Riverstone east precinct indicative layout plan pdf. draft Indicative Layout Plan (ILP) was prepared.

Riverstone east precinct indicative layout plan pdf The application as submitted remains inconsistent with the ILP (Figure 3 below) and this Statements seeks Finalisation Report SEPP Sydney Region Growth Centres Amendment Riverstone and Alex Avenue Precincts 2010 Post exhibition Planning Report (PDF, 12. The draft ILP and supporting documentation will guide Feb 12, 2024 · precinct is being delivered in three stages - Stage 1 and 2 were rezoned and finalised in 2016. The “Riverstone East” Precinct Indicative Layout Plan, Residential Structure and Precinct Road Hierarchy are reproduced in the following pages. The Riverstone East Precinct was released by the Minister for Planning on 16 March 2013. 2 Precinct Context and Characteristics 11 1. Precinct’s rezoning in August 2016. permeability) as well as the desired consistency with the character of the area. Apr 18, 2024 · detailed findings from technical studies to create a draft Indicative Layout Plan (ILP) for the Riverstone East Precinct. The precinct boundary is generally located to the west of Windsor Road and north of Schofields Road. Residential Density The draft Residential Density Map for the Riverstone East Precinct indicates that the land that is the subject of this submission is to have a target of no less than 25 dwellings per hectare (Figure 5). The proposed road system will achieve the established principals and objectives (e. Apr 13, 2023 · Riverstone West Precinct Development Control Plan 2009 1. This submission and supporting studies examine in detail the acoustic planning, open space framework and stormwater management proposed in the exhibition material supporting the Indicative Layout Plan. 1 KEY FEATURES OF RIVERSTONE WEST PRECINCT The Riverstone West Precinct is approximately 285 hectares, located west of the Richmond rail line between Riverstone and Vineyard stations and extending west to Eastern Creek. Introduction We make this submission on behalf of Mrs Sofronia Georgiou of 140 Guntawong Road, Rouse Hill (Lot 94 DP208203) being the Subject Jul 6, 2023 · delivering the Riverstone Scheduled Lands Development Plan Precinct A (Stages 1-3) covering about 16 hectares on behalf of around 50 landowner groups. Proposed Development The proposed development involves the demolition of the two existing dwelling house and associated outbuildings on the site to facilitate the construction of a new residential apartment The site is located within the Stage 1 of the Riverstone East Precinct, and the relevant Draft Indicative Layout Plan is provided at Figure 3. Outcomes and deliverables Once complete, the Riverstone Scheduled Lands Precinct A (Stages 1-3) project will deliver: • new roads and connections to services • a new subdivision layout Apr 12, 2023 · ALEX AVENUE PRECINCT April 2010 INDICATIVE LAYOUT PLAN Land to which Precinct Plan applies Precinct Boundary Medium Density Residential Low Density Residential Parks Mixed Use Creek Medium to High Density Residential Preferred Location for Neighbourhood Shops 0 50m 100m 200m 300m Scale 1:10,000@A3 Electricity Substation. 1. 1 MB) Development Control Plan. Figure 4-5 Excerpt of the Indicative Layout Plan 135228 and Lots 46-78 DP 1342, also known as 170 Garfield Road East Riverstone into 20 residential lots over two stages. 3 MB) and Aboriginal Heritage Part 2 (PDF, 1. The precinct is bound by Windsor Road to Riverstone Schofields West Schofields Station a re R o e t e d S c o f R d K n s n n R d Gane Ae e Vine t ree W t o d d r e k R o d M 7 Clydesdale Marsden Park Primary School South Stree t / Future S chofields R oad Co r r i d or MARSDEN PARK PRECINCT Indicative Layout Plan Precinct Boundary Low Density Residential (11 dwellings per hectare “Riverstone East” Precinct Indicative Layout Plan, Residential Structure and Precinct Road Hierarchy are reproduced in the following pages. Figure 2 shows a close up view of the indicative layout plan for the subject site. Following a precinct boundary review process, the Area 20 precinct incorporates part of the Riverstone East precinct. 2 MB) The Riverstone town centre is situated within the Riverstone Precinct – one of the first release precincts of the North West Growth Area (NWGA). Figure 6 – Riverstone East Precinct Indicative Layout Plan The particular aims of this Precinct Plan are as follows: “Riverstone East” Precinct Indicative Layout Plan, Residential Structure and Precinct Road Hierarchy are reproduced in the following pages. Nirimba Access Potential Access Schofields Station ALEX AVENUE RIVERSTONE QUAKERS HILL QUAKERS HILL COLEBEE WEST SCHOFIELDS Hebe Cottage Nirimba Education Precinct Primary School Potential Nirimba Stormwater Corridor A A A MEADOW ROAD OWNSON ROAD Precinct Boundary Local Centre A DCP Provisions Figure 3-1: Indicative Layout Plan on land zoned for the expansion of the Riverstone industrial area. Under the guidance of DP&E, planning for Vineyard has involved the preparation of: » An Indicative Layout Plan (ILP) to guide planning for Stage 1 of the Precinct with the Indicative Layout Plan (ILP) for the Riverstone Precinct prepared by the Department of Planning & Infrastructure. with Hamilton Street, Riverstone. The Riverstone East Precinct will be rezoned in three stages, with the draft controls on exhibition Apr 12, 2023 · Schedule One—Alex Avenue Precinct Schedule Two—Riverstone Precinct Schedule Three—Marsden Park Industrial Precinct Schedule Four—Area 20 Precinct Schedule Five—Schofields Precinct Schedule Six—Marsden Park Precinct Schedule Seven—West Schofields (Townson Road) Precinct Schedule Eight—Riverstone East Appendices Appendix Mar 31, 2023 · 2. The draft ILP supports the Aug 2, 2019 · Control Plan (DCP); X a draft Indicative Layout Plan (ILP) as shown in Figure 1 for the first and second stages of development within the Riverstone East Precinct, as well as proposed changes to land within the Area 20 Precinct, and the riparian corridor along First Ponds Creek within the Riverstone Precinct; 3 days ago · Delivering the South East and Tablelands Plan 2036; Indicative Layout Plan (PDF, 944 KB) – superseded; Post Exhibition Planning Report 2010 (PDF, 12. SUBMISSION OBJECTIVES This submission seeks to: Review the Indicative Layout Plan for the Precinct with a particular focus on the proposed open space framework. with the Indicative Layout Plan (ILP) for the Riverstone Precinct prepared by the Department of Planning & Infrastructure. Nov 2, 2021 · 1. The acoustic report (see point 3) will be required to be based on the most up-to-date noise Precincts Development Control Plan – Schedule 2 Riverstone Precinct Indicative Layout Plan. in relation to the staging and rezoning of the future Village Centre proposed within the Riverstone East Draft Precinct Plan. 4 Heavy Vehicles 12 3. Apr 13, 2023 · (Area 20) Precinct Precinct Boundary Land to which Precinct Ran Ap*s La:al Centre Mixed Use Medium to High Density Residentia Medium Density Residential Densty Residential Very Density Residentia Sch Rain garden Riparian West Link Indicative Location of Cmlmuter parking Major Road Lcæal Road Existng Transmissim Easement 1 in year o Aug 2, 2019 · The site is located within the North West Growth Centre under State Environmental Planning Policy (Sydney Region Growth Centres) 2006 (SEPP SRGC). g. The NSW Government has identifi ed the Precinct of Riverstone East to accommodate approximately 5,300 dwellings or in the order of 15,000 future residents. 2 Road Network 6 3. 1 Precinct Planning Process Precinct planning for the Growth Centres Alex Avenue and Riverstone precincts has been underway for some time. 6 Bus Services 16 3. This Development Application proposes the following: Avenue and Riverstone Precinct Plan 2010. Mar 11, 2024 · The Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure is exhibiting long awaited plans for the Riverstone East Precinct Stage 3. 1 Travel Patterns 10 3. Proposed Development The proposed development involves the subdivision of the R2 – Low Density Residential northern portion of the site into 21 new residential allotments with an average lot size of Proposed DCP amendment to the ILP for the Riverstone East Precinct at 34 Tallawong Road, Rouse Hill. The final indicative layout Apr 12, 2023 · Figure 2. 1 Riverstone East Precinct Transport Study, ARUP 2015. The Indicative Layout Plan will show the proposed locations of different land uses. It will be released for formal consultation when we have a definite timeframe for the 6 days ago · The draft Precinct Plan for the Riverstone East Precinct was available for public exhibition between 12 August and 18 September 2015, and has now been finalised. Current DCP Indicative Layout Plan. Proposed Development The proposed development involves the subdivision of the R2 – Low Density Residential northern portion of the site into 21 new residential allotments with an average lot size of Indicative Layout Plan . Similar to the justifications provided for the maximum building height above, namely proximity to the an Infrastructure study to inform the preparation of and Indicative Layout Plan (ILP) for the Vineyard Precinct (the Site) located within the North West Priority Growth Area (NWPGA). A map showing the location of the Riverstone Precinct is also shown on following page. 22W – Rouse Hill (Works) (CP22W) covers local infrastructure works and administration costs. Thank you also to the 42 attendees who completed an evaluation form at the workshops. The precinct plan allows for up to an additional 9,000 dwellings accommodating an additional 27,000 people. it deletes a 1/2 width proposed road that is not required for traffic circulation or site access. The Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) is leading investigations into Stage 3 in collaboration with Blacktown City Council (Council). These investigations inform the Indicative Layout Plan (ILP) and planning proposal. The Riverstone Precinct is bounded by Bandon Road to the Priority Land Release AreasInfrastructure Master Plan 352524/NSW/SYD/1/F 20 October 2015 P:\Sydney\Projects\35xxxx\354524\04 Working\Documents\Infrastructure Report\NWGC\354524 151030 Infrastructure Precinct Files\Riverstone East\Services\334311 150319 Infrastructure Precinct March 2015 Infrastructure Precinct Planning Report Riverstone East Infrastructure Precinct Planning Report Riverstone East March 2015 Department of Planning & Environment Mott MacDonald, L10, 383 Kent Street, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia PO Box Q1678, QVB Sydney NSW 1230, Australia deemed to be inconsistent with the Riverstone Precinct Indicative Layout Plan (ILP) contained within Schedule 2 of the Blacktown City Council Growth Centre Precincts Development Control Plan 2010. 2. 2 MB) INDICATIVE LAYOUT PLAN Land to which Precinct Plan applies Precinct Boundary Medium Density Residential Low Density Residential Parks Mixed Use Creek Medium to High Density Residential Preferred Location for Neighbourhood Shops 0 50m 100m 200m 300m Scale 1:10,000@A3 Electricity Substation. This contributions plan applies to land within the Area 20 Precinct the Riverstone East Precinct. Title: Schofields Precinct Indicative Layout Plan map Author: NSW Department of Planning and Infrastructure Apr 18, 2024 · BCC GCP DCP Schedule 8 Riverstone East Precinct 5 Figure 3-1 Indicative layout plan Blacktown City Council on 28 April 2021 adopted a DCP amendment to remove the half road located on No. It shows a new road running across the block parallel to the transmission line “Riverstone East” Precinct Indicative Layout Plan, Residential Structure and Precinct Road Hierarchy are reproduced in the following pages. Indicative Layout Plan map (PDF, 3. Nov 5, 2024 · The proposed layout of the subdivision road system exactly reflects the pattern presented in the Riverstone East Precinct Indicative Layout Plan (ILP). The Indicative Layout Plan (ILP) for the Riverstone East Precinct, forming part of the North West Growth Area, is illustrated within Figure 1. The report has been prepared for the Department of Planning & Environment (DP&E), as one of the studies needed to support preparation of the precinct plan for Riverstone East. The precinct planning involves the preparation of: An Indicative Layout Plan (ILP) to guide planning and assessment of the precincts; A precinct planning report summarising the proposed approach to Aug 2, 2019 · Department of Planning and Environment GPO Box 39, Sydney NSW 2001 Attention: Housing Land Release RE: Submission to Riverstone East Draft Precinct Plan We write on behalf of Procurement Online Pty Ltd. Apr 13, 2023 · the precinct is shown in Figure 1. 23 of Traffic Report - Garfield Road East Precinct Finalisation Report – June 2015 (PDF, 2. 0 INTRODUCTION 1. Figure 3: Indicative layout plan 1. 9 MB) List of figures Figure 1: Riverstone Cemetery local site context 12 Figure 2: Existing site in rural/bushland setting 13 Figure 3: Site in context of draft Indicative Layout Plan - Marsden Park North Precinct 13 Figure 4: Existing site plan showing current sections, public facilities and infrastructure 18 Figure 5. 3 Proposed Development The proposed development is for a residential subdivision creating 103 residential lots and associated public roads at precinct A. 1 Travel Patterns 5 3. 2 Exhibited Materials The following documentation was exhibited: Marsden Park North Precinct Exhibition Discussion Paper draft Indicative Layout Plan draft amendments to the Growth Centres SEPP (now Central River City SEPP) draft DCP amendments In conjunction with the Indicative Layout Plan for the sRiverstone and Alex Avenue Precincts; and Having regard to the Practice Notes issued by the NSW Department of Richmond Rail Line to the west and the Second Ponds Creek release area to the east. gov. Provides precinct specific figures that support the controls in Part 2 Precinct Feb 15, 2024 · This Explanation of Intended Effect (EIE) outlines the outcomes of the master planning process for the development of the Riverstone East Stage 3 precinct (the precinct) Nov 5, 2024 · The proposed layout of the subdivision road system exactly reflects the pattern presented in the Riverstone East Precinct Indicative Layout Plan (ILP). The amended State Environmental Planning Policy (Sydney Region Growth Centres) 2006 and maps Nov 5, 2024 · Figure 3: Indicative Layout Plan for Riverstone East Precinct In accordance with Riverstone East Precinct ILP, the existing Clark Street is subject to a road upgrade process as part of Hambledon Road North Extension works by Blacktown City Council. RIVERSTONE EAST 10 October 2014 Scale 1:5,000 @ A1 1:10,000 @ A3 0 100 500m200 Area 20 Precinct Draft Indicative Layout Plan Precinct Boundary Land to which Precinct Plan Applies Local Centre Mixed Use Preferred Location for Neighbourhood Services Riverstone West Precinct Post Exhibition Report 6 2. Proposed Development The proposed development involves the subdivision of the R2 Low Density Residential SUBMISSION TO DRAFT RIVERSTONE EAST PRECINCT SPECIFIC TO No. 6 Oak Street, Schofields Riverstone East Submission | 16 September 2015 Refer to Appendix 10. Invoke Property has reviewed the Draft Riverstone East Growth Precinct Planning Framework that was In conjunction with the Indicative Layout Plan (ILP) for the Riverstone West Precinct; and Having regard to the Practice Notes issued by the NSW Department of Planning (2005) in Accordance with clause 26(1) of the EPA Regulation. The amendment is a minor change to the road pattern. The report contains eight sections: Planning, NSW, to undertake strategic modelling and review of the Indicative Layout Plans (ILP) for Riverstone and Alex Avenue, with respect to the possible revision and timing of infrastructure. East Leppington Precinct - Infrastructure Delivery Plan “Riverstone East” Precinct Indicative Layout Plan, Residential Structure and Precinct Road Hierarchy are reproduced in the following pages. Aerial imagery and NSW Plant Community Type (PCT) mapping shows a 5 days ago · The precinct is located approximately 40km northwest of the Sydney CBD, in the Blacktown Local Government area. The State Government releases the land for inclusion in the metropolitan development Nov 29, 2019 · “Riverstone East” Precinct Indicative Layout Plan, Residential Structure and Precinct Road Hierarchy are reproduced in the following pages. Proposed Development The proposed development involves the demolition of the existing dwelling house and provision and developed in accordance with the Riverstone East Precinct Plan Stage 1 and 3. Orchard Hills and Riverstone East Stage 3 identified as accelerated planning precincts The NSW Government will further boost housing supply by unlocking an extra 70,000 new homes across NSW, under the $73. Proposed Development The proposed development involves the subdivision of the R2 – Low Density Residential northern portion of the site into 21 new residential allotments with an average lot size of The draft Precinct plan was exhibited from 10 September to 26 October 2018. 2 MB) – Superseded Technical studies Aboriginal Heritage. The indicative layout plan for Riverstone East Precinct is shown in Figure 1. • in conjunction with the Indicative Layout Plans for the Area 20 and Riverstone East Precincts • IPART’s assessments of Blacktown City’s Contributions Plans No’s 20 1, 21 2,22 3 24 4 and revised 21 5 • having regard to the Practice Notes issued by the NSW Department of Planning in (2005) accordance with clause 26(1) of the EPA Riverstone East 334311/AU/SYD84/2/E March 2015 P:\Parramatta\Projects\33xxxx\334311\05 DOCUMENTS\5_1 Working Files\Riverstone East\Water Cycle Management & Flood Analysis\334311-150428-Water Cycle Management Report-Riverstone East_Rev F. EXHIBITION DETAILS 2. Document 3 — Riverstone East Precinct Transport Strategy 3. 25 0. Page 2 Schedule Three – Marsden Park Industrial Precinct Referenced Figures Note: The referenced figures below support the objectives, controls and design principles for the subdivision planning and design in Part 2 of the main body of the DCP. Introduction We make this submission on behalf of Mrs and Mrs Attard of 131 Tallawong Rd, Rouse Hill and Mr and Mrs Brozzesi of 135 Tallawong Rd, Rouse Hill. During the initial planning phase, the precinct draft Indicative Layout Plan (ILP) was prepared. 7 ha of open West Schofields Precinct Indicative Layout Plan (Department, August 2018) West Schofields | 11 . The remaining RU4 zoned land falls within the Stage 3 Riverstone East Release Area Schofields and Riverstone Precincts to the east, The amendments seek to establish an Indicative Layout Plan to accommodate up to 4,500 low to medium density dwellings , 42. The S. Feb 22, 2024 · Figure 8 – Draft Indicative Layout Plan Concept Map for Riverstone East Stage 3 (Hatch Roberts Day, development of the Indicative Layout Plan (ILP) for the Precinct. Electricity capacity for the entire Stage 1 area will be available once the Box Hill and Riverstone East zone substations in neighbouring release areas are delivered. 6 Bus Services 21 3. 5 Consultation 17 Vineyard Precinct is the only precinct to be located in the Hawkesbury Local Government Area (LGA). 2 Site description The Planning Proposal applies to land in the Riverstone Precinct within the North West Growth Area (NWGA). May 10, 2021 · Riverstone Precinct The Riverstone Precinct is bounded by Bandon Road to the north, Schofields Road to the south, Richmond Rail Line to the west and First Ponds Creek and Windsor Road to the east. We act on behalf of the owners of No. Proposed Development The proposed development involves the demolition of the two existing dwelling house and associated outbuildings on the site to facilitate the construction of a new residential apartment The proposed development site is located within the Riverstone East Precinct (See Figure 6) of the Growth Centres SEPP and complies with the aims of the Precinct Plan. The Riverstone East Precinct (hereafter know as the site) is part of Sydney’s North West Growth Centre. assessment, associated with recent revisions to the Indicative Layout Plan (ILP) for Area 20. 14 ha junction road site substation or rd y rd Aug 2, 2019 · Riverstone East Precinct, Area 20 Precinct, Riverstone Precinct . Proposed amendment to the DCP Indicative Layout Plan\r. 3 – Centres Development Controls Provides additional controls that apply to specific sites in the Alex Avenue Precinct. The proposal is consistent with the approved subdivision layout and importantly, will meet the aims and objectives of the Riverstone East Precinct. The Riverstone Precinct is located approximately 10km from Blacktown and 5. The Feb 15, 2024 · PDF and should include: a) the name of the proposal (Riverstone East Stage 3– draft precinct plan) The Riverstone East Precinct was released in August 2013 and at the time was anticipated to have potential for around 5,300 homes. The draft ILP in relation to the site Draft Precinct Plan • Technical studies finalised • Draft Precinct Plan and Indicative Layout Plan (ILP) prepared Mid 2014 Public exhibition of draft Precinct Plan • Drafts plans publicly available for comment • Submissions invited from the public Second half Schedule Four – Cudgegong Road Station (Area 20) Precinct Page 10 3 Neighbourhood, Subdivision, and Residential Design Note: The provisions below support the objectives, controls and design principles for neighbourhood and subdivision design in Part 3 and development in the residential zones in Part 4 of the main body of the DCP. The Outer The Precinct Planning documents relating to the Area 20 Precinct, including the Indicative Layout Plan The proposed SEPP amendment and Maps relating to the Riverstone East Precinct The Precinct Planning documents relating to the Area 20 Precinct and the Riverstone East Precinct. The purpose of this report is to identify key existing servicing infrastructure and outline requirements for new trunk infrastructure to service the precinct. Provides Precinct specific figures that support the controls in Part 3 of the main body of the DCP in relation to the Alex Avenue Precinct. The ILP demonstrates, amongst other things, the intended DCP road layout. Proposed Development The proposed development involves the demolition of the existing dwelling house and Schofields Precinct Post–Exhibition Planning Report – 8 May 2012 (PDF, 972 KB) Schofields Precinct Indicative Layout Plan map (PDF, 3. 4 Draft Indicative Layout Plan and Precinct Summary 14 1. A site on a previously non-developed area that is now being worked on. 22L – Rouse Hill (Land) (CP22L) covers land for local infrastructure, and Contributions Plan No. growthcentres. The location of the site in regard to the Riverstone East Precinct Plan is illustrated in Figure 2. The Feb 12, 2024 · Riverstone East Precinct (Stage 3) Package C Acoustic and Vibration Assessment Department of Planning and Environment Document Reference: P523561 Figure 2-2 : Draft Indicative Layout Plan for Riverstone East (The Department, 2016) Figure 3-1 : Nearest sensitive receivers with respect to the draft ILP (Aurecon and Hatch Roberts Day, Feb 12, 2024 · riverstone east stage 3 boundary low density residential (14-25 dw/ha) medium density residential (25-35 dw/ha) high density residential (40-100 dw/ha) school local roads (indicative only) major roads riparian corridor rouse hill regional park rouse hill house sement sement: 376. 1 Transport Planning Objectives 20 Apr 13, 2023 · The Precinct Planning package for the Box Hill & Box Hill Industrial Precincts, which consists of technical studies, reports and the Indicative Layout Plan, is available on the Growth Centres website at www. Schedule 2 Riverstone Precinct (PDF, 2 MB) Community resources. 2 MB) Precinct Indicative Layout Plan Map (PDF, 351 KB) The amended State Environmental Planning Policy (Sydney Region Growth Centres) 2006 and maps are available on the NSW legislation website. 6 Oak Street, Figure 3 – Riverstone East Stage 1 Draft Indicative Layout Plan Source: Department of Planning & Environment . Within the North West Growth Centre, the site is located within the Riverstone East Precinct. iii. The ILP will seek to deliver approximately 3,600 dwellings for a population of approximately 11,000 people. These are planned to be established in Project Name Riverstone East – Vineyard Precinct Assessment Project Number 14WOLECO-0001 Project Manager Ian Curtis 02 4201 2207 Suite 204, Level 2, 62 Moore St, Austinmer NSW 2515 development of an Indicative Layout Plan (ILP), rezoning and “Riverstone East” Precinct Indicative Layout Plan, Residential Structure and Precinct Road Hierarchy are reproduced in the following pages. Technical studies and reports Aboriginal Heritage. Aug 13, 2009 · The Commission was provided with copies of the Riverstone West Precinct Planning Report, the Indicative Layout Plan (ILP), the proposed Growth Centres SEPP Amendment, the proposed Development Control Plan (DCP), the Growth Centres Biodiversity Certification Assessment Report and the proposed Voluntary Planning Agreement (VPA). 1 Riverstone East Precinct1 The Riverstone East Precinct is located on the eastern, central portion of the North West Details of the Precinct are provided on the Indicative Layout Plan which is reproduced overleaf. 87 Tallawong Road, Rouse Hill, Mr. 2 – Indicative Layout Plan Road Network An extract of the ILP is shown in Figure 1. nsw. 3 Traffic Volumes 10 3. 3 Traffic Volumes 15 3. 3 The Masterplanning Approach 13 1. Recommendation: Notation. 5 MB) – superseded; Appendix B – Summary of Submissions, Landowner Submissions and Government Agencies and Local Government Submissions (PDF, 229 KB) Water Cycle Management Post–Exhibition Report SUBMISSION ON DRAFT PRECINCT PLAN FOR RIVERSTONE EAST J. “Riverstone” & “Riverstone East” Precincts Indicative Layout Plan, the proposed residential structure and the proposed precinct road hierarchy, are reproduced in the following pages. Figure 1: Riverstone East Precinct Plan Source: NSW Department of Planning & Environment Nov 5, 2024 · An indicative layout plan for the Riverstone East Precinct is shown in Figure 2-1. Apr 12, 2023 · Establishes an overall vision and Indicative Layout Plan for the Alex Avenue Precinct. This document details the redevelopment objectives of the Growth Centre area and envisages a range of uses, including low/medium/high residential, Dec 4, 2015 · NSW Planning and Environment Sydney West Region Level 5, 10 Valentine Avenue Parramatta NSW 2150 Dear Madam Riverstone East Precinct Noise Assessment - Response to Introduction Following exhibition of the Riverstone East Precinct ('Precinct') Indicative Layout Plan and supporting documentation, responses have been received from Transport Nov 5, 2024 · VARGA TRAFFIC PLANNING PTY LTD 6 Riverstone East Precinct The site lies within the “Riverstone East” precinct as detailed in the BCC Growth Centre Precincts DCP 2014. We are committed to the creation of better urban environments that uniquely meet the needs of our clients and those that inhabit and dwell in Jun 29, 2023 · Riverstone East Box Hill / Regional Park / / Tallawong Station The Ponds 0. Blacktown City Council raised concern in its submission regarding the financial implications of Marsden Park North Precinct Exhibition Discussion Paper | September 2018 3 Contents Executive Summary 5 Part 1 – The Marsden Park North Precinct 9 1. Wellington Street an Infrastructure study to inform the preparation of and Indicative Layout Plan (ILP) for the Vineyard Precinct (the Site) located within the North West Priority Growth Area (NWPGA). 1: Precinct Indicative Layout Plan . and Mrs. We advise that this letter follows a previous submission made on 18 September 2015 during the formal Riverstone East public exhibition period. 87 TALLAWONG ROAD, ROUSE HILL We refer to the Draft Riverstone East Precinct Plan which is currently on public exhibition until 18 September 2015. A Vision for Cudgegong Road Station Surrounds The Riverstone East Precinct is approximately 656 ha and is located within the eastern portion of the North West Growth Centre. 5 Intended Map Size: A4 Nelson Riverstone East Stage 3 Publication Date: 13/06/2023 Coordinate System: GDA 1994 MGA Zone 56 GOVERNMENT Disclaimer: The Department of Planning and Environment makes every effort to ensure the quality of information available on this Apr 18, 2024 · NSW PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENT TG584-01F05 (R3) RE DCP SCH8 ADDITIONS 2 RIVERSTONE EAST PRECINCT NOISE ASSESSMENT ADDITIONS TO DCP SCHEDULE 8 2. 7 Walking and Cycling 18 4 Precinct Planning Principles 20 4. BCC GCP DCP Schedule 6 Marsden Park Precinct 5 Figure 3-1: Indicative Layout Plan . 2 Summary of the Precinct Plan The precinct planning package consists of a number of documents and plans, including: • amendments to the Growth Centres SEPP which, when published, will mean that Appendix 12 Blacktown Growth Centres Precinct Plan will apply to Stages 1 and 2 of the Riverstone East Priority Precinct (referred to in this Nov 5, 2024 · Blacktown City Council Growth Centre Pre cincts Development Control Plan 2016 , November 2016 Blacktown City Council Growth Centre Precincts Development Control Plan 201 6 Schedule 8, Riverstone East Precinct, September 2016 Riverstone East Precinct Indicative Layout Plan (ILP) Blacktown City Council Engineering Guide for Development 2005 Apr 12, 2023 · 1. 2 Vineyard Precinct 3 2. Aug 2, 2019 · Precinct) and would like to thank the Department of Planning and Environment (the Department) for the opportunity to comment on the draft Indicative Layout Plan (ILP) for Riverstone East. 5 Rail Services 19 3. docx Chapter Title Page 1 Introduction 1 • a new primary school on Riverstone Road, and • upgrades to major roads, including Schofields Road. 2 MB) Aug 2, 2019 · response to the Riverstone East Draft Precinct Plan, located within the North West Growth Centre. This document details the redevelopment objectives of the Growth Centre area and envisages a range of uses, including low/medium/high residential, Aug 2, 2019 · NSW Department of Planning and Infrastructure 23-33 Bridge Street Sydney NSW 2000 Dear Ms McNally, RE: SUBMISSION TO THE DRAFT RIVERSTONE EAST GROWTH PRECINCT PLANNING FRAMEWORK 1. This contributions plan applies to land within the Area 20 Precinct the 7 Riverstone East Precinct, which are two of the release precincts in the North West Priority Growth Area. Half Road deleted Area 20 Precinct Indicative Layout Plan Precinct Boundary Land to which Precinct Plan Applies Cudgegong Station Area RIVERSTONE EAST ROUSE HILL ROUSE HILL TOWN CENTRE THE PONDS ALEX AVENUE AD OMMERCIAL RD MILE END RD AD D D WORCESTER RD D AD ROUSE RD BRIDGE ROUSE RD CUDGEGONG RD AD AD AD CURRENT PLANNING Jan 14, 2021 · The Project involves the development of land at 24 Clarke Street, Riverstone. Construction is expected to start from FY2028/29. Nov 5, 2024 · An indicative layout plan for the Riverstone East Precinct is shown in Figure 2-1. 1 Introduction 10 1. The draft ILP and Discussion Paper is on exhibition from 15 Dec 21, 2024 · The NSW Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure are currently exhibiting an Indicative Layout Plan (ILP) for the Riverstone East Stage 3 Precinct. 7 Walking and Cycling 23 4 Precinct Planning Principles 25 4. The precinct lies entirely within the Blacktown City Council (BCC) Local Government Area (LGA). 5 Rail Services 14 3. The total precinct has an area of approximately 590 ha. The Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure is exhibiting long awaited plans for the Riverstone East Precinct Stage 3. Provides Precinct specific figures that support the controls in Part 3 of the BCC Feb 12, 2024 · Establishes an overall vision and Indicative Layout Plan for the future development of the precinct. 2 Road Network 11 3. It has been prepared pursuant to the provisions of Section 72 of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act 1979. 1 Transport Planning Objectives 25 Plans for Riverstone East Precinct. Similar to the justifications provided for the maximum building height above, namely proximity to the Sep 10, 2021 · 1. Proposed Development The proposed development involves the demolition of the existing dwelling house and Structure Plan Review will discuss bus routes through Riverstone East precinct in more detail. The recent rezoning of this area will change the current makeup of the area from low density rural properties and activities including poultry farms and market gardens, to a Aug 2, 2019 · Riverstone East Precinct – Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment – Final – March 2015 0 Riverstone East Growth Centre Precinct Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment Final For Department of Planning and Environment, NSW March 2015 Nov 5, 2024 · VARGA TRAFFIC PLANNING PTY LTD 6 Riverstone East Precinct The site lies within the “Riverstone East” precinct as detailed in the BCC Growth Centre Precincts DCP 2018. 3 Proposed Development The proposed development is a mixed used residential development Apr 13, 2023 · RIVERSTONE QUAKERS HILL QUAKERS HILL COLEBEE WEST SCHOFIELDS Hebe Cottage Nirimba Education Precinct Primary School Potential Nirimba Stormwater Corridor A A A Schofields Precinct Indicative Layout Plan. The recent rezoning of this area will change the current makeup of the area from low density rural properties and activities including poultry farms and market gardens, to a Nov 5, 2024 · VARGA TRAFFIC PLANNING PTY LTD 6 Riverstone East Precinct The site lies within the “Riverstone East” precinct as detailed in the BCC Growth Centre Precincts DCP 2014. RIVERSTON STATI RIVERSTONE PRECINCT INDICATIVE LAYOUT PLAN Precinct Boundary Land to which Precinct Plan applies Neighbourhood Centre Commuter Parking List of figures Figure 1: Riverstone Cemetery local site context 12 Figure 2: Existing site in rural/bushland setting 13 Figure 3: Site in context of draft Indicative Layout Plan - Marsden Park North Precinct 13 Figure 4: Existing site plan showing current sections, public facilities and infrastructure 18 Figure 5. This local access road will The Precinct Plan including an indicative layout pan (ILP) for Vineyard Stage 1 was exhibited from 12 December 2016 to 28 February 2017. 2 Referenced Figures Part of 167 Riverstone Road. The Riverstone and Alex Avenue ILPs proposes a framework of response to the Riverstone East Draft Precinct Plan, located within the North West Growth Centre. The North West Sector Bus Servicing Plan is an indicative guide to how bus services in Riverstone East may be established. DRAFT RIVERSTONE EAST PRECINCT PLAN In proposing to amend State Environmental Planning Policy (Sydney Region Growth Centers) 2006 (the Growth Centers SEPP), the Department have released a draft Indicative Layout Plan (ILP). AECOM. Figure 2 Vineyard (Stage 2) Unknown - Future East Riverstone ZS (Future) West Schofields 4,500 [18] - Planning Land to the North of the Vineyard precinct and West of the Box Hill precinct have not been included in the NWPGA. This local access road will What is proposed under the draft plan for the subject land? The land is proposed to be zoned part R2 – Low Density Residential, part SP2 – Infrastructure (Drainage) and part RU6 – Transition under the draft precinct plan as shown in Figures 6 and 7. 94 contributions contained in this Plan have been determined on the basis of "Contribution Catchments". 34 Tallawong Road, Tallawong, along the south eastern boundary between the Riverstone East Precinct and Tallawong Station Precinct. This document outlines the proposed changes to the Blacktown City Council Growth Figure 3-1 Indicative Layout Plan 12 Figure 3-2 Key elements of water cycle management and Jul 15, 2016 · 1. This means that new planning controls will enable a range of uses for the land changes to the exhibited Precinct Plan and associated planning controls such as the relocation of the community facility and the provision of a Sep 12, 2018 · 3. 7, which are two of the release precincts in the North West Priority Growth Area. 3 – Centres Development Controls Provides specific objectives and controls that apply to land within the East Leppington neighbourhood centre, identified on the Indicative IPART for assessment. The draft Precinct Plan proposed changes to planning controls and land uses and outlined the planned provision of new infrastructure to support urban development in the Riverstone East Nov 21, 2024 · The Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure in collaboration with Blacktown City Council, has prepared the Riverstone East stage 3 draft indicative layout plan (ILP). Nov 21, 2024 · Orchard Hills and Riverstone East Stage 3 identified as accelerated planning precincts The NSW Government will further boost housing supply by unlocking an extra 70,000 new homes across NSW, under the $73. Proposed Development The proposed development involves the demolition of the existing dwelling house and “Riverstone East” Precinct Indicative Layout Plan, Residential Structure and Precinct Road Hierarchy are reproduced in the following pages. An indicative layout plan for the Riverstone East Precinct is shown in Figure 2-1. Second Ponds Creek flows through the middle of the precinct. Copies of the survey and subdivision plans are included in Attachment A. 5km from Rouse Hill Town Centre. It is in an area designated as a future urban release area in the North West Priority Growth Area of Sydney known as the Riverstone East Precinct. The new community is set to have 5,800 new dwellings, 20 hectares of open space, new schools, walking trails, cycleways and upgrades to local roads and public transport. Riverstone East Precinct). O’Brien 16 September 2015 INTRODUCTION I am the owner of a 3 hectare property on the corner of Figure 2 is a blow-up of part of the draft indicative layout plan that relate to Lot 82 Macquarie Rd. 4 days ago · Precinct Finalisation Report – June 2015 (PDF, 2. Introduction . Riverstone Precinct . 3 Draft Indicative Layout Plan 9 3 Existing Transport Conditions 10 3. Note: this contributions plan only levies contributions on development in zoned land for Area 20 and Stages 1 and 2 of the Riverstone East Precinct . Aboriginal Heritage Assessment Report (PDF, 6. Nov 5, 2024 · Department of Planning & Environment - Riverstone East Precinct Transport Study, Arup 2015 Traffic Impact Assessment Report Residential Subdivision 280 Garfield Road East & 259 Riverstone Road, Riverstone, ASON Group dated 2018. Plans have been released for Riverstone East Precinct in the northwest of Sydney. Provides Precinct specific figures that support the controls in Part 3 of April 2010 INDICATIVE LAYOUT PLAN Precinct Boundary Land to which Precinct Plan applies Preferred Location for Neighbourhood Shops Mixed Use Medium to High Density Residential Apr 18, 2024 · Further work will be undertaken to refine the draft Indicative Layout Plan for Stage 3. The plan applies to two precincts, Area 20 and Riverstone East, and is in two parts: Contributions plan No. Figure 6: Draft Indicative Layout Plan (source: Department of Planning and Environment). The Riverstone Precinct Indicative Layout Plan (ILP) shows that, from the point 300 metres south-west of the watercourse, it is proposed to realign Loftus Street to the north to connect with Windsor Road as a 4-way intersection opposite Boundary Road. 2 Vineyard Precinct 8 2. Part of 167 Riverstone Road. Schedule Eight - Riverstone East Priority Apr 12, 2023 · RIVERSTONE PRECINCT INDICATIVE LAYOUT PLAN Land to which Precinct Plan applies Precinct Boundary Medium Density Residential Low Density Residential Parks Conservation Areas Creek Light Industrial Transmission Easement Preferred Location for Neighbourhood Shops Commuter Parking 0 100m 200m 400m 500m Scale 1:7,500@A1 Feb 22, 2024 · Riverstone East Precinct (Stage 3) Package C Acoustic and Vibration Assessment Department of Planning and Environment Document Reference: P523561 Figure 2-2 : Draft Indicative Layout Plan for Riverstone East (The Department, 2016) Figure 3-1 : Nearest sensitive receivers with respect to the draft ILP (Aurecon and Hatch Roberts Day, Nov 5, 2024 · VARGA TRAFFIC PLANNING PTY LTD 6 Riverstone East Precinct The site lies within the “Riverstone East” precinct as detailed in the BCC Growth Centre Precincts DCP 2018. 1 for the corresponding Indicative Layout Plans of each individual precinct. 1 Name of this Plan This Plan is known as the Riverstone West Precinct Development Control Plan 2009 (al referred to asso Riverstone West DCP 2009). The proposed road Apr 13, 2023 · Establishes an overall vision and Indicative Layout Plan for the Riverstone Precinct. RE: SUBMISSION TO THE DRAFT RIVERSTONE EAST GROWTH PRECINCT PLANNING FRAMEWORK 1. 3 Draft Indicative Layout Plan 3 3 Existing Transport Conditions 5 3. Retention of the road would also create an intersection located too close to a proposed intersection providing access to the the “Riverstone East” Precinct Indicative Layout Plan, Residential Structure and Precinct Road Hierarchy are reproduced in the following pages. BCC GCP DCP Schedule 6 Marsden Park Precinct 6 3. 0 Precinct Planning 3. The report finds that the R2 zoned portion of the site is suitable for residential land development as services are currently available to allow for the immediate development of the lands within the Stage 2 Riverstone East Release Area. The Stage Aug 2, 2019 · Indicative Layout Plan for the Riverstone East Precinct. 4 Heavy Vehicles 17 3. This document details the redevelopment objectives of the Growth Centre area and envisages a range of uses, including low/medium/high residential, Aug 2, 2019 · 7 4. Establishes an overall vision and Indicative Layout Plan (ILP) for the East Leppington Precinct and supports the development controls in Parts 2, 3 and 4 of the Main DCP. Riverstone Schofields West Schofields Station a re R o e t e d S c o f R d K n s n n R d Gane Ae e Vine t ree W t o d d r e k R o d M 7 Clydesdale Marsden Park Primary School South Stree t / Future S chofields R oad Co r r i d or MARSDEN PARK PRECINCT Indicative Layout Plan Precinct Boundary Low Density Residential (11 dwellings per hectare 7 4. The Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure, in collaboration with Blacktown City Council, has prepared the Riverstone East stage 3 draft indicative layout plan (ILP). The hazard separation distances quoted are temporary. Aboriginal Heritage Part 1 (PDF, 2. Key findings . Table 2: APZ determination The subject land is set within a predetermined road layout of the Riverstone East Precinct Indicative Layout Plan which provides a logical public road layout that will previously advised that these controls are being reviewed in conjunction with Precinct planning for the adjoining Riverstone East Precinct, and that any amendments (if required) will be exhibited with the draft Riverstone East Precinct Plan. linage inclair . 5 million Rezoning Pathways Program. 3 days ago · The Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure, in collaboration with the Blacktown City Council, has prepared the Riverstone East stage 3 draft indicative layout plan Apr 13, 2023 · CURRENT PLANNING CONTROLS UNCHANGED PS K-12 PS SS PS PS N N N N N N T T D D SCHOFIELDS STATION (EXISTING) D PROPOSED VINEYARD STATION T 5 days ago · The Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure, in collaboration with Blacktown City Council, has prepared the Riverstone East stage 3 draft indicative layout plan Apr 13, 2023 · Establishes an overall vision and Indicative Layout Plan for the future development of the Precinct. Aug 2, 2019 · amendments to the State Environmental Planning Policy Sydney Region Growth Centres 2006 (‘the Growth Centres SEPP’) maps, the Draft Riverstone East Indicative Layout Plan, the Draft Development Control Plan and supporting technical studies. It is acknowledged, however that the proposed north-south road running through the centre of the site is an additional road that represents a variation to the Riverstone Precinct ILP. Mar 21, 2023 · 2. west and First Ponds Creek and Windsor Road to the east. 4 MB); Indicative Layout Plan Map Alex Avenue Precinct (PDF, 3. East Leppington Precinct is located approximately equidistant between Liverpool city centre, 15 kms to the north east and Campbelltown city centre, The final East Leppington Precinct Indicative Layout Plan (ILP) is presented as Figure 2. au. This document details the redevelopment objectives of the Growth Centre area and envisages a range of uses, including low/medium/high residential, Apr 13, 2023 · Stages 1 and 2 of the Riverstone East Priority Precinct in the North West priority growth area have now been rezoned. Pre development application lodgement consultation must occur with TfNSW. The State Government releases the land for inclusion in the metropolitan development Aug 2, 2019 · East – Mixed use / high density residential (max height limit 26 metres – Area 20); and West – General industrial (railway stabling yards). cthx axza ubusrj rhsvr diws njzn aqon ier geowwf wneaqu