I3 hidpi. Xresources 中设置 Xft.
I3 hidpi Scale it up, then scale it down. as for the link you mentioned it ask about screen tearing and scaling in native screen which is the laptop screen which i already solved. I am using a hidpi monitor with the scale factor set to 2 in sway, and some sort of scale factor also sent in i3. I’m hoping there is a system wide setting I can set that scales everything larger? I would then tweak the settings on an app-by-app basis. 04. I’ve followed the good tips here: Ten tweaks for EOS i3 wm on lenovo with high dpi - #2 by ricklinux but remain stuck on a few things not scaling on my 3840x2160 screen. On HiDPI displays, a logical pixel may be represented by Mar 20, 2020 · 基本i3:某些发行版中i3可能为一个包组名,它包含i3窗口管理器和其他组件,i3-wm 、 i3-gaps、 i3block 、 i3lock和i3status,另一些发行版中i3可能仅仅指i3wm。 Nov 6, 2024 · I am currently trying to set up i3 with polybar for my laptop in an Arch Linux fresh installation. Nov 20, 2021 · Wayfire 迁移进展(二):Xwayland HiDPI 以及 waybar- 这几天完成了一个很重要的功能:我让 Xwayland 支持 HiDPI 了! 实际上让 Xwayland 支持 HiDPI 的补丁早就有了,但是我当时尝试的时候补丁并不能很好地应用,我手动修了修,不明不白地应用上之后,并没有能够正常使用。 Dec 16, 2023 · I3 & ThinkPad e14 g5 AMD hidpi display. desktop file. I've set my DPI to it's proper value via this config for xorg: Nov 14, 2016 · Will also be used by the bar unless a different font # is used in the bar {} block below. GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets. This is what I added to my ~/. dpi: 192。 \n Jan 3, 2022 · In general, my experience with Linux isn’t that “hidpi” support is bad. Solution. That being said, hidpi isn’t perfect in . 自从写了篇配置 i3wm 的教程,我的博客访问量激增,看来有蛮多中文用户需要中文的配置文档,正好翻译一本英文书籍是我的人生清单之一(翻译英文文档应该也算? Jun 24, 2019 · To install i3 on your system, run the following command: $ sudo dnf install i3. It is that fractional scaling support is bad. 13 i3 reads DPI information from Xft. After the first login, each user will be prompted to have a configuration file generated for them such as ~ /. The laptop screen is 4K (3840x2160) but the monitor is only 1920x1080. . Since the displays are 4k I would like to scale a factor 2 (or 1. Managed to get Hyprland to behave mostly like i3 using a plugin called hy3, so I'm getting basically i3 but on Wayland and with slick animations. The new Regolith desktop environment offers multi-distro support with the i3 tiling window manager, providing a unique experience that appeals to both newcomers and experienced Linux users alike. I've copied /etc/i3/config into ~/. There is no tearing with the GPU driver option you mentioned, but X is freezing after a few minutes with it set. Awesome HiDPI on Xorg. Xfce doesn’t support HiDPI scaling, same is true for MATE (Which is normal since they written in the same GTK toolkit). Note that the applications you use with i3 are entirely separate and you need to make sure those support HiDPI — that’s outside i3’s control. linux i3 dpi i3-gaps hidpi xsettings Updated Feb 19, 2019; zysuper / my-manjaro-note Star 2. dpi: 120 Make sure the settings are loaded properly when X starts in your ~/. That also includes the power options menu. So, to set i3 to work with high DPI screens you'll probably need to modify two files. Will also be used by the bar unless a different font # is used in the bar {} block below. Xresources 你在 i3 配置中使用了可缩放字体(以 "pango:" 开头)。 你正在使用支持缩放的终端模拟器。 你可以暂时切换到 gnome-terminal,它以支持开箱即用的扩展而闻名,直到你弄清楚如何在你最喜欢的终端模拟器中调整字体大小。 HiDPI screens are around 192 DPI and greater, with some screens falling in the middle ("medium PPI"). a. directly or indirectly). i3 is arguably the most popular tiling window manager available, and notable for using a single, completely self-contained configuration file. You can either modify these font that i3 uses to be larger, which only solves the i3 part of the equation, and continue to modify every program to use a different font, etc. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright I have a problem similar to this post, in that I am using i3 on a hidpi display and the mouse cursor is invisibly tiny. For a ultra wide I'd probably go for an automatic tiler that properly supports layouts though, to automatically have a master window in the middle and 2 stacks on the side. My configuration: Ubuntu 16. This is a pretty new setup I installed yesterday. i3/config: I just installed ubuntu 20. 04 on my desktop with two 4k displays and installed i3-wm. I used xrandr to scale the resolution for HiDPI and the i3/alacritty configs to get the font to scale down, but the graphical/GTK applications aren't scaling properly and look awful. I did quite some search to fix fonts, icon, grub and login screen scaling using i3 wm. I noticed that my laptop screen is 2880x1800 (16:10) and supports 120Hz. Add this line to ~/. This gives me a satisfactory experience in every app I've run inside i3 so far. So I configured the Mod+Alt+s shortcut in i3 to offer a menu to switch screen layouts. # i3 config file (v4) # Font for window titles. font pango:monospace 8 # This font is widely installed, provides lots of unicode glyphs, right-to-left # text rendering and scalability on retina/hidpi displays (thanks to pango). Method 2 - By pressing F1 key. Use “xrandr --dpi 184” to set your dpi to 184, in case your setup does not figure it out automatically. Even when the font size is increased, restarting the config using mod+shift+r does nothing. My i3 configuration with polybar for HiDPI screen (4k) - nicomazz/i3-polybar-config My i3 configuration with Polybar panel. I’ve not used XFCE before, but I found the HiDPI a little lacking out of the box. With both Ubuntu and Manjaro it was relatively painless, especially using GNOME via Wayland. In my . (I’m on a Dell Precision 5530. I've been playing around with some settings for adapting to HiDPI, but I realized that my cursor changes size depending on what application it is hovering on. Font scaling will scale most UI elements in most DEs(Not sure about xfce). config/i3/config if you like the XDG directory scheme) and edit it with a text editor. As I learned, the way to get HiDPI work in Xorg is as follows: Set Xft. Jul 2, 2021 · Perhaps the NixOS xinit scripts, or your i3 config do some sanitization that removes the cursor settings. this question is related to problems faced in sclaing external monitor so i suggest read the question carefully before commenting xrandr has a --scale flag: --scale x[xy] Changes the dimensions of the output picture. g. I The fonts are ugly working in firefox in sway, but not in i3. HiDPI / High DPI / Retina / 4k The notes below cover my knowledge of setting up applications to work with HiDPI. Xresources 中设置 Xft. I've managed to get a decent HiDPI experience with just i3 on it's own. # There also is the (new) i3-dmenu-desktop which only displays applications # shipping a . A perfect example of a hybrid desktop environment is the aforementioned Regolith Desktop. Xresources-hidpi file is that I only have one HiDPI capable device and use the same came config files with over a half dozen machines. The old post didn't seem to find a solution, and so far I'm at a loss after much googling around. If you want to install i3 minimally without useful packages, such as i3lock and i3status, use: # apt install i3 --no-install-recommends. Ask Question Asked 6 years, 3 months ago. The built in setting for hidpi displays doenst work at all, it just queues me to restart steam, after which nothing changes, and the same queue displays after opening and closing the settings again. my i3 and polybar config. That defeats the point of hidpi displays, and results in hazy pictures. # This font is widely installed, provides lots of unicode glyphs, right-to-left # text rendering and scalability on retina/hidpi displays (thanks to pango). i3 version 4. When that’s done, log out, and on the log in screen choose i3 as your window manager and log back in again. i3 会从 Xft. Tested on. Aug 17, 2018 · I3 with HiDPI dispkay. This is an example of how the xrandr command line looks like: xrandr --output eDP1 --auto --output DP1 --auto --scale 2x2 --right-of eDP1 This will set DP1 to the default mode, scale it by 2 and place it at the right of the HiDPI laptop screen (eDP1). Xft. Save the Manjaro i3 Hi-DPI config. Contribute to AriosJentu/i3-polybar-config development by creating an account on GitHub. dpi: 192. Otherwise, Windows will incorrectly scale it, capping your X server i3wm官方指南,方便同学们学习i3wm. Apr 19, 2019 · Using a HiDPI monitor with a low resolution external monitor (Ubuntu + i3) 2 minute read Just a quick post to document how I finally got my XPS 15 3840x2160 monitor working with a 1920x1080 external monitor with different dps. Xresources with the following values: Dec 13, 2020 · – Intro Yesterday I installed EOS i3 wm on my lenovo P1 with high dpi screen (3840x2160). Create / Edit ~/. A subreddit for the Arch Linux user community for support and useful news. 本EFI包配置为Lenovo ThinkCentre M720Q配i3-9100,无线网卡为(BCM943602CS),无其他额外驱动。可正常使用 可正常使用 关于解锁CFG Lock请到Tools目录下 查看教程 SDDM reads the user icon (a. # font, it doesn’t scale on retina/hidpi displays. Also took a look at some of the documentation on HiDPI provided on the arch wiki but still can't quite figure it out. The installation went smoothly. Xresources exec i3 I'm parallel running i3 and Hyprland myself. To use i3 window manager with my HiDPI 14" laptop screen, I had to scale the display 1. Flexible HiDPI scaling, XDR/HDR extra brightness, virtual screens, DDC control, extra dimming, PIP/streaming, EDID override and lots more! Patch i3-gaps so it Apr 5, 2014 · i3 already supports HiDPI since version 4. To be fair, there was no reason for me to leave the i3 ,my setup works just fine , but I wanted to see what the fuss was about, try out "the latest and greatest", and maybe pave a way to me finally getting some HiDPI monitors. When you run i3 for the first time, you’ll be asked if you wish to proceed with automatic configuration — answer yes here. i3 and sway also worked well too. I'm aware of a potential workaround for java apps, but I can't even find the jvm invocation for this particular program (they launch it from inside a Oct 10, 2019 · Hi folks, Former Antergos user here. Xresources with your preferred value: Xft. dpi . I really enjoy natural scrolling, but not only on my touchpad, but also on my mouse - but this did not work so far. "avatar") as a PNG image from either ~/. Status: works I just setup my Dell XPS 13 2015 with archlinux and i3 and have had some issues with proper scaling and HiDPI. Sway is a tiling Wayland compositor and a drop-in replacement for the i3 window manager for X11. xinitrc : xrdb -merge ~/. i3/polybar. For server admins: I'm proposing paid services to develop some modules to i3, designed for your specific needs. i3 window manager / i3wm. My current setup is Ubuntu 18. I am using a similar config for the two. Contribute to fz-wu/i3_user_guide_Chinese development by creating an account on GitHub. 1 Cursor is too tiny on HiDPI displays. 5倍为例,即DPI为240) Jan 30, 2021 · I set up Linux on a Dell XPS 13 with the HiDPI screen. 2 on a late 2012 (first hidpi) MacBook with i3 wm and I use a performance MX logitech mouse. If you are interested in eye-candy, swayfx AUR exists as a fork of sway with popular eye-candy effects. Copy the example configuration as a starting point: mkdir -p ~/. 1-1-g341fcf99 (2019-01-27, branch "gaps") Jun 22, 2024 · I simply want to increase the font size in i3's config but I'm not able to update the current setting. Recommend giving it a shot if you're into that. 1-166-g007218a8) TL;DR # apt install i3. Xresources. There are 2 methods that lets you view the default key bindings. i3/config (or ~/. sh looks like this: May 31, 2016 · The release notes for i3 4. Monterey 12. 1 21C52; Aug 3, 2024 · Regolith DE – GNOME-flashback + i3. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. It works with your Archivos de configuraciones de i3. Thus, most chests will be unadapted to this inventory size. face. 248K subscribers in the archlinux community. Mar 6, 2016 · Since version 4. The command above works perfectly but it is quite tedious to run every time (even as a shell script) I sit down at my desk. 8, we used to recommend this one as the default: # font -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-C-70-iso10646-1 # The font above is very i3-gaps; rofi; terminator; polybar; time-of-day dependent wallpaper switcher; script to launch VcXsrv and i3 from Windows; When running with a HiDPI display, make sure to override VcXsrv. Keybindings are different from the i3 defaults to fit into the setup. I used the online installer, nvidia option and chose only i3 wm. Feb 13, 2019 · Under the Ubuntu GNOME session, the application draws fine on my HiDPI display (scale of 2. config/i3/config copying the line exec --no-startup-id feh --bg-fill /path/to/picture into the ~/. 如果2倍仍不够,依旧保持上面的为2,然后照下面的配置(以2. org Oct 1, 2022 · but that too only changes the bottom bar of i3's scaling no other change all the text still remains small and unreadable. Nov 5, 2023 · This module uses the i3 ipc to display information about workspaces and active mode. Also, there is a problem of screen tearing in i3 I tried installing Compton but and running it with the solution provided here the tearing issue got solved but the whole i3 lags and kind of become unresponsive Nov 21, 2024 · # text rendering and scalability on retina/hidpi displays (thanks to pango). So we have effectively turned our normal density screen into HiDPI. Viewed 2k times 3 I am using i3vm with a display with 2560x1440 Nov 7, 2016 · Re: Questions around HiDPI, i3, and dbus @scottro: Yes I have followed and tried various things from that wiki page. #font pango:DejaVu Sans Mono 8 # Before i3 v4. hyprland. I can't remember the setting right now. May 4, 2019 · If I run the same commands from terminal (in i3) or via the i3 config it works fine, but this is not ideal, as my whole purpose for the . One thing I found especially tricky to do was to set up my desktop environment to support two configurations: using my HiDPI laptop display alone using it with a Low-DPI desktop display Oct 5, 2022 · first of all the question is related to i3 which is based on X11 not wayland. Contribute to icemodding/i3 development by creating an account on GitHub. Method 1 - The keyboard icon on panel opens a little GUI helper. , or you can modify one setting in xrandr that will cause i3 to scale up. i3/config. Thanks… After daily driving i3 for quite a while now, I have decided to finally try out Sway (and Wayland). Xresources I have: Xft. – Hardware After 10 months of running my monitors in 1440p, I started tinkering around with my i3/Xorg config to try to get HiDPI to work. To bind a key to launch rofi, either use a configuration file or replace the commas with #, e. 介绍 缘起. Even if there is more than only the i3 and polybar configuration, I've decided to keep this title, because is exactly what I was searching for a lot of time ago. 7. edit flag offensive delete link more For the "too long; didn’t read" people, here is an overview of the default keybindings (click to see the full-size image): I use i3 on a hidpi display. dpi: 144 Dec 24, 2020 · I recently switched my home office to a 2-by-4K HiDPI setup, like so: As part of that switch, I needed to configure parts of my Linux environment (which was originally stock Ubuntu, but is now i3 with a heavily customized userspace) to function correctly on HiDPI displays. There is apparently also a tool called i3-config-wizard that walks you through setting up a basic config, but I never used it. Open arandr and setup the display(s) as per your needs. So I nuked my laptop last week and re-installed Arch (no Windows in this house anymore). dpi: 192 in ~/. 04; i3-gaps (4. You get the gnome session backend which takes care of hidpi without any headaches. Do you know how this part of the home-manager config can be done in configuration. The i3 inventory is 9 slots wide by default, such as Minecraft. I need to post a lot of cool new things I learned, but here's another scaling tip for everyone. sh & and my polybar. Perhaps it might be that subpixel rendering is happening in i3 and not sway? How do I make firefox pretty in sway? Hello everybody, I've never used i3 because I always had problem on my HiDPI screen. ) In particular, setting 2 x Windows Scaling How do I scale i3 window manager for my HiDPI display? Hey guys! Hopefully you found a solution that helped you! The Content is licensed under (https://meta. config/i3/config Now you need to edit the file and add your preferences using the following syntax: font <X core font description> font pango:[family list] [style options] [size] Thanks! I do prefer using native nixos configuration to home-manager wherever possible. Speaking of which… I downloaded the latest ISO yesterday and gave it a spin in the live session. Apr 19, 2021 · what is in your eyes ‘system management’ ? i3 wm with rofi or sway with wofi, is usable, it need some configure… as every desktop environ ment all is configured in the session to load what it need , background / panel & wm … i3 wm direct dont need such session, that is mostly you self configure what you use for menu or file manager etc… thats with every WM… as 4k i dont know mayby My i3 configuration with polybar for HiDPI screen (4k) - nicomazz/i3-polybar-config With i3-cinnamon, you can expect the following benefits over plain i3: Cinnamon screensaver & lockscreen; Cinnamon power settings; HiDPI configuration through Cinnamon; Cinnamon notification daemon; Autostart of various applications (XDG-Autostart) Background image; GTK theming managed by Cinnamon & changes apply immediately I used i3 with a regular 4k display, honestly worked better than any full fledged DE. 5), otherwise everything is just too small. nix? It ensures a readable cursor size on HiDPI displays HiDPI 版本的 hyprland 依旧不支持非整数缩放,所以 `monitor = ,highres,auto,2`,`exec-once = xprop -root -f _XWAYLAND_GLOBAL_OUTPUT_SCALE 32c -set _XWAYLAND_GLOBAL_OUTPUT_SCALE 2` 都必须为2. Configuration. Wayland would indeed solve this, but their solution is more of a band-aid because xwayland will simply be scaled up linearly if not configured correctly. Sep 10, 2023 · When moving to i3, I noticed the resolution was all wrong. ) However, I would like to run i3, and running Vivado inside an i3 session results in no DPI scaling. I intend the screens to have separate workspaces but to be able to move workspaces between monitors as needed. Xresources affects that. A Flawless i3wm experience on a HiDPI/Retina display Friday - June 29, 2018. So far I have followed all the tips outlined there but remain with a minuscule cursor and rofi being way too small. Older versions of i3 (before 2017 你在 i3 配置中使用了可缩放字体(以 "pango:" 开头)。 你正在使用支持缩放的终端模拟器。 你可以暂时切换到 gnome-terminal,它以支持开箱即用的扩展而闻名,直到你弄清楚如何在你最喜欢的终端模拟器中调整字体大小。 My i3 configuration with polybar for HiDPI screen (4k). 5 times: In /etc/X11/Xsession. rofi -combi-modi window#drun#ssh. dpi 属性读取所需的 DPI 值。 该属性默认为 96 DPI,因此要实现 200% 缩放,你需要在 ~/. NOTE: Requires the project to be built with i3 support; Check for +i3 in polybar -vvv. If the y value is omitted, the x value will be used for both dimensions. It uses a combination of both previous answers, since I suspect that updating the Xresources would change settings for all displays, instead of just the current one (haven't tested that though). d/45custom_xrandr-settings, I… i3 is a tiling window manager inspired by wmii that is primarily targeted at developers and advanced users. It works with your existing i3 configuration and supports most of i3's features, plus a few extras. i3 was created because wmii, our favorite window manager at the time, didn't provide some features we wanted (multi-monitor done right, for example), had some bugs, didn't progress since quite some time and wasn't easy to hack at all (source code comments/documentation completely lacking). Right now I'm running Arch on my rMBP 13" (late 2013) and I'd… I'm looking around from months, maybe I'm just only stupid but I can't find a way to let i3 "work" great on my HiDPI screen. This post will document most of the changes I applied. Since I use many computers, the main intent of this repository is to keep my configuration files somewhere. i3/config or ~ /. It's been so long, I forgotten that I initially set up KDE Plasma with some resolution scaling. kindly read the question carefully. Hi I'm looking to get the ThinkPad e14 which has an optional 2240 x 1400 "2. Modified 4 years, 4 months ago. After the fix you will be 😁 I summarize here briefly a list of things to do to fix these issues. Manjaro i3 on a HiDPI Display. More screenshots. I’ve managed to get the i3 status bar bigger as well as the font in terminal. Jan 14, 2022 · Hello. k. Feb 19, 2022 · Home Blog ★ ★ Wayland: from i3 to sway 19 Feb, 2022 • 1200 words • 6 min I’ve been giving Wayland a try. right-to-left # text rendering and scalability on retina/hidpi I started using Manjaro Linux (the community-maintained i3-based version) last week after decades of using Windows and macOS. Jul 21, 2019 · It also sounds like Sway (Which is an i3-like compositor) does support HiDPI scaling so far. They could be proprietary or open I have a 4K 15 inch display, and i3-gnome (gnome-flashback + i3) works very well, or gnome with the pop-shell tiling extension also works very well. Nov 21, 2020 · hidpi 配置记录- 首先,我是用 x11 窗口系统的,不同屏幕分别设置肯定没戏。所以只好让笔记本电脑的屏幕迁就一下我的4k主屏啦,把笔记本屏幕缩放一下。 Dec 10, 2018 · So, I'm on a HiDPI machine (XPS 9370) and using the Adwaita cursor; this is on a fresh install of Antergos w/ i3 for context. To install i3, enter the command: sudo pacman -S i3-wm To install a status bar and screen-locker for i3, enter the command: sudo pacman -S i3lock i3status Apr 2, 2015 · Here's the solution I went with for my system which has a hidpi display on eDP1. I don't know how to configure it, maybe it's my fault because I'd like to use a "preconfigured" i3 and adapt to my screen, but I don't know how to configure it on my system and I'm going crazy. Feb 25, 2015 · I was editing the i3 config file here /etc/i3/config, however i3 runs from the config file in the home directory here ~/. Dec 6, 2020 · I recently installed Manjaro i3 on my Lenovo X1 Carbon laptop. 8 cover this: Also very important for owners of HiDPI/“retina” displays is that i3 will now respect your configured DPI and scale up its UI elements accordingly. 16. @Scimmia: I agree with that but here is where I start not understanding some things. 请注意 i3 和 xrandr 使用相同的 API,所以 i3 识别的显示器和 xrandr 命令显示的一样。 在 做展示 一节可以看到更多关于多显示器的配置。 INTRODUCTION. config/i3/config if this file still not exist Note: i3 users be aware that putting commas in the i3 configuration file can cause issues. 8, we used to recommend this one as the default: # font -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal--13-120-75-75-C-70-iso10646-1 # The font above is very space-efficient, that is, it looks good, sharp and # clear in small sizes. However, the screen fonts are tiny and barely readable. Unfortunately, every UI element/text on the screen is very tiny. 8, we used to recommend this one as the default: # font The exact i3 version you are using given by the output of i3 --version. By default the cursor will be tiny. Out of the box everything appears tiny. As this problem of mine is not exactly a "HiDPI" issue and 使用 HiDPI主题,或是更改现有主题的 gtkrc。(Change all occurrences of the size button to dialog,例如GimpToolPalette::tool-icon-size。) 另外也有 gimp-hidpi。 Steam [编辑 | 编辑源代码] 官方 HiDPI支持 [编辑 | 编辑源代码] 从2018年1月25日开始,测试版本已经支持HiDPI并能自动启用。 Mar 22, 2015 · Re: i3+compton on Multihead setup with hidpi and Scaling Yes, I'm using Intel Corporation Iris Graphics 540. icon for each user, or the common location for all users specified by FacesDir in an SDDM configuration file. i3是一个平铺式的窗口管理器. Jul 15, 2024 · I've installed i3 meta-package and I'm mostly using Xfce apps (so Gtk3, some Gtk2 and some QT apps). I’m wondering if it has something to do with the mouse Citing the i3 docs about configuring: To change the configuration of i3, copy /etc/i3/config to ~/. Aug 20, 2018 · To configure HiDPI (scaling) correctly in i3-wm. Mar 6, 2021 The 1080p HiDPI mode will draw to a frame buffer that is 3840x2160 and the GPU will scale it down for output to Dec 18, 2013 · i3 uses a larger inventory than the usual inventories in Minetest games. Jul 19, 2018 · Issues with hidpi in Arch+i3 Sorry if this is a commonly asked question, but using my 13" 3200x1800 laptop, the fonts in steam are incredibly small. It’s fantastic to see the community move on to this new project, which I’m excited to try out. The stated goals for i3 include clear documentation, proper multi-monitor support, a tree structure for windows, and different modes like in vim. The module also requires the i3 executable to be on the PATH. 使用 HiDPI主题,或是更改现有主题的 gtkrc。(Change all occurrences of the size button to dialog,例如GimpToolPalette::tool-icon-size。) 另外也有 gimp-hidpi。 Steam [编辑 | 编辑源代码] 官方 HiDPI支持 [编辑 | 编辑源代码] 从2018年1月25日开始,测试版本已经支持HiDPI并能自动启用。 37 votes, 10 comments. the generated config does not have a hotkey to exit i3). My window manager of choice in X11/Xorg is i3, so the natural choice in Wayland is sway. config/i3/config and then editing/adding your font configuration: cp /etc/i3/config ~/. 8, we used to recommend this Dec 5, 2020 · Defining i3 shortcuts to switch between configurations. But I haven’t tested it personally. My i3 configuration with polybar for HiDPI screen (4k) - AriosJentu/i3-polybar-config-1 My i3 configuration with polybar for HiDPI screen (4k) vim linux spotify arch i3 i3wm polybar manjaro hidpi-screen 4k demo-image template-config Updated Jan 10, 2021 Jan 25, 2025 · 3. Do not use the term »latest version« or any variation of it. exe's default scaling settings to application-controlled (Compatibility tab of Properties). i3 stores all information about the X11 outputs, workspaces and layout of the windows on them in a tree. If you want something smaller than 200%, use font scaling. Intel Core i3-1005G1 Mobile Intel Core i5-1035G4 Mobile If screen flashes after HiDPI enabled, close the laptop cover and reopen it. 8, we used u/bigshirokuma's method will work to just load polybar, but it's best to use a script to restart polybar as well when certain changes occur (such as plugging in another monitor or changing resolution), so I use this in my i3 config: exec_always --no-startup-id ~/. xprofile I've got the following set export GDK_SCALE=2 export ELM_SCALE=2 export QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR=1. Mar 12, 2014 · [Originally reported by vivekmrathod@…] (I set up i3 on a laptop with 2560x1440 resolution, and physical screen size 310 x 174 mm (~210 dpi/ppi). I had heard a lot of issues with Linux and HiDPI, and was worried I would have to return/swap for a FHD screen, but everything has worked almost flawlessly. font pango:System San Francisco Display 9 # This font is widely installed, provides lots of unicode glyphs, right-to-left # text rendering and scalability on retina/hidpi displays (thanks to pango). i3 && cp /usr/local/etc/i3/config ~/. Feb 20, 2021 · Stack Exchange Network. The dpi value can be adjusted as you want. 2k" IPS display over the 1920x1200 WUXGA IPS Feb 27, 2019 · i3-1005g1 Graphics Intel UHD G1 Mac. config/i3/config but I'm still unable to change the config file. I wanted to use 4k but scale the interface so it it has the readability of 1440p. Nov 1, 2022 · – Intro Yesterday I installed EOS i3 wm on my lenovo P1 with high dpi screen (3840x2160). config/i3/config file worked for me. Write the following line to the file, ~/. Wow! Aug 21, 2019 · exec i3 # start the window manager For i3wm, the generated configuration is more limited than the default loaded configuration (e. Code Issues Pull requests manjaro 日常踩坑日志 Aug 7, 2020 · I am running i3 window manager on Arch Linux, and am trying to use xrandr to use both my laptop screen and desktop monitor together. font pango:DejaVu Sans Mono 8 # Before i3 v4. The trick is don’t use fractional scaling. Hi all - How do you increase the size of the menus on various programs when running i3? For example, the 'File' menu on VSCode is now too small, and nothing I change in . It is Oct 28, 2014 · You need to change the configuration of i3, copying /etc/i3/config file to ~/. sbwtj ycdvcxd looxz czoj zedbq eumdbi eicdkpub lxms ovkv vrdmrg ulriy sfrqtc mmfy xolrka vwtc