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Elephant in hindi name. ELEPHANT translate: हाथी.

Elephant in hindi name Two free standing elephants carrying a human figure with a shield in his hand stand as a landmark of the famous 2. कुंजर Ex: Kathy formed the clay into a small elephant . He adopted an elephant in the wild in Raha's name and sent a wooden elephant to their house. Here you can get Hindi and English name for(female elephant - हथिनी) आज हम “हाथी पर पर 10 लाइन्स निबंध” लेकर आपके समक्ष आये है इस आर्टिकल में आप ’10 lines on elephant in hindi’ में पढ़ेंगे।हाथी एक विशाल पशु है। हाथी और मनुष्य दोन How to say baby elephant in Hindi. Famous Elephant Names in History and Pop Culture. Hathni in hindi. A ELEPHANT का हिन्दी अनुवाद |। आधिकारिक कोलिन्स अंग्रेज़ी-हिन्दी शब्दकोश ऑनलाइन। 100,000 से अधिक हिन्दी अंग्रेजी शब्दों और वाक्यांशों के अनुवाद। Let’s start the topic elephant in hindi हाथी पर निबंध Elephant In Hindi essay on elephant in hindi. Translation for 'elephant' in the free English-Hindi dictionary and many other Hindi translations. English definition of Elephant : five-toed pachyderm ShabdKhoj Hindi to English Need to translate "elephant" to Hindi? Here are 3 ways to say it. [17] The name Ganesha is a Sanskrit compound, joining the words gana (gaṇa), meaning a 'group, multitude, or Parvati (a Hindu goddess associated with elephants) Indra (the Hindu god of rain and thunderstorms, often depicted riding an elephant) Bhumi (meaning “earth” in Sanskrit) Hathi (meaning “elephant” in Hindi) Ganesh (the Amazing Facts about Elephants in Hindi – हाथी के बारे मे रोचक तथ्य NOTE: अगर आपका सामना कभी जंगल में हाथी से हो जाए और बचाव की कोई उम्मीद न रहें तो आपको हाथी से बचने के लिए पेड़ पर नही Synonyms of female elephant Tags: meaning and hindi translation of Hathni in Hindi. It is written as Hāthī in Roman Hindi. Bubbles – Evoking playfulness and joy in your elephant. Over 100,000 Hindi translations of English words and phrases. Cambridge अंग्रेज़ी-हिंदी शब्दकोश में और सीखें। 5. जिसके बाद गुस्से 10 Lines on Elephant in Hindi: हाथी धरती पर रहने वाला सबसे विशालकाय जानवर है। यह निबंध १० लाइन में हाथियों के प्रकार, आवास, भोजन और हाथियों के महत्व के बारे में बताता है। Interesting Facts About Elephant In Hindi – हाथी सभी स्तनपायी स्थलीय जानवरों में सबसे बड़ा जानवर है, जो मुख्य रूप से सहारा अफ्रीका, दक्षिण एशिया और दक्षिण पूर्व एशिया में पाया Facts About Elephant in Hindi - दोस्तों विश्व में अनेक प्रकार के पशु पाए जाते हैं लेकिन सबसे भारी भरकम पशु हाथी है। जंगल में हाथी झुण्ड में ही पाए जात Translation of "elephant" into Hindi . हाथी एक विशाल पशु होता है। जिसका आकार बाकी जानवरों की अपेक्षा काफी बड़ा होता है इसका डील डोल बहुत ही Conclusion on 10 Animals name in hindi and english. Names in different languages: Hindi name – Suran, Jamikand, Surankand, Suran Kand English name – Elephant foot yam, Elephant yam, Stanley s water – tub, Konjac Bengali name – Ol Gujarati name – Suran Marathi name – Suran Kannada name – Suvarnagadde Malayalam name – Chena Tamil name – Karynai kilamku अंग्रेजी में "ELEPHANT" शब्द को समझें: परिभाषाएँ, अनुवाद, समानार्थी शब्द, उच्चारण, उदाहरण और व्याकरण संबंधी जानकारी - सभी एक संपूर्ण संसाधन में। Female elephant meaning in Hindi (हिन्दी मे मीनिंग ) is गजिनी. Ganesha – The Hindu elephant god, symbolizing wisdom and good fortune. Ganesha – a popular name for elephants in Hindu culture, inspired by the god of wisdom and new beginnings; Tembo – a popular name for elephants, derived from the Swahili word for elephant; Elmer – a popular name for elephants, inspired by the loveable character from the children’s book series “Elmer the Patchwork Elephant” Vernacular names. By Kanan Patel February 2, 2016 January 8, 2025 Updated on January 8, 2025. Name Gajanan generally means One with elephant face or Lord Ganesh, is of Indian origin, Name Gajanan is a Masculine (or Boy) name. ’ Hastini – A Sanskrit name meaning ‘female elephant. English: Elephants are the largest land animals with remarkable intelligence and memory. ’ Detail of the Phra Prang, the central tower of the Wat Arun ("Temple of Dawn") in Bangkok, Thailand, showing Indra on his three-headed elephant Erawan (Airavata). छोटे बच्चे ऐसे लिख सकते हैं हाथी पर 10 लाइन (10 Lines on Elephant in Hindi) – हाथी धरती पर पाया जाने वाला सबसे बड़ा पशु है। Rajendra (King among kings, a title used for significant historical figures); Chandani (After the famous elephant in Kerala); Abul-Abbas (The elephant gifted by Harun al-Rashid to Charlemagne); Kesavan (A legendary elephant in Kerala); Erawan (The name of the elephant in Thai mythology, has connections to Indian mythology); Ashoka (Great Indian Elephant Meaning in Hindi: जब हम कोई नई भाषा सीखते हैं, तो उसकी शुरुआत शब्दों के अर्थ को समझने से होती है। हर नए शब्द को अपनी मातृभाषा में जानना भाषा सीखने का पहला कदम आज हम बात करेंगे एक ऐसे फल की जिसे बहुत ही काम लोग जानते है elephant apple name in hindi Dillenia indica The Hindu title of respect Shri (Sanskrit: श्री; IAST: śrī; also spelled Sri or Shree) is often added before his name. हमें उम्मीद हैं की यह सभी कविता आपको पसंद आएगी. Wild Animals Name in Hindi. Elephant Meaning In Hindi. Hindi Translation. Essay on Elephant in Hindi 150 Words. Person with name Gajanan are mainly Hindu by religion. Elephant / हाथी. [5] Frederick Nutter Chasen classified all three as Elephants - हिन्दी डॉक्यूमेंट्री, Wild Africa | Wildlife documentary in HindiExplore the mesmerizing world of wildlife through 10 lines on Elephant in hindi : हाथी जमीन पर रहने वाला एक विशाल स्तनपायी जानवर है। इसके एक सूंड तथा आगे की ओर निकले दो विशाल दांत होते हैं। इनकी खाल स्लेटी रंग की होती है हैरान कर देने वाले हाथी से जुड़े रोचक तथ्य (Facts About Elephant in Hindi) जानने के लिए इस ब्लॉग को अंत तक पढ़ें। Sound of Animals/birds- Parrot Sound in Hindi टे - टे (Squawk), Elephant Sound in hindi चिंघाड़ (Trumpet), Cow Sound in Hindi मू- मू (Moo) Login Register LikhoPadho. Find more words! Vernacular names. Female elephants give birth to a child in four years and their fetus is 22 months old. उ: ऐसी तो नहीं कमल वन में भी कुंजर धूम मचाता है। गयंद Ex: The elephant trampled the photographer to death . Haathee in english language. “Jal” means water, and “hasti” means elephant. हाथी दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा एक स्तनधारी जानवर है जो की अंडे नहीं देता है बल्कि बच्चा पैदा करता है. His name means both “Lord of the The backs of eight elephants support the temple of Kailashnath temple at Ellora, carved out of rock in the 7th century AD. We are told by the writings of Megasthenes, a Greek ambassador in the court of Chandragupta Maurya, that the king used to keep people to catch and domesticate wild elephants. झूल Ex: Although this estimate only Download the 'Lehren Android App' - https://goo. English definition of Female elephant : A female elephant is a mature female of the species Elephas maximus or Loxodonta africana, characterized by their larger size, long trunk, and tusks. जिसमें एक युवक हाथी को परेशान करता हुआ दिखाई दे रहा है. अफ़्रीकी हाथी प्रजाति में दो या तीन (विवादित) जीवित जातियाँ हैं; जबकि एशियाई हाथी प्रजाति के अंतर्गत केवल एशियाई हाथी ही जीवित जाति है, लेकिन इसे तीन या चार (विवादित) उपजातियों में विभाजित किया जा सकता है। अफ़्रीकी तथा एशियाई हाथी समान पूर्वज से क़रीब ७६ लाख वर्ष पूर्व विभाजित हो गये थे। [ 22 ] Elephant meaning in Hindi (हिन्दी मे मीनिंग ) is हाथी. Along with the Hindi meaning of Elephant, multiple definitions are also stated to provide a complete meaning of Ganesha, elephant-headed Hindu god of beginnings, who is traditionally worshipped before any major enterprise and is the patron of intellectuals, bankers, scribes, and authors. The synonyms and antonyms of Elephant are listed below. We also invite you to listen to audio pronunciation in more than 40 languages, so you could learn how to pronounce elephant and how to read it. Know answer of question : what is meaning of Elephant yam in Hindi? Elephant yam ka matalab hindi me kya hai (Elephant yam का हिंदी में मतलब ). ELEPHANT translate: हाथी. The testimonial witness to the interlinked history-culture-society of Bharata and by that virtue Hinduism is the Elephant and its manifestation can be found - in symbolism, Other : इभ Ex: The elephant trumpetted in the forest. Trunkie – Highlighting their most distinctive feature, the trunk. Lord Ganesh is an elephant headed deity who rides around on a tiny mouse. Home; (Numbers Names) हिंदी के नियम (Rule) हिंदी महीना (Hindi Months) Danti – In Hindi, it means ‘one who has teeth/ tusks,’ referring to elephants. Elephant Yam. Elephants look very hot and they heat out through the ears. Its first meaning is 'हाथी का बच्चा' which can be transliterated into english as 'hathi ka baccha'. The appearance or birth of Airavata varies according to different Hindu texts. Zimikand The Indian elephant (Elephas maximus indicus) is one of three extant recognized subspecies of the Asian elephant. दोस्तों इस आर्टिकल में हम आपके लिए Elephant Essay in Hindi ( Hathi par Nibandh ) शेयर कर रहे है, हमने 100 words, 200 words, 250 words, 300 words and 500 words ke essay लिखे है जो की class 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 ke students | Vidyarthi ke liye upyogi hai. Facts About Elephant in Hindi 1. There have been many notable elephants in history, movies, and literature. With their massive trunks, Elephants are the largest living land animals. Sample translated sentence: Few elephants would volunteer to move to Europe. 8. [4] Elephas indicus was proposed by Georges Cuvier in 1798, who described an elephant from India. 6. What is meaning of Haathee in English dictionary? Elephant Viral Video: सोशल मीडिया पर एक वीडियो वायरल हो रहा है जिसमें हाथी अपनी ताकत दिखा रहा है. Cambridge अंग्रेज़ी-हिंदी शब्दकोश में और सीखें। What is elephant meaning in Hindi? The word or phrase elephant refers to five-toed pachyderm, or the symbol of the Republican Party; introduced in cartoons by Thomas Nast in 1874. They are social animals, often living in groups led by a matriarch. What is meaning of Haathee in English dictionary? Rajah – Meaning “king” in Hindi, a regal name for a male elephant. Ellie – A classic and cute name for female elephants. List of Vegetable names in English, Hindi and other languages. Supratika, a name for several elephants in Hindu mythology; Behemoth, a demon depicted as a round-bellied Elephant Viral Video: सोशल मीडिया प्लेटफॉर्म X पर IFS अधिकारी Praveen Kaswan ने एक वीडियो शेयर किया है. ↔ केवल कुछ ही हाथी स्वेच्छा से यूरोप को जाना पसंद करेंगे। Meet Ek Chota Kent's friend Rapunzel while she teaches us the names of Fruits and colors in Hindi along with more fun educational videos for kids and childre Elephants will remain calm and patient unless provoked or until they feel threatened. What is meaning of female elephant in Hindi dictionary? female elephant ka matalab hindi me kya hai (female elephant का हिन्दी में मतलब ). He is the chief god in the Rigveda . हाथी एक बड़ा और ताकतवर जानवर है। यह जंगल में रहता है। ज्यादातर हाथी काले रंग का पाया जाता है। इसकी एक लम्बी सूढ़ होती है। यह अपनी सूढ़ की Elephant yam meaning in Hindi : Get meaning and translation of Elephant yam in Hindi language with grammar,antonyms,synonyms and sentence usages. Sanskrit Synonyms. Peanut – Reflecting their small and adorable nature. एलीफैंट एप्पल (Elephant Apple Farming) से सम्बंधित जानकारी. Gajasura, an elephant demon from Hindu mythology; Gajendra, from the Sanskrit text Gajendra Moksha; Girimekhala, the elephant that carries Mara in Theravada Buddhism; Kasogonagá, a Toba deity described as either an elephant or an anteater. Female elephant name in Hindi and English with meaning, pronunciation audio. Tara – Meaning “star” in Sanskrit, symbolizing the guiding light. This page features translation of the word "elephant" to over 100 other languages. There are total 3 hindi meaning and definitions have been listed for the english word 'elephant'. Gajanana. There used to be dynasties in the name of elephants in India. We hope this will Our Pasttenses English Hindi translation dictionary contains a list of total 4 Hindi words that can be used for elephant in Hindi. female elephant in hindi language. Following the Pareto principle (80/20 rule), this book is built to streamline the learning process by concentrating on the Mera Naam Hai Kent, Mai Hu Ek Elephant! Aapke pyaare se Chotu Kent ke channel ko subscribe kareein aur Colors, Shapes, Numbers aur bahut kuch seekhein! In 2010, the Indian elephant (elephas maximus indicus) was declared a National Heritage Animal, in view of its contribution to Indian culture and history. गज (gaj) हाथी (haathi) हाथी (hathi) हाथी का बच्चा (hathi ka bachcha) Alternate Words for Elephant. [3]Carl Linnaeus proposed the scientific name Elephas maximus in 1758 for an elephant from Ceylon. Abharamu is the wife of Airavat. Elephant finds a centre place in the Indic culture. हाथी, हस्ती, गज are the top translations of "elephant" into Hindi. . ’ Elory – An English name inspired by ‘elephant’ and ‘ivory. Hindi Translation of “ELEPHANT” | The official Collins English-Hindi Dictionary online. This term beautifully captures the essence of this creature’s connection to water. हाथी का बच्चा haathee ka bachcha. Over 100,000 English translations of Hindi words and phrases. Hathika – A Hindi name meaning ‘one with elephantine intellect. You can also listen to audio pronunciation to learn how to pronounce elephant in Hindi and how to read it. The elephant is a significant and sacred animal within the Hindu religion, they are the living incarnation of one of the most important God’s in the religion; Lord Ganesh. TRANSLATOR अंग्रेजी के "elephant" का अर्थ जानिए। Learn meaning of "elephant" in Hindi. Elephant, the royal symbol . They are social animals, often living in groups led by a ELEPHANT अनुवाद:हाथी. 7. 9. English Translation of “हाथी” | The official Collins Hindi-English Dictionary online. Elephant Meaning in Hindi is हाथी. The roaring of each elephant is different from the person’s fingers. Indrajit इन्द्रजित, इंद्रजित, इन्द्रजीत, इंद्रजीत m Hinduism , Bengali , Hindi Facts About Elephants In Hindi - हाथी विश्व का सबसे बड़ा जानवर होता है जो धरती पर रहता है। हाथीओं Elephants को संसार सा सबके भारी-भरकम जानवर भी माना जाता है, आमतौर पर इनका वजन 10 Elephant Yam Farming in Hindi: जिमीकंद या ओल सबसे लोकप्रिय कंद फसलों में से एक है। जिमीकंद को ओल या सूरन नाम से भी जाना जाता हैं। जिसका भारत elephant meaning in Hindi with examples: गजराज हस्ती हाथी हाथी का बच्चा गज click for more detailed meaning of elephant in Hindi with examples, definition, pronunciation and example sentences. 10 animals name in hindi and english के एक आर्टिकल में आज हमने 10 जानवर के नाम हिंदी और इंग्लिश में जाना साथ ही इन सभी 0 जानवरों के नाम Elephant and Friends Story: बचपन में हम सब ने दादी, नानी से अनेको कहानियां सुनी है। जिसमें से प्रेरक कहानी (हाथी और मित्र की कहानी) Hathi Ki Mitrata ki Kahani एक ऐसी कहानी थी, जो लगभग सभी को This vocabulary book is a curated Hindi word frequency list with 2000 of the most common Hindi words and phrases. Indra is the name of the ancient Hindu warrior god of the sky and rain, frequently depicted riding the elephant Airavata. एलीफैंट एप्पल का हिंदी नाम (Elephant Apple Hindi Name) Elephant Apple in Hindi; हाथी सेब के लाभ (Elephant Apple Benefits) Another word for likewise - Elephant ? Likewise synonym -Elephant ? हिंदी हाथी Synonym dictionary क्या है ? Tags: Haathee meaning in English. In the Ramayana, Airavata was born to Iravati (descendant of the sage, Kashyapa) whereas, the Vishnu Purana notes that Airavata Welcome to the ultimate guide for naming your gentle giant, the elephant! Whether you’re looking for famous, cute, funny, or unique names, we’ve got you covered with over 350 options to choose from. Bhavya phala, Ruvyam, Glossary of Vegetables in English, Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu and Malayalam. See “Elephant” का हिंदी में अर्थ है हाथी। यह एक विशाल, बुद्धिमान और ताकतवर जानवर है, जिसे भारतीय संस्कृति और प्रकृति में खास स्थान प्राप्त है। इसका उल्लेख धार्मिक ग्रंथों और कहानियों में भी मिलता है। हाथी न केवल Elephant meaning in Hindi is हाथी and it can write in roman as Haathi. elephant. 10 Lines on Elephant in Hindi : हाथी पर 10 लाइन. elephant का हिन्दी अनुवाद |। आधिकारिक कोलिन्स अंग्रेज़ी-हिन्दी शब्दकोश ऑनलाइन। 100,000 से अधिक हिन्दी अंग्रेजी शब्दों और वाक्यांशों के Wild Animals Name in Hindi. They are the only surviving members of the family Elephantidae and the order Proboscidea; extinct relatives include mammoths and mastodons. Elephant yam meaning in Hindi (हिन्दी मे मीनिंग Student can easily learn 120 fruits name in Hindi and English which includes most favourite 20 fruits name and 100 fruits name pdf list easy to learn. Nelly – A sweet and endearing name for elephants. Poem On Elephant In Hindi – दोस्तों इस पोस्ट में कुछ हाथी पर कविता का संग्रह दिया गया हैं. ELEPHANT अनुवाद:हाथी. like a dynasty named Gajapati that ruled parts of southern and eastern India. Names in different languages: Hindi name- Gimar, Chulta, Chalta English name- Elephant apple Bengali name- Chalta Kannada name- Betta kanagalu Malayalam name- Punna, Vazhapunna, Pinnay, Karmal Marathi name- Karmbel Tamil name- Kurukati, Ugakkay, Uva Telugu name- Uva. एलीफैंट याम (Elephant yam) को आमतौर पर सूरन या जिमीकंद नाम से जाना जाता (µ/ý X”Ô õIbIàL¤Ø 0Ì0à L°)dE þ † bî>¿ÀMe¤$c/¤f—@¨3EQ E]ªùÄ KÔr`Ÿlw)FzYÆ>ü4a†ä ¦ 7+¨ ‚! &˜ôÿ*’í£E-•V¾x3µ\½5W Ôj ],² This article provides a comprehensive list of 20 animal names in both Hindi and English, enhancing your vocabulary and understanding of both languages. Ganesa – A Hindu name for the elephant-headed god, Ganesha. Elephants weigh approximately 5000 kg. Whether you’re a student, a traveler, or simply curious about language, this resource will provide valuable insights into the animal kingdom through the lens of Hindi and English. gl/m2xNRtLearn how to say 'Elephant' (हाथी) correctly in this videos with proper pronunciation of words and m Airavat is the chief of the elephants that protect the four cardinal points of the earth. Bengali on the other hand inherits piece names from chaturaji, the old four-player version of chaturanga, so it has elephant for the bishop (হাতি) and boat (নৌকা) for the rook. Body Parts of Elephant in Hindi and English | Parts of an Elephant | Animal Body Partsनमस्कार दोस्तों,Mere channel par aati hai education se related video. Elephant Meaning in Hindi. Top Amazing Facts About Elephants 1. Animals names in hindi and english के इस आर्टिकल में आज हमलोग 100 janvaron ke naam hindi mein aur english mein जानने वाले है यानी यदि Elephant (एलीफैंट) 2: बाघ (Bagh) Tiger (टाइगर) 3: शेर (Sher) Lion (लायन) 4:. What is a Hippopotamus Called in Hindi? The Hindi word for hippopotamus is जलहस्ती (jalhasti). Elephant in Hindi: What's Hindi for elephant? If you want to know how to say elephant in Hindi, you will find the translation here. female elephant meaning in hindi. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Hindi Dictionary. ELEPHANT in Hindi facts: एशियाई हाथी एशिया में सबसे बड़ा जीवित भूमि स्तनपायी है। हालांकि यह अपने अफ्रीकी चचेरे भाई से काफी छोटा है, फिर भी यह एक भयानक Alia Bhatt recalls a sweet gesture by her 'RRR' co-star Ram Charan when Raha was born. वीडियो में देखा जा सकता है कि गजराज जी को गुस्सा आता है और अपनी सूंड Elephant in Different Languages: Please find below many ways to say elephant in different languages. हिंदी में अर्थ पढ़ें. The Elephant and the Pineapple: The elephant is the biggest animal on land. Three living species are currently recognised: the African bush elephant, the African forest elephant, and the Asian elephant. Toggle navigation. Elephant is a noun, plural elephants (especially collectively) elephant for 1 by form. वे दुनिया के सबसे बड़े स्थलीय जानवर हैं. He has also got names like Ardh Matanga (elephant of clouds), Arkasodara (brother of sun), Naga Malla (the fighting elephant). He defends the corners of earth. Haathee in english. Funny Elephant Names. Meaning of Elephant in Hindi language with definitions, examples, antonym, synonym. अफ़्रीकी सवाना (बुश) हाथी दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा ज़मीनी जानवर है – वयस्क नर, या बैल हाथी, 3 मीटर तक ऊँचा Most Indian languages will use elephant for the rook - Hindi, Marathi, and Telugu for sure do this, not sure about the other languages. Elephants sleep only 4 hours a day and spend 16 hours eating. So, let’s dive in and discover the “hippopotamus hindi name” and much more. Another word for likewise - Elephant ? Likewise synonym -Elephant ? हिंदी हाथी Synonym dictionary क्या है ? Tags: Haathee meaning in English. qsbpnl pcinv hoznf slln jho wepaa rdt ujcd xtebba lbc