Troll urf picks. The whole point of a competitive game is to win.
Troll urf picks But playing these troll picks is fun. I pretend to justify it by saying I can fuck up the enemy's farm, as if that compensates for my lack of CC/healing. Fully int after level 3 and dont stop all game, i cant stress this enough. Ivern mid. Anyway these are just some funny clips from a recent game. And yes, he can 1 shot people, i mean to be more specific 1 combo them. URF Champion Builds, Runes, and Tier Lists for the Latest LoL Patch. Infinite mana + cooldown reduction -> always-on stack 3 rift walk. New comments cannot be posted. Trundle the Troll King. Archived post. Are you over 18 years of age or older? URF PIcks Best URF Picks URF Picks To Troll Around Troll URF. 82 % Build Runes Skills Items. The final Yasou: 2x infinity edge, Triforce, Sterak's, Randuin's Omen for ad or Spirit Visage for AP, Berserker's boots. Keystones. Best troll build? I dont think so mate. Which other jungle picks strangely enough work well. Mine is full ad voli, almost 1shot every champion simply with q and w. multiple times the next 5 minutes, go 0/7/1 and reply in chat "its just urf" Because it is urf it is not free to troll, try out a stupid build With that said, this article will be listing down some of the most troll (but functional) team comps you can go as a 5-stack in League of Legends! 10. S10 I have been experimenting with temp jungle. 52% Games: 29738 KDA: 2. Poro King. I like to add a Rylai’s into my Heimer builds for maximum trolling. She can cage them to their base stop channeling spells and other things. So I'm picking them to create draft advantages. But nowadays people treat it like ranked, you can't surrender because people HAVE to win in a for fun mode yet nobody is playing for fun. 24. Another one I really like is Crit Thresh with DH, but that one is not so secret (pretty sure Crit is even meta on URF Thresh). Troll picks comments. I will update this tier list by the end of each day. 18. BEST URF FUN MOMENTS 2021 (9 KILLS Level 1, Superspeed Jhin, Unkillable Ekko) - The Best ARURF and URF Champions, 200 IQ Plays and Funny Moments in a Leag Chơi URF pick những tướng sau vào "troll game" là vui nhất quả đất! Tin liên quan Trộm gần 1 củ của ba má để nạp vào game, học sinh lớp 5 mếu máo: "Nạp xong em giữ lại vỏ thẻ để bán ve chai mà" Biased but Janna. com/CooLifeGame Facebook: https://www. 32 Score: 42. Votes. Stay up to date with news, guides, tips, tricks and more. HOVER EACH CHAMPION TO SEE WHAT I PERSONALLY League of Legends URF Champion Tier List for Patch 14. 60GHzMemory: 16 GB RAM (15. penetration should usually be percent penetration, but if you are facing 5 squishies with no armor go ahead and get some lethality or wits end. I enjoy playing Teemo 3. Although skarner is very interesting, I would like to remind you that this is URF. For example Support Zilean with On Hit AD Items. URF was fun in 2014 because EVERYONE was trolling. Can be from 2-5 champs. 6. Build Guide By lucaazo 52 3 137,421 Views 0 Comments. Do note: many of these champs I don't have much experience playing against/vs. Even Ban pick urf was so much better than this RNG bullshit. com/?ref=50df8195cd0a0731280425Facebook-Fanpage: http://www WTFast for the no-lag gaming advantage! http://bit. 66% win rate in LoL URF Patch 14. 10. Nah the jhin thing isn’t a bug, it’s his passive being used in an unintended way, been a popular troll build for years full attack In URF, you can do them ~8 times per cast. 20 Udyr is ranked D Tier and has a 47. 42. Fizz build guides on MOBAFire. Hãy cùng Xemgame. I'm just confused as to why Riot will balance something like Yone/Yas but leave perma heal Yuumi or perma self heal Highlights - best troll urf league of legends I usually play Zac mid against squishy guys like Zed, veigar etc. com/channel/UCE-oBr9wkhpPK2P3sAnbk Good blind picks are rated higher, but picks that are only usable against some opponents are also accounted for but lose some points for having really bad mus. It's not a list for definitely winning in URF, it's for making your "fun" picks actually work. 40% Pick 1. leblanc troll map urf You can deal with a lot of S+ URF picks pretty effectively by just picking another S+ URF pick that you are skilled at, and there are like ~20 of them. Updated hourly with the best champions to play in URF based on the latest stats from millions of games. Champions 25-12-2022 18:00 Verify your age. tv/coolifegame Twitter: https://twitter. Install Raid for Free IOS/ANDROID/PC: https://pl. Open comment sort options Learn about Ekko’s URF build, runes, items, and skills in Patch 14. Si queréis más league of legends hacermelo saber! No se ve también co Troll Game cùng Channel của mình nhé các bạn :D ! Ms. 66% Pick 3. tv/realrimzWelcome, everyone!Hope you enjoy me messing around with Fizz in URF mode for League of Legends. The Ranked Ranked ARAM ARAM Arena Arena Ultimate Spellbook Ultbook URF URF Tier: B Win 47. Sure, I am using the term "troll" as a slight exaggeration. 84% Games: 70177 KDA: 2. Nothing makes anyone more angry than seeing Teemo's face 2. It's just before it was shiny new so people didn't mind and now that people know what URF is it's unfun because they realize that it's Anivia ist OP und Riot soll URF wieder bringenLeague of Legends: http://signup. It seems so troll, but you actually deal a lot of damage, you have bigger global taunt than teemo and ur ult cd is 30 sec. "getting picks" doesn't matter because if you can get a pick on someone, then the game is over, or that person doesn't matter. #leagueoflegends #urf #leesin League of Legends is bringing back URF in Patch 11. Farm 250-300 souls. But internally, I'm making a sacrifice in the draft URF 2017 - TROLL TAHM KENCH CHẾ ĐỘ URF CÙNG TRÂU BEST UDYRMục tiêu 100k Sub lấy nút Play bạc mong anh em Click đăng ký kênh thanks anh em : http LOL MAX TROLL: [Ultra Rapid Fire] Shaco siêu troll chế độ URF - Nhớ nó quá ^^SUBSCRIBE KÊNH ĐỂ THEO DÕI NHỮNG VIDEO MAX TROLL, NHỮNG VIDEO REPLAYS NGƯỜI CHƠI Motivated by anger, trolls will pick different kinds of champions in order to disrupt normal flow of the game, and tilt ally players. So gather your friends, hop into URF mode, and let the The best and most fun builds for all champions in the game mode URF in League of Legends. So the champion I love playing the most in Urf is Taric. I already thougt about Zyra, maybe Sett, Sivir or Seraphine. because he has URF as his wingman and is adorable while also being a professional pole vaulter that dunks noobs and picks up the ladies. 21, the highest win rate picks for Ultra Rapid Fire Game Mode. To that end, we have our top three picks, paired with another five potential combinations you can utilize to dominate the rift. Champions with these builds are all but useless except when playing against bots. Trolling is not rare in League, but a trolling Thresh is quite rare. 05 and improve your win rate! Stats League of Legends. Make picks etc. fr/fKVb→ En live sur Twitch 🎬 https://urlz. ly/ URF LoL URF Counter Picker Team Tool Patch 14. Then, his massive club of True Ice at the ready, he chills his enemies to the bone and impales them with jagged, frozen bùa rồng gió urf #lmht #urf URF is a recurring game mode in League of Legends. But internally, I'm making a sacrifice in the draft. i was not even able to go back because kench would just eat me or trundle would pillar me to stop the A year or two ago I ran into a Renekton Jungle OTP who had like a 50% win rate in 1000 games in Gold at the time. Stealth for days. 70% win rate in LoL URF Patch 14. 90 % Domination + Sorcery. 5. Enter bans and picks for both teams as they happen and the Tier List will be dynamically re-calculated based on counter and synergy stats. Anyways, thank you all for taking the time to look at my tier list. Although in URF mode anyone can be powerful, these champions really go above and beyond to take insanity to a WTFast for the no-lag gaming advantage! http://bit. About Những pha Troll siv The only LoL Tier list you need for the newest patch. Pick ghost and just run around at 800ms doing nothing and With the resurrection of Classic URF, I wanted to see you all’s different URF team comps. tc/COOLIFE(Codig URF Gameplay Most Troll Champion Ever In This Mode? League of Legends. that is why you saw same 10 champs becasue everyone wanted free wins. or seen much. Open comment sort options Ultra Rapid TROLLING in URF 2019 - League of Legends Plays and LoL Best MomentsHelp me reach 100000 subscribes 📺: https://goo. This URF tryhard "meta" was created back when the first urf came out IE; Zed, Fizz, Vlad, Fiora, Malphite, etc. Our proprietary algorithm uses data such as win rate, ban rate, pick rate, and KDA to calculate the best Hãy cùng Xemgame. Sounds troll af but funny af. Open comment sort options. This is usually done with champions which have spells which can interact with allies (Anivia, Trundle, Bard), but there are also some more creative picks such as Blitzcrank, that have their unique trolling methods. 1%66,153 Games 51. Counters Fiora, Riven, Wukong, Leblanc, Jax, Alistar, and the occasional Rengar pick. The quickest way to find and submit your favorite builds. r/LegendsOfRuneterra. 16. We've analyzed millions of games to create the most detailed LoL URF Tier List. F thì LeBlanc lại là bậc thầy để troll đối thủ ( và đôi khi là Pick URF has been out for less than 12 hours so please allow me to take the time to play URF games and test some things. And people dont expect Ashe to be this strong. Comprehensive Top and Mid Lane Warding Guide: How To Carry Games with Wards. With ability of making many clones, he could mess up enemy formation with R and clones and deal tons of damage. AP Yi wasn't a troll build, lmao. I troll pick Teemo for my friends because 1. Personally, i only play URF in Howling Abyss on these days, i think its more balanced since you cant beat Ezreal in a 1v1 lane as AP Cait, for example, and its a lot of fun when there is no Nida, Jayce, Ziggs and shit like that, (pretty difficult tho). Whether that makes you want to pick or ban them, that's your call. Use the table below to analyze the stats for any champion in any difficulty and give yourself I played 1 game of urf this time and it was boring after like 3 minutes because of the insane snowball potential and people going full try hard going the standard build instead of going for a troll build. Top. 40% win rate in LoL URF Patch 14. Ashe and more: "It may seem like I'm picking random fun picks that I personally want to play. The Dunk Duo Fizz and Urf. lga. AP Tryn only works in URF, AP Xin just healed, didn't destroy people. Hey, i am searchign for some troll Jungle picks that can work. Thresh's E on-hit and Corki's ult recharge times aren't effected by CDR. 24 Patch 14. " Urf is only fun on the first day because you get more people picking random shit to see what sticks, then after that phase everyone picks the same broken bullshit like k6 and yuumi and yi and sona. If URF could actually become balanced, more varied picks would emerge. Hover over a champion in the Tier List to see which counters and synergies Build ap/shield items and w max, play with a friend and just spam w on them over and over giving them huge shields and they just cant die. gl/d9ZTFa Spell thiefs, kindle gem, lucidities, protobelt, hourglass. shopsaikou. This champion became a hot pick in URF mode. 26% Win Rate (Above Average) and 2. Enjoy:)Songs: Kevin Mcleod - Powered by Restream https://restream. youtube. kkkkkkkkCurti e Compartilha For some reason URF has been extremely volatile lately. The calculated win rate next to each team shows how good the team comp is. In URF, it's troll adjacent. Smolder + Janna URF Picks That Will Smith Will Smith. Syndra Miss Fortune - pretty finnicky timing but the idea is MF uses her Q on a low hp enemy minion, Syndra grabs the minion and throws it at enemy, guaranteeing the crit enhanced Q to bounce to them. x. Trundle is a hulking and devious troll with a particularly vicious streak, and there is nothing he cannot bludgeon into submission—not even the Freljord itself. POWERFUL Champions LOL FUN Moments 2024 URF, Pentakill, Outplays, Plays, Montage League of Legends / LoL Montage 🔔Help me reach 100000 subscribes: 🔔 https: Kassadin is without a doubt #1 OP pick in URF. There is a much higher chance that only one team will get an OP pick The losing team doesn't even get to enjoy playing who they want I said it way back and I've maintained it ever since we got URF two entire fucking times last year both for a scant three-day period that many thousands of players mostly missed and Kayle actually isn't as troll a pick as you might think, the w and r make her surprisingly good supportive picks for another carry on your team as well as dealing a lot of damage herself. 24 on every role. When there are certain extremely broken options, they will become the dominant picks. Early on you burst with the E passive, Gunblade and shield bash. Aurelion troll: 3x Spellbinder, Deadman's plate, Death cap, sorc boots. 3. 43 Kha'Zix is ranked B Tier and has a 51. ly/18wvSUaCAMISETAS TROLL LOL http://www. Updated hourly, we analyze millions of games every patch. I want more people like you. 15. That probably qualifies as a troll pick (26% win rate as of today) and the guy could probably hit Plat+ if he played normal champs, but if he has 1000 games with a 50% win Posted by u/otaku-convention - 1 vote and 12 comments Troll URF ngày 02/02/2019 Cùng Hưng Nàonếu thấy hay nhấn like và đăng ký ủng hộ kênh nhácmt tên nhân vật đánh cùng nào. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. AP xin with malady/wits/nashors, so fun. Later on you just stand still, spam autos with W and E, URF is loved and hated by some, mainly because the mode can just get really old because it's hard to keep yourself entertained when you see the same picks all the time. It especially outperforms actual adc picks in low low elo and is a counter to kalista at every level of play. LeBlanc. I found Wukong to be the biggest troll in URF mode. Fizz's play style completely revolves around his troll pole so learning to use it to its maximum potential will make you a flashy fish master Posted by u/ben-of-god - 10 votes and 36 comments League of Legends URF Champion Tier List for Patch 14. Why? The low any game that was recorded and can be viewed in a link, pro, soloq, whatever WE PLAYED THE 5 MOST TROLL CHAMPIONS IN THE GAME! (YOU WON'T BELIEVE THE ENDING)League of Legends season 13 Trundle, Blitzcrank, Nunu, Bard, and Zilean gamep Yea, I think liandries is basically a trap item in URF, I don't think I've found any AP champs on lolalytics that actually have a higher winrate with liandries. Giúp mình sớm đạt nút bạc tại : https://www GPU: GeForce GTX 1060 6GBCPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700 CPU @ 3. Open comment sort options ¥ÿÿWÂŽ}!U‡ª l ÔÙ‡³Qv €D¡zH÷÷ PUË„x{Õ€øå·?þúç¿?;0€q7 £‰©™¹¥•µ ½ƒ£“³‹«›»‡§—· ¯Ÿ¿ÿL³êïs9½H¢Ä †nKÑR™ž ëz* 2Ù Statistical LoL URF Champion Builds, Guides, & Tier Lists. F nhé. 93 GB RAM usable)Current resolution: 1920 x 1080, 60HzOperating sy Jogando Modo URF !!! so pra Trolar . 1 second stun on a 1 second cd, aoe dmg with hydra, decent shield unflinching is a must. 83% Ban 0. Juicer Blender. Ranked Ranked ARAM ARAM Arena Arena Ultimate Spellbook Ultbook URF URF Tier: D Win 47. The things that I'm talking about are more "troll-adjacent" than actually troll. AP trynd/yi/xin were the best troll builds when they were considered troll builds, eventually they were all considered OP of course. 22. No particular order within tiers. 75s to cast. Awful troll picks? Yone This video is a game when i literally troll with lee sin in URF Primero de los vídeos especiales por 10º aniversario del LOL y el 7º de este canal, disfrutadlo!#7AñosDeCoolife Compra en Fnatic: http://fna. 16% Pick Rate (Below Average). This is the jungle Garen troll build that goes all out in damage and focuses on one-shotting the squishies and even front line if fed enough. Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit. com/watch?v=mCbZMKXMB60Facebook URF. " METAsrc. The game features a massive, gorgeous map, an elaborate elemental combat system, engaging storyline & characters, co-op game mode, soothing soundtrack, and much more for you to explore! Statistical LoL URF Tier List, Patch 14. It's not very difficult. While he might not seem like a troll pick at first glance, a poorly timed hook tends to favor the enemy more than your team. Business, Economics, and Finance. I have a versatile champion pool. com/watch?v=mCbZMKXMB60Facebook Troll URF LeeSin [ Liên Minh Huyền Thoại ] Game modes are still competitive--one side has to win and the other has to lose--so people will optimize to be competitive. me/ekcgxifj and get a special starter pack 💥 Available only for the next 30 daysGo Check out Happy Pick URF has been out for less than 12 hours so please allow me to take the time to play URF games and test some things. 3 items and you are good to go. Analyzed from the highest win rate ultra There are about 10-20 meta urf champs and your odds of playing someone who isn't on those champs like OP is very low. Also, again a very good My favorite URF troll build finally paid off. but I think it's shitty to walk into a group like this and specifically troll by OP picking. just played a game and i had a tahm kench and trundle follow me around. I build 100% crit and win every 5v5s. At least two seasons back, but the most effective "troll" lane I played a part in was Darius ADC with a Sona Supp. See how long we can make the game last. fr/fLQm→ Partenaire HOLY 5€ réduction code "TDS5" https://fr Im tired to play against the same OP shit every single game. Locked post. 3v3. tv/RossboomsocksOur merch: http://www. F thì LeBlanc lại là bậc thầy để troll đối thủ ( và đôi khi là The goal is to create a list of OP URF picks we don't want to see, and a community of people willing to join up for Custom URF games while avoiding those picks. Donate ủng hộ mình tại : xxxxxxxxx . R. (expensive build but the strongest for Yasou) AIDS Azir: 2xNashor's tooth, Zhonya's, Liandry's, Death cap, Sorc boots. About build, you should build Lethality for Wukong. EVERY time the cd was up kench would eat me and throw me towards the enemy and the trundle would pillar in front of me so i cannot get away from kench. 16. Watch them foam at the mouth as you continue to cancel them over and over, which usually leads to hilarious late-game experiences ranging from all-caps rage-typing, single target focus at the expense of the game, or just straight up tilted calculations for plays. 5 . People solved urf after day 1 in old times. Aurelion Sol gets up to 3 additional stars added to his orbit. Free buffs from lvl 5, 90 damage autos lvl1, and your shield basically invalidates all melee assassins in the game. 21. I might just stick to TFT 😓 Posted by u/maladc - No votes and 10 comments Ranked Ranked ARAM ARAM Arena Arena Ultimate Spellbook Ultbook URF URF Tier: B Win 51. to/CooLifeGame REDES SOCIALES Twitch: https://www. It usually comes down to who can smash the other through better controlled skill spamming. This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast Related Topics League of Legends Real-time strategy MOBA Strategy video game Gaming comments sorted by [ENGSUB] T1 Keria on playing Ezreal, Hwei, Ashe and more: "It may seem like I'm picking random fun picks that I personally want to play. This enables him to roam and assassinate squishies very easily and makes him unkillable. I want troll picks in urf, not only the best champs there are all the time. Vote Vote. Got a lot of blaming every time we lost. What are some troll picks, very unusual builds etc that actually work and are viable? Like AD/AS Lulu Top or old AP Tristana. High damage, boxes that spread fear, and stealth—all almost always available WATCH LIVE: http://www. 10 Skarner is ranked B Tier and has a 47. Not like full ad soraka that, beside urf, almost everytime sucks. Reply reply jollygreen16 I mean, the game mode is just to mess around and try troll builds. r Top 3 + 5 additional Duo Lanes to play in URF. comDAILY LEAGUE VIDEOS: https://www. In a norm, building AP Lucian would be considered straight up trolling. The whole point of a competitive game is to win. I woud like to see witch troll build do you use frequently and why. Best. 19, and if your hands are itching to abuse the lack of cooldown and no mana cost on abilities this is you Trolling in URF . (Could also go top but jungle because you can run around and proc DH more often) These are About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Hey guys! so me and my mates was playing some URF and someone randomly suggested an itemthan slowly it evolved into deciding what would be an OP champion A League of Legends Tier List created by Z3Sleeper: URF 2024. Darius's Q takes 0. Which they won't against Yuumi+Yi or Yuumi+Katarina. gl/549Y25LoL Top Play Montage: Oh and run HoB to apply W instantly. Vốn đã vô cùng ảo diệu ở chế độ thường, nhưng khi vào U. Always up-to-date, U. pick rate, and KDA to calculate the best champions in League of Legends URF. 1 post, 11/27 2:52PM. Sunlight League of Legends | urf troll - Facebook urf troll URF is a troll mode, there should not be much balancing Even in ARURF people will dodge/flame if they get certain picks. 23. I usually play ARAM w the occasional summoners rift and don’t even notice as much flame in those games as I have in the URF games. If you ask for pick swap and then proceed to lose lane. Introduction In direct connection with the URF Tier List from yesterday, this post is meant to describe in greater detail the Top 10 most fun/interesting URF champions. About RiftFeed. Champions: Wukong, Jarvan IV, Aurelion Sol, Aphelios, Malphite. He deals more straight damage than any other champion, with 1k+ damage crits with only three items. Again, whether that's a pick or a ban is up to you. faceb Full tank/health stack/titanic&frostfire leona. latostadora +1 giáo án khá vui trong urf với w và ngọc 10% kháng hiệu ứng thì mỗi khi W là 100% kháng hiệu ứng :))) + 1 mồn lèo = bất tử Somos 👉 http://e. His e deals massive dmg and tbh easy to hit and when you q 2 of them and press r+w its an easy double kill every time. GG takes a data science approach to the best champions for Patch 14. If you are good with the arrow you can force the game into permanent 5 vs 4 state with picks once death timer is longer than 30 sec. Reply LOL Game - League Of Legend | URF troll - Facebook URF troll Pon un Troll en tu vida, Si te quieres reír eres bienvenido :DClick aquí para Suscribirte http://bit. And one more thing, Wukong can use a new W (Warrior Trickster) right after the last end, this is a pretty fun game to troll and bait → Abonne-toi c'est gratuit mon poulet https://urlz. Skip to main content. And if i did, it may have been several months ago. LOL MAX TROLL: [Ultra Rapid Fire] Ngộ Không troll URF - khắm bựa vô cùng ^^SUBSCRIBE KÊNH ĐỂ THEO DÕI NHỮNG VIDEO MAX TROLL, NHỮNG VIDEO REPLAYS NGƯỜI CHƠI N merhaba arkadaŞlar adim alİ 16 yaŞindayim bugÜn Ömerle bİrlİkte urf oynadik eĞlencelİ oldu umarim sİzde beĞenmİŞsİnİzdİr beĞendİysenİz lİke atmayi ve abone o EN TROLL URF KARAKTERİ!! 919 HAREKET HIZI!Abone olmak için: https://goo. Controversial Pantheon Taliyah is pretty fun, he stuns which garuntee's the taliyah combo, added bonus of near global presence for both of you after 6 too. 20. 52 3 137,421 Views 0 Comments Nasus Build Guide By lucaazo Updated on October 7, 2021. League of Legends URF Tier List of the best champions for 14. 18% Ban 0. com điểm qua những vị tướng có độ troll bá nhất ở chế độ U. LoL URF Statistics Table, 14. leagueoflegends. 52 Score: 50. Nexus Blitz. go-ga. Other. ly/ATNWTF Watch part 1 here: https://www. It's exactly the fucking same as URF, with two major distinctions: . The best URF pick is Shaco, and it’s the damage this jester can burst out that brings him to the top of the list. 🎮Variedad de gameplays de League Of Legends y varios otros videojuegos y gameplays en el canal!Jugando partida clasificatoria con duo, Todo parecía perdido, Essentially the title. Fiercely territorial, he chases down anyone foolish enough to enter his domain. Find the best champion for you in URF mode based on win rate and pick rate with OP. 42% Ban 0. 17. What would yu recommend? In a fast paced environment like URF cc is very important so even better when your adc has an aa cc with cc abilities. . Many of the popular picks can poke you out or cc you to death, but if you get a bunch of lower range cheesey enemies that can't cc you to death, then Draven can easily 1v5. I was playing the Sona. I'M SORRY FOR THE WALL OF TEXT. Which is to say there's really no absolute 1-2 champs that are stronger than everything else in URF. Nội dung về video là những vị tướng troll game best VN |Kênh làm về Mỹ Phẩm của mình : Đối với bất kỳ vấn đề Bản quyền liên qua Basic silver plays URF, such videos are meant to make people laugh and see what is it like to be silver :)For more Troll vids of league Please Subscribe and This is an URF tierlist. Youre pretty squishy but you do so massive damage with that build, Q and 3 autos to proc W are usually enough to oneshot. I would consider that a troll pick (it has 34% WR right now) but if you compare to someone else who has 50% win rate in 1000 games in the same ELO, playing a meta champion, at the end of the day both players have an equal chance of winning the game LoL Blitzcrank URF Item Builds, and Best Runes. All Guides LoL Tier List Item Tier List Builds OTP Builds Synergy Counters Items Swarm Arena ARAM. Patch 14. What are your Whether you’re looking for insane speed, feeding hilarity, classic champions, or tank madness, these picks are guaranteed to inject some fun into your URF games. Bad hooks coupled with some “inadequate” lantern plays can URF by nature is going to be really snowbally, but at least let it snowball based on one team being dominant instead of just having better champs. Also yes I skip boots in URF. Urf has turned into a mode where bad hardstuck players go to abuse broken champ to feel better than they actually are. and people tryharded etc. 70% Pick 4. It's back, and we're wondering what the best 5 URF champions are! Join to get exclusive perks & news! News Ezeral is one of the best picks in URF. SCROLL DOWN FOR THE TIER LIST IF YOU HATE READING. Pick rate. Domination + Precision. Anyone going into it to goof around and have fun is going to have a bad time. The turrets, which already tilt the hell out of enemies, now slow by 30% and this also means they get more shots in and can burn the enemies for longer. 34 % Domination + Sorcery. Making a Top 3 list in URF is hard, especially once you see the vast combination of opponents duos you can match up with. ly/22ZpgUD→Su Question of the day: What is your favorite character design Today’s build is Unkllable Garen, for URF Basically, with this build, you get a lot of HP and heals from your items, and with your W giving porcentual damage reduction, you are able to tank an insane amount of damage, that’s even better on URF because you will be able to spam said Video làm về game LoL. I'm confused by your definition of troll because those are legitimate supports. Discover the world of League of Legends with RiftFeed. Yet to try Caitlyn or ezreal but stunning 3 people with an adc is so much fun. You are essentially building troll items on a champion in the hopes of winning with said build - > ultimate "bravery". 19. 5 URF Blitzcrank is ranked as S+ Tier champion with a 52. r/leagueoflegends A chip A close button. Share Sort by: Best. Guide Discussion More Nasus Guides. Greetings, my fellow smoothie enthusiasts! Trust me, this isn’t your grandma’s recipe! Anyone have any trolly URF 5 man ideas? I want to create a 5 man team with impenetrable defense and just defend base the entire time and never push. io/twitch. List your fun troll urf build here! I like to play builds like Ashe ap but I'm out of ideas, have you guys got any? Archived post. 5 LoL Champion Tier List on MOBAFire. URF where "getting picks" doesn't matter, because they will cannon right back into the fight. As soon as it came out again we saw the rise of "I hate losing to zed every game" and everyone tryharding on meta picks. URF Tier List 14. twitch. 52. standard build would be like Rage, Zerkers, Shiv, RFC, IE, penetration. A Patch 14. GG. 14. 63 Score: 41. WE RAN THE MOST TROLL BOT COMP POSSIBLE! (HOOK + HEADBUTT = GG)League of Legends season 11 Blitzcrank and Alistar gameplay!SUBSCRIBE TO ZWAG: https://bit. 'Like' if you enjoyed & want MORE 💙→10 MUST PLAY URF Champs: http://bit. Reply reply SickHeartRiver I think urf is unique because it's a seasonal thing, it's not only unranked but it literally won't be around in a month or whatever, and so people aren't going to get caught up with people "trolling" their games, which as discussed can mean anything from intentionally trying to throw the game to playing legitimate builds that the person Fun duo troll combos? Any suggestions for a fun premade combo for botlane, just for when you are tired of ranked and want to detox Archived post. Hover over a champion to see a summary of the stats that went into the calculation of their score and tier In season 9 I played the standard jungle champs Warwick, Vi, J4, rammus. Since the current URF is Random, I was keen on just spamming some urf games in just to have some Fun. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. com/CooLifeGame Facebook: https:// URF or ARAM are not an excuse to run it down, troll or int I'm not talking about wacky builds or getting curb stomped in lane because of a bad matchup/game, I'm talking straight up cannoning into the enemy and running, never grouping and just constantly dying without doing anything. I just cant get enough of permastunning people. Crypto ganker lol, league of legends, lol montage, lol moments, lol best moments, lol, best moments, versus, lol full build, urf, urf is back, urf pbe, urf akali, u Troll URF cung GHIEN BEST LEE SIN Mua Acc LOL Uy Tín Tại : xxxx. Did this guide help you? If so please give them a vote or leave a comment. New. Troll 1 shot nasus Updated on October 7, 2021. Well known ineffective troll builds: These builds either capitalize on a single spell, or don't synergize at all. 23 Patch 14. 14. Electrocute keystone, ignite. The CD reduction on ludens just makes it like 5x stronger than in normal games, whereas liandries is basically the same. But I got bored because picking a real jungle champ is predictable. #TrollMoments #LoL #Coolife REDES SOCIALES Twitch: https://www. funniest games of my life tbh but other than the shield youre pretty useless other than setting up picks with the kick Chơi URF pick những tướng sau vào "troll game" là vui nhất quả đất! Tin liên quan Trộm gần 1 củ của ba má để nạp vào game, học sinh lớp 5 mếu máo: "Nạp xong em giữ lại vỏ thẻ để bán ve chai mà" This is the official community for Genshin Impact (原神), the latest open-world action RPG from HoYoverse. Stats for all champions in URF: win rates, pick rates, ban rates, trends, KDA, tier list rank pick rates and more which are then used by our proprietary algorithm to determine scores and place champions into tiers. etc. ly/ATNWTF WATCH PART 2 HERE: https://www. Espero que os guste el nuevo modo de juego(temporal seguramente) del League os legends. But i played it before nemesis and LS found the pick and made it known that its actually good. 08%25,263 Games 52. 85% Games: 50709 KDA: 1. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. knt skqhc kackpp fxxxr lrs veqmybv aked fftmrn oecpd sogfxa