How to disenchant faster wow Enchanters will earn the ability to get higher quality reagents and additional bonus materials when disenchanting items. I was wondering if it was better to disenchant green gear or to continue to vendor them. Welcome to the WoW Economy Subreddit A place to discuss the economy in World of Warcraft. Expect the average price for common high-level enchanting mats (Arcane Dust, Greater Planar Essence) to take a nosedive. gumroad. Members Online Nov 11, 2012 · After you disenchant an item, you'll receive a loot box and you can pick up the items you have created by disenchanting. I'm level 70 but I leveled really quick during a timewalking event. This spell is used to extract the magical elementals from weapons or armor, but it destroys the weapon or armor in the process. Disenchant the non-valuable greens and blues you acquire until you're no longer leveling enchanting from disenchanting items, and then you can begin your skill ups with enchantments. ) Disenchant the pants. Nov 3, 2010 · A would say a HUGE portion of the community uses already uses this addon but yet I still make tons of money off the AH. With this change, Enchanting occupies an odd niche, with mechanics from both Crafting and Gathering Professions applied to it. Then, when you open up your professions book, you'll see two buttons in the Enchanting section--one to enchant and the other to disenchant. go to item restoration page, restore all your sold items, done. 4, the market is now flooded with high-level greens (from the Shattered Sun Supplies quest reward). The upgraded version is Brilliant Wizard Oil, but it requires 2 Large Brilliant Shards instead of Illusion Dust and it requires honored with the ZG tribe so it's not going to be available right way. (do all the disenchanting first for the free skill gains up to 70ish), Only burn materials if your desperate. Disenchant them before you start leveling as disenchanting can give you skill points up to 25. I noticed that you can actually disenchant gear. In the beginning everyone is saving their money for the level 40 mounts, so the market would be really small for enchanting mats. I have just run Deadmines and got a bunch of greens. Best way is to combine it with Tailoring (wowhead link) because this profession is also independant. Put on a good movie or tv show and press away. Disenchanting is a skill you learn when you become an enchanter. some days i make over 8000 items and sit there for 3+ hours doing absolutely nothing but crafting. Disenchant is a spell that you learn when you acquire Enchanting from your profession trainer. While these are good answers, they require you to take time to actually do dailies or […] I’m going full disenchant spec. Feb 1, 2021 · Disenchant ID: I'll admit it, this stat is pretty hard to keep track off but thankfully MrKrisSatan posted a list of them under this post so you can utilise that for your IDs. Warlords has treasures (Peon's Mining Pick and Gorepetal's Gentle Grasp) that let you collect WoD herbs and ore faster. /cast Disenchant /click DeM Which basically disenchants my mouseover item. - You will get less yield using the Essence Font compared to someone with the Enchanting profession, so you may want to mail BoE's to an appropriate alt and just use the Font for BoP gear. I see your point. An item in the Enchanting Materials category. Any addon to disenchant faster? You alt+click on an item and it will mill, disenchant, etc. I just hit 20 and have been selling the greens I cannot equip by vending. You receive the Disenchant ability when you acquire enchanting. Also, the amount of greens will shift from one run to the next. 7). The type and quantity of materials produced form disenchanting all depends on the items you are disenchanting. Dec 10, 2022 · My Dragonflight Gold Guide: https://solheim. In the Other Items category. WoWHead - The largest database, this should be your go-to (don't forget to read the comment section!). After you disenchant an item, a loot box will pop up, and you can pick up the items you have created by disenchanting. Open up your spellbook, and drag your Disenchant ability to your action bar. There could be 50 stacks of runecloth on the auction house at 5 o’clock selling for 2 gold a stack and three days later they could be selling for 20 gold a stack. I was farming BC mats about a week ago, one ramps run got 1/2 a stack of dust, next run, 4 stacks and a stack of essence. I made a macro: /cast disenchant /use item name1 /use item name2 Etc for the common things I’m doing- then I button mash while watching something else Dec 20, 2006 · When you disenchant an item, it may disenchant to several types of reagent - perhaps more than one reagent of a given type, but never to more than one type. If you start disenchanting an item accidentally, moving or hitting the escape button will cancel it. Not only can players craft items to sell, but they can also use their profession to gather resources. Given how helpful TSM 3 is when it comes to making gold in WoW, the above mentioned macros should kick it up a notch, saving even more time and effort on your side when trying to sell your in-game items or buy cheap ones to flip on the Auction House. Master WoW Classic gold-making with this guide! Learn smart investments, auction house tips, and top farming methods to grow your wealth fast. In this World of Warcraft Guide we go over the fastest and easiest way to mass disenchant! DE mats quickly and easily with this guide!Get the game, subscrip If you look on wowhead item # 161984 it will be tidespray linen bracers. If you are a tailor, have plenty of silk cloth and need some soul dust, make azure silk cloaks (3 bolts of silk cloth, 2 fine thread, 2 blue dye). One major change in War Within is that enchanting materials now come with quality levels, similar to Herbs and Ores. I choose (Dragonflight) enchanting for a profession, but I can’t disenchant any gear i get from quests/mobs in the Dragon Isle. In WoW Classic Era Anniversary, Enchanting is an awesome profession for those who want to enhance gear, create useful items, and make gold by enchanting everything from weapons to cloaks. The War Within Disenchanting tree mostly affects the Quality of reagents you will get when disenchanting. part 1 - you need to disenchant epic season 3 items. Then you can left click on an item, which in turn will start disenchanting that item. Since I installed TSM a few months ago, occasionally I try to use the destroy feature as I disenchant a LOT. Additionally, they will increase their chances of getting more Storm Dust, Gleaming Shard, and Refulgent Crystal per Disenchant. chances are, you've got some old gear. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Theres gotta be a way to make mass disenchanting easier! Is there any way to increase the speed of disenchanting? I’m aware of macros / addons that make disenchanting easier, but what I’d like to know if there are any consumables / items that can reduce the cast time of the disenchant. I leveled a mage to lvl 10 (lvl 25 at this moment) and started doing the dragonflight content. It pairs well with Tailoring, as you can disenchant your crafted items and level both professions together. It gathers the items in your backpack which are able to be disenchanted. This will bring your skill to 30 and you can then learn Brown Linen Robe. Currently you can have an "disenchanting" alt where you can send all your greens etc and Disenchant them into stackable, storable enchanting materials for future use/investment. Aug 27, 2024 · Players will gain five Fleeting Arcane Manifestation and one Gleaming Telluric Crystal each week from Disenchanting items, similar to the method Gathering Professions randomly gather Knowledge Point items. You DE a green worth 80g you just lost massive hold usually. Gather or buy 54 linen cloth, grab tailoring and then craft bolts of linen cloth. Just open up the items page on Wowhead and the number sequence is in the url. . 0. To disenchant an item, use the Disenchant skill found in your spellbook on any uncommon, rare, or epic gear. Only got gear from quests i ran. Only enchanters gain the ability to  [Disenchant], which is the primary source of enchanting ingredients. Competitive PvE theorycrafting for World of Warcraft Raids and Mythic+. This is only possible if you’re of the Enchanting profession Sadly no. May 4, 2018 · Disenchanting: Rare and epic items have a small chance to disenchant into Blood of Sargeras. Without enchanting, the disenchant building gives max 2 dust per green, and occasionally gives a full blue shard, but usually only gives some of those combine 10 small shards into 1 full blue shard things. Our community is filled with those looking to better themselves and others in some of the hardest content WoW has to offer. This guide will walk you through the new materials, recipes, and enchanting techniques introduced in The War Within, helping you enhance your gear with powerful enchantments and reach the level cap as Nov 13, 2024 · Disenchanting the top gear in WoW Classic will yield reagents needed for high-end Enchanting recipes, as covered in our Reagents section. I did this for a long while back in vanilla, and did quite well. Level the rest to 11 farming linen and when you get enough linen to make a green, DE it until you can make the greater wand. /cast disenchant /use item:4307 You can replace the numbers after item: with the item ID for what you are disenchanting. Dec 18, 2024 · Leveling up in World of Warcraft feels like climbing a mountain, with each step bringing new powers and cool gear. My idea is to make additional money because with alchemy the money starts really getting in with higher profession level. Second is scavenging with tailoring is nice for running dungeons (free extra cloth) along with enchanter to disenchant everything. By Dawer Iqbal | November 25, 2024. Members Online Classic WOW devs tell Dexerto they're happy with the GDKP ban and how fast players have gotten over it, STV was made to be entirely PvP focused, and the future of SoD is still up in the air but nothing is off the table. I know there are multiple ways to increase the speed of crafting or gathering, but I haven’t come across a way to speed up the disenchanting process. Even TSM apparently requires interaction each to to cast disenchant. I've seen guides that teach you how to make a wand 'fast' on a fresh server, but i'm afraid it's going to be too time consuming and will put me behind the leveling race. I feel like flipping through the pages and clicking on cards one by one to check if they are disenchantable takes too long Jan 31, 2023 · Check My Dragonflight Gold Guide here: https://boophie. If you have any leftover gear from questing, dungeons, world quests, etc. At skill level 1 you can Disenchant items from iLvl 1 - 15 at skill level 25 you can Disenchant items from iLvl 16 - 25 Disenchanting armor will usually result in more dust than disenchanting weapons EDIT to add: See the page for Enchanting, there are links to WoW-Professions' Leveling and Farming Guides. Just as rogues can lock pick an item for another player an enchanter can disenchant an item for another player. Discussion should focus on the theory and practice of making gold in World of Warcraft. Click disenchant, then click the item you want to disenchant. You need to have the Enchanting profession. You have to be at least level 35 to be able to train your enchanting high enough to disenchant anything you get from the outlands. Buy them, disenchant, and then sell the materials for profit. When you disenchant green (uncommon) or better quality gear (weapons and armor) you will destroy them and receive dusts, essences or shards which are then used to enchant your and other players’ gear. You can often find green items to buy on the AH that can disenchant for double their price or more if you are lucky. Main benefit is this is all it does. This Classic WoW Enchanting Leveling Guide will show you the fastest and easiest way to level your Enchanting skill up from 1 to 300. Always up to date with the latest patch. WoWNoob Discord - Same community, different platform. Disenchant: Using disenchant will help you to raise your enchanting level Heya, As the title asks. It is crafted. It always works for one item, then the button gets stuck on "destroying", and I have to reload my UI, where it just happens again. May 24, 2018 · - You cannot disenchant items from previous expansion zones, so anything below 500 item level is pretty much out, even if you just got it from the salvage yard. Since I've never learned enchanting before in wow, I wanted to give it a go. com/l/DragonflightguideThis is a Goldmaking Guide I've made specific to Dragonflight, to help you make Sep 20, 2024 · Disenchanting Enchanting Build Disenchanting is what makes Enchanting unique. After you disenchant an item, you'll receive a loot box and you can pick up the items you have created by disenchanting. I think many of you want such a macro, hope anyone can help… I met some problems below: 1, which addon shall I use 2, I tried to use Super Duper Macro but it’s been banned 3, If this function can be achieved by GSE??? Macro function as I think should have below prosedure: 1, It will have Jan 13, 2023 · This guide goes over everything you need to know about Disenchant Shuffling in Dragonflight! This is a great way to make some extra wow gold when you have some extra time to AFK or have WoW running in the background! We talk about how to set this up, how the shuffle works, how much profit to expect, and more! What is Disenchant Shuffling? 1. here i am, doin another round of sitting at my computer, doing my daily 1+ hour of crafting. There are too many people regretting disenchanting their Wild collection to ever recommend dusting it. The other "/use item:######" lines are incase you frequently disenchant other items than just rare alliance tidespray linen bracers. weird…spent about two hours farming mobs all over SLs and not a single drop from world trash. For example, a level 41 green armor piece may disenchant to 1-2 Dream Dust OR (less frequently) 1-2 Greater Nether Essence OR (even less frequently) a Large Radiant Shard. Added in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight. Welcome to the WoW Economy Subreddit A place to discuss the economy in World of Warcraft. A toy box collection item. This will bring your enchanting skill to 10 and you can then learn lesser magic wand. If you are afraid of giving away your tips to make money cause everyone will start using them well, you are on the wrong forums! lol Nov 18, 2024 · Enchanting is a weak money making profession early on, actually losing gold in most cases due to disenchanting gear rather than vendoring it, but recoups that expense in the late game by proving enchants which every player will need in the end-game. Really the only thing you should have in your bags heading out there is the potion, and (maybe) your hearthstone. I recommend you start with a minimum discount of 40 to 50%. Disenchanting can also provide Enchanting skillups as high as 70 skill. Would resourcefulness actually yield more enchanting mats or is that stat just used for crafting enchants? If resourcefulness does not impact disenchanting would crafting speed be the on… Not just Wild, but also Duels, Tavern Brawl, Friendly Matches and Twist (once it returns). Feb 12, 2007 · Farm greens for fun and profit if you like, but for disenchanting, you should be farming the AH. Is there some kind of table for DF that goes into the odds of each item I might get from disenchanting any given item. Check out Erosium’s socials below. Theres gotta be a way to make mass disenchanting easier! Been asking for this since Wrath. Dec 16, 2024 · Enchanting materials in WoW Classic Fresh are primarily obtained by Disenchanting gear. Disenchanting breaks down unwanted items into dust, essence, or shards, depending on the quality and level of the item. May 22, 2007 · Post by Trick83 Knowing what your enchanting is at would help quite a bit. Is there anyone here that could help me figure out how to make it auto disenchant once i use the macro and mouseover the item? Sep 17, 2007 · World of Warcraft Addons, Interfaces, Skins, Mods & Community. Sep 30, 2024 · Instead, this Specialization focuses on disenchanting Uncommon, Rare, and Epic quality items. Disenchanting. The main difference being that the option to buy and sell items Welcome to the WoW Economy Subreddit A place to discuss the economy in World of Warcraft. This video goes over everything you need to know about Disenchant Shuffling in Dragonflight! This is a great way to make some extra gold when you have some e Disenchanting is the process of transmuting armor or weapons of uncommon, rare, or epic quality into magical elements (crystals, shards, essences, and dusts), which can then be used in enchanting recipes. people posted some good macros, just wanted to share mine since it's a little different. However, in the next patch (2. Theres gotta be a way to make mass disenchanting easier! Disenchant the non-valuable greens and blues you acquire until you're no longer leveling enchanting from disenchanting items, and then you can begin your skill ups with enchantments. lol. That used to be a lot more common of a service back when enchants were more prevalent and more expensive Disenchanting is the process of transmuting armor or weapons of uncommon, rare, or epic quality into magical elements (crystals, shards, essences, and dusts), which can then be used in enchanting recipes. Always up to date with the latest patch (11. Dec 9, 2024 · Disenchanting items is one of the main ways to make currency in PoE2 in a similar way to how common trading worked in the original. It is all part of playing the market using a bigger picture. There have been a few different auction addons over the years, and while some (like TradeSkillMaster) might offer a lot more features, Auctionator has just about everything the typical player may need in a streamlined, user-friendly package. I'm new and new to enchanting and I am noticing that I am not getting many green/blue drops in quests, farming, or even dungeons. World of Warcraft AddOns » Optional » Discontinued and Outdated Mods » Fast Disenchant Addon May 19, 2016 · SO DO NOT DISENCHANT ITEMS YOU WISH TO KEEP. You will receive 1x Khaz Algar Enchanting Knowledge point each time you craft something for the first time. Transmute: Blood of Sargeras: Alchemists can use this transmute on a one-day cooldown. This add-on provides a quality-of-life interface for disenchanting items. Hey, I'm planning on leveling a priest and the difference between leveling with a lesser/greater magic wand early is such a game changer. of 2023. Icy Veins - News and detailed class guides. Disenchant all the robes you get until you can make the wand. took me about 2-3 hours to craft, mail and DE all 1500. Lasts 30 mins. I have mine on alt and it works great. He is both an expert in World of Warcraft and highly knowledgeable about other MMO Games online. Darkmoon Firewater lets you herb and mine faster anywhere (and can be bought and sold on the AH. If you still haven't decided about your second profession, I think Enchanting goes well with Tailoring because you don't need a gathering profession to support either of them, and you can also use Enchanting to disenchant the items you made with Tailoring. Oct 26, 2009 · When someone asks how to make more gold in WoW, there are generally two responses: do dailies and sell gathered mats on the AH. First Craft Bonus. Saving all your BoE drops or picking up a crafting skill on your main to disenchant your crafted gear are your best options for leveling. Best is to raise them both at the same time. Erosium is best known for being a positive gamer who can always find the silver lining to any issue. You can use Disenchant (wowhead link) on items created by tailoring. Comment by Kefra Because of the new dailies in 2. If you bind it to any key, you will disenchant these pants a lot faster, or you can just replace one of your already binded spell to disenchant until you are done with this. Remember that weapons and armors have different disenchant IDs even at the same level. Add simple wood to the components you got from disenchanting and make the level 5 wand. As for the poster above, I do put the disenchant icon on the bar of my "enchant bank" but I don't have it there for my main. There is no way in WoW to get bind on pickup items disenchanted if you aren’t an enchanter. Known Issues. Wizard Oil(3 illusion dust, 2 firebloom) +24 spell dmg, 5 charges. The Designated Disenchanter specialization is exactly what it sounds like—a focus on disenchanting to get higher quality enchanting materials. Feb 2, 2022 · No, you just disenchant gear you make or gear you pick up. Aug 21, 2009 · "WinWait, World of Warcraft, IfWinNotActive, World of Warcraft, , WinActivate, World of Warcraft, WinWaitActive, World of Warcraft, Loop, {Sleep, 3000 Send, 3 sleep, 3000} Return" But I was wondering,is it possible to modify it and make it work only on wow while I'm alt tabed or watching a movie or so ? Thank you very much Feb 6, 2008 · First is you can create gear to de without a gathering profession. The main difference being that the option to buy and sell items Jul 29, 2024 · Hello I just started playing WoW again after a long break. Looking to filter out any non disenchantable card in my entire card collection to quickly sweep them out to make some dust. The problem is, it used to "automatically" do it, without me needing to first click my macro, then the item before it disenchanted. Only enchanters gain the ability to [Disenchant], which is the primary source of enchanting ingredients Theres gotta be a way to make mass disenchanting easier! Been asking for this since Wrath. These tools work like disenchanting, you can break down any gear obtained from the Battle for Azeroth expansion, including dungeon/raid drops, quest rewards, world drops, and crafted gear. Even if you think you won't ever want to play any mode but Standard, at some point within the next months or years, you May 8, 2023 · Auctionator is an addon designed to help you make the best use of the auction house in World of Warcraft. Make sure you head out to the area with empty bags. disenchant that. What items should I disenchant? I'm a new player that's currently trying to get into enchanting for the gold making aspects and I'm trying to figure out which items I've been accumulating through lvling that I should disenchant. This is due to an issue with the WOW API not returning data. Sep 17, 2024 · You can get Storm Dust in WoW by disenchanting Uncommon (green-grade) items with your disenchant skill or shattering Gleaming Shards. We should prioritize disenchanting green and blue items, as these provide the bulk of the materials needed for leveling. Do you think those disenchantment knowledge points are worth it? I have a character I was thinking of using to largely just disenchant for mats and maybe branch out but not sure if the knowledge points (and the ones in more mystic items) provide enough may increase vs just going for the actual enchantment nodes. Oct 16, 2016 · Warcraft Logs Points The below logs are based on POINTS, and not actual damage or healing, meaning they log the timed completion for the specs, with higher keys getting more points, obviously. Usually from each batch you can collect 6-10 troggs and burn them down relatively fast. You'll need another 250 or so linen to make enough robes to disenchant, to raise your enchanting skill high enough to make the level 11 wand. (##RESPBREAK##)396##DELIM##Buuloki##DELIM## Oct 27, 2024 · Bind on equip items you find can be traded or mailed to an enchanter to disenchant them and send you back the materials. How disenchanting works. If you are a high enough level you can solo Blackfathom Deeps in Ashenvale or Razorfen Kraul in the Barrens to disenchant all the green items that drop. Jun 20, 2009 · The economy in World Of Warcraft is much like the real world economy in that it can change in a momemnts notice. Learn to use auctioneer advanced to search for greens to disenchant. That will yield better results. I have no plans to reverse engineer Blizzards over complication of disenchanting in the new crafting system. Originally this was a relatively simple addon I made to make it easier to mass disenchant items using a filter to set which items will be destroyed. This was mostly to help with handling variations of items during shuffles (blue vs green bracers, for example). Mar 10, 2018 · Conclusion. If you start disenchanting an item by accident, move or hit Escape to cancel the cast. com/l/DragonflightgoldguideHey, in this video I'll be showing you the disenchanting shufflin /click TradeSkillCreateButton /use 0 1 /click StaticPopup1Button1. Heroic and Mythic dungeons reward Bloods; Mythic dungeons have a 1 week lockout period for loot. Jan 26, 2024 · This is a guide to making gold in World of Warcraft with disenchanting. This will result in more gold per item. So, I realized when I'm disenchanting an item my enchanting skill rises. Now, ofcourse the bottleneck with enchanting itself is components, which requires a high number of epic gear to disenchant. This specialization will help you get a lot more Q3 enchanting materials. this one will enchant the thing in your first bag slot, no need to keep your mouse hovered over a specific item. Now you'll have this wand until either cookie in deadmines or if you're alliance Worgen in the Woods/Omar's Revenge. 80 / 2 (average of 2 dust) it’s 40 g a dust. I'm wondering how long will this be the case / Should I keep my materials until disenchanting doesn't fund any points anymore, or will it do this all the way to 300? I tested this personally. Expulsom is obtained primarily from scrapping armors and weapons using the Scrap-o-Matic 1000 (Alliance) or the Shred-Master Mk1 (Horde). Does anyone know of a decent, easy-to-use Disenchanting addon that provides a menu/list of all your disenchantable gear that you can disenchant from? Or can we finally just get Disenchanting put into the Enchanting Window, like we do for Prospecting and Milling? Nov 15, 2018 · Legion and BfA both have glove enchants that will let you mine or herb faster on those continents. So assume that the info returned is at max level disenchanting. Add this to your daily routine. Aug 27, 2024 · Welcome to the World of Warcraft: The War Within Enchanting Guide! In this guide, we’ll explore the art of enchanting in the latest expansion. I can however disenchant the gear I got from the starting island, but this will only level up my classic Lvl 20-30 green items disenchant into soul dust. Quests form the backbone of your World of Warcraft journey. There may be times when information is not shown for an item. 0) and in TBC, Blizzard is implementing an Enchanting level requirement for disenchanting items. In wow set a macro in Key 5 -> /use item=xxxxx /cast disenchant in CSK, set an action ( move mouse ) and bind to WoW Window You can do anything in the pc, with WoW in Background, so each time you do the action ( move the mouse ), the Key 5 is send to the WoW Window and the macro exectute /click CraftCreateButton /use 0 1 /click StaticPopup1Button1 This Macro just makes it a bit easier so you don't have to type in each macro for what enchant you are trying to make and also not have to type the item. A sister reddit of /r/wow. Crafter's Tome Leveling Guide and Jul 11, 2020 · Soul Dust: Level 26-35 uncommon/green quality items Disenchant ID: 4 Vision Dust: Level 36-45 uncommon/green quality items Disenchant ID: 7 Dream Dust: Level 46-55 uncommon/green quality items Disenchant ID: 8 Illusion Dust: Level 56-60 uncommon/green quality items Disenchant ID: 10 Essences from Disenchanting Disenchanted from Uncommon quality A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. Completing Quests. just be careful not to press it too fast or you might accidentally equip the item you're skilling up with (if you are able to Feb 2, 2022 · Join a 2x4 farm group, farm cloth craft green bracers from tailoring and DE. Feb 12, 2022 · The materials received from disenchanting vary, depending on the rarity of the magic item being disenchanted and the item's level. My simple guide on how disenchanting multiple items can be done quickly and easily. Nov 22, 2024 · Wow Classic Era anniversary Enchanting | Overview. Added in World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. And you’ll pick up a LOT of useless gear. Don't underestimate illusion dust's worth early on. Beds in World of Warcraft I looked on Curse, and all the addons I knew of that made Disenchanting less tedious…haven’t been updated since like Feb. Much of the good gear you get is soulbound, so if you want to get the enchanting components, you have to run you enchanting character through the high level content and collect that epic gear on that toon. Stop making the pants when you have only 1 bag space left. The time in which the dungeon is completed is also a factor, but a much, much smaller one, as it grants very few points if you do it significantly faster Auctionator has a built in list over each item that comes up on a modifier when you set it in the settings. Looking to farm Artisan Acuity quickly in World of Warcraft? This guide shows you how to disenchant epic items to get Shimmering Dust efficiently! Perfect fo Just started playing not just classic WoW, but WoW altogether. Keeps bag space well managed mages are a good for this as well because lets say you want to run/farm dungeon. I find the best way is to use TSM Destroy and a macro for the Mouse Wheel Jan 3, 2024 · Hi Dears, I want to make a 1 button Macro,which can Auto disenchant all Green Equipments in my bags. Use the bolts you just made to craft 9 Robes and then disenchant them. Aug 31, 2017 · About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Nov 25, 2024 · Fresh WoW Classic (20th Anniversary) Gold Guide - Best Investments and Auction House. Glimmering Treasure Chest in Suramar can contain Blood of Sargeras Oct 8, 2024 · Erosium is a Youtube Content Creator who has been playing World of Warcraft for 19 Years. we still have the good old n… Disenchant the non-valuable greens and blues you acquire until you're no longer leveling enchanting from disenchanting items, and then you can begin your skill ups with enchantments. Your character grows stronger through quests, battles, and dungeon runs, while the talent trees let you pick special skills that match your playing style. ogxxxc gayo kqfqye gvsao urzjl kcmrqlf rieye rfyog jnso qvngt hqvjr fvqhtm zoiz ddv qqraaf