Return string from batch file. Batch file, string variable comparison, if statement.
Return string from batch file for /r C:\folder %%a in (*) do if "%%~nxa"=="file. Follow answered Oct 3, 2010 at 8:37. ai and . If the line contains the word "node" I would like to have the line printed in my command prompt. Try this: findstr "string" file if errorlevel 1 ( echo String NOT found Embedding a carriage return within a text file can be tricky, so I first wrote the script with the carriage return encoded as \r. My code just works for all lines of my textfile, but I need it for all strings. The key is that find returns an errorlevel of 1 if string is not in file . txt) DO ECHO %%~nxI This will print filenames without path from inputfile. e. bat file to a variable in VB. But this value can be in other position like. Bat file return string value "Hello", I want to run this bat file from my PC and get string "Hello" display on my monitor. Reply reply I'm writing a simple Windows batch script to unzip files. I want to call it from a batch file and have each individual value go into an individual variable in the batch file. 0. . Following is my code snippet: for /F "tokens=*" %%i in (myfile) do ( set str=%%i set We have a text file that we need containing the following sample. My expectation is to get only second line and particularly "123" only. I am writing an batch file in Windows to run post-installation scripts, and one of the things that needs to be done is to add a directory to the system path. Save multiple tokens from a command output using "for /f" Related I want to write a batch script, which proves every string in a textfile whether it contains a specific substring. _exit() in some cases. 1. Since the command includes colons, quotes, I have a batch file that runs and calls . doc files with a ;. community wiki user9517 Add a comment | 2 . Example: Names. Code: Select all. BAT - a regular expression text processing utility. how to get it. Read through File find string Batch Script. Your syntax for trying to capture output from a PowerShell script from a batch file is correct (assuming single-line output from the script), [1] except that it it is more robust to use the -File parameter of powershell. So YES it's bullet-proof, but only when the script is called from Hi I'm trying to write a file that will have arguments for an exec (putty) The problem is that the line feed trick is not working, how can i put a carriage return after each line avoiding the batch to interprets it as an enter. Based on the post (dos batch iterate through a delimited string), I wrote a script below but not working as expected. tmp rem Create zero. Similar Questions. Provide details and share your research! But avoid . vbs file prompt a small UI output for the user to input a string as shown. if var1. ai, this command returns a hugely interminable line of crap data with FontFamily(Rubber Dinghy Rapids) lost somewhere in there. Quit result runtest. There's not really a graceful way to break out of for /L (although it is much faster than a goto loop). The string contains a time stamp, so the string changes. what is really behind the SETLOCAL and ENDLOCAL; How contextworkd in batch scripts ex (goto) 2>nul; Why (goto) wrapped in Stack Exchange Network. This is accomplished by using the findstr command and searching through the list of boat. _exit() command does not allow you to see python's 'stdout'. Get the contents of this folder and append to the filename. Processing an input file in batch. txt" setlocal In Batch Script, a string is an ordered collection of characters. txt and see if it can find the string in car. Echo obj. When I execute the batch file, it returns all values. TXT') do ( set filename1=%%i set folder1=%filename1:~4,20% mkdir %folder1% ) BATCH Return string containing substring. I'm using: findstr /v "unwanted" test. A. Now I need get the substring form a string on batch File. Windows cmd: how to extract a pattern? 0. txt Sample3. I'm using a batch file to identify and load fonts temporarily. Pass, escape and recognize Special Character in Windows Batch File. I am trying to figure out how to extract a string after the last instance of the "\". vbs" The mentioned . Compare 2 values out of a string with a batch file. I need to search for a pattern in a file and need to return the line number. @echo off set SiteID %SiteID% = findstr /s /b "SiteName" %W I am pretty new to windows batch scripting and am having trouble to search and extract a portion of a string from a text file and display it out. I am kind of new to programming and I decided to try and make an interactive form for creating a flat file database for my sql class in school I'm trying to detect a string with 2 carriage return in a file using windows batch. 1. I would like to use batch file to insert a string to replace the empty space in particular column say i have a input. txt file. whenever one doesn't behave as expected consider GWT also tried to use batch files for starting Java with specific classpaths, which failed horrible as soon as you're getting to directories with non-ASCII characters (in that case it was my home :)). exit(). Plus I don't know how to return a value from a sub like it was a function - I don't think you can. Name 1 var1=fish var2=potato Name 2 var1=crab var2=tree Name 3 var1=bait var2=water batch-file; Share. So for example, if I have: C:/dir1/dir2/dir3. No 3rd party exe file is required. TXT) DO ( ECHO %%G <-- should take Test_ and return _ ECHO %%G <-- should take Test_ and return Test)PAUSEEXIT1) I can't find a way to read %%G and echo at The string after set /A inside the double quotes is interpreted as arithmetic expression which results in interpreting the space character as delimiter and so after converting the number assigned to loop variable I with leading space character from string to integer, the number assigned without the space character is assigned as string to The following is the batch script i have written @echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion set finalcontent= For /F "tokens=1-2* delims= " %%I in (abc. I found several examples and instructions, some of which are contradictory, but none of them worked for me, for some reason. Concatenate your (sub)strings with that constant and display the message box with the result: MsgBox "This will" & vbCr & "be shown" & vbCr & "in a popup" To display multiline text from a batch file you need to pass each line as a separate argument I am trying to return a single value from a sqlcmd query used in a bat file. VB return value. txt files (1 or more) in a directory that I want my batch file to read their filename, get 20 characters starting from the 4th and creating a new directory in the folder. Thissed-like helper batch file is called repl. vbs file called "SelectNBType. Transfer contents of a variable in a . From VBS to BAT and back: Taking user inputs from the command line to VBS. I have this. Modified 9 years, How to return data only from a memoized I got file named abcd. eric2323223 eric2323223. bat and B. the os. Ask Question Asked 10 years, 6 months ago. csv files (that cames from an Oracle daily DB extraction) in a folder, and I need to search the files for the instances of the string: `ERROR: ORA-xxxxxx` and return the whole line from each file and copy it to an output . Current output is not corrct: list = "Sun,Granite,Twilight" file name is "Sun Granite Twilight" I've been having some problem in using FIND or FINDSTR command to find a particular string in a log file and return its output with the matching string along with 1 line above and 1 line below the matching line. txt_copy. txt and car. bat Exited with return code 123 With a script, either use the -File parameter: @echo off call powershell. 3,628 9 9 Windows batch file return code isn't set if there's a following line. Below is a copy of working code. I've tried to search for the string ERROR: and if found search for the string ORA-, but the You have to return the result of the pressed button as Exit Code that can be recuperated in the errorlevel, with Wscript. Learn how to create and use functions with return values in Batch Script. I know the file, and I need to know if the string I search is in it or not. I am not able to send the status from the common batch file to the calling batch files. The Batch allows us to extract parts of a string using the %variable:~start,length% syntax: set message=Hello, World! This will output: The first echo extracts characters from position 0 to 5, Generally batch functions return values in one of two ways: 1) A single integer value can be returned via the errorlevel by using EXIT /B n where n = some number. It seems that i have some errors with the syntax used in my sqlcmd query. Modified 9 years, 3 months ago. Hot Network Questions What was the real motivation behind Walter White’s decision to keep cooking meth even after securing enough money? It is nice to build a list of filenames or whatever and then step through them without having to write to them to a temp file, ensure there is no file writing collision, delete the temp file etc. I didn't understand that all fully, because to fully understand all that I'd have to be much better at batch but here is what I gleaned: I'm trying to make a small program that will create a Batch file, do something in it and then return a string from it, and after it delete the Batch. Bottom line: sys. Only the second one (tokens=2) will be passed I have two batch files A. Here is the string : [Terminal] Fenetre=O Debug=O And here is the code I tried to use, but it doesn't work Below executable return string values in command but when i execute below batch script it pop up different command line console and exits hence i am not getting any values in output. exit /b 3 will retun 3 in %ERRORLEVEL% Share. Thanks in advance. To change the amount of time in seconds just change the number "15" to anything you want. GUID I need to call this script from a cmd batch file, I am invoking a windows batch file from my Jenkinsfile, which in turn invokes a nodejs script. When I want to read these, save them into variable and then compare with other values, I need to trim the collected data. If you just want the path (as in the folder path without the file) then use set p=%%~dpa instead. @echo off setlocal EnableExtensions DisableDelayedExpansion rem // Define constants here: set Now I do understand a few programming languages, but I haven't done much in batch file programming yet. Ideally the batch file should create a renamed copy of the original file, leaving the original unedited. To extract the portion in between the last hyphen and the next-to-last one, you could use the following script (provide the strings/files as command line arguments): I have a bat file on server that return result, then I want to know can I run this bat file from my client and return result to my client? e. public class Reader implements For usage inside a batch file, percent signs need to be escaped for /f %%a in ('dow. Is there any way to tell the command prompt that it's part of the string. How to change the name of a pc via batch file without having to go looking for the name beforehand. In pseudo code. Commented Aug 21, how to read registry string value from batch file. Search up text from a file and take whole line using Batch. length, -1) = "0" do something In englishif the last character in the string is 0 then It can be solved with a single echo. The line below stops the batch file from looping too fast and stop the key bypass. txt My approach is to remove . How to return data only from a memoized, cached variable Using rsync to copy only files that have changed, not files that are new How can visa officials know I ‘visa shopped’ Now when ever a file name is passed, I want to add it to the list of file names along with a carriage return. Passing Variable from Batch to vbs file. I have a directory for which I want to list all the . txt I have a simple vb script (file name: wiguid. @Yukulélé - It modifies the expansion of %1, treating it as a file path and expanding to the name and extension, disregarding drive and path. @echo off But it is definitely possible to have a pure batch script read a string that contains a carriage return (<CR>). vbs. Something like set VAR=application arg0 arg1. I prefer the use of sys. CMDFOR /F "tokens=1*" %%F IN (TEST. How would I use a function like this in a . I have some data in a text file (test. This helped me immensely. exit() can be more robust than os. txt pause In my main batch file I ask the user for an input (limited to certain strings) and store it as a variable I then need to append a string to that variable to create the name of another variable and return the value of this variable which is stored in another file. txt. Only been able to return one value. JREPL is pure script (hybrid batch/JScript) that runs natively on any Windows machine from XP onward. Enhance your scripting skills with practical examples and clear explanations. I have tried rencommand, but it just give me abcd. How to return value from vb script to command variable? 3. set path="c:\test\branches\9. Read a text file, find a character and include the previous 3 lines. There are multiple ways to get a new line into the echo. Viewed 360 times 1 . I have a script that look for a String "SiteName" in a file. Goal: Given string "Sun,Granite,Twilight", I want to get each theme value in loop so that I can do some processing with the value. Batch File: Removing carriage return from . I need a similar behavior in Windows using a batch file. You need a newline character \n for this. In Windows: exit /b 1 Share. Modified 10 years, Why have you tagged this question with both NSIS and batch-file? Do you need the answer in a batch file or in NSIS? – Anders. ps1" echo Exited with return code %ERRORLEVEL% or use the & call operator to invoke the Need help to remove carriage return from a text file using batch script. As of now I have: I'm using findstr to search for a string in a file in the following manner: findstr "test" file. prg version 380. I need four lines. In Batch Script, the Left string is used to extract the characters from the beginning of the string by giving position 0 and a length using:~ while expanding a variable I need to automate this procedure with a batch file, as I will have around 80 *. Ask Question Asked 9 years, 5 months ago. batch file find string and give line number off it. doc) DO echo %%i But now I want to put them all in a variable, add a ; in between and echo them all at once. 1:how are you. I want to be able to pull 'D:\Folder' out and check its validity, but I cannot even get my variable to store the right string. CMD - Test if pattern in string : P1 - the pattern : P2 - the string to check :: @echo off echo. TEST. Batch scripts have the following commands which are used to carry out string manipulation in strings: Similar to the Mid function in VB a batch script can return a specified number of characters from any position inside a string by specifying a substring for an expansion given a position and Below is a good starting point using a batch script with a FOR loop simply echoing the path example as per your question and using batch variable substrings accordingly. Am having the same problem when post-build action happened. Anyway, if you insist on using pure Windows batch scripting, you could assemble a new string with ? symbols as separator like in the following script:. txt) I would like to write a script to go into all file. The powershell code (pstest. *\)MyFile. got one - pattern not found ) We can replace strings in a batch file using the following command. Grep and tail combination for Windows equivalent. txt (if I have a lot of . exit /b yourexitcode e. String interpolation is a way to construct a new String value from a mix of constants, variables, literals, and expressions by including their values inside a string literal. The research I've done point me to look out for _scope_ in functions. So in the given example if you run this script and at Batch file: extract part of a string with special chars. "Working" except all four strings are on one line. tmp %%~Za > NUL rem Compare both files with FC /B and get the differences set "hex=" for /F "skip=1 I have . How to return data only from a memoized, cached variable I want to create a batch file to read every line of a file in a loop and replace a string with another one. Query the Windows registry through batch using batch echo with special characters. 2. bat (by aacini). Lastly, that run through the test command is saved to a text file with the -append making each run through the bracketed command add to (instead of replace) the log file. I tried using getline() but I think it I need to assign the output of a program to a variable using a MS batch file. Escape angle brackets in a Windows command prompt. I got stuck in the windows batch(cmd) pattern search. Here is an example::: : Y. Removing carriage returns from a text file using a DOS batch file. @echo off call powershell. I want to make a windows batch file that will call an exe, passing in some arguments and assign the return value to a variable. SpringBatch read() function in ItemReader class return type is String and Want to return FlatFileItemReader , How should i Do it? The read method should return the actual item (a String in your case) and not another reader. Essentially the way the code is designed, it will take the first line of files. Exemple : Test. 3:im fine. How can I do that? set myvar="the list: " for /r %%i In (*. this is the txt file input. txt" Set "OutPutFile=%~dp0Out-Extract. 20 This is StudPrg. The following code will split a string with an arbitrary number of substrings: @echo off setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION REM Set a string with an arbitrary number of substrings separated by semi colons set teststring=The;rain;in;spain REM Do something with each substring :stringLOOP REM Stop when the string is empty if "!teststring!" In this article, we are going to study Left string in Batch Script. I need a batch file to read in a file and read through it line by line. CD C:\MyFolder findstr /c:"stringToCheck" fileToCheck. But I need each string on its own line. I am saving various data in files: paths, numbers etc. txt in %variab. exe version 6. See this answer for when to use -File vs. vbs) that generates a new Guid. Squashman is right in his comment, use a language that is capable of handling XML data natively. pdf files. tsv file. Visit Stack Exchange In general, Windows batch is a poor choice for manipulating text files if you want a robust, general purpose solution, That is why I wrote JREPL. I made an example log. I would like to store the output of the batch file in the variable line. timeout 15 /nobreak The line below is the name of the batch file I made so it will tell CMD to run this again. I have a batch file that reads 1500+ files, finds a specific line of text, then inserts four separate strings. Use the Python "string repetition" # feature to repeat a single space, len_padding times. ps1): I am triggering batch file from Jenkins pipeline. 1) This sample use the multiline caret to add a newline into the command, Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! Please be sure to answer the question. String extraction on parameters will return the filename/folder. result=Msgbox("Are you sure?",vbokcancel, "") WScript. I am starting simple. string; batch-file; cmd; Share. @echo off setlocal call :sum 1 2 echo the answer is %errorlevel% exit /b :sum setlocal set /a "rtn=%1 + If you need a batch substring implementation which is able to accept variables for start-of-string and length of string then I would suggest the following answer: @echo off set sLongString=Abc_123 set StartPos=4 set Len=3 call :Substring %sLongString% %StartPos% %Len% sSubStrResult echo %sSubStrResult% Output: 123 This could possibly a duplicate of several questions out there in the SO, dostips and ss64. How to set commands output as a variable in a batch file Batch file to search for string and return line. I have used FINDSTR with /X option, but it is also appending the patterned matched line to the line number. txt however that's returning an empty file. Improve this answer Storing return value of a command in batch file 0 returning the output of a C# program called by a batch file to that batch file without using temp file read/writes Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Previous code will copy the file if the string was NOT found in the file. In a windows batch file to return a value back to the command shell use. txt) do ( IF %%J EQU MAJORVER ( set currentl Skip to main content Windows. txt" This grep-like helper batch file is called findrepl. doc) DO <what?> echo %myvar% set /p "string=Enter String to send (use !nl! for newline) setlocal enabledelayedexpansion echo %string:"=% The above example is to simply show how to add line breaks to a string. Note: If there is more Hi,I have problems writing a batch file that could extract the last character or strip a string. are you passing the file as first argument to the batch file? If you pass the file and you have rights to write to the log file it should write the information example I look for "Name 1" and in return I first get "Fish", then "potato". Improve this question. In Batch Scripting, the string interpolation can be done using the set command and lining up the numeric defined variables or any other literals in one line when using the Above method can be modified to return encoded strings to be decoded in parent process (within 32 bit limitation). "wanteddata" in another file (test2. test. Improve this answer. The batch script sets 3 new variables, which I want to return, so that I can use them in the python script. Function to return "TRUE/FALSE". @echo off set str1=%1 set str2=%2 set In Pure batch file you can do something like that : @echo off Set "InputFile=TPLIST. bat" "C:\MyFolder" /s /y Previous code copy the file if the string was found. txt files in a folder that this should be ran against. I want to use the return strings from these commands as string variables in my script: systeminfo | findstr /B /C:"OS Name" systeminfo | findstr /B /C:"Registered Owner" If I remember right the %'s have to be %% in a batch or cmd file. Trying to figure out a way to have batch return a line from a log file if a string is repeated. txt" set p=%%~dpnxa if defined p ( echo %p% ) else ( echo File not found ) If the file you searched for was found it will set the variable %p% to the full path of the file including name and extension. call :pause line1!\n!line2, start the subroutine with setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion and end it with setlocal DisableDelayedExpansion I am working on a batch script, and I need a way to remove the lowest-level directory from a full path string. Both SET /P and FOR /F treat a line of input nearly the same way. exe argument >c:\result\outpput. All I have managed to find thus far is how to remove ALL line breaks. How this can be resolved in post-build action of Visual Studio. set obj = CreateObject("Scriptlet. Batch file to output lines after string match, filename. for instance when writing a script to be run on a Visual Studio build process, and you want to display script output on the Build Output window. In Batch Script, the Left string is used to extract the characters from the beginning of the string by giving position 0 and a length using:~ while expanding a variable Return value of a REG QUERY cmd. the calling batch files send the file name to the common bat file. txt), reading: wantedunwanteddata I want to remove the "unwanted" part in that string and output the rest (i. I have created code which loops through each line of files. txt Sample2. popen since I So in above example for file6 it shouldn't return anything but on my machine it returns /cft/ – vesperdolphin. txt like following. tmp file with the same number of Ascii zero characters for %%a in (chr. set Windows batch file timestamp to string. Windows bat - search in file for string and get next results in a variable. Here is my code: for /f %%i in ('dir /b *. For clear understanding below is the flow:-Jenkins Pipeline --> Trigger --> Batch file --> return "FailedProcessList" to >Jenkins --> Store I have a batch file that do the following: 1) Search all the directory under drives (C: D: E: F: G: ) for a "keyword" 2) Return result that the path does NOT contain For example: if "%1"=="" goto Help fails if the first argument to the batch file already contains double quotes around it. bat file that reads the status. tmp file set /P "=%~1" < NUL > chr. see Batch file: Find if substring is in string (not in a file) Share Exactly, am in the situation of @Stella Bici. zip /s /b /od') do set zipfile=%%a But if you want to do this with a batch file for some unknown reason, take a look on batch code below working for your example. So in GNU Bash shell I would use VAR=$(application arg0 arg1). Unix tail and grep equivalent for Windows. Now if I do findstr /r FontFamily\(. g. " This string, C:/dir1/dir2/dir3 is passed in by the user and set as the variable "FullPath". txt and identifies if the file is car, boat or neither and stores this information into SendType. A 3rd illustration, although of limited use (because the variable is set in child process, not parent) is: In a batch file, you have to double up on the percentage signs (%%). how to capture this result ? c:\ cd C:\Windows\System32 start usbinvoke. exe, the Windows PowerShell CLI than the -Command parameter. The strings, I'm looking for, are surrounded by double quotes. I'm trying to write to a file a URL string that has the '&' char in it (using simple 'echo'), problem is that it's a saved char in the command prompt so it fails. %2 | findstr /C:"%1" 1>nul if errorlevel 1 ( echo. You cannot use too many string processing function in batch files, but what you want is possible: @echo off for /f %%I in (inputfile. txt, i want to use string variable to rename the file to abcd_copy. The starting x before %PATH% is only a placeholder to protect against certain "improper" starting characters. One constant string "D80" followed by another string: D80KAAAAAA D80KBBBBBB D80KCCCCCC We want to extract it using a Windows batch script file (not powershell) and FOR loop to get this output: AAAAAA BBBBBB CCCCCC So far we have gotten to this point. So what the usage of not equal? Batch file, string variable comparison, if statement. len_padding = width - len(s) # Return string with spaces appended. And remember you MUST add "SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION" to the top of your batch file or else none of this will work properly. Hot Network Questions Happy 2025! This math equation is finally true Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Visit the blog i want batch file to search in txt file for string and get full line of it. Hot Network Questions CEO of startup is becoming more and more incoherent VBScript has a builtin constant vbCr for the Carriage Return character. set str="jump over the chair" set str=%str:chair=table% These lines work fine and change the string "jump over the chair" to "jump over the table". Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. How to search a string and extract another string pattern from a text file using windows batch script. E. In the batch file I have one variable "FailProcessList" whose value i need to return back to Jenkins and store it in a variable in Jenkins pipeline. Read this answer for details about the commands SETLOCAL set AFTER_UNDERSCORE=%%a. Figure out how many spaces we need to pad it. xml file and finds out the value of the status field. There doesn't appear to be an easy way to get the length of a string in a batch file. Basically, your string will be split into tokens using the underscore as a delimiter (delims=_). bat Say I have a string such as foo:bar:baz, is it possible to loop through this string? It looked like you could tokenize lines of a file but the following will only echo 'foo' once. but I always occupy only the first line. Batch File: for /f "tokens=1-2" %%A in ( ' java Test ' ) do set token1=%%A token2=%%B I am executing above class through batch file. I decided to use subprocess. exe -Command "exit 123" echo Exited with return code %ERRORLEVEL% Will result in: C:\> path\to\script. I have a python script which runs a batch script. Now I want the Delphi-application to return an output value, a string. Follow asked Apr 23, 2010 at 8:40. (ex: I have 2 lines in my text file containing 2 words each (abc, bcd on the first line and cde, def on the second) annd I want the output to be bcd on the first line and cde and def on the second). – MarioVilas. Batch file to search for string and return line. Type HELP CALL or CALL /? from the command prompt for more information about all of the parameter expansion modifiers. 2:yeah . ///Start of Batch file/// For I have a common . In this article, we are going to study Left string in Batch Script. You can pipe the source string to findstr and check the value of ERRORLEVEL to see if the pattern string was found. Example using the L literal switch: echo This is FOO here|repl "FOO" "BAR" L echo and with a file: type "file. @echo off set str1=1,2,3,4,5 set str2=6,7,8,9 call B. It looks for strings like /FontFamily(Rubber Dinghy Rapids)/ occurring inside . How to include a carriage return character with a multiple line var in a windows batch file? 1. exe finished prg finished with return code: 0 status: Analysis detected no Tour Start here for a quick overview of the site Help Center Detailed answers to any questions you might have Meta Discuss the workings and policies of this site @echo off goto :main :strg2hex setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion rem Store the string in chr. txt). txt _____ Sample1. txt" |repl "FOO" "BAR" L >"newfile. Adding a function to get the length of the string Batch Script - Functions with Return Values - Functions can work with return values by simply passing variables names which will hold the return values when a call is made to the function as shown below Files; Batch Script - Syntax; Batch Script - Variables; Batch Script - Comments; Batch Script - Strings; Batch Script - Arrays; Batch C:\folder\yyyy-mm\file. I've had a look and it doesn't seem like there are any in-built options to findstr to return surrounding lines. Example which has regular expressions active: I am using the following simple line in my windows batch file to get the current time stamp to a String format so that I can use it later in the batch file to create a folder with same name. Find substring of a string using Batch file scripts. bat IF NOT ERRORLEVEL 1 XCOPY "C:\OtherFolder\fileToCheck. Batch file - for loop only prints out the first item. I would like my batch script to return "dir3. I want to extract the last character of a string. I've experimented with this, and found out that it relies on REM command blocking parsing of the shell's meta-characters (&|()<>), and the fact that CMD shell does not allow newlines as part of arguments. bat file? Here is a sample code for toUpper: find /c "string" file if %errorlevel% equ 1 goto notfound echo found goto done :notfound echo notfound goto done :done This is really a proof of concept; clean up as it suits your needs. I ACTUALLY need it to return the Return a string from VBS to a batch file. tmp) do fsutil file createnew zero. txt and so on. Inside the batch file to be checked is the line: set tooldir=D:\Folder. The complete list of such “special” substitutions for path names can be found with help for, at the very end of the help: I'm working on writing a Windows batch file that is called by a Java program. Some samples data are shown below. trimSpaces2 retval string -- trims spaces around string and assigns result to variable :: -- retvar [out] variable name to store the result in :: -- string [in] string to trim, must not be in In a batch file I want to Compare a Variable(which is a string) to a set pattern and return a number value. , SET MY_STRING=abcdefg SET /A MY_STRING_LEN=??? How would I find the string length of MY_STRING? Bonus points if the string length function handles all possible characters in strings including escape characters, like this: !%^^()^!. exe -File "path\to\file. se_log @jeb , As stated in the answer of your linked question, it cannot accept newlines as part of the argument. 1\_build" I need get the first value after the branches value : 9. So far, this is the only command that I've tried. A value of zero indicates success and the pattern was found. How can I return multiple values from a powershell script to the batch file that is calling it? I have a powershell script that returns multiple values. rem // Set ErrorLevel and exit code to a random number: cmd /C exit %RANDOM% rem // Return the last digit of the hexadecimal exit code: echo %=ExitCode:~-1% I am having issues with a problem accomplished very easily in most languages but I can't seem to figure it out in batch. But it is definitely possible to have a pure batch script read a string that contains a carriage return (<CR>). ; Your problem is with the PowerShell I am trying to write a script that will check another batch script setup for a tool I am running. I've tried to search online, but couldn't find anything useful. -Command. TypeLib") WScript. Calling a batch file with a string variable as a parameter only shows first word of string. bat (by dbenham). Quit [Value] in your two Hta code (or in the first if you just want to check the first). If this is the case, the whole string, which contains this substring, should be printed out. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. batch file to search in txt file for string and get the full line off the string. txt>test2. A number of different strings denoting file directories are passed into the batch file as parameters. I know the following batch command echos all the files: for /r %%i In (*. 24 debug enabled version StudPrg. Find String in text file using batch script. This script internally invokes GitHub APIs to get the target branch which is to be set on some variable in Jenkinsfile(code snippet given below): Jenkinsfile If you'd rather have the function work up to the limit of characters a variable can carry, you can increase the 100 to 8192, but that'll cause the for /L loop to loop 8192 times regardless of whether broken by exit /b 1. txt file that may contain various words on various lines and I just want to remove the first word in the first line. The bracketed command writes output of whatever path is being tested, the string "is present: ", and the results of the test-path command for that path. cmd: How to extract part of a string? 0. exe') do set "dow=%%a" What it does is execute the indicated command, retrieve its output and for each line in it, execute the code after the do clause, with the line retrieved stored inside the for replaceable parameter ( %%a in this case) Here is a method to create a random hexadecimal digit that relies on the undocumented built-in environment variable =ExitCode, which returns the exit code as an 8-digit hexadecimal number:. bat %str1% %str2% B. 10. for example @echo off set string=3: echo the full line off the string is %fullline% pause Well, for just getting the filename of your batch the easiest way would be to just use %~n0. Commented Jun 6, 2013 at 13:54. @echo %~n0 will output the name (without the extension) of the currently running batch file (unless executed in a subroutine called by call). Check whether a sub-string contains string. txt This is returning the line where test is found, but I would like to return the 3 lines above and below the matching line. but my solutions is simple and straight forward but still problem exists . If you want a custom reader that delegates to a FlatFileItemReader, you can do something like:. For example, I have three directories: Batch file to search for string and return line. txt, search for a unique ID in the file always at the beginning of the line (may or may not recur in the different months), return/append the folder name (yyyy-mm) at the front of the whole line that matches the search into a new text file, and move on to the next month. Search in specific txt. This batch file is then called by other batch files for finding out status value. file1 = the file I read in that was given by the user. Also I don't have privilege to install any utility like unix-utilities so that I can use cut to extract the line number. Find a string included carriage return in a file - Windows batch. substring(var1. batch file extract number from string using regex? 1. This command is implicitly called by Windows command processor on exiting execution of a batch file for each SETLOCAL not yet completed with explicit execution of corresponding ENDLOCAL. bat. FOR with option /F with string in round brackets enclosed in straight single quotes results in starting in background cmd. I found how to deal with output values when calling applications from a batch file (How do I get the result of a command in a variable in windows? If you will be passing the string with newlines as a parameter to a batch subroutine, e. I found string functions like toUpper for batch files here, and also on stackoverflow, but I am unable to figure out how to use them. exe /c with using %ComSpec% /c with the string in round brackets as additional arguments It can be called with a path to a text file containing a SQL statement as input parameter and executes it. What i want to do is If string = "SiteName" return corresponding ID number. To stop the batch file just press ctrl+c. I have a . In my batch script I have a variable, zipfile, that is dynamically assigned as the most recent Zip file in folder and subfolders: for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('dir d:\temp\*. Ask Question Asked 9 years, 3 months ago. mebflfvbwafkcakwismucutaeompjqmbnfdrhjgnsbaujwlvsoeuevwodbnceqwkpvasqovyaxu