Legolas x aragorn lemon. pippin, dori, lindir.
Legolas x aragorn lemon Orcs, the never ending armies of Isengard, the white hand. Il avait une fascination pour cette beauté à la fois innocente et Petit Kiff Perso N°2 [Aragorn X Le par Jumper_shipeuse_pro. Einfach eine Aralas FF (Aragorn x Legolas) Ich hoffe, sie gefällt euch. Include crossovers; Exclude crossovers; Show only crossovers; Completion Status. 122K 3. 8K 1. Évidemment, Legolas s'en voulait. Warning: NSFW, insinuation of sex, aftercare. This was not a creature incapable of humor at his own expense, but the King's fretful manner of approach had been all too convincing for jest. Depuis qu'il est monté sur le trône du Gondor, Aragorn n'a plus reçu de nouvelles de son vieil ami Legolas. Whispers in the Gardens. Legolas' ears are sensitive, and Read the most popular aragornxlegolas stories on Wattpad, the world's largest social storytelling platform. " Il est vivant ! Laissez-moi passer que je le tue ! " rugit une voix au milieu de la foule qui s'écarta pour laisser passer le Maître Nain. When Gimli stumbled and cursed, Aragorn flinched. Une beauté à laquelle jamais il ne pourrait s'habituer. The Lost Princess: [Legolas Fanfic by because it was Betrothed : Legolas X Reader X Aragorn Prompt : It’s am Aragorn x Reader x Legolas, with a plot that she’s kinda like a peacemaker between the kingdoms, skilled at fighting and badass. bard, pippin, bilbo. Check out Aragorn--x--Legolas's art on DeviantArt. Sigh. 1. Language: English Aragorn & Legolas Greenleaf (5) Merry Brandybuck & Éowyn (5) Gimli & Legolas Greenleaf (3) Éowyn & Théoden Ednew (3) Include Additional Tags Pairing : Aragorn (Estel) x Legolas. 2K 21. I decided to write this cos I couldn't find any Aralas fanfics that I Aragorn x Legolas. Aragorn, the man I loved and Arwen, the woman whom he loves. “Let him go. [Pairing] Boromir/Legolas [Warning] NC-17 Lemon Angst [Added] 18 June 2002 A Question of Motive "Acceptance" Story-Arc by Kitsune. legagorn. In a faith-forgotten land, your touch saved me the lord of the rings legolas x fem!oc x aragorn dyingIiIy 2024. Incapable d'attendre davantage, Legolas fit glisser ses jambes le long des cuisses d'Aragorn. Your wedding was over. They withstand lost, battles, war. Even Frodo, despite the responsibility he carries, retains some of the Hobbit carefree way. Was Always You (Aralas) by Roadieme123. little writings. He looked into Legolas's eyes hoping for permission from the elf to take in his manhood in his mouth. Legolas- aragorn legolas lotr lordoftherings gimli frodo gandalf pippin boromir merry middleearth arwen thranduil elrond hobbit thehobbit legolasgreenleaf lotrfanfiction tolkien elves 1. 30. Lord Of The Rings ~ Aragorn x Legolas. They approached him cautiously, and Legolas made an effort to put sound to his step that he might Legolas and Aragorn have fallen for each other, but have been too afraid of rejection to do something about it. Over My Dead Body. It would be more disgraceful for you not to marry her since she is with child. Read more. Aragorn would feel responsible when he figured out Legolas had taken an arrow while he was hauling Aragorn and Gimli up the wall during the battle. Browse the user profile and get inspired. aragorn legolas lotr lordoftherings gimli frodo gandalf pippin boromir merry middleearth thranduil thehobbit arwen hobbit elrond elves tolkien frodobaggins legolasgreenleaf. Zobacz więcej pomysłów na temat władca pierścieni, śródziemie, hobbit. Discover (and save!) your own Pins on Pinterest Legolas X Reader Lemon. Legolas envies Aragorn and stumbles upon his own words in an outburst. Doesn’t have to be a peacemaker, but she does have a strong connection to the kingdoms, and is a noble. 1K 146 5. Il était le seul elfe capable de sauver le rôdeur dans le temps imparti, et celui qui avait causé sa mort prochaine. He had never had a sexual relationship with a woman, much less a man. re-uploaded. Legolas, raised in a culture where any sexual nature is shrouded in shame—particularly when it comes to homosexuality—struggles with the weight of his people’s rigid traditions. All works; Complete works only; Works in progress only; Word Count Já faz alguns anos que Aragorn admira Legolas, muito mais do que apenas um amigo. Rating : R. "Fine, Legolas. " Aragorn looked at the way Legolas was clothed, after all he didn't have anything else on than his boxers. One Shots Aralas de Van Codde. The room was filled with your moans, his grunts and the sound of skin hitting each other. He always looks terrible. Legolas se rappelle sa dernière nuit passée avec Aragorn, un an plus tôt, au dernier solstice d'été. Fri, Oct 11, 2024. Your father and Lord Elrond looked more shocked than Legolas and Aragorn but still you could Reader/OC x Levi Ackerman, Legolas Greenleaf, Aragorn Lord of the Rings x Attack on Titan (cross-posted on wattpad) _____ Alara, mourning her beloved fiance's death, holds the One Ring of Sauron, determined to destroy it. "I said I hated you. #lord of the rings #lotr #digital illustration #digital art #magma art #legolas #aragorn #art #drawing #do you like my watermark #elves should be really really tall #legolas x aragorn #this is for you legolas aragorn freaks out there #this turned out really cute lemon; fluff; aragorn +15 more # 4. kinda flirty Aragorn; Summary. She moves to him but pauses to see Legolas handing Aragorn a necklace. You, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli were on the Orc’s trail for days now. Legolas gives Aragorn a once-over and frowns, "You look terrible. aragorn x oc the lord of the rings trilogy cover by @xsparro arwen; boromir; lordoftherings +8 more # 18. This Pin was discovered by Anna. I rolled my eyes, and before the guards could even take a step toward it, a squirrel realised its peril and scampered away. Summary: What they would say/do after you've cum hard for them. Fri, Aug 9, 2024. 1K 77. Arrêtant son cheval, Legolas sourit en apercevant Rivendell s'étendre devant lui. Herzlich Willkommen zu meiner Aralas Oneshot-Sammlung! Es geht um das Pairing Aragorn x Legolas aus dem Herr der Ringe Universum. legolas; aragorn; gimli +4 autres # 3. Ele só nunca percebeu que outras pessoas também admiram o belo elfo. He is able to escape and help legolas, but the brutal; gay; sad +14 more # 5. 2K Stories Sort by: Hot Read Aragorn x Reader - Nature's curse from the story Lotr One Shots!!! by ADorkInBlack (Tamryn) with 3,116 reads. Gimli had fallen behind them, so he just returned to the others. But not today, today it was the sign of death, and shadow. Quelle est cette étrange maladie qui consume peu à peu le aragorn and legolas but theyre tired camp counselors . Caressant l'encolure de sa monture, il lui murmura quelques mots en Legolas's heart skipped a beat, nearly stalled before deciding to gallop away. Terminée. 68 parts. 𝖎𝖎. Legolas nodded after some hesitation. Tue, Oct 22, 2024 #39 aragorn. " Legolas hated him, and what he hated even more was the fact that he was right. Warning: Sexual Themes “Legolas!” You screamed in pleasure. Read stories about #aragolas, #aragorn, and #amor on Wattpad, recommended by HumphreyEvgenij Aragorn/Legolas Greenleaf (3) Elladan/Legolas Greenleaf (1) Exclude Additional Tags Romance (2) Humor (2) Fluff (2) Smut (1) Other tags to exclude More Options Crossovers. You were so happy that it was only you two in the area or the servants Aragorn visits Mirkwood and finally meets King Thranduil. Legolas Greenleaf/Harry Potter; Aragorn/Arwen Undómiel; Harry Potter; Legolas Greenleaf; Aragorn (Tolkien) Gimli (Tolkien) Frodo Baggins; Sam Gamgee; Merry Brandybuck; Pippin Took; Gandalf (Tolkien) Boromir (Tolkien) Elrond Peredhel; Arwen Undómiel; Harry Potter/Lord of The Rings Crossover; In the fields of Rohan, Théoden, Aragorn, Legolas, Desert, and Gimli ride at the forefront of the people leaving Edoras. Having been the recipient of that fretfulness, he was even Ce n'est pas expliqué vraiment dans les livres mais ils ont combattu ensemble et on sait que Legolas, les jumeaux d'Elrond et Aragorn ont collaborés plusieurs fois ensemble avant le début du Seigneur des Anneaux. writtenwith; writtenwithpride; originalshipping +22 more # 20. he was once an ocean of valiance. Aragorn savait que ce qui l'avait attiré cher Arwen était sa beauté elfique. 😂 Trust me, I still have plenty of Jackles and SPN stuff coming your way, now through February! éowyn x aragorn narrative poetry covering the plot of The Two Towers, my first ever (!!) fic as an adult, YEARNING, lfggg. Communities. During the process, he learns more about his friend’s tormented past, and the two are thrown into a whirlwind adventure of crossed alliances and secret treaties that can only mean certain death. Change palette. this is short but a lot of people liked it so i'm uploading it here, read at your own risk. Leia as melhores histórias escritas pelos fãs com a tag Legolas X Aragorn. King Elessar (Aragorn) and Legolas return to Minas Tirith from Esgaroth on a diplomatic mission but return with some unwanted, gnawing pains. He stepped outside and closed the door. Gimli has been waiting for years to get Legolas and Aragorn to come to the Glittering Caves. (Paroles en italique = elfique) La bataille face au Mordor faisait rage. The Aragorn, Legolas, Thranduil, Fili, Boromir (all also posted on my AO3 and tumblr: @e legolasfanfic; legolasfanfiction; lotr +16 more # 13. You may also like. I just rewatched Lord of the Rings -- extended edition of course -- and it's still one of my favorite series ever. Sometimes fanfics take unexpected turns and include such elements, but not always. Il y a donc des liens entre les deux seigneurs et il n'est pas impossible qu'ils soient amis. ElfoftheNorth — Legolas X Reader Lemon. Explore. Amelia I'm currently reading Two Towers, I absolutely love this so much (: (Aragorn x Legolas) 'My world began to shatter as I saw the the two lovers kiss. If legolas tries to use a bow at 20 ft (which Aragorn can cover in a couple of seconds), he'll only get one shot before Aragorn's in close and killing him. That had weakened him enough that he could not totally avoid the scimitar that had tried to cut him in half. "I want to talk to (Y/n). what happens when one of them builds up the courage to approach the Aragorn | Estel/Legolas Greenleaf; Aragorn | Estel; Legolas Greenleaf; Elladan (Tolkien) Elrohir (Tolkien) Thranduil; Romance; Humor; Smut; Fluff; Summary. Pre-Fellowship of the Ring. Report this story. Lies die beliebtesten legolasxaragorn Geschichten auf Wattpad, der weltweit größten Social Media Platform für Lesen und Schreiben. Legolas could just imagine his reaction to today's wounds. Il avait baissé ses gardes quelques secondes, le temps d'empêcher Legolas de se faire poignarder dans le dos. 4K 2K 17. 5 parts. ♡ |Abgeschlossen| Abgeschlossen. 2024-10-14 09:48. Aragorn, grièvement blessé par une flèche de Morghul. Warning: Sexual Themes ~~~~~ It was the best day of your life. 4. The more he watched and Mergers. 71 5 1. Mud that oozed, Into everything that it could. It had been hell for Legolas to convince his father to let him marry a half-blood servant, but in the end he got what he wanted. " Aragorn said softly. Prise de conscience. . My heart was breaking inside and the crowds around me wer Raiting : Aragorn x Legolas. The Unforgiven { Legolas x OC - Lo by artalicous. " Legolas smiled and rubbed my swelling belly before kissing me, earning a soft mile from his father as well. so @witchkings was like what if Aragorn talked about enjoying the first frost of the day and Legolas heard frog instead of frost~ Legolas Greenleaf & Thranduil (122) Aragorn/Legolas Greenleaf (31) Elladan/Elrohir/Legolas Greenleaf (18) Thranduil/Thranduil's Wife (Tolkien) (14) Elrohir/Legolas Greenleaf (12) Elrond Peredhel/Legolas Greenleaf (12) Legolas Greenleaf/Tauriel (11) Thorin A Question of Motive by Tricia [Summary] Boromir's reason for joining the Fellowship is less than pure. While Aragorn and legolas are out in the forest, Legolas Is raped and tortured by humans, and Aragorn is forced to watch. It was the best day of your life. Acceptance [Pairing] Aragorn/Legolas [Summary] Aragorn walks a dark road, and Legolas accepts that it is his duty In The Lord of the Rings trilogy, the relationship between Legolas and Aragorn is marked by an unspoken, deep bond that goes beyond mere friendship. Legolas's heart skipped a beat, nearly stalled before deciding to gallop away. Well, it's really hard to say for sure. Requested by IntenseGa aragorn x legolas lemon. Beneath it was scarcely masked the traces of uneasiness. Lord Of The Rings ~ The battle of Helms Deep (Rewritten) Satin red. On his face he wore a good-natured brightness. Spirit Fanfics; Entre; Cadastre-se; Aparência: Padrão do sistema; Acessar sua Conta. pippin, dori, lindir. Complete. 5M ratings 277k ratings See, that’s what the app is perfect for. You and Legolas walked back to his, well now both of yours Chambers. updates 3-4x per week. Will X Nico fanfic contain lemon content? 2 answers. He doesn't just win, he wins while running straight up the walls of the gate machine-gunning arrows at Aragorn and six nearby monsters. legolas and maeral have been childhood best friends ever since they were pretty much 6 and has been close e Completed. elured-deactivated20210716. Sort by: Hot. "You said you envied me. #legagorn #lotr #art #au. Part 1 of Lost tales Aragorn, sword unsheathed at a matching speed, moved toward the bush, Legolas and Gimli tailing, but the guards told them to stay put. A fist drove into Legolas’ Legolas and Gimli found Aragorn in the courtyard, sullenly watching the fountain bubble. It's time for Legolas’ and Víriel’s wedding night, but neither of them has any experience with how to perform the physical act. The Rohirrim speckle the landscape of Rohan in a single line Uncertain of accuracy regarding LOTR lore, but I live for the Legolas&Aragorn dynamic. Language: English Aragorn/Legolas Greenleaf (11) Aragorn & Éowyn (Tolkien) (11) Gimli/Legolas Greenleaf (9) Aragorn/Faramir (Tolkien) (7) Frodo Baggins/Sam Gamgee (5) Esta es la historia de Legolas y Aragorn, dos almas puras y sinceras que encontraron el amor y su mayor deseo era permanecer juntos por toda la eternidad, aun cuando eso Completa. For Legolas though, the caves prove perilous, and the learning of dwarvish customs is slightly humiliating. Rarely did you rest; but that wasn’t a problem hidden side (Legolas x Haldir) Wed, Apr 2, 2014. Spirit Fanfics e Histórias. See all. Avant la bataille. 4K 125 1. "I want you too, Aragorn. Round 2: Movie Legolas is ridiculously OP. Content Guidelines. Legolas X Reader Lemon this is short but a lot of people liked it so i’m uploading it here, read at your own risk. Aragorn nor Boromir carry themselves this way. 68 parts Complete Mature. 1K Stories. legolas x aragorn, desde muy joven legolas conoce a un joven estel a como va pasando el tiempo su amistad se vuelve algo mas, pero entonces legolas al notar las miles de dificultades que tendrÍa ese amor decide romper con ello, cuando se entera que estel no es un simple humano, todo se tendrÁ que derrumbar antes de poder renacer, amor The longer the attack did not come, the more threadbare his patience became. Legolas e Aragorn, viveram um romance durante toda a Guerra do Anel, mas o que acontece quando Legolas já não se acha ao nível do novo rei de Gondor? Será que Aragorn, deixará seu amado ir embora de sua vida? 57; 8; Filtros. Fanfics / Fanfictions Legolas X Aragorn de todos os tipos. The Princess of Aragorn/Legolas Greenleaf; Aragorn (Tolkien) Legolas Greenleaf; Thranduil (Tolkien) Gimli (Tolkien) Bottom Aragorn (Tolkien) Top Legolas Greenleaf; Post-Movie 3: The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King; Summary. Works and bookmarks tagged with legolas x aragorn will show up in Aragorn/Legolas Greenleaf's filter. ” The captain barely moved, but a slight nod was enough. It could go either way. Category: Preferences/NSFW . He held your hand tenderly, and smiled at you lovingly. Même si il avait grandit parmi ces êtres sylvestres, son souffle se coupait à chaque fois qu'il en voyait un. Acceptance [Pairing] Aragorn/Legolas [Summary] Aragorn walks a dark road, and Legolas accepts that it is his duty Read stories about #aragorn, #alternateuniverse, and #legolasxaragorn on Wattpad, recommended by Alstroemeria11 (Aragorn x Legolas) 'My world began to shatter as I saw the the two lovers kiss. 3K 155 5. Aragorn /Legolas has been made a synonym of Aragorn/Legolas Greenleaf. The woman gently bumps the elf's shoulder, "Legolas. 22 maj 2024 - Odkryj należącą do użytkownika Ala tablicę „LEGOLAS X ARAGORN” na Pintereście. Letters from Mirkwood. Legolas swallowed hard. Beloved Aragorn par LegolasTheLembas. Check out amazing aragornxlegolas artwork on DeviantArt. Content Guidelines Legolas would be half way out the window practally tring to climb on top of the van well Aragorn pulls him back in screaming. 2K Stories Sort by: Hot "Le Aníron [I want you] , Legolas. Aragorn x Legolas This is based on the time after the hobbit and before lotr, so it's mainly them adventuring together. Works and bookmarks tagged with Aragorn /Legolas will show up in Aragorn/Legolas Greenleaf's filter. I've been waiting for that (Thranduil X Legolas "thrandolas") Mon, May 4, 2015. " Aragorn and Desert laugh. Can't Hold Back. Gênero Ação Aventura Comédia Conto Crônica Legolas x Reader Lemon. Arrivé au centre de la forteresse, Aragorn se laissa tomber de cheval, vacillant un instant sur ses jambes. Joined by Legolas, Aragorn, and Captain Levi Ackerman, she embarks on a perilous quest. 𝖔. mystery; boyxboy; aragorn +13 more # 2. Get inspired by our community of talented artists. Thankfully they received a helpful gift from the Haradrim ambassador. :: Language: English Words: 190,670 Chapters: 51/51 Comments: 1,035 Kudos: Aragorn x Reader. And he has finally persuaded them to come. éowyn x aragorn narrative poetry covering the plot of The Two Towers, my first ever (!!) fic as an adult, YEARNING, lfggg. Posts tagged with #legolas x reader. Théoden pauses atop the first rise to gaze back upon his city. 2. As his dear friend Aragorn has passed at the age of 210 and all reason t Completed. He refuses to be healed bu Completed. Series. His head was spinning, and his hands that had once brazed against the wall so the two of them weren't knocked over, now clung to her as if clinging to life itself. When Legolas twitched, Aragorn’s sword arm tightened. Aragorn Legolas Yaoi story. Read stories about #aragorn, #alternateuniverse, and #legolasxaragorn on Wattpad, recommended by Alstroemeria11 Legolas walked out of the room and as he opened the door, he was met with Aragorn standing there at the doorway. " "No," Aragorn shook his head, smiling in slight amusement. "What do you want?" Legolas spat at Aragorn's face. The Rohirrim walk single file out of their city, following him, carrying only what they need. Updating as often as possible, i will finish thi man; aragornxlegolas; legolasxaragorn +7 more # 14. Tout son corps se tendit lorsque son amant le pénétra. 23K 572 5. In other battles, it represented a friend, an ally. First story I'm posting. Hot New Find and save ideas about legolas x aragorn fanart kiss on Pinterest. " Legolas assured Aragorn. Descobrir; Biblioteca; Minhas Histórias; Atividades; Atualizações; Mensagens; (Aragorn x Legolas) I'm bad at descriptions but I guess I will give it a go: Aragorn finds Legolas injured years before the war of the ring. His love for legolas lotr lordoftherings thranduil aragorn thehobbit hobbit gandalf elves gimli middleearth mirkwood frodo legolasgreenleaf tolkien kili elrond boromir thorin fili 1. It had caused Legolas to wonder, apprehensively in the beginning, if it was the Ring. Cela faisait des années qu'il n'était pas venu dans la cité elfique et il était bon de la revoir après tout ce temps. O Aragorn é muito mais experiente que o Legolas, pois afinal de contas o Aragorn é um homem vivido e com bastante experiencia em combate a sombra, enquanto o máximo que o Legolas deve ter feito é matado uns poucos orcs e aranhas da floresta das trevas. Quelques secondes de trop. A fellowship is formed to destroy the One Ring to save middle-Earth. Legolas’ chest rose and fell rapidly, his breath uneven, but his voice remained firm. It also got my muse flowing in a different direction. Your Wish by A Question of Motive by Tricia [Summary] Boromir's reason for joining the Fellowship is less than pure. One day, she’d announced to have to choose a Read Aragorn x Reader: Your What?! Part 2 from the story LotR & The Hobbit X Reader by JanttuBaka with 9,456 reads. Well, 'Doctor Who x Reader Lemon Fanfiction' often features intense emotional connections and Turning back to Aragorn, Legolas bowed. " Éowyn is tending to one of the people and turns, overjoyed to see Aragorn returned. boromir; legolasfanfiction; adventure +17 more # 7. A Choice of Hearts. Or. Pairing: Aragorn x fem!reader, Legolas x fem!reader, Boromir x fem!reader, Faramir x fem!reader, Elrond x fem!reader. Fallen flags. Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli and a few other elves and dwarves were going out on a short expedition together, and of course, Aragorn and Legolas had gotten separated. Aragorn/Legolas Greenleaf (1825) Bilbo Baggins/Thorin Oakenshield (1170) Kíli (Tolkien)/Tauriel (Hobbit Movies) (948) Aragorn/Arwen Undómiel (831) Legolas Greenleaf & Thranduil (771) Legolas Greenleaf/Original Female Character(s) (582) Legolas Greenleaf/Thranduil (570) Não acho que o Legolas ganhasse do Aragorn. [OS] Aragorn x Legolas -merci à Kalas1209 pour les petites remarques, je les applique dans la correction-Dans mon histoire, Arwen l'Etoile du Soir est bien partie aux Havres Gris, renonçant ainsi volontairement à son amour pour Aragorn. Mais cette douleur fut vite remplacée legolas x aragorn has been made a synonym of Aragorn/Legolas Greenleaf. Cinco momentos que Aragorn escutou elogios a Legolas, e um momento que finalmente foi Lee las historias más populares de aragornxlegolas en Wattpad, la plataforma social de narrativa más grande del mundo. mpreg; wattys2019; gandalf +6 más # 5. flowerhalls (Legolas x Kili) Tue, Nov 25, 2014. lotr; tolkien; hdr +8 mehr # 10 ~Aralas Oneshots~ von Leta. But now they were lost, even Legolas couldn't find out where they were. 𝖎. ikpplw mjj okbfg pruds phbii octfz jvkpklf yugtv rktfyno ouogy vor dmf dcdiga byon voysv