Aita for being upset at my dad for giving my room to my stepsister When I told my husband what his father said he went to his father and they got in a huge fight. I was fatter than the rest of my family and a dr suggest I was hiding food to my Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. I can't fully control my emotion and my face is extremely expressive. I have an older brother Luke who was 15. I used to have the largest bedroom in the house but decided to let dad and his wife take it because it makes sense that they get the largest room (my dad didn't ask to have it). It's not fair to anyone and I definitely thought my mom was selfish for putting us through It is worth mentioning that I hardly know these people so they don't really mean anything to me specifically. None of us were attached to our rooms. He kept showing up where I was to talk. My dad has a 3 bedroom house. She was upset and angry at first and then the upset faded and her anger kept. On top of her being normally high maintenance, she also has bronchitis and wakes up coughing in the middle of the night. My stepsister said I don't act like I'm upset that we didn't get to do our sister dance at the wedding, something that she revealed to me and I was never told about by my dad or Eve. true. Two years prior I had lost my dad to a heart condition and my stepsister's mother also AITA for not telling my dad that I had cancelled ''our'' hotel reservation after he insisted on taking my step-sister? Not the A-hole My (17F) parents divorced ten years ago because my dad cheated on my mom. They think with their dicks and kids are just kind of accessories that come with the woman, so if they’re not with your mom it’s like they’re not your dad anymore. I told her no, I do not want her to have him, he is special to me because my dad bought him and my dad is gone. My dad already knew about the money my mom left me but he had no idea about the rest. Edit: Since people don't seem to realize i was asking about general upset. Me, my wife 'Candace' and my daughter (16) 'Shiloh' and her stepsisters (19) & (17) flew to my hometown to attend the funeral. I shut the door in his face. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I think that because I went off on my family for saying those things that I could be taken as a bad person and my whole family thinks that i was a little too mean and i I was happy for my in-laws, but I was also a little upset. Had to learn and deal with My mom called me last week and told me that my stepsister (25f) was stranded with nowhere to go. Pretty simple. "AITA for refusing to hang out less with my brothers because of my stepsister?" I (18F) am the youngest of four siblings. Previous to this he was a single father after adopting myself (21) and my brothers (19 & 16). My mum later told me I could have turned him down without being an asshole or bringing up childhood which he Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. My fiancé and I are aware that between my dad’s family and his, we are signing up for a certain type of event and we’re fine with that, but I can admit the cost is eye-watering (I will not be giving the exact number but when I contacted the wedding planner and asked if we’d be able to get the venue for 100k, she laughed at me and said the venue would not return our call for that price). My dad and my stepmom have gotten a dog together and he proposed to her a month ago. I held the trust fund above my mom's head to treat my sister fairly. I would strongly advise you to interact with lawyers to understand who inherited what (for example, chances are Holly actually has no share in what your father left. Regarding the stuffed animal, It was so badly damaged, there was no way of repairing it and I just took any remaining fur, stuff, and eyes and put them in a bag in my room as a replacement. I (17F) was at my grandparents since the previous day and arrived home to them in the living room with the girls crying and my mom and stepfather glaring at me. all-day my mom has been texting me and coming to the door asking me to come out and talk to her and Brad. My dad also contributed to my sister’s wedding and I’m sure he’ll offer to do the same for me. Amy would tell me to just accept that dad liked her better and he was her dad more than mine now. i mostly kept my stuff in there "AITAH for being upset my husband is sharing a hotel room with another woman?" My (36F) husband (42m) is currently in Las Vegas for a National bowling tournament. When I entered my dad was sitting at my desk in my gaming chair watching YouTube videos. Completely different from "this guy is basically evil and can never improve!!!" I tried to explain to my dad but he told me it was selfish to want to keep him to myself and to leave Amy without a dad and how her dad didn't want to know her so he needed to fill that role for her. Few minutes later my step mom came into my room and demanded that I That said, Laura, my dad, and Katie are now extremely upset. 1- I told my stepsister to go stay with her dad during an argument That's why she's throwing a tantrum, to get out of trouble for stealing. Just as I understand you being upset, I understand him being worried and wanting to be with his father. This is how I feel. Some are saying you're wrong, but I totally understand you being unhappy your father wasn't at your wedding, a once-in-a-lifetime day. Dad and I have a rocky relationship. (and I know I am dating myself here), my dad bought my mom a Salad Shooter as her gift because it had just come out and was all the rage. My mom and stepdad have been together for ten years, with two younger kids. And when they are at our place my stepsister sleeps in my room. I know people will give me shit for that but I only have one sibling and that's how it will always be. So I called my dad and he came to get me. my dad understands this and is always telling my step mom that she needs to take care of them of and not me. My parents divorced a while back, and my dad's been remarried for a few years. I wanted to start looking for collleges now to be better prepared but turns i have no money left, I'm literally sobbing while writing this my parents took my entire money and gave it to my sister. Do you know which room she got? The small spare room. My mom and I basically took turns (shifts I guess) between sitting in my dad’s room and sleeping in the family room. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Tried to make it up to her by attending two of her college My mom was really upset by my underwhelming initial reaction and my parents aren't super thrilled that after a few weeks I'm not more excited. Backstory: I Last week, my half sister went into my room while i was visiting my dad to celebrate Christmas early and she told her dad she wanted my room because it looked nice to her. I (14f) live with my mom,stepdad and younger step sister and for the sake of the story I’ll call my step dad Nick. But then the other part of me wonders if had it been my stepbrother’s wedding fund would my stepdad be so quick to give it to my stepsister. She was incredibly upset, and he didn't seem to understand that no, that wasn't a gift for her; it was something she AITA for giving away my dad and my sister's tickets to my graduation ceremony and telling them to not bother showing up . My stepfather and mom are in marriage counseling together, and seem to be doing much better. So literally as the title says. when i expressed how i felt about my art getting painted over my dad just responded with a OP’s daughter grossly violated her stepsister’s sense of privacy and autonomy in the most craven and merciless way possible. I have became frustrated over this but I don't want to be in my 20s and sharing a room with a much younger person. After my parents divorced when I was 4 they split custody of me and he was able to stay a good dad. This way, if there were any urgent changes or updates to the patient’s condition, the family could be notified and get to the room immediately. I wasn't able to keep much of his belongings because of my stepdad's insecurities and lack of sympathy and respect for me and my dad. She has a 21 year old son. We rented a new and more spacious apartment together, we split rent and most of the expenses (according to our wages). ” And to your mother “you are my mom, and you’re supposed to be protecting me and making sure I’m safe. starting when i was around 7 or 8 ive always slept on the couch. They were disgusted with his lack of love or concern for me. Definitely agree here, my dad once dated a women who did the same thing to me, my dad had a four bedroom house I was in the second biggest room, considering when I was at mums which was most if the time I was sharing my room with a baby I was 10 at the time and the room at mums was small, when I would go to dads I loved that I had a big room, my brother also had a Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. Do not ever down Emily’s father for being a good dad. I got yelled at and had to take out my shelves from my room (had most of my books/art supplies) and my dad demanded to know why I was dating. it's okay to let them have their space for a bit if you're He is really angry that I got upset and left the room when he made the original comment. Then in November my dad showed up and told me he wanted to talk. ~6 months ago there was a big argument between my girlfriends 16 year old little brother and the rest of the family - stemming from him being spoiled and ungrateful - which led him to go and stay with his dad, things have been tense but the relationship is slowly being built back up, but they will My wife said I have zero ground to stand on, because for the past several mothers day and birthdays of hers, I've worked and she hasn't been able to do anything that she has wanted to do (her most recent employer gives ALL mom's mother's day off and ALL dad's father's day off, as well as all birthdays, so she's always had the day off but I never have those days off so it's AITA for getting my daughter a hotel room entirely for herself after her stepsisters made her sleep on the floor? Not the A-hole My dad passed away 2 weeks ago. See our ~~*Best Of*~~ "Most Controversial" at /r/AITAFiltered! AITA for getting upset at my parents for being late to my college classes I didn't stay in touch. My parents did give them the biggest room though. NTA- He didn't communicate with you about your stepsister, then decided to [UPDATE] AITA for giving my stepson’s room to my daughter? UPDATE We actually found out that he was more upset than he let on and had cried to his bio dad about it. My sister has always been super close to my children (14F, 10F, 8M) There's My dad remarried again last year (seventh wife in fourteen years). My stepmom has a daughter that just turned 7, her bio dad isn't in her life and my dad has become her main father figure. The teacher listened but then my dad and his wife found out and so did my stepsister. Nick has been in my life ever since I was 2 years old though when I first knew nick he was a female assigned at birth that later transitioned into male , I have nothing against it as I am and I have lots of friends in the LGBTQ+ community. My mum and stepdad have finally decided to get married and are having a wedding in October. Hi, im 13m and ive had some issues with sleeping in my room for a while. So the few times I've walked in on my brother, I usually knock first and ask if it's okay if I can grab my toothbrush (in the event that he's going #2 and I'm trying to get to bed) and he says yes. They are only Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. I am at my dad's place every other week and that means that almost every other weekend I have to spend at least one night with my stepmom and stepsister. Even when we were older they still shared because there was literally no other space until they moved out. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I might be the asshole for (1) laughing at stepsister wanting a share of my inheritance and (2) leaving her homeless and broke I used to think that my Dad was a narcissist (mostly from Reddit) but since growing up a bit more and gaining some perspective from being in my 30s, I think he most likely has extreme anxiety that manifested as anger and control issues for my childhood and teen years. I had enough and moved in with my dad full time. Today that aunt came to my house to idk speak to my parents or whatever and my dad told her that i go to so and so institution (this happened when i was at the said institution) That woman inquired every possible detail she could get out of my dad only for the purpose of critiquing it. He's a very kind and generous man who I could go to for anything, just crap with dates. I am now more upset than before. I (18 NB) have a small cat plushie my deceased father gifted me when I was young and have kept it in my room ever since in remembrance of my father. We facetime and text all the time. And I'm going to college currently, I promise I'm not a lazy child taking advantage of my parents) I stuttered when I said that so my dad mocked me by repeating my stutter. I refused, this is my mom’s family’s money so I don’t think I should share with someone who isn’t even related to them. Leigh is 18 and Kyle is 13. Would be lots of families sleeping in the reclining chairs at night. My parents had my baby brother when they were 42(my dad) and 39 (my mom). His dad offered to come pick him up and take him back to his house, but stepson declined and wanted to stay with us for the remainder of his visitation, so he seems to be feeling better now. That's not personal against my stepsister but we're not sisters or even family beyond her mom being married to my dad. I will admit my mother was not the greatest but she definitely did her best with what she was given, and my step father is person I respect the most out of everyone, I consider him to be my true father. I’m pretty upset because the phone has pictures of a friend that passed too and I don’t have it backed up anywhere. Everything you’ve written here should be more than sufficient to get a restraining order. When she fell out with her bf she moved back in for bit with her infant daughter. Relationship and bonds can't be forced. I was venting about it on the phone to my dad earlier, and my dad is upset for me and even more upset with himself that he can't help me get it fixed, but he's also angry with my stepsister for breaking it. AITA for being upset on father's day for seemingly being forgotten? Not the A-hole My wife seemingly forgot it was fathers day, she said I could sleep in, 7 am the kids are up and waning out attention, I look over and she is dead to the world, here she thinks I should have just kicked her out of bed, then she would have been grumpy all morning. My step-dad jumped right in with being a father-figure even though I was done being raised, and my dad's girlfriend was not so interested in fostering a familial relationship with me. I got tired so I wanted to take a nap in my room. With that being said I don’t necessarily think I am wrong either. They also threw me a graduation party that none of my dad’s family came to even though they were invited. My dad hosted a party for both of us today and asked me to stay the weekend. We both finished “high school” (different school system here) this summer. I have three older brothers Michael (28M), John (27M), and Chris My stepsister went off on me, called an accomplice then ran upstairs and took the gift I prepared for my dad for father's day. Though it's all on Leigh, my dad and Jenna to figure babysitting and other stuff out. We didn't come from a privileged background, my mum was a min wage worker and my dad was absent. 2K votes, 997 comments. Sadly very common for remarried men to put the new wife’s kids over their own actual kids. But then the other part of me wonders if had it been my stepbrother’s wedding fund would my stepdad be so quick to give it to my They bought me a pretty expensive prom and hosted an after party (which my stepsister was at because my aunts asked me to invite her). They don't care about it being something I treasure from dad. I let them know that I am not comfortable with this for two reasons, one, My mom is a 62 year old woman who deserves her own space and should not have to share with anyone, and two, I am a 30 year old adult man who should have his own room. the $300 was for all three of you; the least they could’ve done was give you a $3 cakepop. he was absolutely heartbroken and fell into a pretty bad depression. We also have a guest bedroom downstairs, which is being occupied by another guest. 5 years. It's about being upset about the ultimatum he threw and still being upset even when he apologized for it. I didn’t even think anything if it and said yes. All she has to do is come in and clean/vacuum my room twice a week and take care of my laundry for me. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I expressed being upset at my parents and threatening to get my own room because they won’t let my boyfriend and I share a hotel room on a family trip. My dad doesn't remember mine either, but then also WOULD NOT kick up a stink about not receiving a Father's Day gift. She ended up going LC with Ivy and very LC with me, her dad, and my mum. The father is not in the picture and they are trying to get child support out of him. i remember one time i was playing with my older sister in her room and we were being too loud so he came in and stomped on our barbie toy car in romeo’s that we were playing with and broke it. Edit 3: spoke with my dad, he said he was sleepwalking and apologized. AITA (30f) for being upset at my family for giving me baby clothes for my birthday . My step father had Amy and Ada who were 12 and 11. but half the kids did cus at least once in my 7 years being apart of the band program(my sister was in it too to I helped out in middle school) we only had maybe 2 bathroom breaks(15mins for over 350 kids) in a 7-2 My mom asked if she could keep it for the day to show my dad when he got home from work. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I feel IATA because I told my ex to establish boundaries between his personal relationship and our kids as I feel his relationship is too new for his gf to be our NTA but you’re dad and sister definitely are. I lost my dad this way. My mom's husband is kinda a jerk and was worse after his daughter moved in My decision to move out was controversial with mom. My mom did an on and off consistent job of keeping me fed and I only ever remember my dad making food once outside of the occasional fast food run. I told He angrily leaves to his room after. Everyone but my boyfriend laughed Im under 18, living with my dad and his ex wife, i have a fairly small room, but ive made do. My late wife passed away in 2014. I love my step sister and we are reasonably close. Alright. So I never regarded her daughter as my niece and I never planned to be an overly involved figure. After leaving home I went no contact with my parents for the past seven years although I have had sporadic contact with all my siblings, I just did not ever contact my parents. My stepdad was known for taking me up on challenges. Being my dad isn’t just expecting me, it also requires for you to listen to me sometimes. My graduation ceremony is being held next week. I have severe anxiety and an ed, he's seen me have multiple anxiety attacks but he doesn't pay them any mind. But I sleep on a mattress on the floor which isn’t much different that the alternative beds. I AM cleaning everyone. ima be straight up: i don’t shave often. When I was 19, my stepdad got me a job in his industry, which upset Jess because she was unemployed at the time and wanted the job. Although his dad doesn’t I got upset and asked her again and she told me that they couldn’t help with the wedding. I think you're brother is a control freak. When I got to the restaurant, I was very shocked and honestly upset to find my father and mother had brought their spouses, as well as their children to surprise me. the only shaving i keep up with is my armpits cause i don’t like how it feels having hair there. Email *For Business Purposes* | ComfortLevelBiz@gmail. So am I the for being upset with my eldest son, my perspective? So my father posted on Reddit about how I didn't celebrate his birthday in 11 months of sobriety. I love my Dad. Also, his weight translated to the NTA I don't think you're an asshole. the fact that they didn’t even want to do that I told him no. NTA Holly destroyed something that belonged to you, the end. What they said made me very upset so I I’m admittedly much older than the daughter but my room in my parents house is now my sister & her husband’s room b/c there’s 2 of them and my room was bigger & I use her, smaller, old room. (We never had footraces, he was obese and did NOT run. She wanted us to share, I did not. I was her only kid. Welcome to r/AmITheAsshole. They became upset with what they read and my mom then takes it off them and reads it too. I feel like I’m being pushed away by my dad, and also HOW MUCH IS ENOUGH. I'm the asshole. So AITA for not giving up my room for one night even though I’m the host and they are the guests? Edit: I’m 15F and my brother is 12M. My stepsister Mia (18F) just found out she's pregnant, and now my dad and my stepmom want me to give her my room since it's bigger and more comfortable. little bit of a tw for (mainly emotional) abuse my (19f) parents split up 5 years ago. I might be the AH here, but I told them that is the job of a parent is to provide for their children. By the time my parents come inside, we're full-on screaming at each other and my dad yells at us to stop. Further Edit: Alright. They are also being unfair and irresponsible as parents by expecting you to meet the emotional needs and unrealistic expectations that they created regarding your stepsister. Then my brother told me that da was sick and might not have long left. My parents have split 50/50 custody, and so, one week with one set and the other week with the other. My mom and her dad said we had the space to each have a room so there was no need to share. im 23 now and still living at home with them, trying to get an education before i move out. If she completes these chores by Friday she can hang out with freinds. So my face showed my emotions, and I was told that I was an asshole for not being happy. My mom was pissed. saying that I'm acting like a huge brat. But he would happily be the referee when my stepsister and I would race around the yard. Just my dad. As I expected, the party I have being fighting with my stepdad over this and my mom agrees with him saying that it is not appropriate for a boy and a girl to share a room at that age. . My dad has been seeing my stepmom for close to 2 years, but we were introduced only a year ago. She has always wanted us to After three years of living together as a blended family, the teen has become accustomed to handling any issues by going directly to his dad, his primary parent. We rented a 3 bedroom house for this trip so my dad and stepmom get a room, my brother gets a room, and I’m supposed to be sharing with my stepsister. I live mostly with my mom but they were supposed to be hosting the event together. i shaved my legs in august for my baby shower, didn’t shave them again until 2 weeks ago. They wanted him to be a better father than he was being and apparently pointed out my mom was the same age as him and had stepped up. He just watches movies on his kindle fire while my mother is left to calm me down. Including a gold jewelry set. So one day my stepsister was really annoying me about it and she kept begging me to let her have Simba and she'll take good care of him and I can see him whenever I want. my mom left and moved in with her new bf, 50km away from us, while me and my sister (17f) stayed with our dad. She got upset and stormed off. For context, my parents have been split up since I was around 1 or 2, I was raised by my mother and step father for 16 years. Anyways, my bio mom cash apped me some money. He barely pays attention to me. again, tell them to go kick rocks - that you aren't apologizing for misstepping when you were He is very spoiled (aka iPad kid). the new gf has 4 kids of her My dad was never interested in me and he and my grandparents fought a lot from the time I was born to the time my mom died. I f16 live with my mom, step dad, and stepsister (18) and stepbrother(20). NAH. She took my phone for 5 days as a punishment and my stepsister told me after the punishment was handed down that it This went on until I turned 18 and moved out of my mom and stepdad's house and in with my brother who was the same age as my stepsister. Share Sort by: Being upset sounds entirely reasonable to me, and Wife was hesitant at first and felt like my stepson would be upset and feel like he’s being pushed aside, but I convinced her that my daughter needed the space more so she ultimately agreed. They thought they were done after 3 girls - so the extra kid was a surprise!. She asked me to share and I told her no since it wasn't even much anyway. He tried to reheat a pizza and burnt it into a puck, then got agressively sulky when even the dog wouldn't eat it. My aunt was the one who mentioned it. ThrowRa283827 . In the last couple of months my stepsister and half siblings (now 6 and 10) have asked me why I don't act sad that I missed the wedding. Brad has 2 kids Tessa(f26) and Jake(m18) my dad passed away shortly after I was born leaving my mom in mountains of debt. But I need to know if I was TA for being upset about my room taken away. My bio mom wants my (21M) little stepsister (15F) to help out around the house more. I (18f) have a stepsister “Lily” (f19). She confronted me, calling me selfish for refusing to help her out, saying I’m making her sacrifice her dreams of going to college. Leigh had a baby 4 months ago. My dad moved in with his wife and her daughter (12). I haven’t even had that phone for a month. English isn’t my first language, I’m on mobile. TL;DR: I got mad at my mother after she told me I had to give up my bedroom and give it to my stepdad. After that we got 2 hotel rooms (one for me and Candace, one for the girls). She was upset When I woke up today my family group chat exploded with primarily my little sister calling us names and saying we were being ridiculous for being upset and sad about it. NTA. Now everybody is upset. If you don’t want her to work, and you and her dad care, parent up and give her $25 a week. com - Episode 147 w/ Sam, Madi, Brandon, and Jazsmin - 0:00 R/Comfortlevelpod 1:22 AITA For Being Upset W/ My Eldest Son 3:17 Response 14:27 Son' – Listen to AITA FOR BEING UPSET WITH MY ELDEST SON (WITH FIVE UPDATES) | REDDIT STORIES (EP. My parents gave up the entire upstairs area which consists of 2 bedrooms, one of them being my bedroom, and a gameroom with couches. Last year my mom got married to my step dad brad. Copy of the post's body: Girlfriend (f26) and I (m24) have been together for four years and we moved together officially six months ago. I(16f) grew up without a father for a long time it was just me and my mom. I get that she needs the space, but why should I be the one to move? People who play sports are usually very competent, yet you’re making Laura sound helpless and pathetic, and I’m sure she’s not. My dad did asked about inviting her and I said no. I was sitting in my room when I called her to thank her for the money and apparently, my step sister heard my conversation. I locked myself and the dress in my room. I understand that you can’t afford a house where you’re living, but for the sake of these kids (the AITA For pressing charges when my stepson took something my daughter inherited from her mother? I [M47] been with my wife for 2 years. We’re giving him you are nowhere in the wrong for being annoyed about the way they treated you, and the two of them should be ashamed of themselves for manipulating the situation (and by extension, your father) once they got called out for their nasty behavior. My stepsister Mia (18F) just found out My stepsister started crying which made mom send me to my room. my dad doesnt mind but im always bringing up how they are not my kids and just bc i live at home, it doesnt make me a built in baby sitter. that why Julia had no business being there. He didn’t say it directly but I know I hurt his feelings. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I feel like I might be the asshole because I caused my siblings not getting food the next morning because I didn’t make my stepdad a sandwich the following night. My mom died when I was a baby. It’s your life choices that are preventing your kids from having a healthy amount of room to help them develop a sense of individuality and autonomy. Dad married his wife when I was 10 but they met and moved in together when I was 9. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: (1) Ignoring my step-sister, and i'm planning to keep on ignoring her until I move out by the next year. You and your husband should move to the living room. (I'm still living with them. My oldest sister was 16 at the time and mortified that our parents were pregnant! My sisters and I take after our dad - fair skin, grey green eyes and curly ash hair. When my mom and her dad moved in together we each got our own room. But he wasn't interested It happends and she wasn’t upset. So I went over to my parents a few days before Christmas to try and mend some fences. I stayed with him for a couple of days. AITA for lying to them? Archived post. This is where I think I was the asshole. My husband who is generally pretty quiet and reserved had enough of the negativity and let loose in the text chain. Me and my stepsister don't have a great relationship and we have a lot of disagreements and arguments. anyways, i think your stepsister should have moved back earlier and freed the room for you. My mom was crying the other night because 10ish years ago I used to beg for a sibling and now it's finally happened and I'm not reacting like they wanted or expected. Brad is a piece of work and me and my sister never really bonded with our stepsister. She's very possessive of him. Lets say if you lived at my country, if your father didn't leave a will and the house was purchased after he. I feel bad. Please view our voting guide here, and remember to use only one judgement in your comment. AITA for being angry finding my dad chilling in my room POO Mode Activated 💩 So I'm visiting my parents and I was with my mom in the living room. My dad knew about it and didn't care. AITA for “ruining Christmas” and being upset the only gifts I got from my family were “joke gifts” At this point i was bummed so I went to the living room to watch tv with my boyfriend. At dinner they were all talking about how much they loved their gifts and when my dad asked why I hadn’t said anything about mine, I said there wasn’t much to say. I asked my teacher not to pair me with my stepsister for a project. Was I in the wrong for not looking/expressing my happiness more? Help keep the sub engaging! Don’t downvote assholes! Now coming to my point. We used to have a 4 bedroom home, which we had to downsize a few years ago to a 3 bedroom for financial reasons. AITA for being upset about my sister taking away her room for my children? Asshole Long time lurker, I apologise if I miss any information. NTA for being upset though, especially since he was upset with you about not receiving a gift. I know that makes NTA I know exactly how you feel with household chores(I’m the oldest of 5) but my situation was reversed where it was my little sister(11-18) that for the past 7 years after our mom remarried my little sister had done a single chore in or around outside the house unless she was told and made to do it by our mom. I was already feeling very emotional about the whole thing and seeing everyone there didn't help. They also hate my dad and their mom for getting divorced, and I usually just end up watching the dumpster fire from the outside and then go laugh about my dad's house with my mom and stepdad. My room was taken over by my step sister unexpectedly, I honestly could've reacted better but seeing all of this really upset me, I yelled at my dad telling him "that he's a worthless father AITA for being upset for having to give up my room? : r/AmItheAsshole. and I am concerned for your stepsister's emotional health for being The issue is is that my mom is in charge of giving me my allowance, and she is notorious for promising money to me or my siblings and then never actually following through (my dad doesn't like dealing with finances, so even though he agrees mom should honor her deal he hasn't done anything to actually help). We were very close and his death was a major loss in my life. Jenna has a daughter Leigh and a son Kyle. Emma and my stepmom started insisting I had to share the college funds with Emma, otherwise it wouldn’t be fair. He texted her without my knowledge i see, good for you. NTA for being upset. I explained everything and he just said that if I think this guy is so damn good then I could fucking wait. My dad had given me some money in advance to pay for the party. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I'm not trying to push my daughter aside but I admit that making her share a room with a half-sibling the opposite gender 8 years younger than her is not an ideal solution Dad has me (18m) and his wife has Ellie (17f who will be 18 in a week). it terrified me as a child and now as an adult i don’t enjoy being around him and actively avoid being in the Here's what people had to say to OP: supsofia. recently, my father moved out which left a room open for me. one year later he got a new gf and started getting happier and more comfortable again. I (25m) have not seen or spoken to her in 7 years and said no to her staying overnight with me. she was more pissed they didn’t let us go before we walked back like most of us begged to go. It will sound harsh, but they are truly some of the most self important people I've ever met. I told my mom the name of a couple of safe hotels and considered that my effort to help. this was because my second oldest brother growing up to a teenager and us not having an extra room for me. I (14m) refuse to forgive my dad (48m) My dad doesn't seem to care about me. I know that doesn't seem to be a big deal but I got really triggered (for lack of a better It got to the point where I went to live with my dad nearly full time when I was 16. My dad is mad I don’t want to talk or interact with him in I sleep on a matress in the living room or in mom's room. I have a 14 year old daughter from my previous marriage. I wouldn’t worry about burning bridges between the 2 girls, because I can rightly see the stepdaughter shutting her stepsister completely out of her life. My grandma aka mom's mom died recently and I found out she had left a sizable amount of money for me. I'm not allowed to leave the room except for necesities. my sister's kid (2m) takes one room for himself because he cant sleep with others around (they sleep trained him, but he needs a very particular quiet and dark space to sleep). at one point my brother's shared a room and there was 4 of them. I plan to clean my room. I just found out my now ex stepsister is going through issues and might need to move in with us, which wouldnt be an issue exept they are talking about splitting my room in half and building another room just to cater her. Brad has been calling me spoiled and selfish. My dad suggested maybe I could ask my grandfather to let them use the diamond, since I hadn't used it for a ring anyway, and that he considers Katie part of his family and will be forever, so it should be okay for her to have it, especially since she is older so the "first" woman as Plus, it’s her responsibility to get good grades, so I don’t see why I should have to give up my dream because she didn’t do well. Above all, work at blending this family, not dividing it, geez. My dad said he was telling me I need to share the money. My mom got mad that I was upset and started yelling at me because my phone was out. i also think you might have overreacted a bit. My dad got married last year. So that’s where we are, every other weekend, my dad picks me up, talks at me in the car because I won’t talk to him, we go to family therapy where everyone but me talks, I stay in my room until sometime Saturday when I go out with them Tom is a nice guy, and when she introduced him to the family, he and my husband hit it off, and my husband ended up hiring Tom to work for him. it is my parents house, but her siblings have done nothing for me and it’s a major inconvenience for me to accommodate for them even though I don’t want to in the first place, that’s what would also My dad also contributed to my sister’s wedding and I’m sure he’ll offer to do the same for me. I didn’t hear this from Ellen, but from my dad, and from my husband, who was told by Tom. Tell us about any non-violent conflict you have experienced; give us both sides of the story, and find out if you're right, or you're the asshole. I lost my dad to cancer when I was 13 years old. He is there with his mom and her friends/folks from their bowling league. It's fine, even if drives my mom bonkers because she thinks I'm the coolest kid ever and therefore everyone should want to be in my life. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I voted against my stepsister joining my mom, siblings and I on our family vacation. YTA. TDLR: Stepsister fcked my bf, now she wants my college fund. My stepsister called me a gatekeeper (amongst other things)and my mom is pissed at me for abandoning my stepsister. I know I'm probably not TA, but at the same time I feel like I'm being selfish because most of their friends are in their 50s or 60s and they may hurt their back if they sleep on the couch and it won't kill me to sleep on the couch for a few days, but at the same time I don't like being forced out of my bed and how they tell their friends they can use it before AITA for making my daughters share a room and giving my son his own room? Not the A-hole I have children F15, M11, F10. My mom texts and asks if she could give the recipe book to my grandma. My brothers NTA. 147) by Comfort Level Podcast instantly on I moved into my sister's old room a few years after she moved out. Now I don't help my stepsister with He also wrote on here. An argument could be made it wouldn't have killed me to work with her and she wouldn't be feeling hurt I think I might be the asshole in this situation because i told my dad he won’t see me until the morning of his wedding instead of me being there to support them and help set up. My sister is still upset with me 15 years later that I missed her HS graduation because I recently had a surgery and couldn’t drive four hours for it. Fast-forward to Saturday night the night before Mother’s Day. How much does a 4 year old need. She has been violent in the past, she yells at you, she invaded a home that the owner barred her from coming to when you were alone and convalescing from a life-threatening condition that you are still being treated for, she is mentally ill and harms herself, and your parents have He didn’t say anything, but my parents scolded me. I also don’t what to have people in my room with all my stuff with a couple that I have never met before. Here's where I might be TA. She refused to sign anything related to my sister's education unless I give her my word that I will give my step sister equal half of the trust fund. Your father and stepmother failed your stepsister by giving her unrealistic expectations regarding you and they type of relationship you two would have. My stepmom who I believe to be a gold digger now has given my dad the great idea to take my room and give little brother another territory of the house to which he controls. Exactly. i disagree, my father has a temper and would frequently yell at us as children. (I picked up flowers I planted from our small garden that I take care AITA for refusing to give up my room for my pregnant stepsister? My parents divorced a while back, and my dad's been remarried for a few years. My brother lives next door to them so his old room is the den/office since it was downstairs. Last month, my dad and stepmom announced that they are having another baby and my stepsisters flipped the fuck out. though, ive had issues sleeping in there. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I am curious if I am the asshole cause I "didnt care" that my friends entered my stepsister's room when she wasn't even home and none of her stuff was in there. When I was 19 I heard that dad's stepson had died. My father's mother, so my grandmother was also there. Some of my happiest memories of him are stuff like who could peel potatoes faster, or competitive cross words. When i came "AITA for refusing to share a room with my stepsister?" Stepsister (14f) and I (16f) have been stepsisters for 6 years and I have known her for about 7. She's hurt and I could have prevented that by just letting whatever happens, happen. Get it. Tom and Ellen’s got married and had a baby, and during this time they started having problems. i understand not wanting to have someone in your room where your personal stuff is on display, but the sisters have to share the room with each other all the time. I have raised my voice to my mom and stepdad over this and have hurt my stepsister because she thinks that My (26f) brother (35m) suggested my sister (37f) and her husband (37m) take my room when they stay over at my moms (63f) house. I just can't let some stranger wear the only thing of my dad I have left. re-married, the goods would be split 50-50 My sister was the party animal and she got pregnant at 18 , my parents took care of everything , she still live with us with no father in picture. My sister has a history of jealousy and being self centered and whatnot. My parents, my other brother and sister, and even my husband told me it wasn’t my place. I only have one sister. Even though my current room was bigger and also used to be hers. I asked her what she meant, and she admitted my stepdad had given the money to my stepsister. This is the type family I grew up in. I was asked a million questions and called spoiled when I explained my reasoning, especially at the loss of my room. she'll take care of them for a period of time When I was about 10, my mom married my step father. In college I met my wife and we got married this past June. He thinks that I should apologize and he tells me not to expect an apology from him. I pointed out she was doing the same thing, asking me to give up my dream. She left a few things for our daughter. We both want to attend university next year and are currently doing other stuff and still living at home. She has been violent in the past, she yells at you, she invaded a home that the owner barred her from coming to when you were alone and convalescing from a life-threatening condition that you are still being treated for, she is mentally ill and harms herself, and your parents have 216 votes, 104 comments. Your son and daughter’s quality of life needs to be a priority. body hair is just hair, the fact that he went out of his way to point it out is ridiculous. We ended up switching rooms this week, freshly painted them and my wife did some shopping for stepson’s new room so he’d feel special. I also ended up keeping my room. However, this is your grandfather, his dad, in the hospital. He was quiet the rest of the night and left early maybe 30 minutes later. My dad is married to Jenna. Your husband is sharing a hotel room with another woman, and this situation raises valid concerns and insecurities, especially given his past depending on the answer you can tell him “you say you want to be my dad, but you never want to listen to me or protect me. All while my mom was in the room. I am currently visiting other family so my step mom texted me asking me to take down all of the things on my walls to prep them for painting, i would like to note i am not moving anytime soon, and when i texted my dad to ask if we were moving out anytime soon and the answer was no. My dad is getting married very soon and his wife will be living with us. I’m not bothered by nudity I’m bothered that I was woken up to someone in my room while I was naked without my consent. AITA? Archived post. She may be rightfully upset but making you her slave and/or giving her your stuff is not about grief over her father and is not a proper response. After getting annoyed with him I agreed to meet him for a coffee. My stepsister and I were never sisters, we never called each other family or had a relationship built on anything. AITA for telling my stepsister she can't wear my mom's wedding dress. i would’ve said MUCH WORSE to Also by sharing with three friends lol. Edit 2: since everyone is so concerned I sleep naked because I can’t regulate my body temperature well and it helps me sleep a lot better. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I took stuff from my mom's house that's mine and left it at my dad's because my stepsister would be sleeping in the room while I'm not there and I didn't like that. Anytime he's messed up or said something out of line, he Apologized). wddax dydkymrlb ycwtjj llhuj vlwt votd lmnti shsg gnmz xpbe