Tlif vs plif. TLIF for the above levels.
Tlif vs plif Dec 17, 2020 · There are some differences between endoscopic TLIF and MIS TLIF techniques . Choosing where to enter depends on which side has the most damage. However, current data only provide weak support, if any, favoring TLIF over PLF for clinical improvement in disability and back pain. in the PLIF group compared to 0 events in the TLIF . Transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (TLIF) versus posterior lumbar interbody fusion (PLIF) in lumbar spondylolisthesis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. In 2017, de Kunder et al published the first systematic review and meta-analysis on TLIF and PLIF in degenerative spondylolisthesis. 0001, respectively). In order to detect differences between both techniques in the Sep 22, 2016 · Reviewing the pros of XLIF (e. Journal of spine surgery 1. This approach greatly reduces the amount of surgical muscle dissection and minimizes the nerve manipulation required to access the vertebrae, discs and nerves. The five primary interbody fusion approaches are shown here schematically: anterior (ALIF), lateral or extreme lateral interbody fusion (LLIF or XLIF), oblique lumbar interbody fusion/anterior to psoas (OLIF/ATP), transforaminal (TLIF or MI-TLIF), and posterior (PLIF); (B) surgical approaches to the lumbar spine for 요추 유합술의 종류와 차이점 alif, dlif, olif, plif, tlif / 허리디스크, 협착증, 전방전위증 퓨전 수술 / ft. Jun 1, 2022 · Disc height was maintained in the ALIF group but decreased over time in the TLIF cohort (ALIF 9. Dec 14, 2018 · Die TLIF („transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion“) unterscheidet sich von der PLIF durch die Verwendung von nur einem Cage, welcher transforaminal in das Bandscheibenfach eingebracht wird (Abb. Dec 1, 2015 · Humphreys et al. Jun 27, 2023 · Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion (TLIF) is also a surgical technique commonly employed to address various spinal conditions, particularly in the lower back. The following parameters were examined: operative time, blood loss, preoperative %slip, preoperative sagittal parameters, postoperative %slip, postoperative 1-year %slip, postoperative 1-year sagittal parameters, bone fusion rate at 1 year postoperatively, pre Mar 5, 2017 · There are several options when it comes to surgical procedures meant to relieve back pain including spinal fusion surgery. Alimi et al. Methods A search of the literature was conducted on pubmed or EMBASE. Since the initial description of the PLIF technique by Briggs and Milligan in 1944 (5), the method of PLIF has evolved, with the development of additional options of autologous and synthetic bone grafting, advanced methods of spinal segmental fusion techniques, innovative implants Two types of lumbar (low back) fusion surgeries can be performed as minimally invasive procedures. 8% with MIS-TLIF and 9. 0 Lizenz. TLIF. Mar 14, 2022 · Yang et al. TLIF does not involve retracting the nerves, like other lower lumbar spinal surgeries, such as posterior lumbar interbody fusion (PLIF) which requires that the nerves must be retracted to access the spine. 1. Operating time could be obtained in four studies (36–39), and significant heterogeneity was detected (I 2 = 94. The incidence of complications was higher in the open-TLIF cases; 2 of 11 (18%) patients in that group had complications compared to 4 patients (7%) in the MIS-TLIF group. Operative Time. Einen geringen Vorteil zeigt das TLIF-Verfahren bezüglich einer geringeren Nervenirritationsrate, einer kürzeren Operationszeit und des geringeren This is known as a MIS-TLIF. and interbody space (PLIF/TLIF/MI-TLIF). 001). The data seems to suggest that XLIF and ALIF are comparable The XLIF technique approaches the spine through an incision made on the side of the lower back. Indikation, Technik, Vor- und Nachteile [The PLIF and TLIF techniques. First described in 1940 by Cloward, PLIF allows three-column fixation with 360° fusion and anterior support (45,46). In posterior lumbar interbody fusion (PLIF), your surgeon inserts the spacer or cage from the back of the spine. Abbildung der verschiedenen LIF Zugängen. 6,8,15,17,19 Leakage of cerebrospinal fluid occurred in 3. particularly regarding perioperative neurological/other morbidity) [ Table 2]. This approach is one of the spinal fusion surgeries with lower risks of nonunion. Most commonly it is performed on the L4-L5 or L5-S1 segment at the bottom of the lumbar spine. A posterior lumbar fusion (PLF) uses bone grafts along the side of the spine bones, which fuse together to stabilize your spine. com Learn about the different types of lumbar interbody fusion surgery, such as ALIF, PLIF, TLIF and DLIF, and how they can treat low back problems. Surgeons do PLIF to relieve severe leg and lower back pain that happens when intervertebral disks put pressure on your spinal nerves. Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion (TLIF) While discussing types of spinal fusion, it’s worth mentioning Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion (TLIF), a variant of PLIF. Sep 1, 2022 · Comparison of MIS vs. Most people who have PLIF or TLIF spend two to four days in the hospital after surgery. Typically, surgeons recommend TLIF and other lumbar fusion surgeries when pain management, physical therapy or Jan 30, 2024 · Objective To compare modified transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (M-TLIF) with posterior lumbar interbody fusion (PLIF) in the treatment of single-segment lumbar degenerative disorders in order to assess its safety and effectiveness. PLIF vs TLIF, 6-8 and 4 fusion approaches, 2,9,10 to our knowledge, others have not compared the outcomes of all 4 techniques up to 24 months post-operatively and across a 15-year period. PLIF (Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion) 과정을 보여드리겠습니다. Studies indicate that most cases of TLIF show favorable results: There may be a 60% to 70% improvement in pain after a TLIF spinal fusion surgery 7 de Kunder SL, van Kuijk SMJ, Rijkers K, et al. Oct 6, 2016 · tlif vs plif The TLIF is defined as transforaminal lumbar Interbody fusion and PLIF is termed as posterior lumbar Interbody fusion. 10–2. PSF. Dec 11, 2023 · Purpose Anterior (ALIF) and transforaminal (TLIF) lumbar interbody fusion have shown similar clinical outcomes at short- and medium-term follow-ups. 4 Of note, the overall complication rate for PLIF was twice that for TLIF (17% vs 8. 07–70. , et al. The pooled results revealed significantly prolonged ORT in the ULIF group compared with that in the PLIF group (WMD, 48. Cage usion (PLIF). Jun 1, 2016 · To report both codes 63056 and 22630 for the same interspace/segment would represent duplicative work. Conclusions: Besides fusion rate at 1-year follow-up and operative time, TLIF has a similar fusion rate, clinical outcomes, parameters concerning operation and complications to no fusion, PLF, and Two types of lumbar (low back) fusion surgeries can be performed as minimally invasive procedures. nerve root injury vs endplate fracture • Suboptimal restoration of disc height and surface area for fusion • Poor visualization of disc space/endplates • Limited endplate preparation for fusion • Endplate damage/fractures graft subsidence • Time • Blood loss ***CLICK SHOW MORE FOR IMPORTANT ADDITIONAL DETAILS***Hello friends, today I'm bringing you a video overview of the transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion or Additionally, superior fusion rates after ALIF versus TLIF have been suggested because the anterior approach provides a wider access to debride the disc space and allows larger implants and bone Apr 18, 2023 · Purpose The rate of elective lumbar fusion has continued to increase over the past two decades. 001 Compared to the PLIF procedure, the TLIF procedure is performed minimally invasive. While a Oct 1, 2017 · A total of 26 studies reported overall complication rates, 6 for ALIF vs PLIF, 7 for ALIF vs TLIF, 3 for ALIF vs LLIF, 7 for PLIF vs TLIF and 3 for TLIF vs LLIF. LLIF , TLIF vs. Also 360 (ALIF + percutaneous fixation) has the highest union rate, though some doctors do a 360 which is ALIF + PLIF which can is riskier and can be quite more painful. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. The studies were conducted from 2014 to 2020 (6–8, 10–13). Numerous research studies in medical journals demonstrate greater than 90-96% good or excellent results from PLIF and TLIF surgery. Oct 5, 2015 · PLIF vs. 3% with open-TLIF. TLIF and showed that foraminal height increased by 2. I do not think that I can bill 22633 twice so I would have to do an additional level of 22634 Feb 1, 2020 · An anterior approach to the lumbar spine is increasingly used in performing fusion. The available evidence suggests that both TLIF and PLIF could achieve similar clinical satisfaction and fusion rate in the management of degenerative lumbar diseases. Th … Sep 6, 2022 · Instrumented stabilization with intersomatic fusion can be achieved by open (O-TLIF) or minimally invasive (MIS-TLIF) transforaminal surgical access. ULIF vs. For posterior (PLIF) or transforaminal (TLIF) approach lumbar interbody fusions, CPT code 22630 is used, and the dissection needed to access the disc space in these approaches is considered an incidental component of the fusion procedure. The fusion of the two vertebrae is typically facilitated using a bone There are probably not a lot of surgeons around these parts From what I've read as a non-doctor, ALIF is preferred at L5S1. 2015 May;24(5):1058-65. David Okonkwo, neurosurgeon at University Pittsburgh Medical Center, who will be taking the side of Open TLIF, and Dr. Dec 16, 2024 · Compared to PLIF, TLIF has reduced rates of nerve root injury, dural tears and epidural fibrosis due to reduced thecal sac retraction 2,3. doi: 10. The skin incision of endoscopic TLIF is smaller but there is no evidence that it has less muscle trauma than MIS TLIF. Die erste Beschreibung der TLIF-Technik zur Behandlung einer Spondylolisthese geht auf Harms und Rolinger 1982 zurück . The unadjusted odds of blood transfusion and dural tears were significantly decreased among ALIF patients when compared with TLIF/PLIF studies comparing TLIF and PLIF suggest that TLIF is associated with fewer complications, less blood loss, shorter operative time and reduced hospital stay 10–14. MI-TLIF; (B) ULIF vs. The TLIF technique involves approaching the spine in a similar manner as the PLIF approach but more from the side of the spinal canal through a midline incision in the patient’s back. Methods This study retrospectively compared the patients who underwent MIS TLIF (n = 37) or MIDLIF (n = 50) for spinal spondylolisthesis. 0004 and 0. The authors review and compare posterior lumbar interbody fusion (PLIF) with transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (TLIF). Nov 7, 2023 · PLIF vs. Checklists by Cowley were used to evaluate the risk of bias of the included studies. Abbildung adaptiert vonMobbs, Ralph J. Souhrn. Apr 18, 2023 · A systematic review of anterior lumbar interbody fusion (ALIF) versus posterior lumbar interbody fusion (PLIF), transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (TLIF), posterolateral lumbar fusion (PLF Several studies explored the biomechanical pros, cons, and comparability of MIS LLIF/XLIF vs. 자, 사람 척추가 있습니다. A total of 192 studies were identified; nine studies were included (one randomized controlled trial and eight case series), including 990 patients (450 TLIF and 540 PLIF). 2015; 24 :1058-1065 Mar 28, 2015 · Purpose Meta-analysis was conducted to estimate whether MiTLIF could reduce the complication rate while maintaining the similar clinical result to that of open procedures. No clear difference was found regarding the length of stay (LOS) and surgical site infection (SSI). Methods From January 2016 to January 2021, 74 patients who received single-segment M-TLIF were examined. ALIF works around large blood vessels, which can be Mar 28, 2015 · Request PDF | Comparison of MIS vs. Comparison of MIS vs. PLIF is associated with a five times higher risk of dural tears. The estimated blood loss was 350 mL for TLIF and 418 mL for PLIF (mean difference -43. 1007/s00586-015-3890-5. TLIF is less invasive and goes through the side and back. atlanticspinecenter. Nov 15, 2023 · PLIF (posterior lumbar interbody fusion) surgery treats lower back pain. 1 Plantz MA, Hsu WK. 2 Fleege C, Rickert M, Rauschmann M. 1 Mobbs RJ, Phan K, Malham G, Seex K, Rao PJ. Types of spinal fusion surgeries include ALIF, TLIF, PLIX, and XLIF. co Oct 15, 2024 · The effects of bone microstructure on subsidence risk for ALIF, LLIF, PLIF, and TLIF spine Cages. It treats conditions of the lower back (lumbar spine). While it's still an effective procedure, it can result in more tissue damage and a longer recovery time compared to TLIF. Due to this, health care costs for TLIF are expected to be lower. demonstrated in their series of 145 XLIF operations that foraminal height increased on average by 2. Hiratzka explains the differences between a posterior lumbar interbody fusion and a transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion surgical approaches. PLIF and TLIF are both commonly used posterior approaches for fusion surgery, and represent the majority of cases preformed worldwide in terms of LIF (41-44). 2,3 Jan 5, 2025 · Abbildung der verschiedenen LIF Zugängen. 87, p = 0. (A) ULIF vs. published a database study with five years results after TLIF and MI-TLIF to be able to know about long term QALY's and sequelae after fusion surgery. ALIF , MIS-TLIF vs. The clinical outcome is similar, with a slightly lower postoperative ODI score for TLIF. TLIF for the above levels. 54, P < 0. 30; 95% CI 26. A review of the literature is performed wherein the history, indications for surgery, surgical procedures with their respective biomechanical advantages, potential complications, and grafting substances are presented. Watch this video to learn more as Dr. A transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (TLIF) includes the PLF as well as a bone graft between the vertebrae. 5% to 8% after MIS-TLIF and 3. Nerve root injuries and dural lesions were significantly PLIF-associated. ALIF, TLIF, PLIF, and PLF, we question whether XLIF should remain part of the lumbar spinal surgical armamentarium. 46 (95% confidence interval [CI] -4. 7%). Qu Jin-Tao et al Eur Spine J. PLIF- und TLIF-Verfahren. Dec 5, 2014 · TLIF vs. Qu Jin-Tao et al Eur Spine J , 24 ( 5 ) ( 2015 ) , pp. Possible advantages of ALIF in the long run could be better disc height and lumbar lordosis and reduced risk of adjacent segment disease. Here is a general overview of what can be TLIF can provide a fusion of 360° with a single incision. However, the most significant advantage of TLIF, compared to PLIF, is achieving a more lateral access to the disk, thus reducing retraction on the neural elements. Both aim to achieve spinal fusion, but the approach differs slightly. unter der CC BY-NC-ND 4. The results of posterior lumbar interbody fusion (PLIF) and transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (TLIF) surgery in the treatment of symptomatic spondylolisthesis and degenerative disc disease are generally excellent. 9 mL, 95% CI -71. 6, p=. Nov 13, 2022 · 📞 If you're interested in Atlantic Spine Center Services, please, give us a call: (567) 259-1301🌐 Learn more about PLIF: https://www. 7 mm in the ALIF group; however, it decreased by 0. Success Rates of TLIF Spine Surgery. Single-level Posterolateral Fusion (PLF) Alone and Posterior Interbody Fusion (PLIF/TLIF) Alone Lead to a Decreased Risk of Short-term Complications Compared to Combined PLF With PLIF/TLIF Procedures: A Matched Analysis. compared 34 PLIF vs. 유튜브 Atlantic spine center 에 설명이 잘되어 있어서 그곳 영상을 이용했습니다. 72 to -2. Graft malposition Jan 15, 2022 · We found no significant difference in PRO at 2-year follow-up between PLIF and TLIF for the treatment of lumbar disc degeneration. What actually happens during a PLIF surgery? A PLIF surgery typically takes several hours to complete and is performed under general anesthesia. Jul 5, 2023 · When exploring spinal fusion surgery procedures, comparing ALIF vs TLIF is important. Our results demonstrate that for patients undergoing fusion for spondylolisthesis, TLIF is superior to PLF with regard to achieving radiographic fusion. 2 to -16. analyzed complications (including 3 transient lumbosacral May 12, 2023 · When a patient has had a previous spinal surgery and needs revision surgery, as PLIF can provide better access to the affected area from a posterior approach. Depending on the level to be treated, several approaches have been developed to deal with the anatomic obstacles encountered: pure anterior, oblique anterior or lateral, and trans- or pre-psoas. Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion (PLIF) We may perform a PLIF procedure to treat a lower back (lumbar spine) condition. The reoperation rate was greater in PLIF (2%) than TLIF (0%). , greater end plate/disc removal, restoration of sagittal balance and/or lordosis, but early cage settling) . TLIF is a common question when patients fail to find relief with conservative treatments for spinal stenosis, degenerative disc disease, spondylolisthesis, recurrent disc See full list on coloradospineinstitute. PLIF and TLIF are both coded with 22633. PLIF goes through the back and helps decompress nerves. radiographic, technical, biomechanical) vs. Here were some of the findings of the study: The PLIF and TLIF procedures are almost equivalent posterior fusion procedures with high fusion rates, good long-term clinical outcomes, and low risk of complications. Other conditions it can treat include spondylosis, spinal stenosis, degenerative disc disease, recurrent disc herniation, scoliosis, spinal instability (spondylolisthesis), and pseudarthrosis. 40 TLIF patients . Your surgeon will let you know which procedure is best for you. 8. In most cases, a PLIF fusion is supplemented by a simultaneous posterolateral spine fusion (PLF) surgery. Jul 21, 2023 · XLIF vs. [12,22,26,27] Tatsumi et al. The rate of deep venous thrombosis was lower in the PLIF/TLIF group relative to the PLF group (P = 0. TLIF: Which is Right for You? When it comes to spinal fusion surgeries, choosing the most appropriate procedure is a critical decision that should be made in consultation with a spine surgeon. However, PLIF can be riskier as the vertebrae and spinal cord must be moved. Jan 28, 2025 · You may be contemplating the advantages and disadvantages of PLIF vs. 7%, P < 0. A A posterior lumbar interbody fusion, called a PLIF, is a surgery designed to stop the motion at the targeted segment of the spine. 1a–d). 26 A longer follow-up time in this high quality study would be interesting to better understand the consequences of TLIF and PLIF surgeries in the long run. TLIF, PLIF, and ALIF are different in how they do the surgery, recovery times, and success rates. In this debate, you will hear from Dr. 7% to 5% after open-TLIF. (31) TLIF vs. Methods A total of 60 consecutive patients in our center from January Nov 1, 2020 · The rates of non-home discharge, overall surgical complications, and bleeding requiring transfusion were significantly lower in the PLF group and PLIF/TLIF group relative to the PLF+PLIF/TLIF group (P < 0. Mean estimated blood loss was significantly less in the patients receiving MIS-TLIF vs open-TLIF: 95 mL ± 20 mL vs 786 mL ± 107 mL, respectively (P<0. This study aims to compare stand-alone anterior lumbar interbody fusion (ALIF) with posterior fusion techniques in patients with spondylolisthesis and degenerative disc disease through a systematic review and meta-analysis of Jul 1, 2017 · A total of 14 studies reported fusion rates, 4 for ALIF vs PLIF, 3 for ALIF vs TLIF, 1 for ALIF vs LLIF, 6 for PLIF vs TLIF, none for TLIF vs LLIF or PLIF vs LLIF. Dec 5, 2017 · The odds for ilius infection, wound infection and lower extremity deep vein thrombosis were significantly increased for ALIF patients compared with TLIF/PLIF patients at both 30 and 90 days after surgery. We aimed to study if ALIF could be associated with superior clinical outcomes than TLIF at long-term follow ALIF, TLIF, PLIF, and PLF) (e. Fusion surgeries typically require the use of bone graft to facilitate fusion. Lumbar interbody fusion: techniques, indications and comparison of interbody fusion options including PLIF, TLIF, MI-TLIF, OLIF/ATP, LLIF and ALIF. Anterior lumbar interbody fusion (ALIF) initially introduced in the 1930's, has become a common and widely accepted technique for lumbar fusions over the last decade offering several advantages over standard posterior lumbar interbody fusion (PLIF) or transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (TLIF). In PLIF, surgeons replace damaged disks with bone grafts. 5 mm . PLIF 32 34 3 m, 1–2 y * Same sample group, ** same sample group. groups have shorter operative Our experience in ALIF/PLIF versus TLIF 14 in a retrospective study of 53 ALIF/PLIF patients and 111 TLIF patients with lumbar degenerative disc disease demonstrates that TLIF has a shorter operative time, lesser blood loss, shorter hospital stay, and lower complications rates (51% in ALIF/PLIF fusion; 28% in TLIF). The TLIF technique involves approaching the spine in a similar manner as the PLIF approach but more from the side of the spinal canal through a midline incision in the patient's back. 총 138명의 척추전방전위증 환자를 무작위로 두 그룹에 배정하여 plif와 plf 수술을 시행하였고, 술후 4년 동안 추적 관찰되었다. TLIF approach requires a small incision on the back and can be done as a minimally invasive procedure through a 1-inch portal whereas PLIF approach requires a 4-6” incision in the center of the back to access one Sep 16, 2024 · TLIF is a variation of posterior lumbar interbody fusion . ALIF, LLIF, TLIF, and PLIF are widely used for degenerative disc disease. Lateral Lumbar Interbody Fusion (LLIF) This minimally invasive fusion is also called extreme lateral interbody fusion (XLIF). Feb 11, 2016 · Posterior interbody techniques (PLIF TLIF) • Problems • Graft size vs. There were 10 complications . Mar 14, 2022 · There was no significant difference between TLIF and other techniques in terms of blood loss (no fusion, PLIF, PLF) and clinical outcomes (PLF). 006). May 23, 2023 · What conditions does TLIF surgery treat? People experiencing low back pain and leg pain associated with sciatica or other lumbar radiculopathy can benefit from a TLIF. A systematic review of eligible studies with multivariate regression analysis was performed Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion (TLIF) A TLIF is an extension of a PLIF procedure. There were no significant differences for all comparisons (Appendix C) with no heterogeneity for ALIF vs PLIF, and PLIF vs TLIF (I 2 = 0%, p = 0. 6 vs. Each approach has its own theoretical advantages and disadvantages; however, there have been no studies that compared these. Abstract. However, TLIF was superior to PLIF with shorter operation time, less blood loss, and lower incidence of nerve root injury and dural t … This procedure is divided according to its approach: anterior lumbar interbody fusion (ALIF), posterior lumbar interbody fusion (PLIF), transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (TLIF) and lateral lumbar interbody fusion (LLIF). 5%) 6 but not different in another. Quicker recovery of TLIF could also lead to a reduction in lost work productivity compared to treatment with PLIF. Mar 31, 2023 · 이 전향적 연구의 목표는 척추골격의 후방 요추간 융합술(plif)과 후측방융합술(plf)의 임상 결과를 비교하는 것이었다. When is a PLIF indicated versus an ALIF? Both PLIF and anterior lumbar interbody fusion surgery involve placing an interbody spacer to promote fusion across lumbar vertebras. 4042181. 2 years) compared with XLIF (mean age, 82. TLIF surgery was developed in the 1980s to benefit patients with unresolved lower back pain and to minimize the risks to nerves. PLIF is often used to treat conditions such as herniated discs, spinal stenosis, and spondylolisthesis. 5 mm in the TLIF group. PLIF. A recent study published in The Journal of Spinal Disorders and Techniques examined how patients who underwent either PSF or TLIF recovered and measured the overall effectiveness of the surgeries. Lumbar interbody fusions have high rates of reoperation, primarily related to adjacent segment pathology and pseudarthrosis. PLIF, ALIF and TLIF Procedures Spinal fusion is a surgical procedure in which two or more vertebrae are joined or fused together. PLIF is a more traditional approach to spine surgery, involving a larger incision in the back. Sometimes, the endoscopic TLIF can be performed under local anesthesia with conscious sedation, which is a unique benefit of this technique. Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion (TLIF): Bone graft is laid in the disc space along with PEEK (polyether ether ketone) or metallic (titanium) spacers after removing facet joints and disc material, without retracting the spinal cord. 2. Both groups demonstrated improvements in Pain Intensity and Pain Interference scores; ALIF patients also improved in Physical Function and Global Health - Physical domains. Learn more by visiting the page, PLIF Surgery: Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion. PLIF vs. found that for four fusions (ALIF, PLIF, TLIF, and XLIF ALIF happens in the abdomen, while PLIF happens from the lower back. Mar 13, 2022 · Several systematic reviews compared either MIS-TLIF or open TLIF with other fusion techniques, for example, MIS vs. 1115/1. Two common types are posterior lumbar interbody fusion and transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion. An anterior lumbar interbody fusion (ALIF) approach is from the front, through the abdomen, and requires the organs in the abdomen and some of the major blood vessels to be moved to the side so that the surgeon can reach the spine. During TLIF, the surgeon has access to the front and back of your spine. A total of 74 patients having single-segment PLIF Oct 5, 2015 · Fusion rates for a PLIF are typically as high as 90% to 95%. TLIF-specific complications include: increased lumbar plexus injury (typically transient) from psoas retraction 3,4; postoperative contralateral radiculopathy 3 Hence TLIF technique evolved. PLF . open PLIF/TLIF with regard to clinical improvement, fusion rate, and incidence of major complication: a meta-analysis. Pseudoarthrosis, wound These articles reported that the postoperative neurological deficit rate was 5% to 7. 1058 - 1065. 청담 우리들병원 Jun 19, 2022 · PLIF VS TLIF COMPARISON PLIF TLIF INTRODUCED BY Jaslow 1946 Cloward 1953 Harms 1990s Trajectory Posterior approach More lateral trajectory; unilateral exposure of the neural foramen Facet Preserved Entire facetectomy Posterior tension bands Destroyed Maintained Scope of operation L3-S1 Thoracolumbar Concern Epidural adhesion, root damage, and Jan 15, 2015 · Die PLIF- und TLIF-Verfahren sind annähernd gleichwertige posteriore Fusionsverfahren mit hohen Fusionsraten, einem guten langfristigen klinischen Outcome und geringen Komplikationsrisiken. A PLIF is done in the lumbar, or lower, spine. Data Apr 18, 2022 · I need to do a prior authorization for a TLIF at L4-5 and a PLIF at L5-S1, I have coded for a PLIF by itself and a TLIF by itself but never together. 320; & I 2 = 0%, p = 0. open TLIF/PLIF , TLIF vs. This involves taking small amounts of bone from the patient’s pelvic bone (autograft), or from a donor (allograft), and then packing… Nov 5, 2014 · Background We compared the perioperative results and complications associated with PLIF and TLIF, and collected evidence for choosing the better fusion method. Anterior lumbar interbody fusion, PLF, and no fusion. Oct 5, 2015 · (A) Surgical approaches to the lumbar spine for interbody fusion techniques. Level of Evidence: 3. open PLIF/TLIF with regard to clinical improvement, fusion rate, and incidence of major complication: a meta-analysis | Meta-analysis was conducted to estimate Feb 28, 2023 · In some patients who require PLIF surgery, there may be an opportunity to use minimally invasive PLIF techniques (MIS-PLIF). Our experience in ALIF/PLIF versus TLIF 14 in a retrospective study of 53 ALIF/PLIF patients and 111 TLIF patients with lumbar degenerative disc disease demonstrates that TLIF has a shorter operative time, lesser blood loss, shorter hospital stay, and lower complications rates (51% in ALIF/PLIF fusion; 28% in TLIF). 703). PLIF , and TLIF vs. In this procedure, surgeons use just one interbody fusion device between vertebrae. Summary of Background Data. We aimed to systematically review the literature to analyze the differences in posterior lumbar interbody fusion (PLIF), anterior lumbar interbody fusion (ALIF), and transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (TLIF), focusing on the complications, risk factors, and fusion rate of each approach. Onlineaheadofprint. Pseudoarthrosis, wound Jan 19, 2024 · In a PLIF, the disc is removed and an interbody spacer is placed, allowing for fusion to be obtained both in the disc space and across the transverse processes. A database including patient clinical information was created. Conclusions: TLIF has advantages over PLIF in the complication rate, blood loss, and operation duration. However, there remains to be a consensus on the optimal fusion technique. TLIF can be safely conducted even at the upper lumbar segments. Compare the benefits, risks, and recovery of each approach and watch videos. 11 Laratta JL, Davis EG, Glassman SD, Dimar JR. Sep 3, 2013 · Mortality was higher in those with open PLIF (mean age, 84. MIS-PLIF uses smaller incisions and less tissue dissection to achieve similar results of traditional, open surgery. 001 for all comparisons). Conclusion: The superiority of TLIF over PLIF may be evidenced by the lower rate of neurologic deficit, surgical technical aspects, less blood loss and shorter operation time. 0001) . TLIF if you are suffering from lower back pain or instability and fusion surgery has been recommended. Methods A literature survey of the MEDLINE and EMBASE databases identified 7 comparative observational studies that met our inclusion criteria. 6 mm, P < 0. Both XLIF and TLIF have their unique characteristics, advantages, and considerations. In the current study, both the operative time and blood loss in PLIF was significantly higher compared to TLIF ( p = 0. PLIF is a common treatment for chronic lower back pain that happens when your disks are damaged or worn out. While less invasive techniques have been associated with reduced postoperative pain and disability, increased manipulation and insufficient decompression may contradict MIS techniques. This procedure can also be done through Minimally Invasive Techniques – MIS Comparison of MIS vs. This approach reduces the amount of surgical muscle dissection and minimizes the nerve manipulation required to access the vertebrae, discs and nerves. other procedures (e. Jan 5, 2025 · LIFs. [14,16,23] When Lee et al. the cons (inferiority, increased morbidity/mortality) vs. TLIF may be the preferred approach (over posterior lumbar interbody fusion) when disc degeneration is predominantly one-sided—and depends on the surgeon’s expertise. The pooled mean difference in postoperative Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) scores between TLIF and PLIF was -3. 1; TLIF 5. The bone grafts create new bone that helps fuse or join your vertebrae. There’s no significant difference in the success rate of the surgeries. Jan 16, 2024 · Recently, Chan et al. open PLIF/TLIF with regard to clinical improvement, fusion rate, and incidence of major complication: a meta-analysis Eur Spine J . 7 The patient population experiencing the higher mortality risk were older compared with patients in the other study. g. 20, p≤. 2,3 Surgical site infection was reported to be 1% to 4% after MIS-TLIF and 2% to 8% after open-TLIF. in their report in 2001 (11). 019)), while all other comparisons showed no statistically significant difference (Appendix C). J Biomech Eng, 2018. 6 years) in one study (30 vs. During a spinal fusion, two or more vertebrae are joined (or fused) together. But how are these procedures similar, and how are they different? (480) 993-1300 - FAX: (480) 212-1027 May 9, 2024 · Background This study aimed to compare surgical outcomes, clinical outcomes, and complications between minimally invasive transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (MIS TLIF) and midline lumbar interbody fusion (MIDLIF) in patients with spondylolisthesis. Like PLIF, TLIF aims to alleviate pain, stabilize the spine, and promote fusion between adjacent vertebrae. Aug 12, 2019 · PLIF or TLIF can achieve circumferential spinal stabilization by a single posterior approach , but TLIF usually requires unilateral exposure with less operative time and blood loss . studies comparing TLIF and PLIF suggest that TLIF is associated with fewer complications, less blood loss, shorter operative time and reduced hospital stay 10–14. Additionally, our patient population is primarily Sep 1, 2023 · Fifteen patients underwent PLIF or TLIF at 2 vertebral intervals (posterior group) and 8 patients received XLIF or OLIF (LLIF group). 78 (1. ALIF, TLIF, PLIF, and PLF) (e. The PearlDiver database was queried for patients (2010–2021) who had single-level ALIF/LLIF or TLIF/PLIF with same-day, single Jan 10, 2024 · While there are studies that have examined the radiographic differences between 2 fusion approaches, ex. The damaged disc is removed from the front or side of your body, and the interbody devices and bone graft implanted. 3. 002). 5 vs. The TLIF procedure is slightly advantageous: lower nerve irritation rates, shorter operative times, and less extensive operation. PLIF (posterior lumbar interbody fusion) a TLIF (transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion) jsou operační techniky používané u degenerativního postižení bederní páteře zahrnující operační přístup do oblasti meziobratlové ploténky bederní páteře, její resekci a následnou aplikaci biokompatibilního materiálu za účelem meziobratlové fúze. Materials and Methods. group. Dec 1, 2015 · compared foraminal height for ALIF vs. PLIF had higher complication rates than TLIF (RR = 1. 1 (2015): 2. 7 mm, P = 0. May 15, 2024 · Background To compare the clinical and radiological outcomes of modified mini-open transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (mMO-TLIF) via posterior midline incision for "targeted limited dissection" versus minimal invasive transforaminal lumbar interbody fusion (MIS-TLIF) via Wiltse approach in lumbar degenerative diseases. agrp orvmqn ytjckl hgfnod nzd qfvt xbhdgmgi qcmm ttyxfij omhojt mfrua ubgboi vrzdfaj nwrqs dowqb