Pokemon emerald ev training reddit. Want to know other people's thoughts of this.

Pokemon emerald ev training reddit. Every 4 EVs makes 1 point in the stat you are training for.

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Pokemon emerald ev training reddit However these trainers have pokemon as high as level 67. Share on the pokemon that need to be EV trained and every 5 knock outs or so, I check all the pickup pokemon in my party for items. ADMIN MOD Mudkip EV Pokemon Emerald game content posted here, enjoy. Theres 252 max EVs in a stat which is like 63 stats (4 EVs per 1 stat point) so you'll acquire only 63 points in that stat. It has a +atk -speed nature. I'm trying to get into competitve and have been reading about EV training. As they are both weak to fighting, it would make both of them easier to find on the site. I'm about to play Emerald and I want to do the battle frontier in this game as well, but I was prepared to actually raise a team this time to help with the difficulty. Some honorable mentions are Breloom, Ludicolo, and Medicham. You don’t really need to EV train for the main game, for battle tower you would. The Macho Brace doubles EVs! Next to EV Train is my Adamant Beldum for Battle Frontier 💪 If you have emerald it’s 10x easier to do the ditto method. View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. I know EV training and breeding for perfect IV’s is crucial, as well as movesets and held items, but past that I know nothing about the Battle Frontier. So I'm EV training a Beldum by switch training. I just finished breeding a Bold Feebas with acceptable IVs and will study up on EV training soon (yes this is my first time). But if you're already at or near the E4 just look for PokeMMO EV training charts for the best spots to train. All while holding a macho brace. What are the best evs for swampert in this situation? EVS or effort values, can be trained by killing specific Pokemon for the desired EV, each Pokemon has an assigned EV that will be given upon beating it in battle. Edit: pls also include any starter. So, I'm just about finished with my first playthrough of Pokemon Scarlet, at least the Gym portion while being completely done with the Titans aside from the Professor Sada portion, and I was wondering about EV training. First time Ev training Each wild Pokemon has 6 IVs assigned to it when it is generated by the game - these correspond to a number between 0 and 31 for each Pokemon (the number itself represents how many extra point the Pokemon will get in that stat at level 100 with a neutral nature, so it can make quite a difference!) You just finished EV training and have not levelled Alakazam up so it actually receives the bonus stats and reaches full potential. I read that your pokemon does not receive it's full EVs until it is level 100 since the EVs are applied gradually throughout the levels instead of all at once. Up first is the trio of Salamencw, Milotic and Metagross. Members Online Anyone know what the metal piece above the rear wheel on the Acro Bike is, I thought it was a luggage rack but that can't be right as it is at a 45 angle in the opening scene. What you said in addition to catching all legendaries and completing the battle frontier. Did not even consider Salamance due to its issues. using a macho brace and with pokerus added it says it gives out 4 And besides manually counting your evs, you'll know when you're done when going to slateport and talking to ribbon lady next to the vitamins guy. While the experience may get shared, the EV's gained are given in full to each participant who also gained Experience. Every time you box your pokemon it’ll update its stats with the newly gained evs, no level up needed. Do you guys know the best competetive team for emerald with blaziken in it? Can you also give the nature, ability, ev training, gender, moveset and all that stuff. The 3/32 chance comes from the fact that when the glitch move executes, it points to a RAM address that sometimes contains the nickname for the Box 12 Slot 26 Pokemon, the Trainer name for that pokemon, or the nickname for the Box 12 Slot 27 Pokemon (I say "sometimes" because those addresses Ev training in my nuzlocke of ruby and caught this guy(3rd ever full odds shiny). I am asking for a Nature code specifically, as I am okay with EV training properly, and don't even mind some imperfect IV's. In my case its SP ATK for Azumarill. Im trying to ev train a nincada with max speed and attack. Macho brace plus one of them 3 ev pokemon gets you like 6evs at the desert underpass with dittos. There is a strategy with the ev overflow mod that I found out last week. There’s better pokemon to pick and I play to win im going to pick top tier pokemon. Every 4 EVs makes 1 point in the stat you are training for. Ive been training with just lvl 2 and 3 poochyenas from router 101 to Max its atk and it IS lvl 21 atm. I'm a bit puzzled as to how the EV's get calculated per pokemon you beat. It double the EV values you gain. I've been EV training with the Macho Brace and the routes you need to use. Complete my Pokemon Emerald collection. Let’s say I want to EV train a Pokémon in Emerald. Thanks in advance. Welcome Pokémon lovers to the Pokémon Emerald Rogue subreddit! Please join and share your Emerald Rogue accomplishments, failures, or any experience you have! the ev berries arent really necessary anyways unless you happen to have a very viable pokemon with undesired investment. Pick a team that has 2 attacks that have a wide move pool. The minimum EV per stat given to a Pokemon per battle is 1 and the maximum is 3 and Anyway, one of my favorite pokemon in the game is Milotic, and I want to build a BF team around her. EV Training finally makes sense to me. If the evs are gained early they will be gradually applied as they level up, but if you do all your ev training at lvl 99 say you will get an increase of 63 + whatever the base stat would raise it by That and there are of course other pokemon that can be just as good or better. The rest fulfill different roles but Starmie and Swampert are clearly worse than mence. So if you want physical attacks kill Pokémon that give Attack EVs. i have pokerus so it makes things faster hp: marill(2 hp), surf on route 117 ponds attack: poochyena(1 atk), mightyena(2 atk), route between lilycove and safari zone The following guide contains information on EV training in Pokemon Emerald. Alright, I know this is asked a lot but I’m not entirely sure which answer is correct. EV training is easy (you just do a bunch of grinding and use vitamins whenever you can). According to smogon. Each 5 zones gives out EVs for Speed, Special attack, Special defense, Attack, Hp and Defense respectively. Once EVs are maxed at 510, then we level up to level 100. To reset them, you will need the 6 EV-reducing berries in large quantities (each berry removes 10 EVs each in their specified stat). For your last Pokemon have a Pokemon that is either a tank or a great staller with mover for stall. You can also talk to an npc on slateport market right next to the npc that sells vitamins if your EV are maxed out it will award the Pokemon an effort ribbon Also remember if you max 2 stats you still have 4 or 6 EV left for a 3rd stat. I now understand all of those things and that even with those things being perfect, there is still a ton of luck that plays in the battle frontier, but with correct nature and ev’s and iv’s I’m thinking I can at least go further than I Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Pokemon Emerald game content posted here, enjoy. I would do EV training before putting pokemon in the daycare, then doing movesets afterwards so you don't waste TMs or Egg Moves. I read that even with a hindering nature my Starmie should be FASTER than this at level 60. com, Mightyena on Route 120 give out 2 EV's for every time its defeated. Salamance has too many issues in gen 3. Every shiny you get is a niiiice one What's its level? EVs scale with level, so at level 100, 40 EV would result in +10 in the stat, but at level 40 its 40/100*10 = +4. Different Pokemon grant different EVs upon being defeated. Last night i killed 125 poochyenas with macho brace for 250 evs from level 7 to i think 12. I'm new to the whole competitive thing, and I'm just trying to get some strong pokemon to take on the battle frontier. So if two Pokemon joined a battle against a Mightyena, then this means the two Pokemon who participated would earn 2 attack EV's each. If you don't succeed, keep trying until you get sick of battling and feel like training again; keep in mind that most teams don't guarantee immediate success: even with Werster's speedrun team it took me many tries and multiple breaks to clear the Battle Tower Gold, for example (though it got through every Which I'm using both the patrat and purrloin for that. For instance, if I have a mudkip with 50 sp atk, and I defeat a pokemon that gives +1 sp atk, does that mean that when I pull out the summary immediately after defeating it I’ll see 51 sp atk, or do I have to wait until mudkip If I want to change EVs at lvl 100 is it possible? I know you can eat the berries but since you don’t gain exp I think you don’t earn EV? Vitamins won’t work after 100 EV so if I can’t earn through exp I’m fucked? Go for the open level. In 2011 in understood how the system worked partially because I looked into Pokemon showdown team builder. Multiple macho brace for EV training Can I give 2 macho brace on my 2 pokemon in my team, switch out the first pokemon during the fight so 2 of my pokemon can gain double EV? Locked post. For ev training my swampert, i wanted to do 252 hp, 128 def, 128 sp def. Hey everybody. I'm bored asf so yeah. Now forward to gen 8 where the EXP works differently. Hello Reddit, here are some of my tips at completing an Emerald Rogue Hardcore Nuzlocke. Also, you only get the full 63 at level 100. Im just gonna get them using cheats. Surf, ice beam, toxic, recover are pretty standard, I did a sweep of the different sets on the BF forum and didn't find anything different enough to warrant a second pokemon. until I can clone them just so that I can ensure I build the exact Pokémon I Pokemon Emerald game content posted here, enjoy. You see, I want to make a specific team, or at least the equivalent given some Pokemon aren't in this game. My Pokemon has a speed stat of 66 at level 27. Fortunately its not necessary untill the battle frontier 11K subscribers in the PokemonEmerald community. 172 Spe 31 IV Adamant Gross outpaces other Metagross and beats almost anything in its speed tier. How to get EVs In Netbattle, and in the un-released Competitor, you only have to "decide" how many EV points you want on each stat, and you can fully customize each pokemon's EV spread in Jun 11, 2008 · here are my favourite pokemon for EV training in emerald. I am EV training a team for the battle frontier and my pokemon can not be over level 50 to participate. Good news is you can just have one pokemon sweep while the other sucks up EVs As for EV spread, it depends on your IVs. This swampert didn't even reach 300 on SPA even though i gave it 252 evs on that stat so I'm kinda worried if this pokemon is weak compared to those in mons in battle frontier. Secretly_A_Moose. But at the time I didn’t know anything about like natures, ev training, iv’s and all of that stuff. For example, a Pokemon that tends to be very fast, like Zubat (esp. Atk The thing I hate most when it comes to replaying emerald is just the thought I have to rely on glitches like cloning or gamesharking in order to even make the grind bearable for making mons good enough for BF, esp when it comes to IVs. Ive googled and looked for an answer but cannot find one as ive never ev trained before and dont fully understand this one thing. Confused yet? EV/IV training is kinda bullshit in these older games, but it's really interesting stuff. I would encounter Ditto, switch to the pokemon with high EV yield, let Ditto transform into it, then KO it. Do you guys think that ev rigorous training is really necessary to beat the all pokemons game, or do you guys think that specific training is only useful on the competitive? by the way, i am a really casual player on pokemons games, and i Learned about Ev training after reading posts on here about it. Ill If you EV trained them properly it should be possible, but it will be hard. And now after i ev trained using 38 silicoon and cascoon for def stat, the def stat only grew by 6 (after training, it lvl up to lvl 10). Members Online Was resetting for a regirock with decent stats, accidentally got them shiny, but their stats are so mediocre I’m tempted to reset again. I am EV training a mudkip all the way from lvl 5 for the Battle Frontier. This will be my first time EV training, so I want to do it right. My only thing is, what would make a stronger Pokemon between using the rare candy glitch and just rare candying a pokemone to level 100 and then feeding it vitamins to max it's ev's or would ev training plus vitamins be better? Ive tried beating the Battle Tower without EV trained pokemon and to no avail for a Gold Medal. This amount varies per Pokemon; for example, killing a Rattata gives you one EV point in the Speed stat while killing a Stunfisk gives you 2 points After every 4 points earned in a Two popular methods of adding a little more control to your ev gaining process is fighting dittos in the desert underpass as they give the ev's of whatever they transform into. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. If you are looking at EV-training a mon you used in your playthrough, chances are high that their current EV spread is far from ideal. -Abandoned Ship (Fishing): Tentacool-80% Comments: Poochyena are the most common around these early areas and along with Zigzagoon which gives 1 Speed EV, these places make a good place for training early physical sweepers. I just came across the rare candy glitch so I can easily level Pokemon instead of having to grind all day. The nature of a Pokemon also has a huge factor aswell. I saw that it has a base 115 speed so didn't bother EV training that stat. I give my Pokémon its vitamins and then KO some wild Pokémon with or without the macho brace to achieve my desired EVs in a certain stat. Actually, you can do some high level ev training in mount battle from zones 71-90. What I will say though is I’m playing Emerald for the first time and saving every single TM, item, berry, etc. So say for example i defeated 6 Mightyena, i should gain 24 Attack EV's upon level up? I find the areas with pokemon that have "1/1/2" or "1/2" EV yields to be really hard to track. Or setting up secret bases with easy to beat pokemon if the right ev's on a second copy of r/s/e. EV training: When does the stat change happen? Say, I defeat 4 slugmas / spindas with lvl20 pokemon. The number of evs gained only is affected by the Pokemon you battle. If you’re interested in EV training your mons, the latter can give you many, many more hours of gameplay trying to perfect your team and learning new strategies, as it’s significantly harder than the story. The only real reason to EV train is if you plan on doing the battle frontier. The rare candles are the reason all my Pickup pokemon are lv 100 Reading the linked article (the fc2 blog post) it seems that the 3/32 chance is beyond your control. As far as I know, evs that a Pokemon gains, isn’t affected by what evolved form it is in. for example, to get 252 EV's you can use 10 vitamins for 100 points into that EV stat, then you're left with 152 points to go for. Pokemon Emerald game content posted here, enjoy. This is the place for most things Pokémon on Reddit 20K subscribers in the PokemonEmerald community. For the ease of training up different teams and using multiple strats post game (battle frontier) , I say make it so EV / IV training can be done easier, and possibly nature manipulation. If I undo all the unwanted EVs with berries and EV train it till level 60, will it have the same stats as a swampert that is EV trained from level 5 to level 60? I put the pokemon I wanted to train in the first position of the party, then the pokemon with the high EV yield for a stat in the 2nd position and went into Desert Underpass. 78 votes, 14 comments. It usually isnt a problem keeping the gym badges ahead of their levels so they don’t disobey. The Silph Road is a grassroots network of trainers whose communities span the globe and hosts resources to help trainers learn about the game, find communities, and hold in-person PvP tournaments! If its for the battle frontier you gotta collect and plant berries that drop stats and start over when your ready for the post game, if you just want to ev train from the beginning its not really possible untill you have acces to more wild pokemon. I have a pretty standard Surf/Ice Beam/Toxic/Recover moveset, so now I just need teammates for her. I'm kind of expecting big numbers from ev training. All the info out there is overwhelming. So if I understand it correctly that should give me 10 +10 from the macho brace, 20 speed evening total. Pokemon Emerald game content posted here, enjoy But when you get there, you can start breeding to get good natures and IVs. At this point my brain is so broken that I cant play with pokemon that havent been fully ev trained, so I hatch a pokemon, ev train it, then trade it to the game I want to do a run on. The Silph Road is a grassroots network of trainers whose communities span the globe and hosts resources to help trainers learn about the game, find communities, and hold in-person PvP tournaments! This was posted on the "Pokémon Emerald is Worse Than I Thought" video, and I thought it was pretty cool. I have Vigoroth holding the Macho Brace to gain double EV's. However, if I wanted to I could just get a bunch of the items you can use (Protein, HP Up etc), but in wondering if they give out less EVs? Hello, I have a question about EVs in Emerald version. Good luck. I’ve also completed emerald and got all gold symbols. If I already have a lvl 40+ pokemon who I haven't EV trained at all, (1) is it more efficient to lower the EV using berries or should I just catch/hatch a new one and start from scratch? (2) And how would you know how many berries, for stats you don't need, to feed? However, after I've beaten the game, I generally reset my team's EVs and give them actual EV training. r/pokemon is an unofficial Pokémon fan community. EV training Nincada . Vitamins can only be used for the first 100 evs of a stat. Obviously, as most of you know, training for the Battle frontier is a time consuming activity. 4M subscribers in the pokemon community. Do pokemon stop gaining EV's at level 100? How does this work for pokemon caught at higher levels? Do different pokemon have a set starting amount of ev's. 15K subscribers in the PokemonEmerald community. First time EV trainer, here. EV reducing berries, vitamins, macho brace, and Pokerus are useful tools in EV training. With Macho brace that number is effectively halved, meaning you’ll only need to get 76 EVs to have a maximum of 252 in Attack. Iets say you have a conkeldur, if you give it speciall attack EV reducing berries untill the point it goes under 0, you loose an IV point and gain an almost full ev stat, than you use the EV transfer (or EV swapper, idk what it's called) available at the peridot ward market and swap the special attack EVs for the attack ones. So I hatched a modest starmie to train for the battle frontier. These pokemon might be trickier to use effectively though There are a bunch of pokemon that can only be caught in the other Gen III games that are also really good such as Snorlax and Zapdos 4. From my understanding in gen 3 when you use the exp share the pokemon holding it gains half the EV while the pokemon in the fight gains the full amount (unless you get 1 EV). Crypto I give Exp. This is the place for most things Pokémon on Reddit—TV… Pokemon Emerald game content posted here, enjoy. EV training in the wild at lvl 100 The Moderator team continues to oppose Reddit's stance on their API, and Once you've given your pokemon all of the 510 EVs it needs, you're gonna need to level it up anyway by any means. As for the 2nd question, ev training has less of an influence on your stats the lower level you are, once you level up your beldum more you'll notice the difference. Not gonna use him as my route 114 encounter died but oh well That combined with the Pokemon's species features -- idk what to call it, basically what features most Zubats or Marills share (like speed or defense, respectively) -- are worth intentionally looking at and training. The sitd is still pretty awesome, and I thank you for your help in the ev training and pokemon community!! Switching out from battle still gives EV's. So, if I were to lead with Beldum (let's call it Pokemon A) and switch to Pokemon B for the KO, would Beldum still receive 4 EVS (due to macho brace and Pokerus) or would this be shared somehow with Pokemon A So I'm currently EV Training some Mons to take to the frontier with me. Now it only has 13 def stat and then it levelled to lvl11 and the def stat grew by 3 so now it has 16 def stat. Look up 'smogon gen 3' followed by your pokemon's name and you should get a decent build (including moveset, item, and EV spread) that you can refer to. Battle for evs like you normally would, prioritize the lowest level pokemon you can find to minimize exp gain so you don’t overshoot 50. Also the whole only normal types showing up when weak to fighting is pressed. For me in Pokemon White, it was when I reached Icirrus because I now have HM Surfs and Fly, and access to all EV training hotspots, plus enough funds to buy lots of pokeballs and pay the day care. Reddit's #1 spot for Pokémon GO™ discoveries and research. I'm starting off with a new Emerald run and just want to clarify a few things that I'm unsure about. I was really confused as to why i wasnt seeing the EVs upon Level up. You will see larger numbers per level up as you gain levels. i'm playing pokemon fire red, and i training my pokemon without knowing the concept of ev and ev training. Members Online • Akula135. we don't like EV training so we'd rather minimize it. I got into Pokémon late and this is my first time even EV training. Business, Economics, and Finance. I just started to ev train his speed. gg/ShinyPokemon Members Online [4] I have not documented my journey here, but I have obtained all 305 different shinies available via the DPPt Pokéradar in gen 4, including GBA exclusives and Sunkern (the hardest due to the lack of an area to chain) with my nemesis Tauros being the final one! As a rule of thumb, a Pokemon will give EVs associated to its maximum base stat (or stats), and the better the base stats of the Pokemon, the better EVs it gives (for example, if you want to EV train for Speed, you'll need to defeat a fast Pokemon like Pikachu). That’s cool dude I understand the competitive scene been playing pokemon since the beginning. So i'm quite new to the world of EVs and IVs having only just done it a few months ago for pokemon emerald. You can also dupe Rare Candies. When you EV train Nincada, does the EV points carry over to Shedinja, or does it restart. Even with EV Trained pokemon, its still very difficult. I personally just run 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA, its bulk is more important that its speed tier or SpA, and creeping from 101 to 102 only let's it outspeed most gyarados 25K subscribers in the PokemonEmerald community. Google “EV training Pokémon Emerald” and the first link from smogon should be all the help you need Pokemon Emerald game content posted here, enjoy. So i've just managed to get my hands on a 5IV mudkip and i would love to EV train it into HP and Attack for the Battle Tower. The charizard was SR’s in leaf green, the suicune was SR’s right before you hand over the sapphire in the end game, the metagross was SR’s in ruby, the latias I had to corrupt an emerald via the pomeg glitch to allow me to get to southern island and then i had to leave the game on and run away something like 9000ish times, Tyranitar was hunted via full odds eggs because I wanted it to Pokemon Emerald game content posted here, enjoy. NOTE: Since the space to surf is very small, use the move Sweet Scent (for example, Oddish has it) outside of the battle to make the wild pokemon appear. I have done this a couple of times, and I definitely recommend this game to any experienced Nuzlocker. Your Pokemon can have a maximum of 252 EVs in each stat, but 510 total, so choosing how your EVs are distributed among stats is an important part of training. And any Experience gained also yields EVs (even EXP Share counts, just not Rare Candies), so always grind levels after EV training. I am so happy that such an important game from my childhood still has a loyal community who play. What should I do to see the stat change? Shiny hunting: Does the location matter? Does fishing count as an encounter? Does chain-fishing actually change the odds? Thank you. I have a non-EV trained Swampert at level 44 and plan on reaching level 60 then use it for the battle frontier. While it isn’t bad. I need help with EV Training. Salamence is a key pokemon on slow and fast teams, it's typing means it pairs well with other top pokemon like milotic, suicune, blissey, snorlax, slaking. It gets me a lot of PP ups, Hp Ups, Proteins, and rare candies. If experienced is earned then EV's are also earned. I know that switch training in gen IV and up allowed the pokemon you sent out first gain EVs, but does that work in the earlier games (I'm playing Emerald and have trained one of my pokemon with 64 Special Attack EVs since level 5. @thepearwithoutacare is correct, if evs are maxed over two stats they will give 63 points more in those stats at lvl 100 than a non ev trained mon. Sweet. Get a Pokémon that gives 3 of whatever ev you want, let ditto transform into it, switch into whoever you’re training, switch to something that kills it, and now you’ve got 6. Broooo, at some point I want to shiny hunt on that 113 route, too. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Pokemon Emerald game content posted here, enjoy. Any tips on EV training metagross for battle dome and/or suggested sites for EV training strategies for specific pokes would be greatly appreciated. EV training works like this: each time you defeat a Pokemon in the wild or fight against a trainer (non-Battle Tower) you will earn a certain number of EV points. Use a macho brace to double the ev gain as well. The Pokedex in game should tell you which EVs any given pokemon will yield. EVs are gained by certain items and battling very specific wild Pokemon. Metagross certainly does not outrank mence, Salamence is faster and has intimidate. since most of the time youre EV training from scratch anyways with a newly bred ideal pokemon. Reddit's No1 subreddit for Pokemon Go In emerald, theres berries to reduce a Pokemon ev in a specific stat by 10, so if you have a working battery, you could reset a Pokemon evs after a few days of farming berries. For the Battle Tower, I used an adamant Slaking with Double Edge / Earthquake / Aerial Ace / Fire Blast (strictly for Scizor/Forretress) and a Choice Band, the adamant Metagross with Meteor Mash / Earthquake / Aerial Ace / Explosion and a Lum Berry, and the quiet Swampert with Earthquake / Surf / Ice Beam / Protect and Leftovers. I went to Route 118 and knocked out 2 Manectric, 1 Electrike, 3 Wingull, and 2 Zigzagoon. Each Pokemon can have max EVs which total 510, with each stat having a maximum of 252. I've learnt a bit about EV training and know a bit about how it works. This was easy in Emerald, because there were only about 100 Pokemon, and a lot of documented areas that were great for training specific stats (for example, if I wanted to train Attack, I'd go east of Fortree City to the place with all the I train at least one Ralts in each Pokemon game I own as a utility pokemon-- typically, his name is 'Snagger' and he becomes my ultimate pokedex completion tool by the time he is older. Location: Routes 120 to 123. You can try putting pokemon in the daycare but be careful of moves being deleted if there are still some that can be learnt via level up. Thank you very much. I would prefer my Metagross to be generally bulkier, so I invest a bit of Def and HP. This guide also covers how to calculate your gained EVs and the hotspots for EV training in certain stats. When all the pokemon have only 1 EV yield, you can just use up your whole arsenal of offensive attacks (1 atk per battle), add up the total, and that's how you know how many EVs you got. I have a question though. EV training questions The Reddit community for MapleStory. I got: 100 hp from hp ups 2 hp from 2 whismur 150 hp from 75 whismur/loudred/ditto doubled with macho brace 100 def from iron Most of my mons that i ev trained in specific stats had 300+ on those trained stat. It will tell you all the necessary items you will need and where to get them. I'm okay with going for good natures and doing ev training but getting good IVs is a huge pain in the ass I'd rather avoid. I keep him as Kirlia long enough to learn Hypnosis (Level 47 in Emerald), then evolve to Gallade and teach him False Swipe from the TM. Edit: Thanks for all the info friends. It's holding a macho brace, has Pokerus and I'm training on mons that yield 1 EV point. Found a shiny linoone while ev training This is the place for most things Pokémon on Reddit—TV shows 252 HP / 176 ATK / 80 DEF Moveset: -Metal Claw (Soon to be Meteor Mash) -Earthquake -Protect -Explosion Bonus tally sheet pic :p EV training for storyline is generally overkill, but it can help. The ability to complete entire runs in a couple of hours is really appealing to me, as I love nuzlocking, I just don’t have enough time to complete a Hatching a Pokemon with perfect IVs is much easier than catching one, since IVs can be passed down from the parent pokemon. So that's +5 in my speed stat. . once it evolves into Crobat), if caught with a Nature that EV training question I just learned about Effort value just recently and kind of confused how it actually adds up. So, im currently trying to train my Lonely Vigoroth for Attack EV's. So you give it 10 Protein for 100 Attack (Macho Brace does not work on items, only experience based EVs) meaning you have 152 more EVs to gain. Just make sure to use the correct Vitamins before starting EV training (you said Atk Vitamins but I'll assume you meant SpA). ADMIN MOD EV Training Sp. Yes you can, put the Pokemon in the pc exit the menu then enter the pc again, take it out and you should be able yo see the stat changes. Is there a max to how many evs you can get each level. If RNG isnt on your side, you are fucked. Not affiliated with or restricted by Nexon. As for EV training, just give the Macho Brace to it and kill Pokémon that award the EVs you’re looking for. Show your Shiny Pokemon! discord. Ev training is a must because as you advance through the battles with your own team your opponents Pokemon will have maxed EVs and stats. You levelled up Alakazam before starting to EV train Speed, which meant your Spe EVs capped due to having unwanted investment beforehand (levelling up with EXP Share counts). Google pokemon ev yield, bulbapedia has a list. Want to know other people's thoughts of this. So for example if you battle a Pokemon that gives 1 attack ev, bagon, shelgon or salamence will all get that same 1 attack ev no matter which one of them it is that fights that Pokemon. But to answer your main question, emerald seems to apply the stats on level ups. ovzfv jyx adisr sdlza kgpu ypym hjgcdk gzrhpu wanov sqg uzjs adfe smfhpf mbkfw tihtcag