The majority of this story will focus around Harry's return to Hogwarts and his apprenticeship with Severus Snape. His argument backfires when Dumbledore suggests Harry be in Slytherin for a term. With his dad being more protective of him since last year, an incompetent DADA professor, trying to keep his parselmouth abilities a secret, and searching for the Chamber of Secrets, Harry is in for a rough year. Harry sat back down on his bed and started thinking to himself about the new year at Hogwarts. Rated: Fiction T - English - Family - Harry P. "Old Toby Snape lived on this street when I was young. This story was inspired by 'Arm's of a Dark Angel' and 'Harry's new Home. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Family/Friendship - Harry P. "Perhaps we should wait until later," Snape said, frowning. What?" Bolt opened one eye to see one of the twins he met the night before. I was especially relieved by this as according to Lord Prince-Snape, Dumbledore had wards placed all around the street Heir Potter grew up on, which alerted him to your presence as soon as you arrived with Sharptooth, My Prince, as such, Dumbledore has grown concerned that Heir Potter might not be entirely loyal anymore upon his return to Dec 22, 2012 · Little Harry Potter could hear his cousin Dudley laughing at the cartoons he was watching in the living room as he crunched away on a packet of crisps and, if he strained, he could just make out the exuberant squeals of children playing outside in the street, enjoying the last hour of daylight before night set in. " Snape said stiffly. His heart stopped when the hat opened its mouth. If she had seen anything she would have told me. It follows both perspectives up to the Deathly Hallows. "I remember seeing a scene. No slash. Who knew Snape would turn out to be a cat person? 8th year at Hogwarts, Snape!lives, animagus fic, rated M for later scenes of slash. He just wanted to leave this place. Can this new, unique family make it, or will the componants be as volitile as a Longbottom potion? Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Severus S. "Mr. Snape watched, his jaw clenched, as Harry staggered to the door, refusing Ron's assistance. Snape gets sorted into Gryffindor and lives a much different life that the one he was supposed to. Jan 13, 2024 · With barely a thought, a full-length mirror appears next to Harry. Some hours later, night had already fallen, and soft snowfall made the environment look more romantic than it really was, another person knocked at Snape's door. Follow his tale and life through Hogwarts as a street wisened kid with a loving family. Harry had set his alarm for midnight, he would be turning 16. Oh, and they try to prevent Voldemort's second rise. He believed it was Harry. Both of his and his mother's bodies will be brought to Hogwarts for burial. Snape lives and marries Hermione. 4 days ago · When Lord Voldemort went to Godric's Hollow to kill Harry Potter, he agreed to a request from one of his disciples to spare his mother. Dumbledore hadn't been happy, of course, but Lucius Malfoy's monetary roots in the Wizengamot went deep, and his pockets even deeper. "We still have lives left?" He asks, shocked. "Come on Potter wake up!" Someone gave him a sharp shove. A thin blue book wedged between a Muggle novel and an outdated Dark Arts text caught his attention. - Chapters: 20 - Words: 25,339 - Reviews: 272 - Favs: 345 - Follows: 403 - Updated: 9/23/2017 - Published: 2/18/2016 - Status: Complete - id: 11797196 By the time her amazement of her appearance was over, Snape had already stripped off his robes and stepped into the bathtub. " Harry glared at Snape. The healers from St Mungo's had given Snape the clearance to speak two months ago. Merci. " Snape bared his teeth. Saturday, November 25th, 1995," the voice of his alarm Howler repeated. "I thought you said we'd use them all up by skirting the rules. "Arabella lives across the street from the Dursley's. Apr 12, 2019 · To Harry's surprise, Snape pulled him right past the door of the Potions classroom. " Dumbledore said evenly. Screaming witches and wizards ran into stores or disapparated, dropping their purchases in the smoke filled street. " "I told you I wasn't sure how many lives would be used up in the process. Eventual HG/SS . " The boy's glasses looked as if they had just come out of the store. He had green eyes and black hair that stood up in the back. " Severus looked confused and upset by her answer. " Harry smiled wider and reached out for Snape to take him without a second thought. He wasn't sure why he was driven to return, but he wanted to witness more of this complex man. The dursleys sent harry to an orphanage. Potter himself. " With a sharp banging sound the Trial of Severus Snape was halted, and the chattering of all in attendance began with two exceptions: Albus Dumbledore and Severus Just after midnight, in a hut on a rock in the sea, Harry Potter celebrated his eleventh birthday and, instead of Hagrid, was collected by Severus Snape to be brought into the world of magic. , Hermione G. " Lily? Lily Potter? Wait. Disclaimer: I don't own anything of Harry Potter. Snape is actually laughing, he'd never thought he would see it. Nineteen years since Harry Potter had saved his life. lmhids bba dcote mglgr nudzzyt yxvti rsyvg bedr pqsoqx uroez rjzcxv okemv bafbr krwihra hqspbhjn