Avengers fanfiction tony height. The world moved on, and so did the team.
Avengers fanfiction tony height A hum is heard as Dummy lowers it to his height Title: A Supervillain's Guide to Getting Married. What secrets will be reveled? Well I guess you'll just have to read it to find out. Tony dodged another arrow and dropped his height Rated: Fiction T - English - Family - Black Widow/Natasha R. With a wave of one of Tony's hands the suit began to fold in on itself until it formed a large suitcase. One of them is autism. Unfortunately, when you're living with 5 people, Tony's brain was who he was, it's what made him Tony Stark. , Black Widow/Natasha R. By Peter is suicidal and doesn't want Tony to find out, but things don't always go to plan Rated: Fiction T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Angst - Iron Man/Tony S. Tony's daughter has been hidden for so many years, secrets have been held and grudges have been formed; her only dream was to be free and a normal teenager. Tony lost Pepper and Morgan in the Endgame War and be is engaged to his lovers. /Spider-Man] [Iron Man Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Chapters: 4 - Words: In mine Clint is not married to Laura. When the doors opened, Bruce wasn't surprised to find Clint casually leaning against the wall waiting for him. Before Rhodey can react, Tony lifts his head and brushes his lips against the Colonel's in a soft kiss punctuated with a humming sigh. Unfortunately, when you're living with 5 people, who are in fact quite tall, it's hard to get Tony gasped, pressing a hand over his arc reactor in mock offense. She honestly didn't but she just couldn't help herself. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Humor - Iron Man/Tony S. "Avengers, this is my wife, Hermione. Also, Stephen was learning to being a Stepfather to Phoenix and Phoenix was treating her (Toni's) Intern like her little brother as well as Harley Keener; which they enjoyed having Phoenix as an older sister. It was the small things she did that Pepper noticed even before Tony died but once he was gone, those things seemed to multiple faster than her mother could believe or handle with her busy schedule trying to run Stark Industries. Height: 6"2, but over 7" . Hair Color: Brown. "I'm sorry. Tony went through three rounds of chemotherapy before he quit. Follow/Fav 5 Times Peter Yelled at Tony and Apologized. " He removed the arm from his neck, which Tony quickly used to mock-salute him. Little writings I've done for my tumblr blog. "Yes, actually. Tony wakes up in Vegas, married to Lady Loki. Family: Unknown. Tony had been in his workshop when it first happened. Peace entered the world and normality entered their lives as they began to go their separate ways. If you like Ron and Ginny, in warning I'm not going to be nice to them. They'd gotten married at their cabin with Bruce and Nat as their witnesses. So Peter shouldn't have been surprised when MJ all but slammed three small, white test sticks on the bed next to him. Said God of Mischief wasgood. "Pay attention. Thor, Steve Rogers, Clint Barton, Nick Fury, Bruce Banner, Natasha Romanoff. Tony Stark was watching the almost fray between Thor's "reformed" megalo-maniacal, trickster of a brother and Steve's BUT, the Avengers held hands (gosh that sounds so cheesy) and shared the load of power, so TONY'S NOT DEAD! 5. "No, I'm like a shadow, even on missions. , Captain America/Steve R. Barton, I can't believe that Legolas is secretly marriedand to a witch!" Raised him with Bucky Barnes, Tony married you and you two had two kids, Jasper and Antonia. - Chapters 'I understand that you all are still shock that Tony and I married before Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Adventure - [Harry P. Title: A Supervillain's Guide to Getting Married. The water wasn't deep, and only went to about the height of Tony's ankles. You were a wizard. ] (AKA The Really Silly Idea Fic) But Tony's married to Fury's daughter, how will he hide that from the Avengers and the fact that he has children? A bit of trust issues, panic attacks and more of Tony's secrets. By: Tony's daughter has been hidden for so many years, secrets have been held and grudges have been formed; her only dream was to be free and a normal teenager. "Either the outsider is married through a special ritual that would lessen the gap of vitality between the two by siphoning it from the Movies Avengers. Rated: Fiction K+ sending another glare towards the three star-struck Avengers. By: Twelve steps is an awesome fic! Tony and Nat will live one way or another. " He murmured coughing before he looked up at them, "First of all, Clint. Beside him stood Pietro, who had insisted on coming even though Steve requested that he stay inside. You must be Tony Stark. Tony opened his eyes, only to find himself back at Morgan's play tent. But a Dark Wizard had risen into power and we had to go into hiding And well, he found us. Cackling as he goes, Tony Summary: Every once in a while, the Arc Reactor becomes too unbearable for Tony to even haul himself out of bed, and he takes a day. "Thank you, Thor," Tony The Avengers were standing in front of Stephen Strange's cell, interrogating the sorcerer; which was really getting them nowhere, since all the wizard could do was stare and talk about Tony. The realization hit him that Tony was alone in the world. Sort of. So, I wanted to try my luck at an Avenger Crossover group of one shots with a Female Harry Potter and Hawkeye] The First Time We Met. "Then there was the fic I attempted to write that shipped "Tony. This is going to be so great especially because I also may have exploded my most recent batch of fluid. Warning: Crack, Language. " Another voice snapped. Tony sighed, staring at the empty hologram, before leaning forward. " Hi all! So, Endgame destroyed me! Utterly! Completely! This fic was a coping mechanism, through and through. Jarvis responded to the distressed sound by making the television blink to life, Big Hero 6's opening scene automatically playing. Okay. It was like a sucker punch to the gut. One chapter per character, themes of alcohol/drug use. Getting your sizes wasn't hard, and I already had my blueprints. "Tony is not married and as far as we know, he has no kids. As the press conference wrapped up, the Avengers made their way backstage. "For a super-secret organization that Everyone looked bewildered, especially Tony, who coughed and placed the cat on the counter next to him. However it ends in Loki and one of the Avengers getting engaged and eventually all the Avengers agreeing to help Loki take over. Let's see what my wayward, soon-to-be husband is up to," Tony grumbled. , Harry P. The Avengers fought and won the battle for peace. I've heard many great things. One-Shot. "Ahh," Loki stood from his bench, arms spreading, "The great sorceress. Things were looking up for him, Bucky was getting taken care of, Tony was talking to him, and the Avengers were being asked to come home, or at least that's what he thought. Steve and the others watched at how Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Friendship - Iron Man/Tony S. Come on. The New-Avengers consisted of Tony, Rhodey, Peter (but not officially and only if needed), Dr Strange, Vision, Bruce, Thor and surprisingly, Loki. Tony had his goggles on, welding metal together when Clint swung down from the nearest vent without so much as a warning. , Bucky Barnes/Winter Soldier - Chapters: 2 - Words: 870 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 35 - Follows: 53 - Updated Movies Avengers. He throws himself from his chair at the dining table, as he watches Clint launch from the sofa and in his direction. Helen Carter. Always brings tears me up when I watch endgame because of it. The display flickered to a black and white photo decorating the front page of the wizarding newspaper. He turned to look at the Avenger's Tower a few blocks away Toni Stark was now married to Dr. "We didn't," Tony answers. He had seen Tony on tv, online, on social media and everywhere in between but nothing could have prepared him for how physically attractive Tony Stark was in person. Rated: Fiction K - English - Humor/Friendship - Hawkeye/Clint B. "Sure. "Let me guess. Really? Grow up. I woke up on Asgard to the All Father asking me if I understood how precious life was. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Hurt/Comfort/Drama "Well, this is a fine mess," Tony said, and Iron Man's computerized voice came out as a drawl. "When did you two get married?" Peter asks. "Name: Unknown. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Chapters: 7 - Words: 8,408 - Reviews: while still maintaining the potential energy to reach maximum height. Tony considered his body just a transport to carry his mind place to place and to learn he would be slowly losing the capabilities of his favorite organ, it was hard. Some reveals, though, do not have a happy ending. The sight scares her and the other Avengers before Tony Harley and Peter both had individual things to display at the Expo in their age range and part of a huge joint project with the Avengers Science crew and Tony had a plethora of things that were going out through SI, the Avengers, and Tony himself so Tony is a genius, but he has his struggles. “Jesus! Clint! I could’ve burned your face off!” Tony said, removing his safety goggles. Frowning, Tony headed towards the house, making small, quiet splashes as he went. net | Category: Harry Potter + Avengers Crossover | Rated: Fiction However it ends in Loki and one of the Avengers getting engaged and eventually all the Avengers agreeing to help Loki take over. " Jarvis stated. "Stark. Oh dear god. And then Bucky and I adopted the rest of the Avengers. " His A. Art is by Evelynaddi of Abigail (Fury) Stark/Agent Hail. Naruto + Avengers Crossover. Follow/Fav Drowning. The dirt and gravel had been replaced with water, and the sky was tinged with pink. - Chapters: 4 - Words: 3,398 - Reviews: 17 - Favs: 156 - Follows: 116 - Updated: 7/9/2014 - Published: 5/9/2014 - id Title: A Supervillain's Guide to Getting Married. HEHEHEHEHE! My friends say I'm evil. " Tony said flatly. So when she escapes and meets a certain spider-boy, Tony decides it's time for the world to know her, little did he know about trouble expected and the villains awaiting her. Height: 6'1". 4th Crossover with Avengers and Harry Potter: Based on the One shot entitled Tony's Secret Girlfriend more information inside. Thor makes sure Every member of the team taking care of their favorite genius billionaire playboy philanthropist. But life is hardly ever that simple. "Okay. Follow/Fav Tony Is In which all the Tony's from many universes come forth due to Loki's trickery. "What is it, Jarvis ?" Tony said. I have the same Movies Avengers. " Steve stood arms crossed disdainfully. Steve leaves for work everyday and then Tony either leaves to be Iron man or builds something new. Rated: Fiction K - English - Humor/Adventure - Words: 1,731 Tony waved goodbye to the Dominican nanny and the little boy she was pushing in the stroller, barely even noticing how breathtakingly hot she was. Don't worry, you can still come," Pepper responds. This is our stop," Bruce said when the elevator came to a stop. Jarvis had passed away two years ago when Tony was only fifteen and, Tony now felt his world crumble around him. So for Tony to reach out to him, saying he had an invention that would help Bucky through his brainwashing, he nearly started crying on the phone. His takes place a couple years before Avengers. "We told the other Avengers and he wasn't able to walk into a room without one of the Avengers making fun of your dad. , Hawkeye/Clint B. Peter is gay and married. But Tony doesn't know that Natasha is working for SHEILD, yet. Their daughter, Hermione Granger, was notified a few hours ago. However, my spouse has requested to keep their anonymity and I am asking that you respect that. Avengers Tower was their base. The Avengers are on the hunt for a powerful new ally, Tony was subconsciously tapping his fingers nervously on the table, and Bruce was wiping his glasses for the Inside was a single sheet of paper. But, Tony had found himself a new team and family. fell. HYDRA and A. "Tony I know it's your birthday but you are too drunk to function and so is Agent Barton, so I think it's time to go home now. The man in the moving picture was pale faced and dangerous looking. Just a collection of one shots. Just to clear up a few things for those of you who asked Chapter 1: Married!? Hey so this story is going to kick off at the end of Iron Man 2. " Tony's smile is instantly knocked off his face and his hands halt at the top of his tie. Gritting his teeth, Tony took several swallow breaths as he did calculations in his mind. (AKA The Really Silly Idea Fic) [Tony/Lady Loki mostly, Loki/Tony some of the time. I honestly expected this to be about 3,000 words at most, starting with Tony and Steve meeting, them being cute together, cue adorable times, end scene. (Drabbles featuring autistic!Tony, though more accurately Tony with Asperger's syndrome. , Loki, Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Chapters: 7 - Words: 12,744 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 22 - Follows: 12 - Updated: 9/15/2021 - Tony Stark's battle with alcoholism is well documented, but at one time or another all of the Avengers have turned to substance abuse to deal with the chaos of their lives as 'Earth's Mightiest Heroes' and their own feelings of loneliness. Its about Omega Tony Stark/ Alpha Steve Rogers. Look, don't touch, as the other saying went. ) T for mild language, nothing vile (except for the occasional mewling quim). Follow/Fav Woke Up In Vegas (Married To The Enemy) By: Lacrimula Falsa. The team knows Tony—he is a selfish, impulsive, playboy that doesn't work well with others. I. "The ego gives it awaythat and the glowing circle in your chest. " "Understood," came the British monotone voice. "Actually Tony, I was hoping I could get a rain check on that date. , Iron Man/Tony S. Their lives have been woven together by a force known only as Destiny. He was able to see all the sad people, including his daughter and Peter Parker it was emotional for him. ACCEPTING PROMPTS! A soft groan came from the couch as Tony heated some soup on the stove. Tony smelled like he was literally made of alcohol, he was so drunk. Which is why they don't understand why Pepper still works for Tony or why Fury lets him do whatever he wants. " She can admit that she's confused at first but It's like Avengers Tower gets turned into a battlefield when Loki and Bucky meet. By: irondork If you like this, please check out my other fanfiction! Tony has a heart! Most of these are Peter helping Tony as much as Tony helps him :) Please REVIEW this story, it means the world to me! This is also on Ao3 if you prefer it there. "I think about you. The Avengers had decided it would be best to stick together when-off duty, for the purposes of team building and general antics. Tony, Steve, Bruce, Clint, Thor, Loki, and Natasha go on SuperherosWantLove and help each other create dating profiles. These are the finished products. Tony seized it by the handle and marched back to Peter. Tony was forced to turn his chair, meeting three disappointed faces. He grabs their matching tray tables as he makes his way What happened after Tony and Pepper's first kiss? How was life after Loki was presumed dead in Thor 1? Read all about these "made up deleted scenes" and many many more to come! Every chapter is a different moment that takes place in between or after certain movie scenes from all of the Avengers movies. “Thank god you didn’t. Clint continued to laugh as he sat on the ground. In which the superspies are having a fight, Steve sits back and enjoys the show, and Tony unhelpfully inputs his opinions. Follow/Fav Avengers Dating Profiles. " I idly wondered if that fic was still hidden somewhere in my drive. Review, Favorite, and Follow. While reports of Tony Stark's disappearance dominate headlines, Superman emerges in Metropolis, facing the brilliant but ruthless Lex Luthor and battling Metallo, a cyborg powered by fragments of his destroyed It made more sense," Pepper informs Tony. A mumbled, incoherent thank you makes Tony smile as he ladles the chicken noodle soup into two bowls. Lol here it is! Hope you Together the Rogue and New Avengers lived at the Compound. To his surprise, this does not immediately result in death, disaster or divorce. ” Tony pointed a Tony. "But, that's not all. Spider-Man + Avengers Crossover Peter and Michelle had been married for 6 months. He couldn't. Human doorways just weren't made with giraffes in Throughout Tony Stark's fame and glory, he had successfully managed to hide his height. Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Horror - Iron Man/Tony S. After Tony&Me Reviewed together the movies it was weird to get two different type of fascination. " He held up his hand again as everyone began speaking at once. By: AppleCiderr. " He says. , Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Words: 72 - Reviews: Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 16px; margin-top: 12px; margin-bottom: 21px; line-height: 21px; color: #6f6f6f; white-space: pre-wrap; overflow-wrap: break-word;"Peter A year after living in the cabin together, Rhodey had taken Tony out on the lake in their little rowing boat and proposed to him under the light of a full moon and a sky filled with glittering stars. Im trying to find a lost Avengers Fanfiction. Tony finally managed to line himself up with the doorway, leaning heavily against the wall, only to discover another problem. Tony is bisexual. I started writing it when I was like twelve, so it had terrible prose. They switched the TV over to football to watch the game. Follow/Fav What Lies Within. He was stood on the rooftop of the Avengers tower, waiting, impatiently, for the others to return. He doesn't want to leave! This fic is inspired from a tumblr post Therefore, Tony knows Peter's secret identity but he approached May instead of Peter post-Homecoming, and Peter has no idea that Tony knows. Because he deserves that much at least, right? The Avengers have just defeated the chitauri and have gathered to be debriefed by Fury, only to be interrupted by a woman. By: PassionatelyHiddlestoned. "Running diagnostic now. In fact, the big cat instead rose to his full height, creeping out of the bushes and into full view. Avengers from the years 2033, 2023, 2014, 2012, and 1942 are all teleported to Avengers Tower to watch movies about their lives. "I just don't understand, doesn't Hydra know you're back with Steve and the Avengers?" Evelyn asked. " "I know. He's huge, 26 Oneshots of Tony!Whump and Hurt!Tony with Comfort from all members of the team. By: kpron2008 Steve, Thor, Bruce, Tony, Maria and Fury were all listening, although Tony was tapping away on his phone. He doesn't want to leave! Tony rubbed his chin, checking over the data again just to be sure, the short hairs of his goatee rough against his hand. When he was twenty-one Tony took over the company from Obadiah Stane, Howard's old friend and business partner. Stephen Strange and Female Harry Potter. " Tony had gone still the second their names had been revealed. I had married the girl of my dreams and we had a son. Pairing/Characters: Loki/Tony. Always Tony. Thor also warned, also giving Tony a warning look. AU, WIP. “How dare you? I am perfectly secure in my height, thank you very much. Every time Tony Stark looked at Peter, he saw Julian. But Tony's married to Fury's daughter, how will he hide that from the Avengers and the fact that he has children? A bit of trust issues, panic attacks and more of Tony's secrets. The world moved on, and so did the team. " Natasha spoke for the first time but she had no idea what she could say. . Most of the folks on Fifth Avenue are whiny on a good day and formal complaint filers on mediocre ones, so by the time you hit Tony sings, waving his hands in a childish manner. Tony instantly breaks out into a smile. Tony, appearing to be uninjured, Home Community Movies Avengers Tony Stark/Iron Man + Steve Rogers/Captain America = Love. "Thanks Stark" Tony nodded in acceptance and the elevator doors closed again, so the assent to Clint's apartment would begin. It's a pleasure to meet you. He knew she had married, and apparently to the man she had a crush on since University, but he never knew more than that. Well, first that he Little writings I've done for my tumblr blog. Summary: Written for this prompt on Avengerkink: "Even though there's the frequent battles with the Avengers, and his plans are always being thwarted, Loki likes it on Earth. " Clint proudly introduced, and waited for the internal shock to Hermione Granger is not who everyone thinks she what will happen when the truth is out that she is the daughter of an avenger and married to one read and find out Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Family - Hermione G. Stephen Vincent Strange, Sorcerer Supreme. Enjoy and review! Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance/Humor - Iron Man/Tony S. 3rd Crossover between Harry Potter and the Avengers: A group of one shots. What the hell happened? Rated: Fiction T - English - Humor/Romance - Black Widow/Natasha R. Morgan didn't try to get into trouble. Eye Color: Brown," Tony read. Now 2042, the Avengers' children are faced with returning evil. " Tony and the Avengers stared at him like he was crazy. Fiction T - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 4 while Natasha Romanov was staring at the scene as cool and impassive as ever. It's only when the team discovers that Tony is hiding something—someone, that it becomes clear they actually don't know Tony at all. Strange/Stephen S. "Yessir Cap It was a dumb mistake. Tony paled and rushed up to their room and immediately freshened up then came downstairs then made his way to the loft. He was married, not dead, as the saying went. - Chapters: 2 - Words: 2,809 - Reviews: Shy Tony. "Um" Steve's hesitant voice says. Tony yelped. Tony Stark went missing after Civil War, but nobody cared enough to go searching for him, his sister's scream didn't scare off the panther. "JARVIS, reduce power in the repulsors to five percent. They acted like an old married couple most days, constantly bickering but almost After cleaning out the microwave, Steve slumped on the comfy sofa next to Bruce with a fresh pot of pasta (courtesy of Tony). hidden, and hidden, with eventually having conversations like: 'Hey dad, am I allowed to meet the avengers?' 'No. Tony raised his eyes to the ceiling, his curiosity piqued. Me, too. [Author's note: I know that I did an Avenger Crossover Group of who one shots that were of Female Harry Potter and Tony Stark paring as well as a Female Harry Potter and Stephen Strange. Tony would never admit out loud to crying, but he had. He was alone. " Tony nearly dropped his phone in surprise, "Did he just say - ?" "Shh," everyone else shushed. " Movies Avengers. For the Spideychelle Secret Santa on Ao3! Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Family/Romance - [Michelle Jones/MJ, Peter P. “Sure you are. One of the best things about living on a farm is the available land for roaming and exploring; his "Come on," Tony said, releasing Peter for just a second to move back towards the abandoned Iron-Man suit. - Chapters: 8 - Words: 32,607 - Reviews: 20 - Favs: 209 - Follows: 222 - Updated: 2/9 - Published: 8/12/2022 - id: 14121810 Movies Avengers. ” Steve smirked. The wind was strong and cold at this height and the sky was grey and cloudy. Who was this Tony guy anyway? By: EZM2016 and Kat. Superman + Avengers Crossover. He doesn't want to leave! A few years after defeating Thanos, married man Tony Stark has his hands full with a fidgety toddler at home and trying to maintain the farm he built his wife, Pepper. The 'Real Tony' discovers some interesting facts about his race. Not only did she Outside work, Steve and Tony are married and do not know each other's secret identities. Tony and Clint. She stayed by his side, staring at the others with judgemental eyes. - Words: 1,452 - Reviews: 10 - Favs: 113 - Follows: 33 - Published: 8/27/2012 - Status: Complete - id: 8471573 Now if that had been the end of it, the avengers would simply have smirked and dismissed the tired man's affectionate murmuring as a 'Tony-ism' and left it at that. , The pain of hitting the surface from such a great height had rippled through his entire body and had forced out his last breath. The moment they stepped behind the curtains, Tony turned to Steve, arms Tony is not pleased to find the Avengers in the penthouse when he returns home with Thor, and even less enthusiastic about their short jokes at his expense. "I mean, I masturbate to you all the time. Myself with the life that I'm going to live through all this and Tony being able to watch his life along with the Avengers as a movie. I hope you like this. " Eyes turned to the man and Tony just sighed heavily, "Ghost. ' being repeated for years. Especially Tony Stark, who apparently appointed himself their wedding planner, Sam Wilson, whom Steve and Natasha later found out that he won a bet about their dating life thus resulting Sam doing 20 laps around Avengers facility every morning for a week (if it weren't for Steve, Sam would run 30 laps. some of the recent ones in my bookmarks, lmk if u like any of these Reply fanfiction. "Even when I do help the Avengers, it's a lot of intel and quiet things. I'm not like Steve or Tony, out in the open, being seen. Tony wouldn't let it happen again. Julian Edward Davis was born 3 AM September 12th 2001 to Elena Marsha Davis and Anthony Edward Stark at Mass General Hospital. So I lived a pretty normal life. Clint has talked about all of you so much, that I feel I already know you. Throughout Tony Stark's fame and glory, he had successfully managed to hide his height. " She laughed and turned to look at Tony. This really will make more sense if you've read the last chapter of Withering Away, at least, but you should be able to pick up the gist from here. M. After SIberia and Zemo, I spent a lot of time in Wakanda," Bucky explained. ] Captain They are all true. Rated: Fiction T - English - Friendship - Iron Man/Tony S. They are married and Tony is the "perfect" Omega husband but is also acutally super smart and Iron Man and Steve doesnt know. To the Avengers, Stark was an enigma. Married at First Sight; The Real Housewives of Dallas; My 600-lb Life; Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Peter's got a crush, Harry's oblivious, and Tony thinks his kids are hilarious. Is starts with watching Iron Man then Bruce shook his head no. Stark wishes for me to inform you that your in-laws have arrived and that you have thirty minutes to get to the Mauder's Green Lily. " Stephen said to Tony. Natasha assumed that Clint would get the apartment closest to the roof (with him liking to be at a height) so as soon as the doors opened she automatically stepped out and turned back to look at Tony. "We're still planning our wedding. Each letter of the alphabet, A to Z, is a different prompt (Chapter 1, A for Asphyxiation, for example). Who just happens to be Tony Stark's wife! Say what! A one shot, that can be read as a stand alone, that happens six months or so since my last Iron Man fic. "Hi baby! Where are you, are you on your way?" Tony asks fixing his tie for the tenth time in the past 10 minutes. "Mrs. , Loki, Spider-Man/Peter Parker - Chapters: 7 - Words: 12,744 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 22 - Follows: 12 A story of heights. Snap. MJ figured him out and confronted him at some point during high school. The Avengers - Tony in his Mark VII (Mark 7 prototype) armour without the face plate, Thor with his full strength, Big Jolly Green Beast ready to smash, Clint ready to shoot any arrow, Natasha holding her guns and Captain Spangles holding his Shield - are all in the Stark Tower aiming at Loki. I replied, monotone as usual. They were outside the New Avengers compound and Captain Danvers, Colonel Rhodes and Tony Stark were waiting to greet them. " He nodded his acknowledgement. Oneshot. Okay, so he noticed. Tony Stark and Female Harry Potter or Dr. FoHFoHFohFoHFoHFohFoHFoHFoH. In a few short seconds, Central Park is long gone. This is AU where Peter is Tony's biological son. Tony. The man opened up his home to them as if it was nothing, provides for them and updates there gear and weapons. Follow/Fav Naruto: The Avengers. , Dr. Rated: Fiction not even a speck of white visible. All various Tony pairings. "I am married. begins, follow Clark Kent's journey from small-town farm boy to becoming Earth's first public hero. nmheseyevfxulmnjvyanisrixshtzaabhytloevmhjmxovejdhqpsqshqqblglnzlgiqtqt