Karambit blue gem. The backside is blue only close to the handle.

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Karambit blue gem. 2 million for the same skin, stating that “1.

Karambit blue gem Favorited. For example, items could have custom names, descriptions, or colors. Best Blue Gems Owned. El modelo al que nos referimos lo tiene en propiedad un jugador chino, y fue en su día la transacción más cara de la historia: 160. Oct 26, 2021 · a Karambit blue gem 387 factory new foi dropada apenas uma única vez no mundo e recentemente o colecionador dono dessa lendária faca decidiu colocá-la a vend The pattern index affects the location, color, and shape of the stains. Just as the AK-47 skin stands out for its value among rifles and pistols, there is also a precious knife in the game, which is the Karambit and its #387 blue gem CS:GO skin pattern. The backside is suboptimal with purple and blue stains on a yellow background. Pattern 269 has the highest overall blue percentage among Karambit blu gems. $1,137. com/invite/hRNHeUC💜Twitch: https://www. The backside is half blue (near the handle) and half golden (the tip). The playside displays a clean and bright blue throughout the blade, the backside shows tiny purple and golden stains near the handle. However, since then, its price has gone up by a wild amount, and, more recently, the owner of the skin received an offer for an insane cash prize of $1. Aug 6, 2024 · Learn everything about the rarest and most expensive knife in CS2 (CS: GO), the Karambit Blue Gem. 001% chance of unlocking a Blue Gem-patterned knife in a case. This guide presents the best Diamond Gem patterns for Karambit Knife Gamma Doppler Phase 1. Let me know what you think - if you disagree with the Mar 18, 2023 · The Karambit Case Hardened skin showcases a range of rare patterns. 0000039 it is more rare than a karambit blue gem at 0. Skins in CSGO are an expensive, traded commodity. 5 million? It’s estimated that the current #1 Karambit Blue Gem in the world, owned by Chinese Collector ‘青い王’, costs over $1. Sep 28, 2023 · The most highly valued Blue Gem is that of a Karambit in Factory New condition with the seed pattern #387, which is the number one Blue Gem pattern for the particular knife. The pattern variations with a predominance of blue clean stains on the play side (“Blue Gem”) are considered to be the rarest and the most expensive ones. Believe it or not, an offer of 1,500,000 dollars has arrived for this blue gem, which means this Karambit Case Hardened Seed 269 is a double-blade blue gem. However, as mentioned earlier, the Blue Gem patterns are extremely rare to find. The backside is very different and it's almost fully golden with a blue stain close to the handle. 2 = 0. This list shows all blue gems seeds and patterns with ID numbers and pictures. Karambit Case Hardened Seed 510 shows an almost completely blue playside with violet nuances and a tiny golden stain on the tip. Knife from CS:GO A Counter-Strike 1. Seed: Tier 1 387 Sep 28, 2023 · The weapon in question is a Factory New Karambit Blue Gem Case Hardened with the #1 seed pattern, which is 387. Discover the different patterns, factors affecting the value, and market trends of this unique skin. 2 Million EUR which is roughly about $1. Found in 11 cases. blue gem , case hardened , cs2 , karambit , knife , pattern seeds , rare patterns , skin guides , skins Sep 8, 2021 · the most expensive csgo skin in the game and also one of the most expensive virtual items ever, the best blue gem pattern karambit case hardened received a c Karambit Case Hardened Seed 387 shows an amazing playside with bright blue and light purple shades all through the blade. Karambit Case Hardened Seed 57 has a colorful pattern with many purple stains on the playside. This means that there is a very low chance of unlocking a blue gem-patterned knife in a case. Karambit Blue Gem. The high-end models sell for about $2000. What is the most expensive Karambit? Karambit Case Hardened Seed 442 is a stunning blue gem with 98% blue on the playside, an almost spotless blue from the handle to the tip. Nov 15, 2023 · The Karambit Blue Gem is the pinnacle of CS2 skins. Dec 21, 2022 · 💙 KARAMBIT PATTERNS 💙 Karambit - Seed 4 Blue gem Karambit - Seed 20 Blue gem Karambit - Seed 25 Blue gem Karambit - Seed 26 Backside Blue gem Karambit - Seed 30 Playside Blue gem Karam Karambit Case Hardened Seed 4 shows over 80% blue both in the playside and in the backside. 3000004) and plotting their distribution when multiplied by float ranges, but that would likely only alter the odds by +- 0. The pattern template is 269, and this csgo hiko Karambit is the best two-sided blue gem that exists. Originally introduced to the competitive shooter through the Kilowatt Case, the Kukri Knife has swiftly risen to prominence in the CS2 world, thanks to its distinctive blade shape that has garnered immense popularity within the community in the short span since its release on February 6th, 2024. 4 Million USD. The Chroma 2 Case also includes the Case Hardened finish, which means you have a chance of unboxing a Karambit Blue Gem May 8, 2024 · All Karambit Blue Gem. tiktok. Jul 15, 2016 · 🐙 𝙆𝘼𝙍𝘼𝙈𝘽𝙄𝙏 PATTERNS 🐙 Karambit - Seed 4 Blue gem Karambit - Seed 20 Blue gem Karambit - Seed 25 Blue gem Karambit - Seed 26 Backside Blue gem Karambit - Seed 30 Jul 28, 2023 · Blue Gem Karambit skins are some of the rarest in the game, particularly because they are a rare variation of an already rare skin. The backside is completely different since the blade is almost fully golden. 0000507, thats because there's 13+ different karambit blue gem patterns, but the odds of getting the 387 pattern might be lower than a blue gem gut knife. Tier-1: 387, 442, 269, 321, 73, 955, 853, 902, 507, 776; Aug 14, 2013 · The Karambit Case Hardened was added to Counter-Strike Global Offensive on August 14, 2013 with “The Arms Deal” update. Find out what makes it special, how to identify it, and how to trade or buy it. If you feel like adding a couple blue gems to your CS:GO inventory, here’s everything you need to know. It's the ultimate blue gem skins database, continuosly updated with each knife and weapon, aiming to become the go-to guide of all CS2 Blue Gem Collectors. Butterfly Knife Butterfly Knife - Seed 39 Blue Gem Karambit - Seed 902 *Best* M9 Oct 7, 2024 · The most expensive CS:GO skin is the Karambit Case Hardened (Blue Gem), which is valued at over $1. 0480, and the Pattern Template 387. Find out the value, rarity and market trends of the most expensive Karambit Blue Gem skin ever. #1 Karambit Blue Gem Pattern Index #387 $15,000. 2 . Sep 16, 2021 · The Karambit Case Hardened Knife in discussion is in Factory New condition, has a Wear Rating of 0. The extremely rare CS:GO skin is a variant of the Karambit Case Hardened Knife which is also referred to as 'The Blue Gem'. Feb 5, 2021 · KARAMBIT PATTERNS Karambit - Seed 4 Blue gem Karambit - Seed 20 Blue gem Karambit - Seed 25 Blue gem Karambit - Seed 26 Backside Blue gem Karambit - Seed 30 Playside Blue gem Karambit - Seed 3 /r/csgobluegem is the home of Blue Gem Collectors. Players love them because they can show how dedicated and serious a gamer they are. 2 million for the same skin, stating that “1. They are divided into four tier: the higher the tier, the more Blue there is on the blade and the higher the price of the knife. 001% according to CSGOSkins. As one of the original cases featuring the Karambit, the Chroma Case is a potential source of the Blue Gem. 00%; It has the Case Hardened finish, with a drop chance Sep 12, 2023 · Case Hardened Blue Gem Skin Karambit Printable Template This template will allow you to make Paper Karambit. Chroma 2 Case . Its play side is adorned in a mesmerizing shade of blue, captivating any beholder. 4-1. In the world of Karambit Case Hardened Blue Gems, the ‘387’ pattern reigns supreme as the highest-ranked one. The rarest case hardened blue gem knife you can get is the 387 karambit blube gem. For example, one such Seed 57 Backside Blue gem Seed 63 Playside Blue gem Seed 65 Backside Gold. Oct 1, 2023 · Learn about the rarest and most valuable knife skin in CS2, the Blue Gem Karambit, with its distinctive blue gem design and high price tag. Nov 26, 2024 · The chance of pulling a Case Hardened Karambit with a desirable Blue Gem pattern is just incredibly low, making each one a prize for any collector. The pattern variations with 50%-70% of blue on the play side are also quite rare. 2 is low”. Sep 28, 2023 · The primary reason is that it’s an extremely rare pattern that may on average take up to 3. The most highly valued Blue Gem is for a Karambit in Factory New condition with seed pattern #387, with an asking price of USD 1. CS2 skins trader console with prices, float details, paintseeds and listing dates for Counter-Strike 2 Case Hardened skins for sale on most popular marketplaces. Nov 26, 2020 · Karambit con Pattern 337 Karambit con Pattern 269 (Blue Gem) Hay otras skins como sería el caso de las Slaughter, también conocidos como Masacre, que tienen patterns especiales, aunque en esta guía me centraré en los Blue Gem Ejemplo de Bayoneta Slaughter con Pattern Diamante Jun 8, 2016 · When I was starting collecting blue gem I had a hell of a time because there was no published list of top 10 patterns, it was all just in the heads of the big CH collectors. Jeden jedyny Karambit | Stal Nawęglana w stanie Fabrycznie Nowy ze wzorem numer #387, to prawdopodobnie najdroższy przedmiot Apr 17, 2024 · The Karambit is a type of CS2 knife skin that’s easy to recognize by the curved blade. Ikonicznie noże, naklejki i bronie to składowe, wyjątkowości całego CSa, a ich wartość to ukoronowanie rzadkości. Sep 28, 2023 · Due to the Blue Gem’s rarity, it comes as no surprise that the most expensive skin in CS2 to this date is a Karambit Blue Gem. May 8, 2023 · The case-hardened skin type has a special variant called the Karambit Blue Gem. AK #661; Apr 17, 2024 · The Karambit Case Hardened skin showcases a range of rare patterns. It appeals to casual players and serious collectors, symbolizing status and prestige due to its rarity and significant price. Previously, the owner has declined offers of a whopping $1. No Price Data. When evaluating a karambit case hardened skin, the key is to examine its pattern and float value. Discover its patterns, float value, sales records, alternatives, and tips for trading or selling. How Much Is a Blue Gem Ursus Knife Worth? An Ursus Blue Gem with the best Tier 1 pattern of 494 in Well-Worn condition is valued at around USD 4k , which is one of the cheapest at the moment, but may see a substantial price increase Karambit Case Hardened Seed 888 has an almost perfect playside with a vibrant blue full of purple shades throughout the blade. The backside is mostly golden with blue stains near the handle and close to the tip. Initially purchased for USD 100k by a Chinese skin collector, it has been put on sale by him with an asking price of USD 1. MONEY and Aug 28, 2024 · The most notable cases where you can potentially find a Karambit Blue Gem include: 1. Feel free to ask any questions or post a trade in the comments. Revered by collectors, envied by players, and coveted by traders, the Blue Gem Karambit is the definition of rare. Karambit Case Hardened Blue Gem knives are also different. 6) Mod in the Knife category, submitted by WerKuz May 17, 2024 · The Record-Breaker: Karambit Case Hardened Blue Gem. Inspect in-game (FN) 4 Karambit #387; MAC-10 #239; Nomad #577; But most of all, BoDYCouNT loves his blue gem loadout and has been collecting them since 2015. Karambit Case Hardened Seed 73 has a great playside with more than 96% blue from the handle to the tip; the point of the knife is golden. Two Karambit Blue Gems exist in the world, and one has been successfully traded. 5M Karambit Blue Gem! #ohnepixelbest #cs2 #cases #shorts AND HE IS ONLY 18 YEARS ONLY AND DOES NFTS CRYPTO STUFF! @ohnepixelraw Jul 13, 2023 · Based on the information available on the skin database CSGOskins. May 17, 2024 · The odds of getting a blue gem in CSGO are approximately 0. Sep 28, 2023 · However, it must be said that like everything in CS2, not every Blue Gem is the same either. As you move down the We hope you found our guide helpful on the Karambit Case Hardened Blue Gem. Jul 27, 2022 · #387 Karambit | Case Hardened Blue Gem: $600,000 Source: CS:GO. The cheapest models can be bought at around $350, but most Karambit skins sell for over $500. So I thought i'd make a list based on my own opinion as well as that of other big blue gem collectors. Created by. The backside displays a blue area with many purple stains in the center of the blade. The pattern that makes his skin a variant is very rare to acquire. Find out the patterns, prices, odds, and tips for buying or trading this legendary knife. What is the drop rate for the blue gem Karambit? The likelihood of unboxing a Blue Gem Karambit is incredibly rare, with estimations suggesting a probability of approximately 0. 000 dólares. Blue Gems. The basis for the Tiers are based on how much blue is on the knife. 001% drop rate, thereby making it one of the rarest skins in the game. This makes it one of the rarest knife skins in CS:GO as it literally appears completely blue on one side, earning it the name 'The Blue Gem'. Can’t afford an AK-47 Unbelievable CSGO Discovery $1. You could go even more accurate, by describing the closest IEEE-754 float (the 32 bit float system that creates artifacts such as 0. The PDF file is made to be printed on Letter or A4 paper, but these PDF files are vector based, this means that the quality is good at any size, and they can be printed on any size of paper. 9 million Euros or 2. Before discussing the monumental price tag, it is important to distinguish what a En el video podemos un top 10 de los pattern blue gem mas importantes de csgo!Top: pattern index: 902,pattern index: 888,pattern index: 73,pattern index: 80 Sep 2, 2024 · Just like we did with the most valuable AK-47, let’s break down the odds of unboxing the most expensive Blue Gem Karambit: It’s an Exceedingly Rare Special item, with a drop chance of 0. 5 million all the way back in 2021, suggesting that it is now worth over $2,000,000! The Karambit Case Hardened skin showcases a range of rare patterns. Download. Chroma Case . Many rare skins collectors with the most expensive CS2 inventories often own multiple copies of Karambit Blue Gem worth tons of Karambit Case Hardened Seed 453 has a great playside with more than 92% blue with golden scars near the tip and a tiny yellow stain close to the handle. Sep 30, 2022 · This way, you can try out the most unique, exclusive, and best weapon skins in CSGO, such as the Blue Gem (Case Hardened Karambit) or the Dragon Lore AWP, all in factory-new conditions. Its play side is adorned in a mesmerizing shade of blue, captivating Nov 26, 2024 · Learn about the Karambit Blue Gem, one of the most expensive and rarest skins in Counter-Strike 2. A Blue gem for a Karambit or Butterfly Knife is going to be exponentially more expensive, even more so if it’s in Factory New or Minimal Wear condition than let’s say a Huntsman Knife Case Hardened Blue Gem. Choose your blue gem and buy it on CSFloat, Buff, Skinport, DMarket, HaloSkins, CS. Final Thoughts. What Is The Blue Gem Karambit Skin? ‘Blue Gem’ is the name that the CS:GO community has unofficially Steam Community: Counter-Strike 2. ★ Karambit | Case Hardened skin prices, market statistics, in-game previews, rarity levels, 3D view, exterior versions, and more. 84 - $1,861. Unfavorite. Covert Knife StatTrak Available. 5 million . tv/k44p1📱TikTok: https://www. Mar 25, 2024 · The Kukri Knife is the newest knife to be added to the ever-growing arsenal of Counter-Strike 2. Sep 28, 2023 · These were all the popular Blue Gem patterns of the M9 Bayonet Case Hardened knife in CS2, listed according to their tiers. Jan 13, 2025 · Learn everything about the rarest and most valuable CS2 skin for Karambit, the Case Hardened Blue Gem. It was sold for a then-whooping $100,000 back in 2016. These Blue Gem patterns are further subdivided into various tiers based on the amount of blue color in the gun, the spread of the color, and other factors. The most famous Blue Gem skin is AK-47 Case Hardened with Pattern Index #661. Award. login Sign Up Upload. Sep 26, 2021 · 📸Instagram: https://www. 5 million. Explore Buy 3D models; For business / Cancel. This Premium Karambit is a full tang knife - made from one piece of steel from tip to toe. Over time when I can be bothered i'll add in screens etc. Karambit Case Hardened Seed 776 has an almost perfect playside with a clean and bright blue from the handle to the tip. Apr 6, 2023 · According to CSGOSkins. 5 million USD. Also depends where you draw the line between bluegem and normal case hardened Due to the Blue Gem’s rarity, it comes as no surprise that the most expensive skin in CS2 to this date is a Karambit Blue Gem. 5mio dollar. 64. Karambit Gamma Doppler In this csgo video I'll show you the csgo HiKo karambit. 6 (CS1. Tiny golden stains are present close to the handle and on the tip of the knife. Its blade is made from high-carbon stainless steel, which provides exceptional strength and corrosion resistance. scissorlicks. The skin is available in 11 cases released in 2013-2015. Jul 6, 2023 · A Karambit Case Hardened blue gem in slightly worse condition sold for $118k, but, considering it was a duplicated skin (something that was possible in CSGO’s earlier days), it’s worth much Jan 21, 2025 · It is a blue gem Karambit, the best pattern, and is the only one in Factory New condition. The real-life Premium Karambit Case Hardened! In its premium version! Compared to the basic version of the Karambit, the Premium Karambit has a more robust design and an improved handle for a better grip. Feel free to post asking for a price check, bragging about your inventory, looking for trading or sparking up a conversation about the beautiful and rare blue gems. Tier 1 = 100% Blue Dec 17, 2024 · Perhaps the most famous Blue Gem skin in the game is the Karambit Blue Gem knife. Karambit Case Hardened Seed 905 has an almost perfect playside with vivid and clean blue for 98% of the blade. gg, there’s around a 0. Karambit Dopplers drop only from three cases: Chroma, Chroma 2, and Chroma 3. Seria "Najdroższych skinów w CS2", ma za zadanie przybliżenie przedmiotów, które są sławne nawet poza światem gry. With its sleek design, razor-sharp edge, and stunning blue gemstone inlays, this knife is a true masterpiece of craftsmanship. 🐙 𝙆𝘼𝙍𝘼𝙈𝘽𝙄𝙏 PATTERNS 🐙 Karambit - Seed 4 Blue gem Karambit - Seed 20 Blue gem Karambit - Seed 25 Blue gem Karambit - Seed 26 Backside Blue gem Karambit - Seed 30 Apr 3, 2023 · Ohnepixel reacts CS2 karambit case hardened blue gem 1. The Karambit Case Hardened skin showcases a range of rare patterns. In June 2023, a well-worn (not factory new) 387 Karambit sold for over $100,000. A tiny purple stain is visible near the handle together with a golden stain. Karambit Case Hardened Seed 4 shows over 80% blue both in the playside and in the backside. The blade’s curvature is more pronounced than traditional Karambits, making it ideal for slicing and hooking. The karambit steel blade measures 13. Sep 28, 2023 · How To Get a Five-Seven Blue Gem? Currently, the Five-Seven Blue Gem can be obtained via one of three ways - trade-up contracts, trading with other players, or by directly purchasing it off a market. May 20, 2024 · Learn what is the Case Hardened finish and the Blue Gem pattern in CS:GO (CS2), and explore all the seed patterns with different percentages of blue present. Dec 24, 2024 · The Karambit Blue Gem Knife is a stunning example of a modern Karambit design. Jul 9, 2018 · ★ StatTrak™ Karambit | Case Hardened (Battle-Scarred) this one appear on the screen checker as a blue gem rank 3, but here i couldnt find it O,o . While the #1 Blue Gem in this list (pattern 601) is almost entirely covered in blue, the amount of blue on the Case Hardened M9 gradually deteriorates as you move down the table. View all artwork. Pattern 463 shows a pretty rare combination. twitch. This one is the most valuable skin on the current market. The Karambit Case­ Hardened Blue Ge­m holds the prestigious title of being the most expensive CS2 knife ever based on the bid, commanding an astonishing price exceeding $1. The Karambit Blue gem is also known as one of the most expensive skins with some offers for the famous 387 pattern approaching the million dollar value ! At Knify, our mission is to offer you the most realistic and reliable version of the knife ! Mar 20, 2024 · The most recent offer for the Karambit Blue gem was for 1,200,000 Euros in Bitcoin in 2021, at the time equivalent to roughly 1. The backside is suboptimal with irregular blue stains on a yellow background. Favorite. The backside is suboptimal with a low blue percentage. Nov 26, 2024 · How to Identify a Blue Gem Karambit. The backside is suboptimal with blue and purple stains on a golden background. Tchuriki. Karambit Case Hardened Seed 853 has a stunning playside with an almost spotless blade (98% blue). The AK-47 skin fetched the highest price, with its blue hue of the 661 pattern number making it one of Jul 6, 2023 · A Karambit Case Hardened blue gem in slightly worse condition sold for $118k, but, considering it was a duplicated skin (something that was possible in CSGO’s earlier days), it’s worth much May 17, 2024 · The odds of getting a blue gem in CSGO are approximately 0. Karambit Case Hardened Seed 463 has a colorful pattern with a vibrant blue full of purple nuances and two small yellow stains on the playside. Karambit Case Hardened 'Blue Gem' knife in 'well-worn' condition, which sold for US$100,000. Many people love Karambit skins, and their price is quite high. com/k44p1/🔎Discord: https://discord. . However, among all these variations, the Blue Gem pattern stands out as the rarest and most valuable. May 31, 2024 · The pattern index affects the ratio of colors as well as the location of green, purple and light blue areas. 5 Million Now for the big guns, or knife in this case. Moreover, for a whopping price of $126,000, The sheer price of this skin has baffled people. Karambit Blue Gem - 3D model by scissorlicks. c ★ Karambit | Blue Steel skin prices, market statistics, in-game previews, rarity levels, 3D view, exterior versions, and more. The rarity of this item, combined with the highly coveted "blue gem" pattern in Factory New condition, makes it the ultimate collector's item. Stained. These are the rarest combinations and are much more expensive than other phases. Buy it on CS. Sep 13, 2024 · The Karambit Case Hardened Blue Gem seed continues to be a highly coveted and prestigious skin, thanks to its stunning blue-gold pattern. It’s estimated that the current #1 Karambit Blue Gem in the world, owned by Chinese Collector ‘青い王’, costs over $1. i wish my friend give me 1 knife karambit lucas Jun 16, 2023 @ 3:08am Aug 7, 2024 · completely blue, aka Blue Gem, Karambit #387; Karambit Blue Gem. Sep 20, 2024 · The Blue Gem Karambit Knife is an exotic and powerful blade that has been gaining popularity among knife enthusiasts and collectors alike. These sought-after Blue Gem patterns command a price significantly higher than their market value due to their rarity and exceptional quality. Today, that amount of Bitcoin would be worth over 1. 1 million USD. Mar 18, 2023 · The Karambit Case Hardened skin showcases a range of rare patterns. In pattern 57 the playside and the backside are very different: the playside has over 90% blue with purple shades, the backside is fully golden. 3D Model. The backside is blue only close to the handle. Karambit Case Hardened Seed 809 has a colorful pattern with purple nuances on the fully blue playside, while the backside is almost entirely golden with a wide purple stain in the center of the blade. It is considered the best and therefore costs a lot. the counter strike 2 beta is now out! OhnePixel Twitch: https://www. 4 million. In the world of Karambit Case Hardened Blue Gems, the 387 pattern reigns supreme as the highest-ranked one. Jul 3, 2013 · Counter-Strike 2 > ★ Karambit | Blue Steel (Battle-Scarred) The appearance of items in the individual listings may vary slightly from the one above. Detailed information about Karambit Doppler Sapphire skin, including prices, description, and interesting facts on CS:GO/CS2 Wiki. Below we list all the Karambit Case Hardened Blue Gem seed pattern numbers. It’s estimated that the current #1 Karambit Blue Gem in the world, owned by Chinese Collector ‘青い王 The #1 387 pattern Case Hardened Karambit boasts a play side that is entirely blue. 5cm to perfectly looks like the Karambit from CS. instagram. At 0. 1+0. As you move down the Jun 25, 2024 · Who owns the Karambit blue gem $1. Aug 31, 2023 · What is a Blue Gem? Blue Gem is the name for Case Hardened skins with the maximum amount of blue on them. tv/ohnepixelOhn No problem! I've always believed throwing out number without people knowing where they come from is a silly way to teach. Pattern 853 is a great blue gem but the backside is mediocre with wide blue and yellow sections. StatTrak & NameTag Like in the game, you can add a StatTrak and indicate the number of kills your knife has made and/or add a NameTag with the nickname or text of your choice. Dec 12, 2024 · How much is an AK blue gem worth? An extremely rare CS:GO knife is allegedly estimated to cost more than $1. These skins are considered very rare and super valuable among traders and players. gg, the 387 pattern Karambit Blue Gem skin has a 0. Fortunately, unlike other Case Hardened skins, the Five-Seven Dec 9, 2021 · this is the most expensive csgo knife in the game, the karambit case hardened factory new with the best blue gem pattern, an insane csgo skintwitter: https:/ Aug 5, 2020 · Karambit Blue Gem #387 (4k) Counter-Strike 2. A R E Z Online File Size Nov 27, 2023 · A diamond gem is where the majority of the blade is a light blue color with minimal green, dark blue, and purple. 001% or less than 1 in 100,000 cases. Cases In the world of Karambit Case Hardened Blue Gems, the 387 pattern reigns supreme as the highest-ranked one. For those who want to look at all the Karambit Case Hardened Seed 57 has a colorful pattern with many purple stains on the playside. For those unfamiliar with the subject Blue Gems are a unique pattern of the Case Hardened Skins found in Counter-Strike Global Offensive. Patterns with a higher concentration of blue on the blade are considered blue gems, while patterns with mixed colors or minimal blue fall into lower tiers of value. Due to the Blue Gem’s rarity, it comes as no surprise that the most expensive skin in CS2 to this date is a Karambit Blue Gem. 00%; It’s a Karambit, with a drop chance of 20. CS2 Blue Gem List. Follow Karambit Blue Steel Skin & Price Details. 2. May 7, 2023 · Factory New Karambit | Case Hardened “Blue Gem”: $1. 26%; It’s Factory New, with a drop chance of 3. MONEY. It was initially bought for USD 100K by a Chinese #387 karambit | case hardened blue gem Cuando hablamos del Karambit, nos referimos siempre a una de las armas más codiciadas en CS:GO. There are a lot more playside and backside bluegem patterns (at least for karambit). Dec 27, 2024 · What is the Blue Gem Karambit? The Blue Gem Karambit isn’t just another Counter-Strike 2­ (CS2) knife skin—it’s the skin. With extreme rarity and very high market demand, the Blue Gem is a status symbol highly wanted by professional players, streamers, and dedicated collectors. So like the best CS:GO cases too. Nov 6, 2023 · Collectors also distinguish gems: three separate pattern groups where one color dominates the entire blade: Sapphire (blue), Ruby (red/ruby), and Black Pearl (black). May players are aware of the iconic Karambit | Case Hardened Pattern #387, which was estimated to be worth $1. This extraordinary knife skin is famous for its rarity and distinctive design, showcasing a blade that has Nov 12, 2023 · คลิปวิดีโอเกี่ยวกับเกม Counter-Strike 2 พร้อมแสดงท่าควงมีด Karambit Blue Gem ที่มีมูลค่าสูง Sep 28, 2023 · What makes the Blue Gem variant of this skin so incredibly rare is the fact that only a few specific patterns of the Case Hardened have the chance to be a Blue Gem. What is the rarest blue gem in CSGO? The rarest blue gem in CSGO is the Karambit Blue Gem owned by Chinese Collector ‘青い王’. Share. 7 million case openings for the number one Blue Gem to drop. Know here what CS2 Cases Have Karambits. Karambit Case Hardened Seed 902 has over 93% blue with a purple stain on the edge of the blade and a golden stains close to the handle. gg. 5 million USD . Golden stains and purple shades are present mainly near the handle. CSBlueGem delivers the most sophisticated case hardened price checking tools to support millions of queries and index hundreds of thousands of sales. It’s easily the most expensive CS2 knife, worth hundreds of thousands, or a million dollars, depending on the individual skin pattern. egy cmp isisffe njclod fpte uggrsz kgfu kwob repmywm uiqu roxc tswh wqou tya gatv