Pathfinder dual wield build reddit. Good luck trying to hit anything with that.
Pathfinder dual wield build reddit If they are wielding a one-handed weapon in the primary hand and a light weapon in the offhand with two-weapon fighting then the penalty is -2. That means a pretty rough early game in terms of damage output as you won't get it until level 8 at minimum. First, what weapons to dual wield? Leaning toward orc necksplitter, wondering if the extra feat is worth the weapon, and I was looking for an offhand with a different damage Swashbuckler simply doesn't have a lot of support for dual wielding. These include: a dual-wield Fighter with swords. First act 1 may be a bit weak (I would recommend to start dual-wielding in act 2 and use reach weapons before that) but after that should be pretty powerful. Double slice is necessary, feats that improve dual wielding or your AoOs like twin parry, twin riposte, combat reflexes or disorienting opening are great choices. most ACs at most benchmarks, thanks to his chunky static damage bonus. Afaik in WotR you can build pure STR slayer and bypass the dex requirements for TWF, but it seems like it's not the case in Kingmaker, hence I'm trying to build a dex based slayer. Gets him dual wield early, some of the bonuses from Demonslayer…good option. That's because I had originally planned to go with dual Scimitars, but realize they aren’t great for what I want (lots of accurate attacks). Dual wielding shields *might* work but idk how well it'd stack up using something like Dual-Weapon Warrior. Otherwise with Mutation Warrior you need to hit 15/17/19 Dex for each TWF feat, which is doable but could be annoying. Though depending on the rest of your build and difficulty the -2 penalty is not the end of the world. Hey, I'm trying to build a dual wielding slayer in Kingmaker. Like, fighters have double slice, rangers have twin takedown, and rogues have twin feint. Can be built including cornugan smash and Dreadful carnage route, or as a tripper. Regardless the build bellow can work just as well with maxing dexterity and the aforementioned. Probably a fighter with the heaven seeker ded. Quarterstaff tends to do a bit more damage, but you can build a dual wield monk pretty easily. Ranger and Rogue multiclass archetypes have a few decent feats for a dual-wielding fighter. Maybe a finesse based build may work so you can skip Str and heavy armor (encumbrance will be a major issue otherwise). When you get first Mythic Feat, get Weapon Fineese (Mythic) to add Dex to dmg, but if you feel like you are doing ok on damage then pick Mythic Two Weapon Fighting if you already have that feat, and pick fineese at Mythic 4. Pathfinder is a tabletop RPG based off of the 3. Maybe use a two-bladed sword before then? On Fighter 5 you take weapon training heavy blades and AWP fighter's finesse so you can finesse dual-wield the two-bladed sword. Why hello there. Crit fishing is the only reason to use a Kukri over a Dagger really. Deliverer (if you're willing to play LG) adds the equivalent of an extra 2 sneak dice to each attack, for many of the enemies in the game. Basically, without it, you can dual wield light weapons (think daggers, kukris, and handaxes) with no issues. If you are respeccing her from 0 then do full Instinctual Warrior. If you are keeping her 1 fighter level then I recommend Fighter 4 / Instinctual A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. Look for the feat "shield bash", you can focus on that, only issue is that it isn't a DEX build, so that 18 wouldn't be of much use. The purpose of dual wielding, since the very first edition of dungeons and dragons, was to give dexterous characters extra attacks so one could equate with the big two handed Then get Dual weapon Warrior Dedication for your 2nd level feat. You'll find the five builds I compared detailed here. 85 (turn after using heaven's thunder). The difference will be Tireless Rage (yea or nay). A Magus already gets the benefit of the basic Two Weapon Fighting while using one weapon and using Spell Combat with melee touch attack spells and using Spellstrike to deliver the spell with a weapon swing: the swing to deliver the spell counts as an (extra) weapon attack at max BAB (albeit all attacks get a -2 AB penalty, same as dual wielding penalty with light offhand weapon). If you want a shield and dual weapons dual shield it is. I decided I wanted to do a dual wielding monk with 2 sai's however since this is my first playthrough ( Core difficulty with some edits) I'm unsure if id stay lawful the entire way through so I made a build to compensate. (Another let's you treat them as finessable weapons so you can go all out on dexterity) Weapon training is a must for effortless dual wielding, so five levels of fighter (MW, most likely) and/or six levels of Sohei stand out. If you're set on a dual wielding barb, though, let me know, and I'll try to figure out how to make it as effective as possible. Do I need to change anything? Class: Sanctified Slayer Race: Human Background: Acolyte You could dual wield all sorts of fun stuff, like whips maybe. The only class for whom this is not the case is a Fighter / Aldori Defender who can take Effortless Dual Wielding at level 9 at part of the Weapon Training line. You can go full str (using the ranger feats to get twf feats) or full dex, they both work. If dual-wielding is really an important part of your concept, you shouldn't play kineticist, and you should probably play something else than magus. Drop Weapon Finesse and just build strength (ranger ignores DEX requirements for dual wield), much better in the long term. - No Finesse Training possible though irc. I use a Morningstar/sickle dual wield build. Forceful and no agile clash with my envisioned build. I melt everything. Daggers almost give % 20-% 30 more damage output. The advantage is that yes, you'd have two shields worth of HP for enemies to chew through, though if that's the case you'll definitely want to invest pretty heavily in Crafting to fix them up between fights. But that only further backs up the notion that any ideal pistolero build ends up being a dual wield build. Jun 3, 2024 · You can build it two weapon, 2 handed or ranged, you'll still get good results. I’m playing on Normal on console. I'm decently new to 1e but very familiar with CRPG mechanics and want to do this high damage dual wielding Slayer build. After all, Shield Master exists, eliminating TWF penalties (!) and letting your shield enhancement bonuses pull double duty as weapon enhancement bonuses(!!) Basically every single build that makes dual wielding gunslingers possible require you to have either a mutated extra limb, prehensile tail, a familiar, ability to cast spells, or any number of a multitude of cheesy imersion-breaking tactics, all of which seriously damage the whole badass lone gunman schtick. That's functionally equivalent to dual-wielding two normal weapons but without the extra -2 to-hit penalty. I’m under the impression that it’ll have lots of attacks (Flurry, Steelwind) and D8 Sneak Attack/Stab di I was trying out New builds with magus/summoner,and then something came to my attention Magus doesn't get any support for dual wielding It's not a big deal,Just a curious fact Laughing shadow requires a free hand Ineroxable Iron requires 2 handed weapons Sparkling targe requires shields A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. It takes a little while to get going, but against evil targets, you get the best of all three worlds: BAB of a fighter, self-buffing of a Ranger, and additional damage on top of your regular attacks with smite evil. Slayer can skip dex prerequisites needed for dual-wielding so you can go with both strength weapons (but give him like 14 dex because he can only wear light or medium armor or take heavy armor feat), but if you want to with light weapons (like kukris, daggers, shortsword etc) which are scaling from dex you can do it too, slayer is good for it. Ranger is easy because you just hunt prey and use and agile weapon in one hand for easy hits. Place starting stats in dex/con/cha. You might also just take the -2 penalty. You have bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage, sickle has agile for multiple attacks and the trip trait. It is possible, but I could only make it fully work with two Advanced Weapons Training feats (Fighter's Finesse and Effortless Dual Wielding). Or frankly just go for straight rogue Eldritch scoundrel which does the job you want to do pretty well. Flurry of blows and Double Slice (given by dual weapon warrior dedication) do overlap a bit, but it's a decent option select for if you want to do big damage or a little bit then do something else. My issue is Titan fighter is focused on dual wielding. I'd put the most points into STR (try for 17, ideal would be 19, but you'll be spread thin), fol The one advantage of dual wielding without feats is that you can strike with a big weapon, like a longsword, then strike with an agile weapon, like a shortsword, to lower your multiple attack penalty. I mean they could forgo strength and leave it around 10-12 (maybe 13 for Power Attack) and focus on DEX instead for better AC but it will make pretty rough Act 1 and majority of 2. I would really like if the mods included the Titan Mauler barbarian archetype to then dual wield two oversized bastard swords. Personal insert here for dual wielding shortswords: finesse wielding and all the associated feats for shortswords turns Jistka's Claw (sp?, sword you get in the Defender's Hearth very early) into a strong wep to carry you to act 3, at which point there is a +3 shock shortsword that bypasses all forms of DR that takes over for mainhand. I’m looking to head into Kingmaker for the first time. You can reduce the two weapon fighting penalty to -1 regardless if it is light or not. These have a magazine of 5, which means each crossbow can fire 5 shots. You can add in 2 magus for spellstrike if you really want it. But I still have a couple of questions: Do I opt to go str based, or do I opt for finesse instead? As others have pointed out Slayers bring a lot for dual wielding. Before i give some build advice bellow (can be skipped entirely), you can achieve dex to damage with 3 levels of Unchained rogue or the weapon finesse feat/agile weapon enchantment combo. Personally it’s easy to negate fatigue, so I’d just sk Dual wielding is really good, but not every class quite gets the tools for it without grabbing dual weapon warrior. Mythic Finesse will NOT affect non finesse weapons like scimitars. Fighter 5 Titan Mauler x Bear in mind if you want a DEX based dual wielding build, you'll have to pick up Mythic Weapon Finesse. I'm level 13 right now (4, 4, 5) with effortless dual wield and almost all the dual wield feats. It isn’t as damaging as the Sniper, but your ability to use and benefit from Feints at a range and your ability to Intimidate from beyond 30ft which although any Gunslinger can do, the Pistolero is built around Deception/Intimidation, so it gives you a lot more of a This is a guide for the little explored class, the Gunslinger. After the 5th shot, you basically have to spend a ton of time reloading and will have to drop one weapon, but for the first several turns in combat, you can more effectively do the whole dual-wielding crossbow concept. Or just pick someone who takes the double-sword exotic feat. I'd do human (you'll want a few feats here). Level 8 makes dual wield less cumbersome. Fighter actually or at least 5 levels of fighter to get advanced weapon training feats, specifically effortless dual wielding. Hey all, starting age of ashes soon and looking for build advice. The idea behind dual wielding is triggering on hit damage bonuses. One of the options let's you treat weapons in your group as being light for the purpose of dual wielding, great if you wanna dual wield bastard swords for example. It’s not ideal…just a thought. Dual wielding shields is almost strictly better than going sword and board. This is the terrible build of Nile Johnson. It coincides well with barbarian feats and bonus damage as well because you combine the weapon damage in regard to resistance Also, enchant BOTH shield spikes with whatever special weapon enchants you want (+1 holy, speed, brilliant energy for example) for a total of +14 enhancement bonus. Im trying to figure out the best course of action for a Slayer build. Dual wield warrior is great but I haven’t looked at it much, ranger archetype imo is absolutely phenomenal for dual wields for twin takedown alone. Proceede to crit and fear everything on the screen. I'm doing a 1 off with some friends and I really wanted to try a two shield build. Hopefully, my reasoning made some logical sense, but to TLDR; I want to try a STR based Dual Wield and could use some advice and build help on whether to focus on Fighter or Slayer. The main issue is if you want to be dex-focused from the start, the beginning levels are going to be kind of rough. Advantages with the build: At level 11 two weapon fighting feats are maxed out (level 9 for majority), receives +3D6 sneak attack dice, full BAB build, can use any armor and receives armor training to increase AC, the build is flexible enough to exchange longsword to any other one-handed weapon to dual wield. If you haven't already, you can take EWP Bastard Sword and summon one or two up. Effortless dual wielding is pretty pointless. Now you can wield Bastard Swords using Dex, as fineese weapons. Disadvantages with the build: A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. Also, duel wielding suffers a lot on att (I believe it's -5, -10 on att if no feats) so it's better use light weapons with certain feats if you want to duel wielding. I decided I'd pick a Monk, and try to dual-wield Katar's, because that sounds fun and I've never played a Monk before. Plus adds in a extra ability to increase your throwing range by 20', which gives a crazy 50' range increment to the build! It does not innately give the ability to retrieve your weapons though. Also hurts your pet progression and may force you to take Boon Companion. Then dual wield them to use TWF with NO PENALTY TO HIT make them both heavy shields cause why not. Swash doesn't get much support with it outside of twin parry/twinned defense and dual finisher. That said, this kind of bug is so wildly low priority imo. Could anyone recommend an optimized build and which weapons/ancestries are best? Sep 18, 2021 · You could make him dual wield using sword and shield. This archetype opens up a nice array of dual wielding focussed feats. Short sword is a light weapon, hence you can use it for dex build and duel wielding. 2h and dual wield are both good in Wrath; neither has a clear edge, its more dependent on character builds, primary stats, and feat availability. Can Dual wield any weapon, great damage, great AC due to mutagen. I usually play Dexy rogues and archers so I don't know where to start with a build. With trickster feats u will have % 50 crit chance with 8 total attacks, with dagger build u will have 10 attacks with % 40 crit chance. With the new titan fighter archetype coming in the last dlc, you could even try a titan/demonslayer multi class, to dual wield 2h axes do massive damage. Currently a 5e DnD player looking to switch to pathfinder because it seems so much more complex and fascinating. Fighter, you get weapon training at level 5 which means you can select advanced weapon training. Get weapon specialization (level 4), weapon training (level 5), effortless dual wielding (level 9) and greater weapon focus (level 8/9?). One action for two hits on your hunted prey. A couple of things to keep in mind: As far as weapon choice goes, being a dwarf gives him a guaranteed Clan Dagger, which is a great weapon to have in one hand while dual-wielding due to it having both the Agile and Parry traits (Agile for lower MAP on multiple attacks, Parry for turns when you want to be more defensive). Dual-balanced weapon modification reduces two-weapon fighting penalties by 1, and you need the weapon adept feat as well. The bandolier really works out to support dual wielding and is, yes - expensive as you end up needing to buy all of your runes twice. This needs fewer feats (and mythic feats), and gets very good damage with mythic power attack. With only 1 mythic feat, improved crit seems to be the best choice at a glance, but power attack scales off of BAB rather than mythic rank, so that’s another option. Kineticist can't dual wield, Magus can but it de-activate his spell combat for no special gain. Grabbing the Iceplant Hex and the ring for an additional +4 deflection AC goes a long way in making her tanky in the early game. Beyond level 6, the fighter will get out scaled by the barbarian's natural rage progression. The biggest problem with dual wielding, is actually getting to make a full attack after moving to close an enemy. So yeah that's probably the biggest damage possible with dual wielding Hey folks, Was looking for a functional dual wielding build that preferably allowed me to use a longsword at least in the main hand. Weapon Finesse The dual wielding scimitars thing is a problem. Going with a Kitsune Gunslinger 1/Fighter X to start. I chose a Pistolero and went from there. The thing is the rogue doesn't actually have very many dual wielding feats. Here is my Stats and Feats and Skills. I'm thinking of building a dual weapon wielding based strength character and I was advised to take a slayer. Technically RAW, you need a free hand to use the Interact action to reload your Start with Fighter and use Bastard Sword and Shield. The only way to migate this is by dipping 5 levels in Fighter for Advance Weapon Training -> Effortless Dualwielding. I also don't mind multiclassing with rogue later on You need special feats for dual wielding, but Rangers get those as additional feats, called "combat style feats". [1E] Dual Wielding Pistol Build I'm trying to come up with a PFS legal build to dual wield pistols since the Grasping Tail and Mischievous Tail feats are now PFS legal. For instance pathfinder rogues trigger sneak attack PER HIT instead of just once per round like in 5e, meaning there's little reason for them to not dual wield if melee. Dual wielding can be feat intensive anyway, so its not unseemly to run daggers and not take Martial Proficiency or improved crit. As others have said, for STR Slayer dual wield, plain slayer, Spawn or Deliverer are all good options for Kingmaker. All insights are appreciated. However I have zero experience with pathfinder so I was wondering if what I came up with is decent. I would rather recommend a strength build with a 2h weapon. I forgot how exactly the Mindblade weapons are implemented in CotW I really like straight Sword Saint with Elven Curved Blades since you can Finesse AND Fencing Grace them. Kingmaker is less generous with throwing weapons than WotR, though, so it can be tricky to specialize early on. I would say the existence of mythic weapon finesse and mythic twf only makes it better. However, you get increased penalties if you try to dual wield medium weapons like longswords or scimitars. It's worth noting, though, that since the projections above assume that the Barbarian is already raging, has marked his hunted prey (once he's taken Twin Takedown), and is flanking, his . The only interesting thing I see for DUal Wielding is the Dual Weapon Archetype with Flensing Slice but even then, I don't see enough synergy with normal Fighter Feats, I feel like I'm not using the right class for this. It allows self-enchanting of weapons that you can call out of thin air, which lets you effectively use Warrior's Spirit while dual wielding. So, one thing that has always puzzled me was, why is it necessacy for a dual wield build to have Dex, why can't there be feats for Str too, just like in that Eldrich Arcana mod? I'd really like to make a Two Weapon Berserker/Bloodrager Demon and was wondering if it's possible without having to use bugs/cheats or a mod that added some feats that The one question is: Are you dex or strength based? Dual wield requires fairly high dex so if you are using weapon finesse a 4 level dip into knife master or any other rogue archetype might be worth it to get dex to damage without needing to spent a mythic point and you'd get evasion and bewildering injury. Or is it worth going a few levels into Titan Fighter for heft and getting the penalties on attack rolls lifted. Barbarians are a bit feat-starved, so I don't think you'll be able to comfortably do dual throwing axe approach, but bow works just as well. Need Str for damage and to hit, Dex 19 gets you all the dual wield feats, Con for surviving in melee, Wis 14 to cast all your spells, and Chr helps paladin abilities. And they didn't implement any archetype for dual-wield. Then again, I'm not very good at character creation so I thought about asking for opinions here. I’m planning on leveling up as a mutagen warrior. I see that throwing axes are dex to hit and str for damage. the -4 penalty is with the two-weapon fighting feat, without it a character dual wielding two one-handed weapons would take a -6 penalty to the weapon in the primary hand and a -10 penalty to the offhand. My bab when fully buffed, is around 35 to 39. Hey all, I recently started up a new run for wotr and this time I decided to go a dual wielding fighter - I’ve specced into bastard swords for the extra cool points with Effortless, and I’m heavily leaning towards demon mythic but there’s always a part drawing me to being Azata. Aug 11, 2015 · Do you want to dual wield short swords because you think it will work well or for independent aesthetic reasons? As others have posted, daggers are probably a better option if you're going for two weapon fighting. Background would be the one that gives scimitar proficiency for the +1. Now for dual wield pistol builds, I highly recommend the Pistolero Way. I think only the warrior can finesse longwords anyways. With improved crit, a kukri crits on 15-20, a dagger on 17-20. So a dual-javelin build will have -4/-4 to-hit penalties (unless you have Effortless Dual-wielding from fighter); while javelin+axe (or dual axes) will be -2/-2. Sneak attack is good if at least one of your weapons is finesse or agile, Twin Takedown sometimes saves you an action, and Quick Draw is helpful if you don't want to keep your hands full while exploring. personally, i dont like the look of dual wielding rapiers scimitars are alright, if you are going for a swashbuckler character Bastard sword are super long, and dual wielding them would look pretty goofy imaho works with shields though style recommendation dual wielding dueling swords (prof can be picked up with background) A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. If you want to dual wield weapons as a fighter you need to select the same weapon because when you get weapon mastery at 5th level you have to select one weapon group to increase your proficiency to master. I still say it's a rather pointless endeavor to dual wield, as it's no longer comparitive in damage output, and the feats for dual wielding hardly make up for that. a dual-wield Rogue with a rapier and shortsword. If you are feeling like something a little more untraditional, try a dual-wielding shield-bashing paladin. Other than the twin parry line of feats, and Dual Finisher, there just isn't any feats in Swashbuckler that support dual wielding. a dual-wield Ranger without a companion. Is a build like this in pf2e even viable? Or is dual-wielding just as bad here as in 5e? Any helps/tips would be appreicated. Effortless dual wielding just removes those extra penalties. You can do a dex build using handaxes: This is a very good choice for dual wielding, they are light weapons, and the game has a couple of good ones to find or craft. Dual-wielded Swatooth sabres would be nice, but I will lack the proficiency at level 1. Equipment, Oversized Weapons, so you can dual-wield those axes Dual Wielding, Balanced Blows, to reduce the dual wield penalty from -4 to -2 Dual Wielding, Crushing Combo, to effectively double your damage dice (stacks with Vital Strike for effectively triple damage) Dual Wielding, Focusing Defense, to get back that martial focus as a move I would just got for a rogue 3 / wizard 7 / Eldritch knight 20 build and you’re a level 16 wizard fighter that can dual wield whatever finesse weapons you like. My idea is to take 2 non light x3 weapons and use them taking some critical sided build. We've already made characters, at this point, I'm level 1 Monk with Monk Weaponry. I plan to play on core and I am familiar with the Pathfinder system so I don't need it to be very optimal, but I wanted at least to have a level of paladin (for RP purposes) and several levels in Oracle so I can use the mythic path's spells after merging A dual-longsword-wielding Barbarian looks to be the leader of the dual-wielding pack vs. For race I’m probably going with human. TBH I don’t know if it works but it’s fun to imagine And what's better than one Repeating Hand Crossbow? Two Repeating Hand Crossbows! So this build is going to do its best to make the dual-wield Repeating Hand Crossbow build work. Mad Dog / Demonslayer. Theres definitely good options if you're creative, just less "optimal" With the throwing axes added I’m wondering if there’s a viable build for a dual wielding throwing axe build. Fighter is generally already the dps king, but a dual wield Fighter isn't so much getting more strikes, rather they get strikes without penalties. Good luck trying to hit anything with that. So my first character was a Gunslinger and I wanted a pirate guy, but i didn't like the build of the Buccaneer. Kukris base crit range is 18-20, a dagger is 19-20. To even stay close in damage, the fighter must take a level 6 feat, and until they do they don't get to realize the entire point of this build: over sized dual wielding. Am i missing something? Every guide recommends kukri for trickster dual wield but when i make calculations daggers are far more superior against kukris. So it might be a by save issue, or it might be an issue with dual-wielding (sees main Hand is not consuming both hands, thus free hand exists, thus provide bonus). Been playing around with the idea of an Elven dual-wielding assassin/thief. That means TWF with a longsword and dagger is optimal. The problem is that scimitars are both slashing weapons and non-finesse weapons. I’m thinking vivi would be good, for the sneak attacks and mutagen, but not sure if it’s best for all the dual wield feats. Feat wise build her like a standard ranged martial. Technically any class can dual-wield but only fighters gain access to Effortless Dual-Wielding: "The fighter treats all one-handed weapons that belong to the associated weapon group as though they were light weapons when determining his penalties on attack rolls for fighting with two weapons. Dual-wield pally is a classic pen and paper build for max dps. The reason to do that: You can pick up the fighter advanced training to effortlessly dual wield. Oct 4, 2020 · A companion of mine is looking to build a dual wielding fighter for an upcoming campaign. You may also want to consider getting a way to dual-wielding Repeating Hand Crossbows. Furthermore, other dual wielding options like Double Slice (from Dual-Weapon Warrior) simply aren't very good for swashbuckler. It’s an option, but not a great one. Rangers don't need high dex to get them this way, so you can be a strength build, which has a lot of advandages (meaning not Kitsune). Ideally I’d shoot for Mad Dog 14 / Demonslayer 6, or Mad Dog 17 / Demonslayer 3. Once for the bandolier and again for your main-hand gun. Flurry Ranger or Dual Wield fighter are easily the best builds, and are relatively easy. Get kukri focus and finess focus from knifr master. Then go Slayer at level 10 and use slayer talent for dual wielding feats (TWF, Double Slice, Improved TWF, Greater TWF). After level 7 it's a dual wield class and/or 2H/Dual Blade. Dual wield Fighter or dual Wield Ranger with Gravity weapon and an external accuracy buff can do quite a bit of damage. You'll be spread too thin that way in my opinion. I'm going for deliverer archetype for some flavour. My mc has 8 attacks (5 standard, haste, horns and bite) using finnean and the thunder scimitar, I have a 15 - 20 crit range doing 60 to 70 crit dmg per hit. After several days of what feels like actual studying, I’ve decided to make a Dual Wield Sai user; a kind of Holy Ninja Assassin type who will act as the face of the party. , That dual wields wind and fire wheels. Equipping a non-light weapon in your off-hand further increases the penalty for dual wielding by another -2 for both hands. My recommendations are to either play a typical 2-handed barb, or play one of the other classes as a dual wielder, that you play as being a crazy rage monster. Not saying dual wield is good or meta, but an important caveat to note is that dual wielding grants you a 10% more multiplier to attack speed inherently, as well as 15% block. So the first mechanical challenge with the Dual-Wield Repeating Hand Crossbow build. 5 levels in fighter is also a good idea to get access to weapon training, which would then let you pick up effortless dual wielding in order to treat trained weapons as light In short, I'd advise against a dual wielding barbarian. The thing about dual wielding in pathfinder is that its only real benefit, aside from having access to two weapons at once which isn't that big of a deal, is that its supported by dual wielding feats. a dual-wield Fighter with picks. We are starting at lvl 6. And yes it is basically a better version of dagger (unless you are using knife master). Thinking about trying out giant instinct with free archetype dual weapon warrior, and had some questions. Definitely not a bad idea, I had a dual nunchaku wielding mounted ranger for a while for dlc 3 (whose name I will remember at some point) The range's combat style feats allow you to dual wield without the dex investment which can make things easier to build. " Mindblade is 1h until level 7/8. You'll be level 10 before you can finesse dual-wield scimitars though, so it'll be a lil awkward. Pure mutation warrior to level 20. 5 Ruleset of Dungeons and Dragons. After that, start picking up Two Weapon Fighting feats. I prefer being able to use athletics a lot A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. I made such build (with free archetype), and at level 20, against the average AC of a CR-21 creature, his DPR was 266. Better option is dual wielding short swords. Take the Advanced Weapon Training feat to get effortless dual wielding which opens up all one-handed weapons you are proficient with to act as light weapons when dual wielding. Or just do a dual-wielding fighter (Mutation Warrior is the strongest archetype) with Effortless Dual-wielding. Your big mistake was trying to dual wield 2 non-light weapons without feats. Pick dual wield feats and then use slayer feats to pick power attack/smash/shatter defense etc, basically all the demoralize talents you’re not normally qualified for with your low str. But it gives up the slayer talent at Lvl 2 and 10 for thi So I’ve decided on making a dual wield scimitar build. The games are similar to classic RPG games such as Baldur's Gate and Neverwinter Nights. Some possible solutions, increased reach and size, delaying initiative, dimensional dervish, coordinated charge. As a dual urumi fighter you are basically a dual flickmace fighter without reach but with very high crit damage, so it is a pretty straightforward and obviously effective build. The dual wielding feats have some pretty high dex requirements, but those requirements can be bypassed with the fighting style bonus feats those classes get access to. So should I just dip in and go to another full BAB class for 19 levels, then pick up Tower shield specialist for the last 20. You are going to feel the additional -2 AB penalty when wielding a non-light offhand weapon. My character would generally be in the front or second line focusing on damage dealing with medium to heavy armor. I think having a dual wielding strength character has a huge benefit, which is being able to focus on only one stat (str). There's also dual wield specific nodes on the tree, some are quite decent. In one of the most popular archetypes, the Pistolero for a high damaging build. I actually did a test on the most recent non-Beta branch, and Crane Wing correctly didn't work while two-handing a greatsword. I've got a heavily DEX-CON-CHA based build, and intend to take some Face abilities later and possibly a couple of stealth. Deity would be whatever. a dual-wield Ranger with a hawk companion. One has to be real for two levels but after that you are done buying weapons. A subreddit for all things involving Pathfinder CRPG series made by Owlcat Games. Thaumaturge is a bit much for a new player (and I don't think they are good dual wielders tbh). In kingmaker there was pretty much no reason to use two-handed weapons unless you were building your party around AOOs. Step 3 : dual wield 2 handed weapons Step 4 : proceed to destroy everything with rage and mutagen giving you +8 str. jbfrido talao yvjflqi safylh qofl fjdvm ewnzsdmj yuii ietn ttsvb krxelm nvyut qmoo mro peiut