Useref array typescript. Typescript array of key value pairs declaration.

Useref array typescript Adding a ref to an element in ReactJS can be pretty easy. Let‘s check how to use `Ref` and forward our `Ref` onto different com To implement this: Declare inputRef with the useRef Hook. Here’s how to use it with different element types: // For DOM elements const divRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null); const buttonRef = useRef<HTMLButtonElement>(null); const canvasRef = useRef<HTMLCanvasElement>(null); // For custom components const componentRef = useRef Apr 17, 2020 · If you are mutating the array, then it makes sense to store the array in the useRef. By passing observed in the array and by passing a callback that logs observed to the console, the useEffect hook can be leveraged to accomplish your task. This enhances type safety, ensuring that the referenced element matches the expected type. links that have been added. Nov 8, 2019 · There are a few issues with the code you have provided. " 13. value" Or "ref2. Jul 19, 2022 · A brief summary of how to use React's useRef Hook for using a ref with TypeScript. Yet, interviewers focus on it as much as they do on other core React concepts. length }, a => React. It actually breaks our requirements because we want to start this component with an empty array. Aug 17, 2023 · useRefの内部的な動き. setTimeout() and window. current property doesn’t cause a re-render. I do it like this: const errorPhoneDiv: MutableRefObject<{}> = useRef(""); A bit later in the code, I use errorPhoneDiv. I wonder if there's a better way to do this. 8. 1:16. settimeout>(); I also passed number useRef<number>() this time I am getting "Type 'Timeout' is not assignable to type 'number'" this did not work neither. current : export const Component = () => { Dec 16, 2020 · Here is a reusable hook that is using ref and useEffect cleanup function to prevent memory leakage when mounting / unmounting large amount of components. You need to specify the type of the element you're targeting, but it's not always clear what type you should be using. 0:00. This means that these tags, then, just don't work at all Get productive building applications with React and TypeScript with our interactive guide on React's types - from component props to useRef. It bypasses some of React's core rules, making it more confusing to understand. com Sep 4, 2024 · When working with arrays in React components, using an array of useRef can be a handy technique. – Jul 23, 2024 · const inputRef = useRef<HTMLInputElement>(null); // Correctly typed ref 3. In the previous examples, the ref prop has been set to an instance of RefObject but it can also be set to a callback method that accepts a parameter of the DOM element. If you are mutating a list of values, it may make more sense to create a ref per value. Presently my code Here we have a Component that uses useRef. The same thing applies at the first level in your loop. current Feb 3, 2024 · この記事は何React のrefを使うにあたって個人が経験したことをまとめた記事です。refを使う上での注意とエッジケースに対応した使用例をまとめました。ref を参照していい(いけない)タイ… Jan 11, 2022 · タイトル通りですが、意外に連想配列を渡す例がネットで見つからなくて困ったので、メモ程度に書いています。type TodoType = { id: number; todo: string; isD… Oct 20, 2023 · Introduction When exploring Typescript, if you are experiencing an issue with Useref not being assignable to type Legacyref, this could be due to a mismatch in the definition between these types. length - 1]; We can also get the array of DOM elements by querying for them on the page (which is what my actual situation involved). ) a) Use readonly refs for React-managed DOM nodes: const FunctionApp = => { // note the passed-in `null` arg -----v const inputRef = React. Oct 7, 2021 · I have a problem defining type in typescript for ref. When writing code with TypeScript for a frontend app that runs in web browsers, the proper type for an interval is number, and the setInterval() method should be called explicitly with window. When changing its value, it does not trigger a re-render of a component. useStateとuseRefは、Reactの内部的に備わるフックです。けれど、原理としてはuseRefはuseStateで実装することもできます。useRefフックをコードで示すなら、つぎのとおりです。 0:00. I have tried the following. ; Pass it as <input ref={inputRef}>. ListRef Object current: [] Whats's wrong in the code? Why it never takes array value? Jun 29, 2021 · How to assign a function to ref using useRef with typescript? 52. The current property of As you can see, the thing that gets inferred in here instead of never array, it's actually an array of id number value string. 0:48. Mar 3, 2023 · This succinct, practical article walks you through a complete example of using the window. The useRef the value will be initialized to an array of items and it will be updated using the useEffect hook. Initialize Refs Correctly. Inside the component is a mutable ref object called id , along with a useEffect that assigns a random value to id. You can fork and follow along from this starter codesandbox. const node: RefObject<HTMLElement> = useRef(null); Apr 6, 2021 · I am trying to use useRef with TypeScript but am having some trouble. If we want to do this for several items in an array we can do the following. Ask Question Asked 8 years, 9 months ago. This is pretty ugly to look at. current becomes a readonly property by initializing its value with null. This tutorial will assume some React and TypeScript knowledge. map(() => ( React. 3. Typing with useRef. But it is very useful for JavaScript users in addition to Typescript users who don't spend time finding out all the nuances of Typescript type differences like useRef. current); }, [observed]); Dec 4, 2021 · おはこんばんちは、@ちーずです。アドベントカレンダー4日目、本日のテーマはuseRefです!!useRefとはuseRefとは、参照を保持するためのhookです。// 変数名 = useRe… Jul 4, 2024 · useRefの扱い方がいまいちだったので、まとめてみる。今回のReactの構造はこんな感じ。src ├─ Components │ ├─ ChildComp. 1) You should wrap the DOM elements with React Fragments (<> </>). So, when using a previous version, a different technique needs to be used to access a ref. unfocus(). What I need is to get the value of select element. const inputRef = React. One cool thing, you notice that there are multiple declarations for useRef. Syntax: useRef array using react, react-dom, react-scripts. To simplify it, suppose you were returning this: Oct 6, 2023 · Introduction When integrating Useref with Typescript in your Functional Component within React, it offers a streamlined technique for handling references, enhancing your project’s efficiency and code readability. You can declare your timeout/interval like this. const myTimeout = useRef<ReturnType<typeof setTimeout> | null>(null) And to clear it and set it again, you do it as usual: Jun 20, 2021 · ReactとTypeScriptの使い方がまとめられた「React + TypeScript Cheatsheets」の「useRef」の情報にもとづいて、このフックの型づけと初期値の与え方について3つの定めを解説します。useRefフックの型には、試しやすいようにnumberを用いました。 Jul 11, 2022 · useRefを使用してrefを配列で定義; inputタグにrefを定義する; buttonをクリックすることでフォーム内の入力データを表示する; 上記を踏まえたコードは以下のようになる。 Apr 6, 2019 · useRef is a generic type. useRef allows us to reference DOM elements directly, facilitating tasks such as focusing inputs, measuring elements, or even integrating with third-party libraries. const refsTh = arrTh. . It should be: May 9, 2015 · You only need [] to instantiate an array - this is true regardless of its type. Referencing is created using the useRef() hook. It is merely an array and [] is a new empty array - job done. Quick Summary React – UseRef with Typescript and Functional Component brings together three fundamental concepts to enhance your React applications: The React UseRef Hook Typescript Playground Link. useRefを利用して変数を作成する Apr 18, 2020 · let last = React. let flipInterval = useRef<typeof window. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. The type inferred by Typescript becomes: (boolean | React. The fact that the array is of an array type is immaterial. const node: RefObject<HTMLElement> = useRef(null); Oct 7, 2021 · I have a problem defining type in typescript for ref. Below are some examples // Using the useRef() hook. FormEvent<HTMLInputElement>. Oct 10, 2020 · You're able to inject that method withuseImperativeHandle, but the description of that hook is basically "don't use this": useImperativeHandle customizes the instance value that is exposed to parent components when using ref. Instead, use TS 3. &quot;Uncaught Error: Function components cannot have string refs. The useRef can be challenging to understand because it behaves differently from other hooks. Choose one that suits your use case. The example below shows you how to properly use the useRef hook with TypeScript in React. The problem is that by assigning null as a default value to the ref, typescript can only guess that the type of the ref will be that of it's initial value (null) - which is why you're getting the errors you mentioned. For your array example you have the same issue. If we instead just return an array of numbers, so return 1, 2, 3, for instance, then autoGeneratedIds is going to be an array of numbers, and useMemo has number array in its slot. 0:09. useEffect(() => { console. So even though it is being updated, you will never get a re-render showing the 7th, 8th, etc. setInterval(), as follows: Nov 11, 2022 · I want to specify input type='file' as ref but I can't find the type part. Jan 20, 2024 · In order to have the useRef() hook work with an array, the first step will be to instantiate the hook with an empty array, instead of the null value: const inputs = useRef([]); In order to populate the references array with items we will pass a function to the useRef() hook. js is often a neglected React hook for interview preparation. Zoom out a little bit. According to the official guidance, you can use "ref callbacks". Apr 6, 2021 · I am trying to use useRef with TypeScript but am having some trouble. Whoops, there we go, and now zoom out a little bit so we can see it. As for the second level, if Thing is a class then new Thing() will be just fine Jan 9, 2021 · let flipInterval = useRef<typeof window. log(observed. For example, with React DT, you can define ref exotic component with ForwardRefRenderFunction instead of FC Apr 21, 2024 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. Using useRef with native elements can be a bit of a pain. The useRef hook in React allows us to create mutable variables that persist for the entire lifecycle of a component. This guide will help through common scenarios and how to approach them with TypeScript. Covering popular subjects like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, SQL, Java, and many, many more. Apr 1, 2023 · Discover how to effectively type the useRef hook in TypeScript for React applications that require imperative DOM manipulation. Jan 30, 2020 · I want to post whatever values are in the form to the API, im using useRef to get the form like this const formElement = useRef&lt;HTMLFormElement&gt;(null); Submit function const submit = Jul 20, 2022 · const containerRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement | null>(null); Second, the return type of the hook is not declared and TS auto detects it to be an array by looking at what is being returned ([containerRef, isVisible]). You won’t see old-fashioned stuff like class components, this. setInterval>(); Jul 14, 2019 · You have to tell useRef what types other than null it will be assigned to, e. Dec 8, 2020 · The type Reference is a tuple with three entries. DOM要素の参照を保持; レンダリング間で変更されない値を保持; DOM要素の参照を保持する 1. Now, we will look at how to use useRef with elements. In order to get this animated with GSAP, every element needs to have its own ref - for now only last letter works as only one ref is assigned. These are different ways that useRef can be called and it will return a different thing based on what you pass it in. Only possible when you're using a Feb 8, 2022 · I have a custom pin input of 5 input fields. let refValue= useRef(null); When there is new data, the data is getting overlapped with old data which has to be cleared, but the old data is still retaining with ref, how do i overcome this and clear the old data Nov 29, 2020 · I'm trying to use a ref in React, which is an array that contains references to multiple other divs in the DOM. In a useEffect, I map through an object to render the divs, and I assign a ref to eac W3Schools offers free online tutorials, references and exercises in all the major languages of the web. MutableRefObject<HTMLDivElement | null>)[]. useRef "refers to a value, but is being used as a type here. 4 const assertions: Jan 2, 2023 · I use useRef() to deal with errors of a phone number from an input. Edit the code to make changes and see it instantly in the preview typescript: 3. tsx │ └─ ParentCom… Aug 11, 2024 · useRefとは? useRefとはDOM要素の参照を保存したり、レンダリング間で変更されない値を保持するために利用されます。 ユースケース. This common challenge can often be solved by correctly structuring your code Aug 17, 2023 · フックはコンポーネント(またはカスタムフック)のトップレベルでしか呼び出せないからです。条件やループ、入れ子関数、map()呼び出しなどから、useRefは実行できません。 Apr 2, 2024 · Understanding useRef in TypeScript: In TypeScript, useRef is declared with a generic type parameter, specifying the type of the referenced element. current = array[array. observe(ref. useRef<null | number>(null) or in your case useRef<null | HTMLElement>(null). I have questionsRef which is a list of refs. You might want to narrow it a bit in case you have a specific shape Oct 14, 2024 · Using refs Inside the class-based component with TypeScript Approach 2: Using refs inside the functional components with TypeScript. You'll see that there are actually several definitions. Aug 17, 2020 · I have below code in TypeScript in which i am trying to use useRef and assign the arrayLength. useRef<HTMLInputElement>(null) return <input type="text" ref={inputRef} /> } inputRef. The TypeScript type for the HTML5 Canvas element is HTMLCanvasElement Dec 13, 2024 · The useRef hook provided by React. setState Aug 29, 2020 · From the React useRef() docs:. I populate 1st dropdown with vehicle makes, then 2nd with ranges f Jan 25, 2019 · The array of refs (from createRef) will not trigger renders and stay in place between renders because it's safely stored in the . current). useRef array. Using this way, we don't need to know how many refs we need to create upfront and it's a bit less noise (perhaps at the price of a little less clarity). current. Dec 18, 2020 · This was such a helpful answer, as I didn't know about using createRef instead of useRef. useRef<Ref>(null) )); Typescript Playground Link. Oct 27, 2024 · When using TypeScript with React, it is important to ensure type safety while working with useRef. useRef(null); const executeS function useCanvas() { const canvasRef = useRef<HTMLCanvasElement>(null); return [canvasRef, canvasWidth, canvasHeight] } Since you havn't given a type to the return value, typescript will infer it. Let's dive into the types for useRef itself to see what's going on. export default function ImgUpload Sep 5, 2019 · Please help me in creating Dynamic Refs using the useRef Hook and accessing it in the handler. We’ll use functional components with hooks (useState, useEffect, and useRef). Jun 5, 2020 · Yes, useRef. The most common use case for is accessing and interacting with DOM elements. value" etc. createElement('button'), ]; last. This tells React to put this <input>’s DOM node into inputRef. In this article, we will create a fully functional and visually appealing combobox component using React and TypeScript, without relying on external component libraries. Oct 20, 2022 · There is a task, by pressing the button, the scroll scrolls to a certain block. May 5, 2019 · There is no need for useEffect with side effects or other brittle approaches. In this guide, we will explore how to effectively use useRef with TypeScript in React applications, providing you with the knowledge and best practices to leverage this powerful tool. I can use useState hook over onChange event but it works when I change the value but does not work when I programmatically set, so I am using useRef hook to get Mar 3, 2023 · The setInterval() method is used to call a given function at specified intervals (in milliseconds). useRef(); const updateSelectionStart = The useEffect hook fires every time the value of contents of the array passed to it changes. Access them in the button handler using "ref1. current remains empty. The assigned HTML element gives us imperative read and write operations on it which allows us to programmatically call functions. so I can perform an action like reference. useRef (Hooks / function comp. current and call focus() on it with inputRef. If you look at tags here, it's actually never array here. As shown in the above code snippet, countRef is of type number and it will display output as 1. focus() or reference. We can Command-click on useRef. Typescript array of key value pairs declaration. The accepted answer helped me solve that. Mar 30, 2020 · I am trying to use useRef as shown below with typescript strict set to On, but I keep getting 'Object is possibly 'undefined'. React will call your ref callback with the DOM node when it’s time to set the ref, and with null when it’s time to clear it. May 10, 2020 · Can someone help me sort out the correct method for using hooks to update the view parameter? Currently, using React and Leaflet, I am creating a simple map: import React, { useState, useEffect, If you are returning an array in your Custom Hook, you will want to avoid type inference as TypeScript will infer a union type (when you actually want different types in each position of the array). g. focus(). When using `useRef` in functional components, ensure you initialize it with `null` if it will initially be empty. innerText to set the written phone number, but TS tells me : Property 'innerText' does not exist on type '{}' Jan 25, 2019 · Apparently you can't store React refs in an array. useRef for DOM Access. import React, { useRef} from "react"; const Component = => {// What goes here? const audioRef = useRef < NoIdeaWhatGoesHere >(null); return < audio ref = {audioRef Oct 4, 2022 · Multiple refs for an array of React Elements. useRef<Function>() Function type allows for any function to be used as a reference. We're in a pretty good position just by removing the type argument itself. Mutating the . ; In the handleClick function, read the input DOM node from inputRef. With my RefObject (I assume) I need to access current. You can use the useRef hook in functional components to manage refs in TypeScript. This function will push items to the array, while they are created: Sep 15, 2020 · Part 3: Making React Refs Type aware with TypeScript Generics. isIntersecting) ) useEffect(() => { observer. Oct 26, 2020 · Looking to create a ref to a ScrollView component like so: const ref = useRef&lt;ScrollView&gt;(null); (or something to this effect) essentially I need access to the flashScrollIndicators method like Dec 1, 2021 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. Reactで map を用いて繰り返しDOMを生成したものに対して useRef を適用したいときのTipsです。. However, I think it is really just personal preference. current created by useRef. Confused about the Sep 24, 2020 · I have a main component where I use useRef hook and a child component where I am using forwardRef hook and Select element. Feb 11, 2019 · I use the useRef hook to create panels of data that I want to control independently. This task may sound simple but it can be challenging for people who aren’t familiar with types and functional components. Provide details and share your research! But avoid …. Our goal is to make it flexible and reusable. Dec 14, 2024 · In this guide, we will explore how you can leverage useRef in TypeScript with React to streamline your DOM manipulation tasks. My goal is to have control of the next input via reference. Jun 12, 2021 · If your team only uses Typescript and understands all the types in use, maybe you don't need to spend any extra time communicating intent through functions. FYI #1: You don't want to call a hook on an array may if the array can change length, but your App has a fixed array so it's fine. Jun 5, 2020 · I recommend you use type definitions more explicitly. Oct 14, 2024 · To use refs in React with TypeScript, you can apply them in both class-based and functional components depending on the approach you're using. import {useRef } from 'react'; function MyComponent {// create the ref const inputRef = useRef (null); // add the ref return < input ref = {inputRef} / >;}; Sep 19, 2019 · I came to this question by searching how to type useRef with Typescript when used with setTimeout or setInterval. Nov 11, 2023 · Building a Custom Combobox in React and TypeScript: A Step-by-Step Guide. In TypeScript, you can define the ref type explicitly to ensure type safety. There we go. const questionsRef = useRef<Array<HTMLDivElement | null>>([]); I want to pass that questionsRef to the utility function, but Typescript requires the correct type of arguments. If we hover over useState, you can see that useState is being inferred as never array because the thing that we're being passed in here is just an empty array, and TypeScript infers an empty array as never array. const listRef = useRef(Array. In class components, use React. Jun 12, 2022 · TypeScriptを使っていると、思わぬところで躓き時間がかかることがある。 今回は返り値の型の違いを知ったことでuseRefについての理解も深まったので、今後もその場しのぎでTypeScrptのエラーが消えればOKではなくしっかり理解してTypeScriptを活用していきたい。 Oct 31, 2022 · useRef in TypeScript with number type. This makes it clear that the ref might not have a value right away. It's unknown how Popover works but, but it expects an element as anchorEl prop, not a ref. example: const Component = () =&gt; { // In `items`, I would like to get an array of DOM element let i Aug 16, 2018 · React. 0:30. import {useRef } from 'react'; // Example of useRef with TypeScript const myRef = useRef < HTMLDivElement Oct 3, 2023 · I am learning React &amp; Typescript and am attempting to create a &quot;search filter&quot; composed of 3 react-select dropdowns. The hook function useOnScreen(ref) { const [isIntersecting, setIntersecting] = useState(false) const observer = new IntersectionObserver( ([entry]) => setIntersecting(entry. 3 Jan 29, 2019 · anchorEl variable is ref object, an object that has only current property. First, a ref in React is mainly used to assign a HTML element to it. Jan 1, 2020 · I'm just play around with typescript and I've got problem to use useRef in a custom element passing it as prop I've tried with import React from "react"; export interface InputProps extends If we hover over useMemo, you can see that it's inferring string array in that slot. Viewed 142k times 56 . Aug 27, 2019 · Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. It is important to ensure that the correct typing is declared and both align for smoother interaction within your program. Learn best practices, common pitfalls, and practical examples, such as controlling the focus state of an input element. const inputRef = useRef<HTMLInputElement>(null); // Initialize Aug 7, 2019 · The createRef function was introduced in React version 16. Sep 17, 2022 · Using react hooks with Material-UI and TypeScript I'm unable to find a proper type T for the Material-UI TextField component. You have to learn Jun 30, 2022 · はじめに. First I initialize the useRef to store an array: import React, { useRef } from "react"; const arr = [1, 2, 3]; const refs = useRef([]) When initializing the array we observe that it actually looks like this: //refs = {current: []} See full list on atomizedobjects. from({ length: message. Initial render of VisNetwork the filterNodes is an empty array ==> filterNodesRef. We recommend using Mar 1, 2019 · I looking for a solution about get an array of DOM elements with react useRef() hook. In your case the ref's initialisation code will look like that: const someRef = React. Basically, I want to know the type of this part: const upload = useRef&lt;any&gt;(null). (ie node. 概要. 例えば input要素をコンポーネント化してリストにし、その数が動的に変わる かつ その中のinputにアクセスしたい場合は、それぞれのコンポーネントのref指定を少し工夫をする必要があり Apr 6, 2024 · When it comes to managing DOM elements in React applications, the useRef hook emerges as a powerful ally, particularly when working with TypeScript. You need to add a type parameter to tell TypeScript what values you want to use. The special object inputRef is produced when calling const inputRef = useRefHTMLInputElement>(null) with the initial value(as set to null). Jan 16, 2022 · Goal: Get value from the textbox when you click on the button Problem: The value don't display in the console. Keep in mind that useRef doesn’t notify you when its content changes. If we command-click into useRef, we can see that by default here, T is undefined. TypeScript and React sometimes need a helping hand so they can play ball well together. Sep 5, 2024 · 1. Jan 8, 2020 · If your React is up to date you should use createRef or the useRef hook. Therefore I am resorting to using HTMLInputElement as the RefObject T May 4, 2021 · I am using useref to display dynamic content. Note that for some use cases, useRef([]) isn't necessary at all, particularly if the array of refs is being mapped from an array coming from state or props. For some reason they get wiped out, so if you need to store a collection of refs, you have to do something like this (forgive me lord, for I hath sinned): Dec 11, 2017 · As an update to @Titian Cernicova-Dragomir's answer above, it's worth mentioning the as operator (for Type Assertion), especially useful when working with React's TSX(JSX) files, equivalent to the <Type> syntax: Nov 29, 2024 · The useRef hook in TypeScript requires proper type definitions. When infering the type on an array, typescript is going to assume it's a normal array, not a tuple. createElement('button'), document. current in a useEffect that's why you get empty array in initial render. Understanding useRef in TypeScript: Oct 29, 2022 · The useRef hook allows you to persist values between re-renders. TypeScript cannot infer the type of a ref since it can really be any value. Need to create 3 useRef s to point to 3 buttons. React's useRef won't automatically infer types despite pointing it to a typed ref. Here's how you can create a `useRef` array or object for adding and removing multiple elements in your component. With the introduction of hooks, functional components have become more common in modern React development. current contains latest value, but your filterNodesRef. Let's examine why this is happening. These act as function overloads. This approach enables us to store references to multiple elements or values in a single array, providing a more structured and manageable way to interact with them. The solution is to provide a type for this line. Let's take a look at useRef in terms of its type definitions. So when you assign to a variable of the type Reference, typescript checks if 1) the assigned value is a tuple 2) if the assigned tuple has the desired length 3) if all types of the entries in the tuple match the corresponding types in the Reference type. The most common use case is to store a reference to an HTML element to be able to access its dom API. // before const prevSubjectAddressCounterRef = useRef(); // after const prevSubjectAddressCounterRef: MutableRefObject<number | undefined> = useRef(); Alternatively, the solution provided by @DarthCoder also works. I created a ref and a function to scroll to a block that has a ref: const myRef = React. What? 1:02. This means that the return Nov 17, 2022 · Implement useRef with Typescript; In this article, we created a straightforward task app using Typescript and the useRef react hook. createRef())); but it never gets populated with arrayLength and comes as. useRef<HTMLButtonElement>(); let array = [ document. Mar 22, 2020 · I'm trying to create animated text in React (typescript) using GSAP. Explore code examples and best practices to enhance your React development skills. Using with TypeScript. Jul 12, 2022 · So TypeScript says, you can't assign type number to type undefined. 2) Instead of setting the type of event as any, you might want to use React. clearTimeout() methods in a React application that is written in TypeScript. Mar 5, 2024 · Learn how to leverage the power of React Hook useRef in TypeScript for improved state management and efficient DOM manipulation. This type is undefined. As such, we lose the benefit of TypeScript as well as the IDE's autocompletion: Luckily, React supports TypeScript Generics for useRef. Text variable is a string, which is split into an array of strings, form which separate div's are created for every letter. In TypeScript, useRef returns a reference that is either read-only or mutable, depends on whether your type argument fully covers the initial value or not. There are three definitions for it, and over the next few exercises we're going to get to know them. createRef (), and in functional components, use useRef (). Modified 3 years, 7 months ago. What's happening is that when we call useRef with nothing inside here, then whatever we put as the type argument is going to return it in a MutableRefObject with T or undefined. kmfuxh wnukd qssopg jmdhv obbo tubb aauc sgqdomzp enpckd pdvrx idqtr vdce yrao yfns egbay