City of shafter economic development.
336 Pacific Avenue, Shafter, CA 93263 .
City of shafter economic development Perform analyses and reviews for housing and economic development. Animal Control 40 . Provides job training. Hotel Study (2024) 2024 State of the City Video. 00 - $2,826. The department: Supports equal business growth. All City of Shafter employees are designated “Disaster Service Workers” through state and local laws (CA Government Code Section 3100-3109). The Economic Development Department is committed to promoting economic growth and preserving the vitality of the City of Shafter. At this time, the city has a total of $227 million in assets. The City's major federal programs are identified Responsibilities The Chamber of Commerce is responsible for providing information to the community and prospective businesses and individuals. June 20, 2017 . The City's major federal programs are identified The deadline for Administrative Analyst I/II - Economic Development has been extended to July 28, 2023! Requirements include excellent analytical skills Building and Economic Development. This new performance-based pilot program In the year ahead, the City will be taking on more staffers, including in economic development and hiring branding, development, and retail consultants to spread the gospel of The City of Shafter is seeking qualified applicants for the position of Economic Development Director. Economic Development Report; Economic Incentive Programs; Sales Tax City of Shafter Comprehensive Annual Financial Report For the year ended June 30, 2013 Table of Contents Page i INTRODUCTORY SECTION (Unaudited) Table of Contents City of Shafter 336 Pacific Avenue Shafter, CA 93263 Phone: 661-746-5000 City of Shafter City of Shafter Shafter Connect Municipal Fiber Optic Network 5 mile radius 10 mile radius 15 mile radius 20 mile radius Shafter, CA Shafter is the principal city in the Bakersfield Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). B Approval Date: July 21, 2005 Jeremy Tobias Date Director of Community & Economic Development Kevin L. Tactically using TIFs as part of the City’s broader economic development strategy will, in the long run, grow the City’s and region’s economy to the benefit of all and grow the pot of resources available to the City and our partners. The MSA has an estimated population of 874,589. of the Shafter City Council . Police Services 36 . This financial health has been the result of sound fiscal and budget policies coupled with a Economic Development. In March 2014, Hoisington Koegler Group Inc. 8 a. Assist with application process as well as public requests for information. The City of Shafter maintains a general fund balance sufficient to cover all outstanding pension liabilities, other post-employment benefit liabilities, contingent obligations, and assignments for Economic Development. Fx: 661-746-9125 Economic Development. Ph: 661-746-5002. Human Resources 27 . BioscienceLA July 11, 2023. produce opportunities for the development of new housing units, preserve existing housing stock and provide housing opportunities for all economic segments of the community. The General Plan is the City's most important statement regarding its ultimate physical, economic, and cultural development within the given time period and will be used by officials and others to guide decisions governing development and management of The Shafter City Council voted unanimously on Tuesday night to appoint a business growth leader as city manager. Fernando Guerra comes to the city after more than two decades working in Lippincott is currently the economic development director for the City of Fresno. Invests in local We have audited the City of Shafter, California's (the "City") compliance with the types of compliance requirements described in the OMB Circular A-133 Compliance Supplement that could have a direct and material effect on each of the City's major federal programs for the year ended June 30, 2014. $6,503. CLASS CODE. The18- City of Shafter. 33 Hourly $2,169. Community Services. Market Guide. presented the 101 Corridor Marketing Plan [PDF] before the City Council. Planning. Events. Fx: 661-746-9125 The Shafter City Council welcomed a new economic development director Tuesday night. Fax: (661)746-1002 . Economic Development is responsible for Shafter Economic Development Coordinator Giovanni Perez told 23ABC on Tuesday morning that he was out pounding the pavement talking with local business owners to see if they had heard about the City of Shafter 336 Pacific Avenue Shafter, CA 93263 Phone: 661-746-5000 We have audited the City of Shafter, California's (the "City") compliance with the types of compliance requirements described in the OlviB Circular A-133 Compliance Supplement that could have a direct and material effect on each of the City's maj or federal programs for the year ended June 30, 2015. We are hiring for an Economic Development Administrative Analyst I/II! For more information and to apply, please visit The organization’s signature event is the Kern County Career and STEM Expo, cohosted by the Kern High School District. View Rebecca The Office of Innovation and Economic Development works to create economic mobility and opportunity for all businesses and residents. R. 030. $81. 0 INTRODUCTION City Departments For information on each of our city departments, please visit the desired pages to the left. CITY OF SHAFTER BUDGET City City Council CITY OF 2020. com. thw agency's goal is to provide a stable, diversified and strong economic base for the project area and the community. The General Plan uses text, maps, and illustrations to document the CITY OF SHAFTER, CALIFORNIA COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Year Ended June 30, 2008 PREPARED BY THE FINANCE DEPARTMENT . m The deadline for Administrative Analyst I/II - Economic Development has been extended to July 28, 2023! Requirements include excellent analytical skills and a preferred background in Economic Fairfax City Economic Development Department 10300 Eaton Place Suite 235 Fairfax, VA 22030. SALARY. City of Shafter Comprehensive Annual Financial Report For the Year Ended June 30, 2009 Table of Contents i PAGE I INTRODUCTORY SECTION City Departments For information on each of our city departments, please visit the desired pages to the left. 336 Pacific Avenue, Shafter, CA 93263 . Contact Us. The City of Shafter maintains a general fund balance sufficient to cover all outstanding pension liabilities, other post-employment benefit liabilities, contingent obligations, and assignments for City Staff and Officials Scott Hurlbert City Manager Christine Wilson City Clerk Stephen Deitsch City Attorney Brent Green Business Development Director James Zervis The City of Shafter General Plan provides for the City's ultimate physical, economic, and cultural development within the given time period and will be used by officials and others to guide decisions governing development and management of human and natural resources. The Economic Development Department is committed to promoting economic growth and preserving the vitality of the City of Shafter. Guerra has worked for the Los Angeles Economic Development Agency, as well as a city agency in New Business View Magazine interviews Bob Meadows, the City of Shafter’s Business Development Coordinator, and he tells us all about his community for our ongoing series The City of Shafter(the center of California's 40 million population_) started as a farming community, and today has diversified its economic engine and evolved into a global logistics hub for California and the entire Western United States. 24 - $53. The “inland port” concept is built around the development of an intrastate short-haul freight rail The City of Austin's Economic Development Department supports and recruits business to Austin through all divisions. Code Compliance. Phone: (661)746-5001 . Fx: 661-746-9125 The deadline for Administrative Analyst I/II - Economic Development has been extended to July 28, 2023! Requirements include excellent analytical skills and a preferred background in Economic The City of Shafter has prepared revisions to the draft 2023-2031 Housing Element Update (HEU). City of Shafter Comprehensive Annual Financial Report For the Year Ended June 30, 2008 Table of Contents i PAGE I INTRODUCTORY SECTION Responsibilities The Chamber of Commerce is responsible for providing information to the community and prospective businesses and individuals. March 11, 2025 Firefighter Chris Nelson Memorial; February 28, 2025 RVs, Boats & Trailers: What You Need to Know; February 3, 2025 Civic Rec - New Recreation Website; January 21, 2025 Selma Street Rehabilitation Project CITY OF SHAFTER GENERAL PLAN APRIL 2005. Fresno economic director Lance Lippincott is currently the economic development director for the City yet forward looking fiscal policy, and proactive economic development program which has resulted in strong business development growth. The Economic Development Department is committed to promoting economic growth and preserving the Shafter's Vision and to develop a detailed strategic plan. The City, Placeworks, and Lerdo Highway City Hall. Phone: 703-293-1631 Email. $3,539. Site Map. 00 Annually: OBJECTIVE: Under general supervision, perform a variety of advanced administrative support duties of considerable complexity requiring thorough knowledge of the assigned Steve Esselman Planning Director Alan Cazares Senior Planner. Just minutes from Orange County’s best beaches, Irvine offers coastal amenities with a sustainable lifestyle as America’s No. Community Correctional Facility, and a Economic Development, Schools, Recreation Program. Lippincott's contract would begin on Sept. lower housing costs, generous supply of vacant land, and supportive economic development networks have attracted entrepreneurs, transportation networks, distribution facilities, and residential communities The Oakland-Shafter Inland Port (OSIP) is a proposed collaborative project between the Port of Oakland and the City of Shafter in Kern County to create an inland multi-modal transportation hub supported by air, ground and rail connections. As part of the City Manager’s Department, the Economic Development Division also manages the Foothill Workforce Development Board to ensure that businesses have access to Economic Development Program Origin & Overview Motor City Match Program In 2015, the City of Detroit received HUD’s approval for the designation of five (5) target areas in the City City Departments For information on each of our city departments, please visit the desired pages to the left. pm-llp. Animal Care. Attached are th Compile information for a variety of studies and reports; researches, analyzes, and interpret social, economic, population, and land use data and trends; research and review previous entitlements and City records; develop recommendations and prepare written reports on various planning matters and the City's General Plan; participate in the 336 Pacific Avenue, Shafter, CA 93263 . Econ Dev Home Page. Madera County EDC June 19, 2023. We are honored by the confidence businesses have Some our Staff and City Council Members last night at the Kern Economic Development Corporation Annual Meeting. Shafter’s Strong Fiscal Position The City of Shafter continues to be in a strong fiscal position. Fernando Guerra comes to Shafter after more than two decades working in the Lance Lippincott, Fresno’s economic development director since 2022, has taken a new position as city manager of Shafter in Kern County. June 19, 2018 . Incorporated on January 11, 1938, the City of Shafter is a charter city and operates according to the charter approved by the voters on June 6, 1995, and is a City Council-City Manager form of government. 00 Biweekly $56,394. DEMOGRAPHICS POPULATION 19,430 17,261 62,147 194,169 539,734 The Shafter Police Department recognized several officers and employees at a welcome ceremony recently. All enterprise functions are expected to pay their full share of direct and undertaken an aggressive economic development program in the hope that locating new industries will stimulate CITY OF SHAFTER ANNUAL OPERATING BUDGET & CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN 2020-2021 Gilbert Alvarado Mayor Cesar Lopez Cathy Prout Mayor Pro-Tem Councilmember City Clerk 18 . This can be attributed to the City’s conservative yet forward looking fiscal policy. The Olathe Economic Development Program functions through a relationship between the City of Olathe and the Olathe Chamber of Commerce to: Promote the City of Olathe as a desirable place to live and do business. Ph: 661-746-5001. 5. Located in the heart of Southern California, Irvine is a thriving and remarkably diverse center of business. There is embedded EPS on this page. City of Shafter 336 Pacific We are hiring for an Economic Development Administrative Analyst I/II! For more information and to apply, please visit City of Shafter - We are hiring for an Economic 336 Pacific Avenue, Shafter, CA 93263 . 78 Hourly. Community Development. AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF SHAFTER AND THE SHAFTER ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION FOR THE ONGOING FUNDING OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES: a request to approve the agreement between the City of Shafter and the Shafter Economic Development 1988091908 - 1989-03-08 - eir - shafter community development project #1. The Office of Economic Development is responsible for encouraging business investment opportunities and supporting business retention and attraction activities in Pasadena. City of Shafter 336 Pacific Avenue Shafter, CA 93263 Phone: 661-746-5000. Our strategic location, Shafter Manager is a government agency located in Shafter, CA, offering a range of services to the local community, businesses, and visitors. Lance Lippincott. The Shafter Police Department recognized several officers and employees at a welcome ceremony recently. Attached are th The City of Shafter is in a strong financial condition with recurring revenues exceeding recurring expenditures on an ongoing basis and an adequate and proactive economic development program, which has resulted in strong business development growth, the report said. 0. City of Shafter ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR. Shafter Market Guide & Lerdo Hwy Vision 2024 Full Booklet. Table of Contents . City of Shafter Comprehensive Annual Financial Report For the Year Ended June 30, 2008 Table of Contents i PAGE I INTRODUCTORY SECTION The City of Shafter is in the process of a comprehensive revision and update of the Shafter General Plan. It is located 18 miles have a special historical significance for the town of Shafter as leading industries in different periods of the town's development. Fx: 661-746-0607. Economic Development 21 . mental protection, economic, and social activi-ties sought by the community in order to cre-ate and maintain a healthful, functional, and development decisions within the Welcome to the home of the Economic Development Department of The City of Cleveland, Ohio. All enterprise functions are expected to pay their full share of direct and indirect costs. Building. 3 4 Shafter City Limits Current & Future Housing by Lennar & QK (~10,000 Units, 1,500+ Built to Date) Wonderful Industrial Park Economic Development Division) | 336 Pacific Ave, Shafter, CA 93263 SHAFTER BAKERSFIELD Scan for More Information Contact Economic Development Team Economic Development. Despite the threat of City of Shafter Comprehensive Annual Financial Report For the year ended June 30, 2011 Table of Contents i Page INTRODUCTORY SECTION Table of Contents The deadline for Administrative Analyst I/II - Economic Development has been extended to July 28, 2023! Requirements include excellent analytical skills and a preferred background in Economic General Plan Table of Contents . Pete Espinoza has served on the Shafter City Council since 2020, demonstrating a commitment to the community by advocating for economic development, safety and youth support. Fernando Guerra comes to the city after more than two decades working in the economic development field in some of the largest markets in the world. E. . Creates local jobs. The City, Placeworks, and Lerdo Highway landowners collaborated on potential visions for Lerdo Highway. Fresno economic economic director Lippincott is currently the economic development director for the City of Fresno. Home. City of Shafter Comprehensive Annual Financial Report For the year ended June 30, 2012 Table of Contents i Page INTRODUCTORY SECTION Table of Contents The City of Shafter Housing Element (currently termed the HEU or Housing Program) is a State-required General Plan Element. REVISION HISTORY DATE REMARKS 6/7/2005 COMPLETE REWRITE We're hiring an Administrative Analyst I/II for our Economic Development department! For more info and to apply, visit the link in our bio! The City of Flint Economic Development Corporation (EDC) is a component unit of the City that oversees economic development in the City. His base salary will be $210,000 annually, with an Overall, the economic outlook has improved since the adoption of the 2020-21 Budget. Fire Protection services are providedby the C ounty of Kernand are Economic Development. aggressive economic development program in the hope that locating new industries will stimulate The City Council recently approved the Fiscal Year 2023-24 Budget, here are some highlights! The Budget is a balanced budget, and the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) includes several quality-of-life City of Shafter Shafter, California Comprehensive Annual Financial Report For the year ended June 30, 2007 PREPARED BY THE CITY OF SHAFTER, CALIFORNIA CITY OF SHAFTER, CALIFORNIA COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Year Ended June 30, 2008 PREPARED BY THE FINANCE DEPARTMENT . Our mission is to promote a competitive, sustainable and equitable economy for all. Women’s History Month: FREE Exhibition, Crafts and Activities. Lerdo Highway Vision 2024. To: Honorable Mayor and Members . The city also City of Shafter Ordinance No. 601 Lakeside Ave, Room 210 City of Shafter Comprehensive Annual Financial Report For the year ended June 30, 2017 Table of Contents Page i INTRODUCTORY SECTION (Unaudited) Table of Contents County Road 101 Marketing Plan. Business Connected website: gofairfaxcity. Community Development Home. Additional Information Welcome to the City of Chandler, Arizona! We are a progressive city known as the "Community of Innovation. HEY SHAFTER, Please help us in welcoming City Manager Lance Lippincott! Last night we held a small meet and greet for the community to come and meet Lance and enjoy some good food! Thank you to @aguaskaren_ and The 5s Pizza and More for catering this event! Welcome to the Shafter family Lance! We're thrilled to have you! Shafter's Vision and to develop a detailed strategic plan. To apply for this exciting Economic Development 51 City Attorney 54 Human Resources 57 Financial Services 60 Planning 63 Police Services 66 Animal Control 69 Engineering Services 72 Building 75 Capital Improvement Plan . OF Shafter, on ))) Alvarado, Lopez, )))-- The Economic Development Department is committed to promoting economic growth and preserving the vitality of the City of Shafter. Other profiles can be seen on TheShafterPress. 00 - $7,905. Help existing businesses to thrive. Please see below for the related documents: Lerdo Hwy Vision 2024 & Market Guide Full City of Shafter 336 Pacific Avenue Shafter, CA 93263 Phone: 661-746-5000 The City of Shafter is in a relatively strong financial condition. Please click here to view the brochure for more information. City Hall. " We invite you to experience firsthand the business environment and lifestyle that have made Chandler a destination of choice for The City of Shafter continues to invest in fiber optic infrastructure that will aid in expanding access to quality, high-speed broadband internet to the residents and businesses within the community. 03/01/2025 11:00 AM - 03/31/2025 4:00 PM. It works to improve the economic well-being of the 6265 Greenwich Drive Suite 220 San Diego, California 92122 Phone: (858) 242-5100 Fax: (858) 242-5150 www. Desde 1969, California ha requerido que todos los gobiernos locales City of Shafter Senior Planner. Fx: 661-746-9125. Financial Services 30 . Kern Economic Development Council Overview. Council Overview. The current fiscal year 2020-21 has been unique, but the City has The City of Shafter Housing Element (currently termed the Housing Program) is a State-required General Plan Element. The City's major federal programs are identified Shafter places a huge emphasis on education for youth, adults, and business owners, believing that workforce development is economic development. He is seeking re-elect The City of Shafter has adopted a Subdivision Engineering and Design Manual. The Shafter City Council approved Shafter has a new economic development director, and he is ready to take Shafter into a bright future. His base salary will be $210,000 annually, City of Shafter 336 Pacific Avenue Shafter, CA 93263 Phone: 661-746-5000 The City of Shafter is excited to introduce their new Business Expansion, Attraction, and Retention (B. 05-565 City of Shafter Municipal Code Title 16, Chapter 1, Section 1. Once again, 2021 was a year of companies choosing Shafter. Police officers and dispatchers took their new oaths at the event on Tuesday, making their entry onto the force The City of Charlotte Economic Development Department works to make Charlotte the ideal place to live and do business. Available Site Opportunities. Shafter has become a hub for a variety of economic endeavors including; manufacturing, logistics, and energy. Provide high quality assistance to developers, business owners and residents on planning related matters. mental protection, economic, and social activi-ties sought by the community in order to cre-ate and maintain a healthful, functional, and development decisions within the City of Shafter Comprehensive Annual Financial Report For the year ended June 30, 2012 Table of Contents i Page INTRODUCTORY SECTION Table of Contents In general, the City of Shafter continues to enjoy a strong financial position with limited debt and a strong fund balance within the General Fund. The plan looks at land use along the Downtown/First Avenue Corridor, transportation and infrastructure, leveraging the riverfront, marketing, residential development and more. April 4, 2005 i . A stellar example of City of Shafter 336 Pacific Avenue Shafter, CA 93263 Phone: 661-746-5000 Shafter is a city in Kern County, California, United States. Account Supervisor at City of Shafter · Experience: City of Shafter · Education: University of Phoenix · Location: Wasco · 102 connections on LinkedIn. Harmon Date City Engineer Kevin Gibson Date Director of Public Works. Read the 2022 Economic Responsibilities The Chamber of Commerce is responsible for providing information to the community and prospective businesses and individuals. Finance Department. This yearly event allows students to showcase their best STEM CITY OF SHAFTER GENERAL PLAN APRIL 2005. The intent of the Housing Program is to ensure the housing needs of all economic segments of the community will be met through December 31, 2031. The City, Placeworks, and Lerdo Highway landowners collaborated on Mayor Chad Givens gave the annual State of the City Address at last Thursday's Chamber of Commerce Awards Banquet, with a promising look at the future. More than 19,566 businesses have a license in Irvine, producing more than 453,030 jobs. MEDIAN AGE AVERAGE. 00 - $205,530. Learn more. Final in a series of articles on candidates for the Shafter City Council election on Tuesday, Nov. Monday - Friday. $44. Higher Revenues Than Projected in 2020-21. 30, 2024. com REPORT ON COMPLIANCE FOR EACH MAJOR FEDERAL PROGRAM; ON INTERNAL CONTROL City of Shafter Comprehensive Annual Financial Report For the year ended June 30, 2011 Table of Contents i Page INTRODUCTORY SECTION Table of Contents The Shafter City Council voted unanimously on Tuesday night to appoint an business growth leader as city manager. Contact Info. Below are some of the key conditions that demonstrate the strength of the City’s finances. From building safety and police services to park facilities rentals and economic development, they strive to meet the diverse needs of the area. 1108 SALARY. 00 - $4,302. Site Links. City Attorney 24 . Ph: 661-746-5000. 1 master-planned community. The manual has been made available in electronic format for the benefit of developers and engineers who CITY OF SHAFTER Established Date: Apr 20, 2023 Revision Date: Jan 17, 2024 SALARY RANGE: $27. Enthusiastic, team player, humble, Hard working · Experience: City of Shafter · Education: University of California, Davis · Location: Shafter · 176 connections on LinkedIn. Come see what has made our city home to budding entrepreneurs, five Fortune 1000 company headquarters and everything in City of Shafter Shafter, California Comprehensive Annual Financial Report For the year ended June 30, 2007 PREPARED BY THE CITY OF SHAFTER, CALIFORNIA The City of Shafter is located in the Southern California County of Kern between Interstate 5 and Highway 99, approximately 10 miles north of Los Angeles1 . 00 Annually This is a Department Head classification responsible for overseeing, directing, and participating in the City’s economic development programs, projects, and activities, in Economic Development. Fx: 661-746-1002. BUDGET APPROVED On Tuesday, June 15, the Shafter City Council unanimously approved the Budget for the Fiscal Year 2021-22. We welcome business in Shafter. Attached are the Annual OperatingBudget and Capital Improvement Plan for Fiscal Year 20 2019. We do not take that for granted. Published by TeamCalifornia at June 19, 2023. $169,078. (City Manager Guinn) MANAGEMENT REPORTS: 1. Shafter, CA 93263. The City of Rancho Cucamonga Economic Development Division serves as a liaison between the City and the business community. Throughout 2011 the City lead a community wide effort to formally review and update the City’s Vision. A. View Marcos Torres Community Services Supervisor at City of Shafter · Experience: City of Shafter · Education: Shafter High School · Location: Greater Bakersfield Area · 99 connections on LinkedIn. Use the menus above to navigate by City Departments or Categories. 1. #shafter #smalltownbighearts #economicdevelopment The City Manager is appointed by the City Council and is given the responsibilities of: City Clerk's Office; Human Resources Department; Business Development; Education Partnership; IT Department; Contact Us. Additional Information Shafter. CITY OF SHAFTER, CALIFORNIA COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT Year Ended June 30, 2009 PREPARED BY THE FINANCE DEPARTMENT . [12] [13] The City of Shafter's Economic Development Director, Bob Meadows told 23ABC that in the past year, about 3,000 have been created in the city, including the upcoming ones from Amazon. Manager's Office. Police officers and dispatchers took their new oaths at the event on Tuesday, making their entry onto the force The City of Shafter is in a relatively strong financial condition. Recruit new businesses. Planning 33 . Department. A 4. As Disaster Service Workers, all City employees are expected to remain at work or report to work as soon as practicable following a significant emergency or disaster. 336 Pacific Ave. Hours. 11 - $35. The full manual and all city standard details are available below. yet forward looking fiscal policy, and proactive economic development progr am which has resulted in strong business development growth. 00 Biweekly. 00 - $73,476. 29 - $98. 81 Hourly. Improve broadband access in key commercial areas to maintain Shafter’s economic competitiveness, focusing on our ability to retain and latest news. The updated 2011 Shafter Vision focuses on four core functions of the City including the Downtown Business District, Economic Development, Education, and Recreation. ) Economic Incentive Program. Givens said that the city is one of the most stable cities financially Shafter has a new economic development director, and he is ready to take Shafter into a bright future. Clarisa Olaguez Associate Planner. Show all. Incorporated on January 11, 1938, the City of Shafter is a charter city and operates according to the charter approved by the voters on June 6, 1995, and is a City Council Shafter City Limits Current & Future Housing by Lennar & QK (~10,000 Units, 1,500+ Built to Date) Wonderful Industrial Park Economic Development Division | 336 Pacific Ave, Shafter, CA 93263 Scan for More Information Market Guide SHAFTER SHAFTER SHAFTER SHAFTER. Additional Information The deadline for Administrative Analyst I/II - Economic Development has been extended to July 28, 2023! Requirements include excellent analytical skills Economic Development. We have audited the City of Shafter, California's (the "City") compliance with the types of compliance requirements described in the OMB Circular A-133 Compliance Supplement that could have a direct and material effect on each of the City's major federal programs for the year ended June 30, 2014. City Manager. kikmlwzatzsxcfagsxksmjvqvinyxxrnmejruauhqanryotcxnppoggjflpoxqitck