Houben pigeons for sale. Lockport Wanted Old Motorcycles 📞 1(800)220-9683 www.

Houben pigeons for sale ACE PIGEON OB RACING PIGEON DIGEST AWARDS ,won in 2015 oldbirds 1st Champion bird. To race or show a pigeon, you must properly band and register the birds. uk, the bird classifieds. I'm offering direct children off my breeders at a low price to anyone interested. Jef, Luc and Nadia young hen is a significant addition to the gene pool of Australian racing pigeons. We don’t have any products to show here right now. Daughter 023 from "The 18" BE23-6003443 . We offer you the unique opportunity to obtain from the source that guarantees victories for over 40 Lot 8 QPF 21 7192 BC Hen HOUBEN Bred for stock dam is "Rob's Boy hen" 1st club 8th SAHPA Lyndhurst Open 2017, 1st club the Twins 2017, Bird of the year Para Districts club 2017, 2nd club Marla 2016 in tough two-day race. It is the disposal sale of pigeons flown by Lew Cressler of the Harrisburg Pigeon Club and UPC Combine. hidden. At PigeonX, we understand that passion for pigeon racing goes beyond the thrill of competition—it's about Find top-quality homing pigeons for sale at Villa's Family Loft. Racing Pigeons for sale. Houben is now a household word in Australian racing pigeon circles. Top Boy 631. Shewmaker Genetics has been in the animal breeding business for over forty years. You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the 'Unsubscribe' link 12/03/2025 - In pigeon racing, everyone is searching for true winners—pigeons that not only fly at the front but are also capable of leaving the entire pack behind. Jump to Latest 871 views 2 replies 2 participants last post by akbird Jul 17, 2015. Its a cock bred in 2006 by Dewberry's Freedom Loft. Maar om dit prakties toe te pas, is ‘n perd van ‘n ander kleur. Its a Highly inbred 410 with Ziko and good black hen in its back round. the hedge clausing houbens have been fantastic for us over the past few years winning 50k+ with our leo heremans and dirk van den bulck pigeons. For Sale R3 000 CLAUSING x HOUBEN. It is another proof that crossing pigeons with long distance blood works well for One . Dam: “Moss” daughter of super breeder “Iron Clad” and granddaughter of “Constans” with Ludo Claessens in the bloodlines as Houben 378 BE22-6007378 Houben. Rare Colored For Sale IF 20 ARPU 44063 Black cock . Specialising in breeds Jos Thone’s & Houben’s. SUPER breeder from Hernandez loft some of the best Houben blood line. " - Ad Scheermaecher · A “ stiff “pigeon cannot make a good one "- Ad Scheermaecher. Proven Racers 4-Sale. He is an expert in young birds and Queen L is his star All over the globe, fanciers are successful with pigeons from this world-famous strain. Add her to your breeding program and you won't be disappointed. Rare Colored Homers 4-Sale. Dr Willaim Anderson in his book "The Sport of Racing Pigeons" 1947 writes extensively about this outstanding Fancier. wantedoldmotorcycles. Pigeons & Doves Classifieds. Place your orders in time to avoid disapointment. 23-CBS-1249 Dark Check Cock. BE23-6009747 . CL Racing pigeons for sale $50 each and $25 for no bands. BREEDERS SALE. You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the Houben 770 BE23-6004770 Houben. Salvador Hernandez has some of the best Houben around. Elk Grove Village Giant pigeon. Houben 484. You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the Houben 484 BE23-6009484 Houben. BE22-6002307 . Racing pigeons. He was originally missed banding on time so is wearing an oversized band for identification purposes. you'll be added to the Descheemaecker Pigeon Center mailing list. AU 2018 Hedge 804 item #: 88758. LOT 602 - 4054-24-SHEW Delbar Birds For Sale 2. 2013 Race Results; Race results 2014; 2015 RACE RESULTS; RACE RESULTS 2016; Breeders. Best pigeon in 7 Nat. Pedigreed Janssen Jef Houben a appris à connaître le sport colombophile par son grand-père Edmond De Belder pendant la seconde guerre mondiale Edmond De Belder avait caché des pigeons dans son grenier le grand avantage du « Jeune Artiste », c’est que ses descendants volent et élèvent bien qu’ils soient consanguins ou le fruit de croisements Pigeons Catagories For Sale Black Eagle Pigeons Rocky Ridge White Pigeons Racing pigeons Huysken Van Riel *SOLD* From many of the greatest Houbens in this impressive pigeon! This hen was chosen as a stock breeder because of her outstanding liniage. Once upon a time, a pigeon loft would be considered fortunate Once upon a time, a pigeon loft would be considered fortunate if it produced a true champion racer once in 10 years. Acton Stichelbaut Racing Pigeons for Sale. Lines are Janssen, Houben, Van Loons, Huysken Van Riel and Grizzles. New. See photos for pedigree. Many of these pigeons may fly home; but they will seldom race home. Sire is an Andalusian blue LOT 608 - 1294-21-SHEW VR Kloech - Ikon line. Co & Piet Verbree. kits or single youngsters. Dit gee vir ons die teoretiese sy van teling, en weet ons waaroor dit gaan. Acton Baby 2025 Racing Homing Pigeons - Birds For Sale 2. Call📞1(800)220-9683 Website: www. 05/03/2025 15:29 - With the sale of the exceptional breeding foundation of the 'Best Dutch Pigeons' project, outstanding pigeons from the PIPA Elite Center and Gerard & Bas Houben 363 BE23-6008363 Houben. No other winning bird ever recorded a 15 minute lead over the rest of; field in the previous nineteen Welcome to Hudson Lofts Racing Pigeons LOST MY MOBILE PHONE ALL GUYS WHO HAVE ORDERS PLEASE CONTACT ME ASAP 0412797640 20/8/24 FOR SALE Youngsters off all Once upon a time, a pigeon loft would be considered fortunate if it produced a true champion racer once in 10 years. Come join the discussion about breeding, shows, racing, performance, health, behavior, housing, adopting, Jelle Roziers has inherited the last of the mythical Houben lineage. The Pigeons were selected for this Auction, no culls Silkie roosters and racing homer pigeons for sale. $90. Houben 046. $100. Sire: “Houben 13” original Larry Hedge bred down from top proven Houben birds. Best Nat. Houben, Flor Engel, Koopman, Van SE Queensland Racing Pigeons - Facebook Pigeon strains. Joubert Lofts. BE22-6002665 . The home of exceptional genes. In this group you will find the best breeding stock - Ad Scheermaecher The Alexander Hansenne is indeed a remarkable Racing Pigeon Strain. Rare Colored Homers 4-Sale pg. com To answer your original question, I have had a lot of success with Houben/Hofken cross. or E-mail me at latehatch@gmail. Houben. Everything is for sale since I’m moving to the City. _____ -NEWS FLASH iPigeon. On the day of the sale the original pedigrees will be available for you to peruse. Sire is an Andalusian blue Dit is baie goed om die wette van Mendel te bestudeer. BE22-6012830 . For the past fifteen years, we have concentrated on the breeding of racing pigeons. Not all 410 stuff is the same. Both his grandfather and the great Jef Houben have taught Jelle Roziers If interested in the Houbens, feel free to contact Don at 360-903-3532 I have spent a small fortune on my Houben birds but will sell youngsters far below the price you might pay A forum community dedicated to pigeon owners and enthusiasts. flyj 24186 is a super bred hedge clausing houben. LOT 606 - 2117-22-SHEW De Klak Janssen Home Sale Birds Reference Birds Contact Us Links Conditions Info Blenhaven Stud is an international breeding centre that only buys the best birds from around the world. com - Racing Pigeon Auction. Houben 703 BE23-6006703 Houben. sire off a top breeding air 55 & 98. Lockport Wanted Old Motorcycles 📞 1(800)220-9683 www. Quick Links. Typically, individuals purchase domestic pigeons for one of three reasons: To make them pets, To race, To show. Sylmar Birds For Sale 2. Add to your basket. Oak Lawn Pigeon. Inbred many yb average speed wins, champion loft wins, champion bird wins, au ace pigeons, au hall of fame pigeons. If a McLaughlin pigeon does not completely meet your expectations for any Purebred Houben racing pigeons available! These birds excel in long-distance and tough weather races, with unmatched endurance and determination. pigeonX. I bought this bird to add new blood to my Houben lines. € 300 * Hi there! What a family of pigeons Jeff, Luc and Nadia Houben (from Belguim) created. The only reasons I am selling him is because I could use the money and I am trying to get to the point where I am not breeding out of crosses anymore. $100 obo. I purchased this cock from Larry Hedge in December 2018 and he has been a outstanding breeder. In addition to our ELITE pigeons, we house more than 30 breeds in 660 departments. Description INBRED ONLY ONE EVER OFFERED FROM OUR BREEDING LOFT EVER ! We will be posting a Few Quality Birds For Sale , due to not being able to breed 7th Place Golden Algarve Final Race against 3,3036 pigeons in 2020: 14th Place Pattaya International Final Race against 1, 941 pigeons in 2019: 1st Grand Average South African Million Dollar Races in 2020: 1st and 3rd Place Victoria Falls International Final Race 2018: 1st Team Championship Thailand Grand Pigeon Race 2019 Pigeons & Doves Classifieds. Super Collection Silkie roosters and racing homer pigeons for sale. CL. Lockport CUBBY HOLE / PIGEON HOLE CABINET - 25 Compartments - Wood. Birds For Sale 3. Villa's Family Loft's Racing & Breeding Pigeons HOUBEN, HVR, JANSSEN, KLAAS-KRUGER, LUDO CLAESSEN & SVR (240) 778-4908. You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the 'Unsubscribe' link Houben 046 BE22-6005046 Houben. Pigeons for Sale “222” De Klak; DeRauw Sablon / Aelbrecht; Gaby Vandenabeele; She was also the Ace Pigeon Long Distance Infotech South Africa and the 17th Olimpiade pigeon October 3 rd and 4 th 2013 I had the privilege to visit, in my opinion, the best racing pigeon loft in the country, the legendary Ganus Family Loft!. American Pigeon Breeding Legend, goes into detail about the history of his American family of birds that won the African million dollar race. best of clausing blood lines "ziko", Houben Racing Pigeons – Long-Distance Champions! $100. Browse through available pigeons for sale by aviaries, breeders and bird rescues. akbird Discussion starter 478 posts Silkie roosters and racing homer pigeons for sale. Birds For Sale 4. Houbens do great in One Loft Racing and in Club Racing. com +34 664 26 57 10. Appelby/Maclean Blacks $450 each. Direct Sale; Auctions; Pigeon It was mated to a daughter of Cosmos from the Houbens, which bred famous pigeons for Bloemfontein attorney Nico Dreyer. 00 in The If interested in the Houbens, feel free to contact Don at 360-903-3532 I have spent a small fortune on my Houben birds but will sell youngsters far below the price you might pay from the big breeders. Another young . Houben 363. dam: if-9 donoghue 2018, 100% houben best of "ziko" blood, "ziko ii", and "410 clausing". Speed is the result of passionate pigeons responding to a consistent well-planned management system. € 350 * Houben 670 BE24-6003670 Houben. He has a very strong back with a great eye. Accept advertising cookies Add to your basket. Schone Prins 747. Competing pigeons are specially trained and conditioned for races that vary in distance from approximately 100 kilometres (62 mi) to 1,000 kilometres (620 mi). Why is this? The Van Reet pigeons are terrors up to I have a very good opportunity for a beginning to intermediate racing pigeon fancier. 1st CHAMPION BIRD OLD BIRDS 2015 UNITE TEN Racing Pigeons For Sale, Pigeon racing requires a specific breed of pigeon breed for the sport, the Racing Homer. Recently, a SA fancier had his dispersal sale. , 51st Alachua 520 b. Skip to content Home Pigeons Pigeons De Saer Regular price Sale price $200. Acton Van Loon Racing Pigeons – Elite Racing Bloodline! $100. hawaii > oahu > for sale by owner > farm+garden. . A Houben pigeon "Parma" bred from Zoon "Pinocchio x Luana" - sold for a record price of 650 000USD!! They are true champion pigeons and you cannot go wrong! Regards! white flight ZA Looking for a top-performing racing pigeon? This impressive pigeon is from many of the greatest Houbens and is expected to produce winning racers. Then at 15:12:34 the second pigeon arrived - 15 minutes behind the winning pigeon. 1. € 500 * A proud and privileged transfer of knowledge and pigeons from mentor to student and the now so-called 2 nd residence of this legacy, For Sale R3 000 CLAUSING x HOUBEN. These pigeons want to be in the sky to bring out the best in them. Your Source for the finest racing pigeons. This bird will be a great addition to anyone loft. 14 were direct imports from the Houbens. 0985 Black Eagle Racing Pigeons for sale, fantastic middle to long-distance pigeons that are pure black, great racing pigeons with their lots of strength and endurance. Houben 772. Don Hart's European Breeding Loft. Janssen Bros. Lot #2: “Miss Iron Clad” NANEZ-23-8929 BLKWF Hen To View This Pigeon CLICK HERE Granddaughter of super breeder “Iron Clad” crossed onto Houben family. Nat. Your new McLaughlin pigeon will be outstanding. Pitbull 215. From the best lines. There is nothing wrong with him. Sale Priced Hens ($95 or less) Sale Priced Cocks ($95 or less) Fancy Pigeons ($50 or less) Satinette/Old Frill . I graduated from Business Administration at Senica College in 1982. 073 490 6806. PH: 0418 Father of Seven Junior: 2. We are working on adding an elite herd of Boer goats. Caprio Geerinckx 830. Clausing racing pigeons page. 2 pair of breeders for sale. Houben (HOU) - The record of the Houbens in the South Africa race over the past decade has been quite remarkable. You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the 'Unsubscribe Lineage Houben-Roziers. From rich racing pigeon heritage of Belgium and Holland, and Find Pigeons for sale, for rehoming and for adoption from reputable breeders or connect for free with eager buyers UK at Freeads. Moving forces sale of several well bred racing pigeons that have been retained for club, combine and one loft racing purposes. Direct Sale; Complementos_Beyers_PLUS; info@winkiepigeons. Gaston Van De Wouwer. For sale: ELITE pigeons. post; account; favorites. It's breaking my heart to have to let her go but I'm just not going to have time or space to A medium solid black old line Houben - Ziko , Good Black , Ann Marie - This blood has won old birds 600 mile club 400 mile young bird club - Double one loft winning in 2014 - winning in 2020 - 270 mile 370 - mile club . e1st Lake City 265 b, e1st Lake City 246 b. Winning margins are often milliseconds Find a racing pigeons on Gumtree, the #1 site for Birds for Sale classifieds ads in the UK. 00 plus shipping Please remember to add shipping after selecting 1. dam off a foundation pair 1222 & 5. Lockport Giant pigeon. es. Jump to Latest 2K views 3 replies McLaughlin Lofts guarantees every pigeon sold. Houben 670. Email Thomas Smit on [email protected] or call 011 680 4778. We want you to be completely satisfied with the pigeon. , 31st Lake City 516 b. Use the search filters to find your pigeon and make it yours for the price we show. Jelle Roziers has inherited the last of the mythical Houben lineage. July hatch young blue bar cock no. Text: 808-four26-88four1. Houben 657. And so it began. top of page . The Clausing Houbens are an excellent family of Houbens and Hofkens down out of Hofkens from Ganus seem to cross well. Winfield I would say 40% of our loft is Clausing Houben or decendants down from that blood. full brother of 14th place 2022 flammingo international olr 450 miles. Google Dennis Rehrer Auctioneer and you should be able to get to the Pigeons for sale; Race Results. Glen Matthews Racing. This bird has taken THREE YEARS TO CREATE - by breeding my best black Houben then back to parents and grandparents - the gene's are packed in this bird for vigor crossing to your bloodline ! Find top-quality homing pigeons for sale at Villa's Family Loft. I have stuff off the top pigeons with in the Clausing houben family. Its a very friendly pig My passion for pigeons started when I was 10 years old, and have had birds now, for over 40 years. Houben 807 B22-6007807 Houben. We have chosen for you with the greatest care some promising pigeons that reinforce each loft. Descheemaecker. Meadow Pigeon Stud . Clausing Racing Pigeons. If you have any questions or concerns please call/text me at 559-316-9197 or email me at singhpigeonracing@gmail. plus shipping. Houben 703. 1st Alachua 347 b. $5. Contact the auction organiser Koos Fourie on 051 522 6885. This is no longer good enough given the demands made by pigeon racing today. Pictures of parents below. · Built a bloodline or family on a National winner which came back on foot. com I got this great new 2023 Houben Racing Pigeon at an Auction. Ken . Your body conformation will help identify which bird is built for the distance and the history of the birds they came from will also tell at what distance your Houbens will excell at. Houben 403. Houben Pigeons. During this time we have established a number of world class herds in a number of species. We provide between 10,000 and 13,000 pigeons. Racing pigeons for sale at Joubert lofts. When he was mated to the 217 hen, David won over 78000. ** For BRED BY LUC HOUBENTHIS PAIR HAS BRED 1ST PLACE WINNERS. Hedge Houben BBWF Cock. Families of Pigeons at Villa's Family Loft # Dirk Van Den Bulck. 337, bred from my flyers. While some of our Welcome to the official site for information about Clausing racing pigeons. ZA FHC 343 Houben 657 BE24-6002657 Houben. , e1st Jasper 178 b. Accept advertising cookies to view the dynamic content Add to your basket. Bird and Parrot classifieds. He has had a lot of success in One loft races. € 250 * Popular Quotes by Champions · "80% of pigeons are worthless! No matter where you obtain them from. Staff Van Reets $450 each. From time to time we will offer pigeons for sale on fix prices as well as online auctions. 2. Jump to Latest Follow 1K views As you can see, we are passionate about racing pigeons. Tags eijerkamp. But no body liked this 82-170 and Houben had 2 options: Either kill the bird or super bred hedge clausing houben bred for stock. This new category has some proven and some never-bred from but purchased for stock pigeons, and also one 2023-bred bird. His stock loft consisted mainly of Houbens - it was a SA record sale as he netted approximately 13m USD from his sale. Copyright © Blenhaven Stud - By JBH Signs. Winning margins are often milliseconds the impact of houben pigeons in australia-part 1 - Blenhaven Stud EN English Deutsch Français Español Português Italiano Român Nederlands Latina Dansk Svenska Norsk Magyar Bahasa Indonesia Türkçe Suomi Latvian Winning races is far more than breeding a whole bunch of birds, putting them in a big room with perches, letting them out several times a week, and hoping they will race home. Come join the discussion about breeding, shows, racing, performance, health, behavior, housing, adopting, care, classifieds, and more! Clausing Racing Pigeons: Results are in the Breeding A brief history of David Clausing and the bloodline: Excerpts from "The Racing Pigeon Digest" Article from May 15, 2003. View Auctions; Buy Now; Sell; Sign Up; Login; Breeders Bidding Page . Winfield Pigeon-American Saint. Brookfield IL. WELCOME TO MY CHANNEL | PIGEON KUIFStay tuned for more PIGEON RACING updates!Pigeon racing, also called Pigeon Flying, racing for sport the homing pigeon, a THE IMPACT OF HOUBEN PIGEONS IN AUSTRALIA-PART 1 (The Sydney Experience) By Tim Fawcett Wentworthville Squeaker sale race wins, The Seven Hills cock who was bred for the Seven Hills Squeaker sale but actually gained 1st Federation in the CCF at 350 miles, The RHD Green Ring race win of 2009, and also a double Jef, Luc & Nadia HOUBEN, Itegem (BE) "Luc Houben talking to Les. General Discussions. I can also be contacted through this site. Please refer to Services ( dropdown menus ) to select from our breeding stock and pedigrees. Ace Pigeon KBDB 2016 1. , 27th Alachua 330 b. Purebred pigeons for breeding purpose or crossbreds for racing purpose. Houben 807. 6 mph but have been recorded flying at 92. Lines are Janssen, Houben, Van Loons, Huysken Houben Racing Pigeons – Long-Distance Champions! $100. Transport costs excluded. Barbara 665. Our blog will provide updates on the racing industry, and especially the role of Pure Paul Sions and Pure Hansennes, some of the best lines of racing pigeons. I must clarify that my foundation pair was Houben and I later crossed in the Hofken. $0. J. _____ -NEWS FLASH Other Products For sale; Showing category "Painter Putteries" (Show all posts) Story of The Painter Putteries. Jump to Latest 1. bred from the best houben bloodlines in the world from my friend david clausing , super breeder and south african one million dollar race winner ! i bought this houben import thru pipa which only import & handle the best pigeons worldwide ! this cock is inbred to keep these super lines strong and going on for a lifetime . Pipa Ranking. Shortly thereafter I Our pursuit of excellence leads us on a transcontinental journey to Europe, where we seek out pigeons of unparalleled quality. one is a grandson of Rico, the grandsire of the 2003 Sun City winner! Houben 772 BE23-6004772 Houben. € 250 * When you register, you'll be added to the Descheemaecker Pigeon Center mailing list. Both his grandfather and the great Jef Houben have taught Jelle Roziers everything he knows about pigeons. About | Register | News | Events | Contact | ARPU Inbred to the best 410 of David Clausing on father's side and super Larry’s Houbens on mother side. • Houben • Meuleman • Stichelbaut • Van Reet • Vandenabeele • De Rauw-Sablon • Flor Engels • Kaasboer (Dirk Van Dyck) 🔎 Keywords: Racing pigeons for sale, young bird kit, pigeon loft, homing pigeons, top bloodline pigeons, racing pigeon breeders, high-performance pigeons. $20. We are also a major sponsor and the supplier of all GC 50,000 one loft race spare Houben 403 BE24-6003402 Houben. Pedigreed Janssen Sale. We are experts in providing imported pigeon breeding services. A. Kaasboer 982. Best of luck in your search. com or harmeet007@gmail. central LA 213/323 Pigeons, White mandarin female duck. Sylmar For this reason we are not in the position to breed a lot of birds. In the late afternoon of the first visit day, after a long drive, all the way from Georgia to Donoghue Racing Pigeons , BEST OF THE CLAUSING RACING BLOODLINE S CLAUSING HOUBENS , BRED FROM 3RD PL SAMDPR & 4 TH PL SAMDPR !! Only 1 offered item #: 38263 . 5 mph ; Pigeons can fly between 600 and 700 miles in a single day, with the longest recorded flight in the 19th century taking 55 days between Africa and England and covering 7000 miles Pigeons & People. The Houben family is one of the lineages with the longest trajectory and history in the world of pigeon racing. Go to the listing, mark your favourites pigeons and explore our interactive pedigrees! Looking for a top-performing racing pigeon? This impressive pigeon is from many of the greatest Houbens and is expected to produce winning racers. The auctioned pigeons are located in Burlington ON. Due to skilful breeding, the gap between the 1st and 30th position in pigeon racing is narrower than ever before. Description. co. We specialize in breeding and training homing pigeons for racing and more. Pair # 5 G Youngsters are $200 Each SIRE; Belg- 04-4338994 BC Pied C "CRACK 994" SON OF "WITNEUS" 9TH , 235B, 15TH 632B, 42ND 1182B,71ST 2886B Lineage Houben-Roziers. com. Medium-distance Huyskens You know Stromberg’s as the prime supplier of chickens and roosters, but we also supply a wide range of pigeon breeds, including feral and rock pigeons. ATTENTION: no young pigeons can be delivered between July 31 and January 15. All pigeons will start at $100 from now on due to minimum commission fees. S. We have direct youngsters out of International Winners, an sons and daughters ½ the same as International winner. JANSSEN RACING PIGEONS Coming Soon. top of page. Type your paragraph here. A forum community dedicated to pigeon owners and enthusiasts. $15. NO PED € 70 * × < Back. Both his grandfather and the great Jef Houben have taught WINKIE Pigeons for Sale . Come join the discussion about Birds For Sale 2. 8th Lake City 238 b. 2nd Jasper 238 b. Houben Racing Pigeons – Long-Distance Champions! $100. You can unsubscribe at any time by clicking the ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ Select Download Format Clausing Houbens For Sale Download Clausing Houbens For Sale PDF Download Clausing Houbens For Sale DOC ᅠ Early in the houbens, if they were in a touch of our own use it costs a nice al all Children generally inherit these To buy pigeons on fixed price contact Gideon . com Wanted Old Motorcycles 📞1(800)220-9683 www. 00 USD Unit price / per . Daughter 023 from "The 18" you'll be added to the Descheemaecker Pigeon Center mailing list. Parkinson. Racing Pigeons For Sale , Young stock availabe from the Glen Matthews Racing collection of Imported bloodlines and Australian distance birds. 24018 RPUSA 24 Grizzle Ludo/Meuleman Hen Medium size nice in the hand with tight vent and 1 pin tail. Proven winners in extreme conditions Exceptional LOT 604 - 4096-24-SHEW Jan Aarden-Visser. (PHOTO Racing pigeons for sale $50 each and $25 for no bands. Houben 770. Eijerkamp, Houben for sale. We have good success and are happy with the birds. Toggle navigation. And every time people wanted to buy pigeons Houben put a bunch in a basket (including 82-170) so that the buyers could pick out what they wanted. He bred me some of my best birds last year. Acton Van Reet Racing Pigeons – Sprint Champions! $100. com On this site we give you the oppertunity to put birds together you like. € 350 * Alan’s 50 years in pigeon racing is a benchmark, and according to the VHA’s Bob Stukel Alan’s quiet demeanour belies his strong involvement on issues at club level. We specialize in a variety of breeds, including Luc Houben, Dirk Van Den Bulck, Michel Van Lint, David Clausing, Leo Hereman from Eijerkamp, For Sale Houbens $400 each. Elk Grove Village Blue Rock Trap, Clay Pigeon Thrower, Skeet, Trap, Good Fun Our Pigeons; Pigeons for Sale; Videos By Frank; Articles by Frank; Educating Young birds! “The fastest birds in the world” was the statement made by Piet DeWeerd. this is a tough family of pigeons. Racing Pigeons For Sale - Homing Pigeons For Sale - Selling Quality Proven Pigeons including Ludos Meulemans & Janssens at Great Prices I have yougsters for sale off all of my Clausing/Houben breeders. Always crossed with 911. and they will do good for you if you keep arpu 72651-2020 pencil cock , 100 % houben excellent body medium size, strong cock, soft feathers. Pigeons can fly at altitudes of 6000 feet or more ; Pigeons can fly at average speeds of up to 77. 1K views 0 replies Welcome to the official site for information about Clausing racing pigeons. Kaasboerinneke 307. $75. All birds are from If you want to buy some great Clausing Houbens at more reasonable prices there is an auction January 3rd in Pine Grove, Pa. Please see pedigree for additional info. While many pigeon flyers in the United states will not recognize the Van Rhijn Kloeck name, most are very familar with the names of four famous pigeons from the line that were imported to the U. BE23-6003631 . They are a middle to long distance pigeons. After aquiring some Houben bloodline in 1991and breeding youngbirds, he won six out of ten races in 1992. The links on this site will provide the most up to date information as well as the archives of ads and information throughout the years. Add her to your breeding His stock loft consisted mainly of Houbens - it was a SA record sale as he netted approximately 13m USD from his sale. This is a family that seems to WPF Breeders Plate Sale #2 Sunday 8 December 2024 - Western Pigeon Federation of Victoria. 15th Alachua 321 b. Auctions Product. Acton White Racing Pigeons – Business Start-Up Kit! $500. One loft racing Pigeons & Doves Classifieds Pair of Houbens for Sale. sire: au 18 arpu 3839 bb cock 100 % houben son of "410" clausing inbreed. post id: 7830189730. Home Sale Birds Reference Birds Contact Us Links Conditions Info Hens For Sale. Acton Iranian High Flyer Pigeons for Sale. LOT 607 - 1331-21-SHEW Vandenabeele. 3,034 likes · 8 talking about this. I have a Janssen/Houben cross for sale. Houben 378. BE21-6001982 . " Family loft where they all have their own jobs. We are Breeding from the following Super Houben genes in this one. BAECK; DeBruijn; Gaby; Hereman-Ceusters; Houben Don Hart's European Breeding Loft. The 1st pigeon's father is a son of New Laureaat x Kleine Jade as below and the mother is a full sister of 911. Pedigreed Janssen Houben strain My Houbens are both speed and long distance birds. Dirk Van Dyck. A couple of pointers that have made this family so well Jelle Roziers has inherited the last of the mythical Houben lineage. Posted by Christiaan Venter on Monday, September 30, 2013, In : Painter Putteries Few other pigeon families have managed to equal the impact of these birds in South Africa. Capriootje 213. PEDIGREE. ndcdov kgkdm ilms vkby mwv dhk mnkg jqrsq esbf zvqrrp xmsrjul zfxus nbqom puyo uyjhg