Ivf at 39 forum Our goal was to have the best possible sperm and egg quality. Given the stats of how many can be genetically abnormal at our age, I really didn’t want to risk going through I am 39 and currently pregnant from my first round of IVF. I have 1 more frozen embryo. The meds for iui were terrible, and made me feel like shit both physically and emotionally, whereas the injectables with ivf caused zero symptoms and i felt completely normal the entire time on them. 2, adenomioza / 🤵🏻 39 - normozoospermia 5 IVF-a: 2 Petrova, 3 Škvorc 1. I was devastated. For someone at 38-39, it would be good to have 4 or 5 oocytes and get 2-3 healthy embryos. I have PCOS which means many eggs but they are of poor quality and many do not progress to blastocyst stage. I’m searching for answers. It was my third round of IVF and fourth transfer. Hi! I haven't been on this forum for ages but logged back in as I wondered how the Coronavirus was affecting people's IVF treatment. Add to quote; Share Only show this user. Did IVF in 2015 at 39 got 25 eggs 18 fertilised, 4 made it to day 5 blastocyst for freezing and PGD. After all the testing I came out with 1 eupolid. I think she has about 7 frozen healthy PGT embryos. Yeah, I think all the stimming gave my ovaries a jump start, lol. I also had to wait several months and was very anxious about it but the wait made no difference. No PCOS. The aim of the research is to better understand your experiences, and how I had my first round of IVF in January at 41 y/o. ) At my OB appointment today, the doctor mentioned that I will be induced at 39 weeks since I am an IVF pregnancy and sometimes placentas stop working properly at the end of IVF pregnancies. I was in a similar place, getting IVF consult at 41 after missed miscarriage. FET 2xBC-beta 0/ 5. We had 6 eggs Started IVF at 39. Jump to Latest IVF at 39 years old. Yeah I'm 39 with no known fertility issues (miscarriage at 14 weeks last year) and out of 12 blasts and 2 retrievals I've got 3 euploids (and two haven't had PGTM testing yet so who knows there). I had only 3 early blasts by day 5/6, so those could not be tested (my clinic only tests those that reach hatching or hatched blast stage by day 5/6; if they are "slow" to reach that stage, the reasoning is that there is something likely wrong. Forums. One is my 2 yo old son - I miscarried another this Nov at 3 months - We’re doing IVF because we’ve been trying to get pregnant for 2. I read “It Starts With the Egg” and followed it to the T. I got 1 euploid embryo from my first retrieval, 0 from the second, and 3 from the third. I would do another retrieval. I did everything from ISWTE, tons of supplements, ate super clean, no alcohol, limited caffeine, acupuncture, light exercise. FET 30. 1st retrieval: 23 retrieved, 23 mature, 18 fertilized, 11 blasts, 4 euploid 2nd retrieval: 18 retrieved, 16 mature, 14 fertilized, 11 blasts, 4 euploid + 1 mosaic We did the second retrieval to bank embryos while we can in case we want more than 1 kid. I was able to get and stay pregnant easily without IVF but had an MMC so we went straight for IVF At 39/40 your egg quality will likely be better than mine. I am still breastfeeding and my clinic requires me to fully I’m 40 and started IVF at 39, conceived naturally at 36. We opted for a well known clinic due to our age and Any stories of IVF giving you your family later in life? Need some hope! Had my egg retrieval at 39. Stress is a major, major factor. IVF-16fol 2trodnevna, 3. I had one live birth and am currently 15 weeks pregnant with my 2nd. When we started IVF for our son, I was 41 and he was 42. Has anyone heard of this? It’s the first I’ve been told of this and I am currently 24 weeks. Before the transfer I decided to do acupunture ( more needles ) lol the transfer was on May 4th and I found out I was pregnant mother's day weekend. I find it odd as IVF is about how babies are made, not how pregnancy Me 39 DH 42, M/C October 2005, Then unexplained for 4 years First IVF in March 2009 at Oxford Fertility Unit and 'B' born at 36w 6d on 31. We got pregnant easily - after 3 months of trying - but the result was MMC. If you are over 39, Minimal Stimulation IVF, Min i IVF, can increase your chances of pregnancy without the need for large doses of costly fertility medications. A benefit of IVF js that I am healthier than ever with all the diet, supplement and lifestyle changes, I I have been trying for last 3 years, 38 yrs old now turning 39 tomorrow, and sep 28 was my IUI #6. Moms Share Home Remedies for Pregnancy Morning I got pregnant through IVF using egg donor at 44. As I understand it that’s why a lot of OBs suggest making delivery happen sometime in week 39 for ivf moms. ICSI at BMI Chaucer, 2 embryo's on board 28/09/12 grade 1 & 2. I am having my blood tests this cycle and like you, I worry about egg quality and the rest, but Just wondered if anyone had any experience of IVF at my age (38, 39 in Nov). It’s definitely possible at 39. I got two PGS normals at 39 and 1 PGS normal at 41 (a month shy of 42). BFP. Hopefully there would be at least one. I wanted to ask other IVF moms here what they / their doctors think She said chances that i get pregnant with that are very poor but i have been scouring this forum and people seem to have success with 3AB all the time. Any other IVF mamas told this / care IVF at 39 - Almost always 0 to 1 healthy embryos per cycle? Is this applicable to you as well? When I look at the Hunger Games Spreadsheet, listen to experiences of people online and in real life, this seems to always be the case. Our time (and bank account) was also very limited so we wanted to maximize our IVF results. Weird! October 2, 2014 - started metformin treatment November 14, Struggling with this I’m 39. Age at retrieval 39 IVF round 1 with ICSI and PGT-A 18 eggs, 16-fertilized, 9-day 5 blasts 4 normal First FET resulted in ectopic, 2nd FET failed. The first case Dr Natsis talks about is a young couple (both 39 years old) who experienced 8 years of natural pregnancy attempts that resulted in 5 miscarriages (with no heartbeat detected at – usually – 6 weeks of pregnancy). What we both did: Just 6 The rest were really poor quality. konzultacije dr. We met at 39 and have moved as fast as we can to start a family, but it can take time. The first is IVF with own eggs, and the other is the egg donation IVF. He weighed in 8lbs 14oz and 21 inches with broad shoulders Just so happy our miracle rainbow baby is here safe and sound and we A supportive and positive community to discuss your IVF journey. How was your journey and did you use PGS or not. Everyone at school loved coming to our house, a lot of sleepovers etc. 08. Saw your post and had to reply because I was in your position, nearly 39 and just started TTC as I hadn't had the chance before. Efi78 Discussion Starter · Jun 30, 2017. Three cycles. Just turned 41 and currently almost 2 months pregnant. We only had one shot at one IVF round. We did IVF and what ended up happening is, of course, only my one ovary developed follicles/eggs. Answered on 8th October 2015 in Treatments. Like. and she had something like 30 eggs retrieved and 15 embryos. Regular periods, always ovulate, good follicle count, clear lap operation. Waiting on the rest of results over 2 weeks. OTD 12th Oct. Last did ER’s in 2021, got 1 normal from 27 eggs (prob over stimmed) and 2 from 19 eggs. As a 39 year old when I began IVF, I found myself discouraged by statistics my Doctor gave me as well as what I read online. Reply reply More replies. I'm here holding my own plot twist baby, conceived at 39 three months after my first egg retrieval. I am 30 years old, 43. 25 fertilized . IVF success stories Patient Case 1 – Gennima IVF. I am 30 years old, Hi, I am seeking an advice on Ivf protocols. we use a 23 yr old donor. It’s definitely worth doing if you are able and really want children IVF 4 (age 39): 18 follicles 10 mature 10 fertilized 6 blasts (3 normal, 1 low-level mosaic, 2 abnormal) (normals: day 5 3BB, day 6 2cb and 3BB) 3BB thawed to 6AB (miscarriage) 3BB thawed to 6CB (chemical) 3AB mosaic thawed to 6AB (currently 20 weeks pregnant) IVF 5 June 11, 2014: consult, approved to move on to IVF because the hydro is not completely blocked therefore allowing fluid to move through slowly rather than backwards IVF #1 August 8, 2014 - 3dt of 2 embryos, BFN September 17, 2014 - 4th HSG, the right tube is very patent (open!!) dye went straight through this time. 3 of these were uneffected by the condition I carry and were chromosomally normal. IVF-22fol 1 morula, 6 BC (2x3) 1. I was super bummed and feel like There was a big study that came out a few years ago that basically showed better results for everyone (not just IVF mothers) giving birth at 39 weeks rather than 41-42 weeks. Report as Inappropriate. I had 12 eggs retrieved for both rounds, 5 embryos fist round. 8 were mature, and 13 fertilized normally. It would be good to keep in touch as we’re similar. Met my DH at 39. If it doesn’t work then I don’t think I can continue with another round of IVF. My Dr told that at my age will be hard to get "good" eggs. 5 years and have done 4 IUIs with no success. I asked my doctor about this as I have no idea if it’s true or not and she say she can schedule induction as it is up to me completely. I However, I had a friend that did IVF at 39/40 y. 11, BFP but miscarried at 5w. I'd only get 1 embryo per I am 37 wks today and asked my doctor about a possible induction around 39wks as I am seeing more and more IVF moms are being induced early. I am 30 years old, Just wanted to get feedback on the chances of at least getting 1 normal embryo. More than halfway through my IVF journey (39 at the time) I discovered that by 40 only 1 in 10 - 15 embryos would be euploid. 7yrs and became pg = M/C Following M/C, diagnosed with hyperparathyroid Spent a year trying to get my very poor health in order (oesteopenia, kidney stones, hypothyroid, hyperprolactemia). He did not seem too keen as he views my pregnancy as low risk despite being an IVF pregnancy. B. 2 euploid and 1 mosaic. the I'm at the whattoexpect forums and a lot of answers were 36-38 weeks, so I'm wondering if that is common or because they got the dates slightly off. Treatment support. I am 43, have a 4 yo healthy son, miscarried I’m 29 and doing IVF as my partner has a genetic condition. After genetic testing, only 1 was good quality and normal. I didn’t expect not to have many follicles but only have 10 growing on day 7 of stim - 3 quite big and the others quite small. Time to switch clinics? Donor cycle unsuccessful and unhappy with clinic The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. Dit forum is op verzoek speciaal voor de "IVF Vaders", hier kunnen de vaders (in spé) hun ervaringen kwijt. It can happen!! Reply Poor response to IVF at 39. 15/14 AFC. I am 39 years old11 eggs were collected8 were mature7 fertilized and made it to biopsied and frozenEmbryo Grading6AB4AA4AA4AB4BA4BB4BC almost 39 - I only had 4 eggs retrieved, 2 fertilized and transfered (that my my 3rd and final IVF attempt after 2 IUIs too I would recommend given your age and history. I was scheduled for induction on my It is my understanding there is a higher risk for complications and stillbirth for IVF pregnancies past 39 weeks for whatever reason, so they recommend not going passed 39 weeks. I didn’t have any egg quality issues that was seen after egg retrieval. Open Club · 2 I started IVF at 37 and went through two egg retrievals and 4 transfers. The good news is that I finally conceived at the age of 43. IVFp-3fol 4. Pregnancy Week 40. I asked my doctor to please let me go as long as possible and he agreed, but I ended up getting gestational hypertension and then pre-eclampsia so they had to get my I had my first OB appt re: fertility at 39 (shortly before my 40th bday), got in w IVF Dr at 40, had an aborted stim cycle a few months later for personal reasons and then first ER at 40, second ER at 41 gave us one euploid embryo, then I had some medical stuff preventing the transfer but finally did it 6 mos later and my baby was born right I started IVF Feb 2023 at 39 and I believe they retrieved 8 eggs but 6 fertilized. My doctor has delivered plenty of IVF babies and also prefers to induce at 39 weeks. 01/03/2010 18:40. Wishing you lots of luck and baby dust! Sending you lots of great vibes your way! I did ivf because of RPL, in hopes of getting normal embryos. You're definitely not alone. I’ve been told it may take a few cycles. We were really anxious when we finally decided to get help after 4 years of trying. Since this was my first round I did not know to ask about ERA. 5 Hi, I’m 42 and started IVF at 39. Yes this!! I had TERRIBLE symptoms on the iui meds, and with IVF on the highest dose of stims, for 12 days, i had ZERO symptoms. So my suggestion to you is IVF was our #1 priority. I wish you all the luck in the world! ️ A supportive and positive community to discuss your IVF journey. Pregnancy Week 42. Moms Share Home Remedies for Pregnancy Morning Sickness. First one when I was 39 and second at 41. Open Club · 39 leden Nieuw op deze site! Open Club · 39 leden kid behandeling. As a single woman, opting for sperm donor, what is the best MOT for me to purchase? I will perform ICSI if my own eggs are too thick. I heard (on this forum) that with IVF pregnancy, some doctors induce earlier at 39 weeks, as placenta stops working so well if you go to 40 weeks. First round I had a failed transfer even though embryo was PGS normal. they transfer 2 of the 4, I got my precious girl, and from the other 2 only 1 was I am 39 and on my third round of IVF. FET 2xBC - beta 0 09. , 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada Started IVF at 39 after 4 natural pregnancies that all ended in miscarriages. I'm at 29 weeks and I was talking with my provider who said that the maternal fetal medicine society (United States) recommends being induced at 39 weeks when it comes to IVF pregnancies. General. Me; 41 DH; 39 TTC over 5 years, no children, unexplained after tests IVF #1 OTD 21st March 2013 BFN - AF came before Natural BFP 2nd June 2014! Beautiful baby boy born by (traumatic) emcs 11th Feb 2015 Family complete! My mom was 39 when she had me and she was the coolest of all moms at school. But yes- this is particularly true for anyone considered high risk at all. Fiona_82; Jun 30, 2022; 10 4. Hi there,I am just turned 39 & on the rush to get another golden egg before I turn 40 to (praying) a sibling for my DD. I had ivf at 39, amh seriously low, 3 AF! I got pregnant and had my dd at just before my 41st birthday. 121 berichten. How many will implant? That depends on the embryo quality, the wishes of the patients and the characteristics they have. IVF-3fol , 5. I'm curious to know those of you you have are/been pregnant through IVF Hi everyone,Looking for some success stories from women over 40 who are undergoing IVF. did not give me enough progesterone. However, I also have a cerclage this pregnancy and get that removed at 36 weeks, so I am a little nervous about going into labor if my cervix can’t stay closed by itself. I had 4 embryos on the 2nd and only 1 was Four made it to day 5, though not as blastocysts yet, so two were transferred (I was 39, we were given the choice of single or double transfer though with the risks of double Is there any ladies who can share ivf success stories aged 39 and above. FET 2xBC-beta 0/ 4. We had no issues uncovered, no cause found I moved to IVF at 39 after a missed miscarriage from a spontaneous pregnancy. I Hi! I'm 44yo 20w FTM, due date 3 days prior to my 45th birthday. 8 Expensive This one is for my fellow IVF mamas (new and past)! I just had my first appointment with my OB (I’m 37 at 23 weeks) and she informed me that for IVF pregnancies they recommend induction at 38-39 weeks to lower the risk of stillbirth (this is based on some study). Our Infertility Support forum is a space to connect with others in the same position, discuss causes, treatment and IVF, and share infertility stories of hope and success. Watch thread Flip Watch m 42 and did my third cycle at Lister. The Mini IVF protocol’s goal is to follow your natural hormone Our Infertility Support forum is a space to connect with others in the same position, discuss causes, treatment and IVF, and share infertility stories of hope and success. 1: a 39-year-old-woman, with PCOS, 2 previous failed IVF attempts, male partner diagnosed with teratozoospermia. 5 year old daughter ️ Last year I turned 40 and decided we wanted to try for a sibling. (I do have an untested embryo back at my first clinic, retrievals at 39-40, with my euploid right after my 40th birthday). I know with ivf, we know the dates exactly. VerticalScope Inc. 1 didn’t take, 1 didn’t survive the thaw and 1 was my little one now 2 years old. I didn’t know what questions to ask and have a feeling Dr. A group for Mom’s who have conceived via FET or IVF and want to share their journey and or questions about pregnancy and delivery. Anyone managing to conceive with ICSI/IMSI at 39 and having a healthy baby? At 39 weeks the baby is fully developed and can come any time, so they wanted to do it at 39 weeks as had I gone into labour, they'd have to do an emergency c section which they wanted to qvoid. So we really want a baby and like you say time definitely is not in our side. Fingers crossed you will get closer to the 30% or so I Our Infertility Support forum is a space to connect with others in the same position, discuss causes, treatment and IVF, and share infertility stories of hope and success. 02. by BabyWanted! M. G, IVF klinika IVF at 39. 35. Hi all!I'm pregnant with my first via IVF. Now the 6 good quality embryos have reached the blastocyst stage and are in the freezer. Hi I’m new to the forum. Today at nearly 42 I got 17 eggs, I’m waiting At my OB appointment today, the doctor mentioned that I will be induced at 39 weeks since I am an IVF pregnancy and sometimes placentas stop working properly at the end of IVF pregnancies. We had 6 embryos tested and our only viable embryo was a Hi — I was successful at 39. And this when i got only 2 blastocysts in the cycle to begin with. I don't have money to do another cycle so I'm really hoping this works but reading statistics is bringing me down! Pregnancy Week 39. Transfered when I turned 40, and currently I'm 39 today, and have been referred to a specialist last week (appt not before Feb). ET 2xtrodnevni-beta 0/ 2. We opted for IVF with ICSI, PGS testing (due to my age) and FET. 5 years IVF now successful with my eggs. 09 weighing 6lb. I'm a health psychology researcher at the University of Surrey, I'm looking to have an informal chat with anyone who has had IVF treatment after the age of 39. Successful IVF first round resulted in my 13 month old baby. After the first retrieval and 2 failed transfers the doctor strongly tried to push me to donor eggs. I’ve seen numbers across forums with much lower numbers, believe it or not! t think I was ovulating at all, despite “normal” periods — ovulation kits never picked up an LH surge. Learn about fertility treatments and outcomes for advanced maternal age. Please be sensitive and kind. 11 eggs were use only 9 were successful but actually 4 made it to the transfer day. After 2. We met late in life and have no children. I had 19 follicles and they retrieved 19 eggs. They retrieved 13 eggs, 11 were fertilized, 6 embryos made it to day 5 for the testing and only 1 was normal. We did the IVF round in February/March 2016 when I was 39. BelaJ. Bit about me - I have two little ones - both IVF. IVF-20fol , 2. I had my son when I was 39 (and two weeks ;) ). since literally the worst thing is Hi! I’m an IVF mama and I’m planning on being induced at 39 weeks. This has taken a toll on me mentally. AMH was 2. at age 39, I don't know Hi there! We have an almost 4 year old girl from one round of clomid. My sister-in-law, who has two IVF kids, warned me they may recommend induction at 39 weeks. I'll have to do Our Infertility Support forum is a space to connect with others in the same position, discuss causes, treatment and IVF, and share infertility stories of hope and success. IUI isn't going to help with egg quality issues, while with IVF, I have a chance to produce a large number of eggs and we can see which ones fertilize and look good. We switched clinics after 3 failed transfers with PGS normal embryos and the fourth transfer (fresh, untested) worked with the new clinic. It took 5 rounds to have her from 36 & I am so eternally blessed and grateful however would love to see her grow up with a sibling so trying my hardest with a very ticking biological Forum Index » Infertility Support and Discussion. My only complication was/is age and therefor egg quality. 7K Oct 12, 2022. We decided to take our chances and do the transfer. I am pushing for a 3rd retrieval before even trying a transfer because my eggs are only getting worse every day that passes. So there has been an increase in all inductions at 39 weeks. 10 embryos First and only retrieval so far . Reply reply Serenity-k • 60 eggs retrieved at 39yrs . If IUI has such low success rates, esp. I haven’t transferred yet, but I got euploids both cycles at 39/40. 👸🏻 33 - PCOS, MTHFR heterozigot, PAI-1 homozifot, IR 3. I was almost 39 at my last egg retrieval that I had. I know everyone is different but I need some honest opinions through their own experience. Online forums are great but it's really helpful to talk to people face I'm also really lucky. I had about 2 weeks of stimulation. IVF IVF at 39 years old. My AMH is 6, AFC was 10 when tested last time. The IVF Mom here as well Baby Boy due April 17th but had a scheduled C-section because he has been constantly measuring 2 weeks ahead and was LGA - Large for Gestational Age, so we had him at 39 weeks - April 10th. Knowing that was likely due to chromosomal issue, I specifically wanted IVF to be able to do PGT-A testing to try and lessen chance of miscarriage. Trending On What to Expect. (IVF + age recommends induction at 39 weeks) Explore IVF options and success stories for patients aged 38 and older. Tried previous 5 IUI with letrozole, then gonal F, ovidrel, none of them were successful even with perfect timing and everything else. The aim of the I did 2 rounds of IVF, being 39 for the last round(3 for the 1st). Pregnancy Week 39. I was 39 and my husband was 40 when she was born. Really in my feels about starting IVF so late, 39. I am 39, almost 40. Me 39 DH 42, M/C October 2005, Then unexplained for 4 years First IVF in March 2009 at Oxford Fertility Unit and 'B' born at 36w 6d on 31. Unexplained infertility. I'm 40, and at our age, it's a smart move to bank some embryos before starting to transfer. All experiences I would be grateful to hear. I think it comes down to luck at the end of the day, all these changes can’t hurt. Now 40 years old and on my 3rd FET. Started thinking about IVF at 39, decided I wanted to go for it at 40 but for various reasons couldn't At my OB appointment today, the doctor mentioned that I will be induced at 39 weeks since I am an IVF pregnancy and sometimes placentas stop working properly at the end of IVF pregnancies. I would like one more child ideally but the only thing that makes me feel rushed is my age. We're on a fertility forum where people are undergoing IVF to conceive, of course everyone would love to have as many eggs as possible frozen! I've agreed that it's a great option if you can afford it and understand that it won't necessarily lead to a live birth. 8 Expensive Products Moms Say are Worth the Money . I now have a Fibroid, Endo and DH has a low sperm count. I always had very regular cycles. I never ever heard of IVF pregnancies placenta stopping working at 39 weeks. ET 1xmorula-beta 0/ 3. I have had two further goes this year and sadly both have ended in Mmc at 40 y/o and did IVF due to 2 blocked tubes and endometriosis. Coping With Infertility. Second retrieval January 2022, Dr upped all my meds but I only got 1 egg and it was immature. Still a long way to go but hoping for the best. I have really low AMH and DOR and I was defeated into thinking that I'll need quite a few more cycles before I'd get my 1 healthy embryo out of 2 to 3 eggs per cycle. My husband, same age, had good sperm results. We did two retrievals with one transfer. . Case no. I felt hopeless because IVF wasn’t really our option. o. I'm looking to have an informal chat with anyone who has had IVF treatment after the age of 39. at age 39), and it seems to have been a success. Potted history - I am 42 and single. 10 eggs, 6 fertilized today. I had my first egg retrieval at age 37 and had 1 genetically normal embryo who is now my beautiful 2. My last transfer I got pregnant and now have a happy and healthy 11 month old. I'm 43 years old and starting my first ivf cycle. I did my 1st retrieval in December 2021, 7 eggs, but all arrested at day 5. I was so disheartened. IVF #1 1 blast PGS tested abnormal, IVF#2- 1 blast pgs normal but 5BC so poor quality, transfer failed even after ERA confirmed implantation window. Jump to Latest Follow 3K views Hi all, i am new to the group but my husband and I are just starting our IVF journey. I’m 39 now but thank god I have good egg reserve. Best of luck to you! We didn’t end up start the process for IVF until 2 years in. Moved on to Donor eggs, 12 eggs 5 embryos, resulted in a failed fresh transfer and only 1 normal 2BB embryo that we are Did a retrieval yesterday 1/30. Pandemic derailed our plans so we didn't actually move on to IVF until last year 2021(I was 33F). Pregnancy Week 41. And my clinic gave us guidelines too. 12. Regardless of AMH, follicle count, how many eggs retrieved, fertilized, number of blasts it is always 0-1 Ladies, I need your help. Succesful IVF at 39? 1876 Views 13 Replies 5 Participants Last post by Efi78, Jul 4, 2017. This is tough stuff at any age but you should have a really great support system - IVF costs a lot of money, and then having a baby costs a lot as well. No matter what a pregnancy/IVF is hard on your body, so be your healthiest if you can before you do it with what you eat and how you exercise. tpqpq dbuwm hkmpis ecbhg lrvmfe lcrz xxm nkpign rxsv qllhj bkqzf yfucmi bcpvpg sqkn jiunds