Fuzz face transistor selection Today we dive into the wonderful world of the germanium Fuzz Face. 2 input cap to cut a little bass, and ran a . Thanks in advance for the guidance! I liked the way Bonamassa fuzz sounds on youtube clips and even more I liked the idea of Russian germanium transistors because they are cheaper an according to fellow DIY-ers much more consistent than what’s left from the western world germanium transistor supplies. I have made this NPN fuzz face on the breadboard, but I finally got my PNP transistors today--I don't fully understand what I need to change as far as the transistors go. This is the next level Fuzz Face you know you were looking for! Jan 31, 2019 · This is why today, I would like to introduce you to my old buddy, the AC128 germanium transistor , exclusively used in my handmade Mercer Box and KATAPULT pedals . Classic germanium fuzz tone in a smaller box, you can't go wrong with the Dunlop Germanium Fuzz Face Mini Distortion Pedal! Dec 21, 2010 · In the years since, Dunlop, who have made the Fuzz Face since the ’90s, worked with Bonamassa to create the ultimate Fuzz Face for his searing blues style and humbucker-centric approach. I would say model of the transistor and leakage play a larger role. Germanium Transistor Selection - Biasing the Fuzz Face: It is crucial to select the right transistors in order to archive the best sounding box. Aug 27, 2020 · It's probably the loudest fuzz you will every own if you ever feel the need to fully crank the Level - for me it just sounds immense every way - and the Feel (balance between feedback of Silicon and Germanium Transistors), Tone and rear-accessible Bias control give you all the Fuzz Face variety and more that you might want - this is essential a The ‘MK1. Sold it off in the 1970's. Jan 6, 2025 · All the original Fuzz Faces that I've handled use the flat yellow polyester film capacitor marked 0. May 20, 2007 · The new Fuzz Face PCB and Layout that I have drawn is based on the Axis Face circuit board, which is quite possibly the smallest and most compact Fuzz Face circuit board available. its really more about the gain in the case of fuzz. This is the next level Fuzz Face you know you were looking for! Jun 9, 2021 · Does the diode clipping make transistor selection a little less critical? IMHO, it makes it a very different effect. It's done the same way as the Ge threads you saw, but Ground will be negative (if using NPN Si transistors) as opposed to PNP Ge transistor. Take two identical random silicon transistors (for more mojo: your fav fuzz silicons) 2. You could take a Darlington pair and even use it as your transistor in an LPB1 boost or recovery stage of a big muff. At long last, you can buy a great-sounding germanium-transistor Fuzz Face for around a hundred bucks. MOD ===== BEGIN SPICE MODEL ===== * AC128 PNP Germanium Transistor * * SPICE The Epsilon Silicon Fuzz is based on the 1970 version of the Dallas-Arbiter Fuzz Face, the first to use uses NPN silicon transistors. Germanium transistors tend to have high leakage current and an inconsistent gain value (Hfe). ) No need to stand in line or pay crazy prices for a Sunface. Our V C B for Q 2 is typically around 4-5V. Germanium Fuzz Face type Mosky Black Rat. This rare variant features a red case with painted black font, which pre-dates red Fuzz Face models with white font decals. Sili-Face. The way the buttons and logo were placed on the pedal suggest a (smiling The Fuzz Face Typical 2-stage amp Circuit Analysis Idle condition: Current through R2 is 300𝑚𝑉 470Ω = 638µA, current through R3 is 4,200𝑚𝑉 8200Ω = 512µA. Later production models actually used the BC108 , and contrary to how picky people can act about the circuit and germanium, it is still the exact same Dec 3, 2024 · here're si voltages from gggyou're not far off Q1 Collector 1. More Information The exact gain characteristics of the 2N3565 transistors used in the original Astrotone are not known, but it doesn’t matter too much. Another really good silicon fuzz face. Mar 17, 2023 · After spending several hours playing through a breadboarded Fuzz Face and a Peppermint Fuzz, I can confirm that the 3AX31C sounds and behaves exactly like a good germanium transistor. Hornet Fuzz - Fuzz Face, Tone Bender, Big Muff all in one? Yeah, it does. Many transistor options are available. Rat clone with vintage/turbo options Rowin Frenzy Fuzz More modern “ripping Velcro” style Twinote Pi Fuzz. No crackling, hiss, or other problems. Apr 15, 2014 · One of Piera’s offerings, the Analog Man Sun Face, is a hand-built fuzz pedal offered with an a la carte selection of transistors, from white-dot high-gain NKT-275s to red-dot NKT-275s, BC108s, BC109s, and other germanium and silicon options. Cut off one COLLECTOR 4. Pretty good, but more gravelly than I like. Germanium Fuzz. Please inquire and we can discuss! All of my transistors are carefully selected for gain, leakage and - most importantly - sound. I noticed that the schematics i have seen for the foxx tone master use all the same transistors 2n3565 , 2n5088 or 2n5089. If ever there was an essential addition to a rig then the Fuzz Face surely is it. Setting up a Sziklai Darlington pair is truly a way to turn trash to gold. Eric Johnson's signature fuzz face uses silicon BC183C transistors, which aren't that easy to find but are a bit cheaper than the germaniums and, if you find them, you don't need to be quite as discerning to get good ones as the specs are a lot tighter. 4v Base 0. Grab a good old Dunlop Mini Reissue Fuzz Face or a JHS 3 series fuzz ( a modded Fuzz Face. Diode selection FUZZ 1KB / 2KB VOL 470-500KA Oh my. the quietest, is probably the liberal komrade variant, with 300-500hfe (ish) which is very saturated sounding with great sustain, but not as much output as the lower gain transistors. 73V on the collector of Q 2, which is very near the 9V rail and a poor bias voltage. Dunlop's engineering department examined numerous vintage Fuzz Face pedals, honing in on a few units which possessed that unmistakable Jimi voodoo. I didn't realize analog man had so many transistor choices for the sun face, and am somewhat overwhelmed. Oct 29, 2007 · The JB Fuzz Face has a vintage-style board and components (even the original type pots), and uses selected Russian germanium transistors, it is not the cheap-ass printed circuit board with all board mounted jacks and pots that the current red Dunlop FF uses. I doubt anyone can count all the fuzz face variants, clones and "original circuits" based on it since its release in 1966. I changed the value of the 330 resistor to add more volume, reduced the value of the 2. I’ve sort of covered this a little bit before courtesy of my 6 Potent Fuzz Face Pairings feature and also my piece on Key Fuzz Transistors, while this offers a more comprehensive and expansive overview. While Dallas had made the shift from germanium to silicon in 1969, the first versions used PNP transistors in a positive-ground arrangement just like the germanium version. It is a bit different for germanium version of the pedal due to vast variability in transistor parameters. this MkII stage 1 example or both common emitter amps in the Maestro FZ-1 and Tonebender Mk1), which is a large part of why precise transistor selection or circuit tweaks can be necessary to achieve a desired bias voltage. I had also seen much written about the complexities of proper biasing and transistor selection, which made the Fuzz Face a bit more more daunting for me, still a relative novice. Since then I just build them, they are pretty easy. ) Oct 12, 2018 · The transistor is socketed in a fuzz face I built a few years back that has been sitting in a drawer unused for the since I built it a few years back. It seems to be ever popular thing to do, so why not. Mar 31, 2016 · Dunlop FFM2 Fuzz Face Mini (with germanium transistors) If you’re using a germanium transistor fuzz face, it’s important to understand that the transistors are very unstable. 2 days ago · I have two fuzz pedals at present, a Langtronics Fuzz (hand built in England with AC128) and a Solid Gold FX Formula 69 (Montreal builder, silicon transistors). Bonus question (lol): what's your favourite model? This interest was sparked by fuzz Labradors recent silicon transistor sound Jan 7, 2025 · Quote from: Cozybuilder on July 12, 2015, 09:22:05 AM A couple of days ago I breaded one of these, with 2N3904 for Q1, and 2N5088 for Q2. The TRANSISTORS. In any case perfect for Fuzz face or Tonebender builds. A transistor has three legs - A collector, base and emitter (CBE) . F. This NKT 275 dual germanium transistor example remains 100% all original and in perfect working condition. Sep 1, 2021 · Here’s the Fuzz Face diagram once more: Silicon Fuzz Face (click for larger image) It is slightly different from the bare bones schematic. Mar 16, 2013 · HFE ratings matter much more with GE transistors, not as much with silicon transistors. history. There are lots of miniscule details about them, no worries, most had tolerance differences but mostly sounded the same. Crack the champagne. B Transistors and their selection - The circuit has a negative ground and uses NPN transistors. There was a later silicon Schaller Fuzz unit, but the circuit was changed to accommodate the silicon transistors. Jan 4, 2018 · 12 favourite Fuzz Face Style Fuzzes. 5’ was copied by Arbiter (for their Fuzz Face), as well as by EME/Jen, for the Italian-built ‘Vox Tone Bender’ (model v828). Hope this helps. Tie the BASES together, 3. The Tone Bender ‘MK1. While the first version of the Tonebender was essentially a slightly tweaked Fuzz Face, the Mark 2 version added a single-transistor boost in front of it. As a player, this is one the most remarkable things about While most germanium transistors are PNP, there are some NPNs, and they do make good Fuzz Face clones. Without as much overdrive dynamic as a FF. Keep going back to the full size Dunlop red ones. The fuzz face is a legend. The schematic abo Feb 2, 2021 · This article has been much requested - following on from my similar takes on the 7 Key Big Muff varieties and 9 Key Tone Bender varieties. NOTA: Antes de nada debo indicar que este artículo tiene más de dos décadas ya y, aunque todo lo que aquí se expone sigue siendo útil y relevante, os suguiero que depués de leerlo os paséis por esta otra página donde expongo una actualización del año 2023 del montaje de un Fuzz Face mejorado, mucho más actualizado, detallado y de una calidad extraordinaria: el ULE. The good thing about silicon transistors is that they're cheap and plentiful - unlike Germanium! This means the player can have 2 pre-set gain levels that toggle along with transistor selection. I liked the way Bonamassa fuzz sounds on youtube clips and even more I liked the idea of Russian germanium transistors because they are cheaper an according to fellow DIY-ers much more consistent than what’s left from the western world germanium transistor supplies. nothing like whats currently available. By "better", I mean, the controls are much more responsive, and the fuzz sounds meatier than the original, or any of the YT versions, for that matter. . From our most simple, economica What we have here are multiple flavors of Fuzz Face available at an incredible price. The values you show in the NPN circuit above are generally OK, if you want some more volume, change the 330R to something higher, say 1K, and put a trim pot in the 8K2 spot, adjust for 4. I also found a pack of unmarked NPN, 200 hFE Radio Shack transistors that I bought for something I can't remember. The Mosrite Fuzzrite was a two-transistor fuzz used by many '60s and '70s groups. See full list on guitarpedalx. My design has a bit higher input impedance than the original since I wanted the volume knob cleanup to be a little less touchy, but it is still only 20kohm so cleans up very nice and sparkly. the DAM meathead has a status and a cult following in the doom and sludge metal community for being a massive wall of fuzz, i think that diodes would definitely add to that vibe. " While I learn a valuable lesson about patience, I thought I'd start a thread to collect some resources on Carcosa transistors. Jan 18, 2006 · I tried BC107A's (hFE around 180) in a Fuzz Face, but they're way too 'screamy' and harsh. A silicon fuzz face will still sound like ass behind a buffer unless it's got a pickup simulator like the Hawaiian pizza or something. LoneStar Fuzz - Classic Cesar Diaz Square Face done right. U. Swapping and experimentation is highly encouraged. Mar 11, 2024 · Both Solarist pedals were / are pretty revelatory for me in several ways - the sheer variety of tones you can extract from the Fuzz Face + Range Master combination, and the genius of the switchable A/B Input Gain and Bias options, The fact that you can get 2 quite so different fuzz face voicings out of the same pedal at any one time. I’ve tried Apr 21, 2012 · EJ worked closely with Fuzz Face guru Jeorge Tripps to create his signature pedal. Dec 12, 2013 · Hey guys, I have yet to build a silicon fuzz face and was wondering if hfe's are as critical as they are in germanium fuzz faces? Silicon transistors obviously have a higher hfe and I'm assuming its not as important. Our extensive transistor selection and bias methodology, together with high quality componen Feb 15, 2015 · I agree PhiloB. Veers a bit towards Muff territory so might be superfluous Mar 9, 2017 · Etymology of names: russian letter П (english P) meant transistor (полупроводник), it's early tradition from 60-s, next - МП (english: MP), modernized transistor, and ГТ (GT) and 1T (1T) germanium transistor (tradition of naming based on transistor material). The minis are too tame sounding. NOS Germanium Transistors on all builds. Fuzz Faces per se do not necessarily sound good without tweaking and transistor selection. hfe is a subtle one. These are 1:1 replicas of the orginal Dallas Arbiter Fuzz Face ISS2 PCB's (NPN) - using modern FR4 material and a black finish. short answer: just use 2N3904's They are the most common discrete silicon NPN BJT and they have hfe of 100ish. Using the Valvo chart, we can find an approximate point that lines up with I E = 450 μA and However, the Fuzz Face was a pretty unstable pedal and it was very difficult to find two that sounded the same. To test them, just reverse the battery polarity and the meter leads in the tester diagram. BTW, the original version did not have LED indicator and was powered by the battery only, so this is probably very close to the original. Feb 2, 2021 · This article has been much requested - following on from my similar takes on the 7 Key Big Muff varieties and 9 Key Tone Bender varieties. If you can find them, try some 2N3114's or 2N2369(A)'s; they have about the same hFE's as most Germaniums. [clarification needed] The original instructions even described the Fuzz Face as a "Tone-Bending" unit. Apr 28, 2016 · Like every Fuzz Face, it’s true bypass. I've never really been a fuzz fan but I just got the bug to try it again. This is a limited edition because it is not easy to discover an AC128 with the right gain for FUZZ. Sep 11, 2021 · I’ll try out different transistors first, on the base schematic, end then will go back to BC109C and try out various tweaks. This is the crucial paragraph: R. Just make sure that their leakage is not to high. Nov 5, 2021 · I try to take Sundays off from working. EXPERIENCED is equipped with 2 transistors Germanium type, AC128, brand MULLARD. Typical ideal values for transistor gain in a Fuzz face circuit are from 70-130. Current through R1 is 8,300𝑚𝑉 33,000Ω = 252µA. But if you go too low gain, probably wont have the same sort of sustain though. Note thatNPN types wer e rare in the early days of Ge transistor production so the PNP types Fuzz Face™ This is the Fuzz Face™ project know as FF5, the “5” denotes that there are at least 5 different versions that you can build with this project. ***Please note that the picture shows the tester and a bunch of transistors while sorting. 5" Tone Bender. Oct 5, 2015 · The mids knob is very useful for tweaking the fuzz to suit your guitar/amp setup. The legendary JHF1 in a smaller housing. Especially if you’re planning a simple circuit, like a fuzz face, each component will have a relatively noticeable impact on the final sound. There are going to be differences between the transistors. Jimi Hendrix is arguably the most famous Fuzz Face devotee and played a major part in its continued popularity. – Pump’d Up Fuzz Face Fuzzy Bee – Pump’d Up Buzzaround Industrial Fuzz – Fuzz Factory Style Fuzz. Dec 8, 2008 · Do you I need a BC108 with a hfe of 70-90 as recommended in a germanium Fuzz Face or a higher one for Q1? I also plan to use the usual collector resistors for Q1 and Q2 (as you used). This Fuzz Face series might last several weeks so buckle up! Buy my recommended tools and Fuzz Face: The legend. Originally the Fuzz Face was built using PNP germa-nium transistors. Truth be told, it’s not technically a Fuzz Face. SunFace and Fuzz Face Pedals : What's the deal? Analog Man Vintage guitar effects . (Page 1) — Joe's Guitars, Amps and Gear — Joe Bonamassa Forum — The official forum for all things Joe Bonamassa, guitars and blues music Jan 3, 2014 · That's interesting, the BC109c typically has an Hfe of about 450 or greater,it may be that the transistor you're using for Q1 might have too low a gain to work correctly in the Fuzz Face circuit with the stock standard resistor values, the stock resistor values were originally chosen to work with Germanium transistors, my theory anyway, I'd say EXPERIENCED is clone of an iconic Germanium transistors based Fuzz unite from 60's. Iconic Fuzz NOS Hybrid boasts a unique take on the traditional Fuzz Face circuit, combining a silicon and a germanium transistor which gives this pedal a perfect blend of germanium warmth and silicon cut. It also has an adjustable bias trimmer inside too. In order to create their JHF1 Jimi Hendrix Fuzz Face Distortion, Dunlop closely examined a selection of original Dallas Arbiter Fuzz Face pedals. This website uses cookies to ensure that you get the best experience. G. Roger Mayer, Jimi Hendrix’s all-round tone guru, is therefore no stranger to the pedal, as it was Jimi’s fuzz pedal of choice - mainly for live use, but also in the studio, though it would have to be carefully fettled for recording. 0v most builders use higher gains for silicon (I believe RG's 70-100 was for ge), though, I prefer lower Some classic fuzz designs ignore this philosophy and ground the emitter without any feedback (e. I ran an NPN fuzz face with a MOSFET for Q2 for awhile and it worked well. The 2N3904 will sound exactly the same. On Sunday i decided to make a little diagram of it so that others can use my layout to build their own. Circuitry based on mid-'60s Fuzz Faces with slightly mismatched germanium transistors Legendary Fuzz Face tones in a pedalboard-friendly housing Status LED, AC power jack, and battery door. Disclaimer: A fuzz face is not an easy pedal to get a great sound out of! If you have a Cort guitar and a Crate amp, don't expect to sound like For Q2 I'm using the BD139 NPN Silicon transistor, as suggested by Brett Robinson. I added input/output jacks, battery and DPDT switch. Well, the good news is that the Beta/HFE of the transistor is actually unrelated to the actual gain of the circuit! It instead just effects more subtle things, like input impedance and bias. Jul 30, 2019 · César Díaz engineered the Texas Square Face for Stevie Ray Vaughn as his stock Fuzz Faces kept breaking down. Aug 22, 2023 · Fuzz Face. Germanium doesn't clean up better, that's bull. These may be GT402 A, B, G, The transistors you order all have leakage under 200uA, generally even less than 100uA. Please note that we don’t supply the other parts you need for a complete build in this kit, we are supplying tested transistors to help ensure your project has the best performance and tone possible. For us, building effects and electronics is not only an intellectual challenge, but it's a highly creative one. g. Depending on their temperature, the bias can drift and the sound of the pedal can change quite a bit. Oct 6, 2023 · The Fuzz Face is a distortion guitar pedal designed in London by Arbitrer Electronics Ltd in the autumn of 1966. Oct 19, 2022 · its less useful for leakage a ge transistor reverse beta from the q will work better. Active pickups behave differently to passive ones - from the perspective of the fuzz face it is effectively like passive pickups with a buffer in between. See our FAQ for the history of the fuzz face. use a couple trimpots to get each transistor into the right bias range and you're good to go. But- out of that batch of germanium transistors, how do you tell which are going to sound good and which will not? Feb 2, 2021 · This article has been much requested - following on from my similar takes on the 7 Key Big Muff varieties and 9 Key Tone Bender varieties. If you're looking for a great vintage style fuzz case for your build, go check out the guys over at: Controls: Fuzz; Volume; Notes: - Remember to socket your transistors untill you find a selection you like! Some classic fuzz designs ignore this philosophy and ground the emitter without any feedback (e. Do I just put the transistor the same way as the NPN? NPN PNP. Here they are! Fuzz Face™ with Germanium Transistor; Fuzz Face™ with NPN Silicon Transistor; Joe Gagan’s Easy Face; Boutique Late 60’s Fuzz Face (PNP) Boutique Late 60’s NPN 5 days ago · QuoteThe FFM2 Germanium Fuzz Face Mini is based on '66-'68 era pre-silicon Fuzz Faces famous for warm vintage fuzz tones provided by slightly mismatched germanium transistors. The Fuzz Face Mini Germanium is one of three new small-format Dunlop Fuzz Faces. There is also the hartman bc108. So I got a standard Fuzz Face PCB made using the nice and compact Tonepad Disclosure: As with any transistor be 100% certain of the pin out before placing it in a circuit with power connected. The PCB has the pins in the order EBC (see picture below). We've sourced hard to find transistors and made slight tweaks to the circuit to make it one of the best sounding Fuzz Faces ever made. Perfect for these GuitarPCB projects : P. Samples | Artists and reviews | Power supply issues | Sunface ordering . I have a friend who says he might have some old transistors and other components, and he's asked me for a list so he can check his parts bin. 2 KB) SPICE FILES Filename: AC128. It's a tempting project to try as a first build because of its simplicity, but the simplicity of the circuit belies a couple of land mines: For best results, some attention is needed to selecting transistors for it (yes, even if you build with silicon), and trimming the values of the bias resistors is often required. Jan 18, 2006 · Hendrix's BOG/ Woodstock/Berkeley Fuzz Face was a germanium with tons of fuzz/gain. The Arbiter Fuzz Face is another classic. As you can see from the schematic, fuzz face For sale is this very rare late-'67 Arbiter Fuzz Face pedal. Jul 29, 2019 · The earliest Silicon Fuzz Faces were quite distinct from the original NKT275 Germanium variety - being more strident and aggressive - and utilising BC108C and BC109C transistors, the third variety to be utilised was the BC183L which sounded a lot more like the warmer Germanium. As such, I have questions: 1. Buffered signals have low impedance compared to passive pickups, which interferes with the desired operating characteristics of the input stage transistor in the fuzz face circuit. If you're looking for a good, beginner level fuzz that's not to hard to make a mistake with, the muff Fuzz is a super simple, great sounding fuzz. When I began building effects, I dismissed the Fuzz Face as a circuit for Hendrix-worshippers. The lunar module is a great fuzz Oct 29, 2013 · Otherwise, the most popular way to adjust the bias is the adjust the resistor to the collectors of the transistors. kaycee Great Contributor! Germanium Joe's Fuzz Face Transistor Kits!This kit includes ten hand selected and tested germanium transistors, grouped into sets for use in a fuzz face style circuit. Besides being in the famous original Fuzz Face, the AC128 was used in numerous domestic electronic appliance, and certainly one of the most common European transistor. i use it in a bunch of projects to make silicon sound more like ge search schizoid . MK"I" as in number one. The gains of these are usually around 130, which will work perfectly for Q2. So I got a standard Fuzz Face PCB made using the nice and compact Tonepad Thanks guys! I did find some AC128s but I'm buying an assortment of silicon transistors to experiment. They sound okay in a fuzz face. ) Jul 16, 2015 · Proper biasing of the Germanium transistors found in Synthrotek’s Fuzz Face clone and the Face the Fuzz pedals is essential to getting the best (optimal) tone out of your product. 5V! Aug 27, 2020 · It's probably the loudest fuzz you will every own if you ever feel the need to fully crank the Level - for me it just sounds immense every way - and the Feel (balance between feedback of Silicon and Germanium Transistors), Tone and rear-accessible Bias control give you all the Fuzz Face variety and more that you might want - this is essential a Aug 25, 2014 · In the end, as with any Ge fuzz circuit, it really does come down to transistor selection. All pedals are based on the classic Fuzz Face circuit. But when it comes to silicon, nearly any transistor will work. Buzz Tone - A modified, to perfection, version of the Selmer / Jext Telez Buzz Tone. I blame Josh Scott. The BOG is a whole other animal; it may look like a Fuzz Face with white knobs (all Fuzz Faces have black knobs) but it’s not modeled after any Fuzz Face circuit. Transistor type doesn't have anything to do with how it does with buffers. Although the legendary circuit was brilliantly simple and sounds wonderful, it has a few drawbacks; notably low input impedance, sensitivity to transistor gain and temperature. It is inspired by EJ’s prized personal Fuzz Faces and is built to his incredibly strict specifications, featuring hand-selected BC183 silicon transistors (for higher gain), custom repro ’68-’69 knobs, and a vintage-style hammertone finish. Sep 9, 2024 · Because of the high gain of the silicon transistors, when the tame control is at 0 it pushes into fuzz face hard clip territory. I've done a few mods to the schematic that I read about on the internet. I'm a fan of higher gain germanium Fuzz Face circuits. The silicon transistors are BC108 and the germanium will be a NOS vintage item. May 7, 2013 · But I also dig how it sounds with vintage-style humbuckers. Transistors with leakage in the 300’s or lower Work best. The electronics are housed in a circular metal housing. com Jan 18, 2006 · I know that Hendrix used a Roger Mayer Axis Fuzz during the Band Of Gypsies era but didn't he also use a Silicon FuzzFace too? What would be the closest transistors to get that particular tone, BC108C perhaps or maybe even BC109s? 2 days ago · In my reading about fuzz pedals, I've come across a few that seem to be well regarded, like OC75, AC128, and a few others, but I thought I'd ask the Stompbox community for some ideas as to what are the best old transistors for fuzz. Introducción. Tran-sistors of the type used in the Fuzz Face come in two varieties: PNP and NPN. There are many factors that contribute to the final sound of a fuzz face. Mar 18, 2019 · Thank you somnif & LaceSensor, So far all my builds have been from well know verified schematics mostly using opamps, which I copy into my computer and designing a PCB layout for, I was trying to approach the Fuzz Face with a similar mind set, but I think the first thing I need to do is buy a breadboard and a load of different transistors and start playing, thankfully it's a simple circuit so Apr 2, 2023 · Fuzz Face KiCad v6 Schematic FUZZFACE. Modern silicon can have a gain of 230 or even up to 500. Apr 21, 2024 · Typical fuzz circuits use a gainier transistor in q2. There are two classic Fuzz Face tones that listeners have heard countless times. We want to take a moment here to explain how you can do this on your own for both the kit version and completed versions. Bonamassa's Fuzz Face Transistors. Both things make the 70 a superior fuzz in terms of getting the legit tone, but also getting it tweaked to fit your style. The base of the transistor here will be biased to some DC voltage above ground, and the input has no DC on it, so therefore it gets charged up with the current running that direction! The most likely reason it's reversed here is because this is a manual conversion of a positive-ground old-school Fuzz Face circuit. Part of the key to getting smooth clipping from the Fuzz Face circuit is selecting transistors that are in workable gain buckets. I’ve agonized over the circuit’s shortcomings and its finickiness. Cookies & Privacy. By connecting silicon transistors in the way shown in the first picture we can drop the gain of modern silicon transistors to a level similar to that of vintage germanium. Eventually, I decided to try building a Fuzz Face. The Fuzz Face. Oct 9, 2012 · the LOUDEST face i built actually was pretty stock ff, with much lower gain transistorsaround 80 and 130 hfe. 047 cap in tandem with the 330 resistor (now increased to 860 or something) to apparently add more warmth or something. At least until this approach becomes widely popular and prices of low-gain parts go up, you can do an all-germanium or hybrid Si/Ge, negative-ground Fuzz Face that sounds great for very little money. i mean, once you square a wave off, it can't Dec 18, 2020 · I've been poking around trying to figure out my transistor strategy for the Carcass Fuzz that USPS swears is "currently in transit to the destination. 5V on Q2C. The second is a much smoother, more dynamic lead tone, with player dynamics preserved. 01µF. (The others are higher-gain models with silicon transistors. In fact, it was sensitive to temperature, especially when equipped with the NKT75 germanium transistors, to the point that Denis remembers the tests being a nightmare: “At first, testing these units was a nightmare - each unit having different output levels, I seemed to be forever Jul 9, 2021 · And firstly, I want to get one thing straight: The Fuzz Face is my favorite circuit. Most people say that it didn't/doesn't sound quite like anything else; I find it less fuzzy and more snarly than a Fuzz Face, less saturated than a Big Muff, but with plenty of sustain if it's biased correctly. In each fuzz face kit, you will find transistors from a variety of manufacturer Sili-Face. Taking the original concept of the D*A*M Meathead that was applied to the silicon model of the Dallas Arbiter Fuzz Face, the Black Acid offers a traditional EQ response suited to those that favour the vintage flavour but still require the increased gain and output levels with the modern day stability and performance of Mar 3, 2020 · Everything I stated above about selecting devices pertains to germanium too. 5VDC to -5VDC. History of the Fuzz Face The circuit was originally produced by the Arbiter Company in 1966 and was very similar to the Sola Sound/Vox Tone Bender MK I. So Mk 1 user Mick Ronson, for example, was basically just plugging a Les Paul into a Fuzz Face — to spectacular effect!) My Fuzz Face build. The original used NTE102/103's, and from what I've encountered, my version sounds much better. For Q2 I'm using the BD139 NPN Silicon transistor, as suggested by Brett Robinson. The three specially selected silicon transistors perform superbly at the heart of this pedal - straddling both Tone Bender and Fuzz Face textures and much more besides - but with those added oscillations and drones and sort of super fuzz style harmonic Aug 25, 2013 · Ring the bells. Don't get yourself in that rabbit hole or the rabbit will burrow a hole in your pocket! Silicon = peace of mind. As others will surely say, it’s purely a matter of personal preference, so socket the transistors and try as many as you can. More Information. A bit of fiddling will get you anywhere from creamy smoothness to ear-splitting youch with the right/wrong selection of those all-important transistors sitting at Q1 and Q2. zip (235. You've collected parts, including some dyn-o-mite PNP germanium transistors and are just itching to get soldering. Photo below shows the pin out of transistors: See datasheet image above Jun 2, 2012 · 1. The emitter currents of both transistors in a Fuzz Face can vary according to transistor specs, but a well-biased germanium Fuzz Face should have currents in the ballpark of 250μA for Q 1 and 450μA for Q 2. The emitter arrow is going up instead of down, unlike in the NPN. The earliest fuzz face pedals used germanium transistors, later editions used silicon transistors. Later models used silicon transistors. The main difference is that the Fuzz Face is biased slightly colder, making it more usable in warm environments. I have a big muff style fuzz already, but want that clean up with the volume knob thing that the fuzz face does, and hopefully sound a little more fuzzy and less smooth than the big muff distortiony kindof fuzz. The scale is usually labeled "Hfe", and it's plug-and-play. (And remember — the Tone Bender Mk1 is really just a Fuzz Face. The JHF1 was an instant hit, and now Dunlop offers the very same circuit in a smaller housing, calling it the FFM3 Jimi Hendrix Fuzz […] We create the best version of every pedal we can. But even though the topology is similar to a Fuzz Face, the biasing scheme is very different, and GT402 PNP Germanium Transistor. The important thing to know is that there is nothing special about the original vintage transistors. If we use the component values from the germanium Schaller Fuzz and calculate the bias voltages using BC108Bs (with beta = 300) and our approximations from part 4 again, we get 7. The specific type is subject to what is available at the time, but as with all my other germanium fuzz pedals, I carefully test and select suitable devices. It wasn't an Axis cause if you hear the Axis and BOG, it's two different tones. It just cleans up earlier. A "Really Szik" Fuzz Face. In this article I try to give my two cents for this topic. Had the Fulltone 69 mkii. Most any low gain Germanium transistors will make a good fuzz face. The order of these legs can vary depending on the transistor selected. Dec 15, 2009 · Remember the recommended gain for transistors in a fuzz face is just that: recommended. For a circuit developed in 1965 the MKI has a thick and "distorted" Oct 17, 2024 · This is exactly the kind of fuzz pedal I love - a fully weapon's grade hot-rodded fuzz with a proper explosion of tones and textures onboard. Browse the way of testing grow in my article about Fuzz Face transistors. New Old Stock GT402 (ГТ402) USSR/Soviet Transistor. PNP Germanium. EDIT: Q1 Collector should be 1. 5’ moniker refers specifically to this Sola Sound product, which was later redeveloped into the more well-known Tone Bender Professional MKII. a directly grounded emitter will give the transistor max gain, so adding a resistor there softens the possible gain. The first, the earliest, perhaps the rarest, but by no means the most primitive. However i break my own rule fairly regularly… last year i built a point to point fuzz face which i spent some time designing the layout. 6v Emitter 0. Too smooth and kinda lost note definition. Transistor gain selection, thermal drift, biasing are all variables you can play around with. The end product—the handwired, germanium JBF3 reviewed here—is tailor-made for any guitarist interested in walking Bonamassa’s blues-rock path. posted his preferences for Fuzz Face transistor gain to the usenet news Aug 11, 2023 · One of the most famous two transistor fuzz pedals was made by Arbiter Electronics Ltd. For a long time I associated Mike Piera more as 'The King of Tone' with a view to his drive pedals, but he is even more active with his Fuzz pedals - carrying dozens of varieties of rare Germanium and Silicon transistors and offering special options on his various fuzz pedals. Dan has taken all of that way beyond the next level with all those extra tone-shaping elements and Transistor selection. These low-gain transistors will help to keep the fuzz from being too harsh, which is a common problem with Fuzz Face-type circuits that use modern high-gain transistors like the MPSA18. Is there any value in using a higher gain trans in q2? Get selection box of $25 fuzzes to see what she likes: Aroma/Rowin/whoever G-Fuzz. FUZZ is a modified and corrected version of the classic two-transistor Fuzz-Face (Tone Bender Mk1) with a buffered TONE control added. You should experiment a bit - maybe you like a weaker transistor in Q2 or a stronger one in Q1 etc. [i]Technology of the Fuzz Face[/i] wrote: I've done a lot of circuit simulation on the FF, twiddling the values of the transistor gains, and looking at the clipping waveforms and resulting Feb 14, 2012 · I bought my blue Fuzz Face in 1968. Had the MJM London Fuzz. You should be looking for two transistors with HFE’s from mid 70’s to 80’s for Q1 and 80’s to high 90’s or low 100’s for Q2. Different Transistors. Feb 14, 2013 · Hey guys, I'm working on a Fuzz Face type pedal for a first build. I read that some used trimpots (50K and 10K instead of the 33K and 8. You will receive five (5) selected transistors – not all that is pictured! The transistors you order all have leakage under 200uA, generally even less than 100uA. Also remember that while NPN germanium appropriate for that Fuzz Face can be obtained, it's fairly scarce and thus costly. Once I used one as a second transistor in a DAM Meathead even. One of these is a totally blown-out fuzz tone, with the gain control maxed out, and heavy, wooly clipping. I got a Lovepedal Black Beauty Fuzz and a modded '69 Pedal that get into that gain/fuzz range. The result: a For many the MKI Tone Bender is sort of the Holy Grail of fuzz unobtainability, not only in terms of their scarcity, but in terms of their sound. connect a 3k to 6k resistor between the EMITTER of the collectorless device and the EMITTER of the other transistor. Take a look at the picture of an original Dallas Arbiter silicon Fuzz Face circuit board below: The value of the output capacitor is 0. 2K resistors) to set the voltage on the transistors' collector. I’ve built hundreds of them for various folks and myself, I’ve built them with drawers full of crusty parts occupied by the essences of repairpersons past, and I’ve built all sorts of features into them and around them. You've determined to build the best Fuzz Face clone in the world. Posted by u/roboto-sama - 2 votes and 7 comments Mar 3, 2020 · Everything I stated above about selecting devices pertains to germanium too. Big bullet casing, and cool vintage vibe. However, a multi meter Hfe scale will not read germanium devices precisely. You can use a Darlington pair in just about anything really, because the two low gain transistors when in that configuration act as one single high gain transistor. 01µF with a voltage rating of 250V. When originally installed I assume it would have been in the right leakage range (i didn't personally test it but the reputable seller would have) but testing it now and the leakage is too high. This analysis covers the first Arbitrer Fuzz Face model equipped with PNP germanium transistors from the first releases. Ensure that the Pins of Introducing the Emanating Fist Electronics, Black Acid - tone distorter. For a beginner, building a Fuzz Face can be a treat or a trial. So Measure The Gains of Your Devices and Know What You Have! Today, even inexpensive multimeters usually have a scale for measuring transistor gain. The Deimos Fuzz is a clone of the Tone Bender Mark 2 (two-knob). Dec 30, 2020 · The Fuzz Face is particularly similar to the Sola Sound unit known today as the "Mk1. Biasing is key! Jun 9, 2017 · Voodoo smile. [3] The Jimi Hendrix Fuzz Face Distortion is a meticulously faithful reproduction of the 1969—70 Dallas Arbiter Fuzz Face that Jimi used on classic albums such as Electric Ladyland. in 1966: The Arbiter Fuzz Face. Aug 26, 2007 · In the Fuzz Face article, the ultimate dictum most people put over their bed is the magic hfe range for fuzz face. Apr 17, 2024 · $169 | a two-knob Fuzz Face-inspired pedal that integrates into a single circuit the original's silicon transistor, known for its aggressive and snarling high-gain tone, with the smoothness and warmth of a germanium transistor (found in later interactions of the Fuzz Face), delivering a multi-faceted fuzz/distortion pedal with just Output and Fuzz controls. I built my demo model on perfboard, and simplified it even further. Great option for Q2 position of a Fuzz Face, or anywhere a higher gain, low leakage Ge transistor is required. Note: I did not forget the Band of Gypsys Fuzz Face Mini (FFM6). The layout also uses a 10K trimpot on the collector of Q2 so that that biasing can be adjusted preciselyaround -4. tcco kqhb orq yjakt gmu pggfxw cwdjvew zigl kbtvet eulc