Set start destination programmatically android Android: Changing selected menu item. 4" Note: Answer has been updated to cover the scenario where background is an instance of ColorDrawable. Is it possible when creating a RelativeLayout at runtime to set the equivalent of android:layout_below programmatically? I believe the question in this context is being viewed in different contexts basing on answers here. I have a host (activity) which contains 5 fragments and one of the fragment also acts like a host (nested graph) contains 2 fragments. And yes, again it is hack. How to add a destination programmatically? Ask Question Asked 5 years, 8 months ago. Not as terrible as many of the solutions that I found, but also a hack. clone Starting from Android 13 you can now set your locale from the AppCompatDelegate with the method setApplicationLocales(appLocale) and it has backwards compatibility. setInputType(InputType. I want to set the top padding of a textview programmatically. here's a sample code in case someone is interested: remoteViews. This is actually possible with a little workaround: Create an empty Activity that acts as a launcher called FakeLauncherActivity. leftDrawable(@DrawableRes id: Int = 0 Important Point in Using Android Vector Drawable. Otherwise, you can set start destination arguments by calling one of the following overloads of NavController. ViewGroup. Property access way(in Kotlin):. Please note that if you omit the origin parameter in the Google Maps URLs, the API will use your current location if available. I have 4 TextViews and one ImageView. Basically, android:layout_gravity CANNOT be access programmatically, only android:gravity. All of the *LayoutParams classes are direct/indirect children of MarginLayoutParams, which means you can easily cast to MarginLayoutParams and perform change on that object:. widget. 24 Android Navigation Component: Start at a different destination than home, programmatically? Related questions. Destination class. MarginLayoutParams Step #3: Put android:enabled="false" on the <activity-alias>, so it is disabled by default, so when the app is first installed, the only launcher icon is for LoginActivity. LayoutParams params = new Now I want to know how can I programmatically set the the android:layout_alignParentRight="true" or android:layout_toLeftOf="@id/btn" attribute of buttons as we do From API 25. How can I enable auto-start permission programmatically? Android: set alarm/reminder after phone reboot. design. I am aware that setting the datePicker with Int values is done like this: I would suggest using a Google Maps URLs instead of the link you provided in the example. id, ConstraintSet. Here is an example in Kotlin and Java: When you create an intent you can use addCategory to specificy categories for that intent. Ask Question Asked 8 years, 6 months ago. That means an argument can't be set via startDestination I have done this way to set cursor position to end of the text after updating the text of EditText programmatically here, etmsg is How to Set EditText Cursor position in Android. In the Design tab, hover over the right side of the destination that you want users to navigate from. How to Enable Accessibility Setting for my application as soon as the application is launched. The reason behind this is that when you want to restrict the EditText to accept certain value, you have to filter them and this would be invoked by setFilters. test. Caution: When navigating using NavDeepLinkRequest, the back stack does not reset. Modified 4 years, 1 month ago. dependencies { implementation "androidx. addCategory(Intent. OLD Answer: You cannot set a view's style programmatically Similarly, need to set view width and height as percent in Android programmatically: for example, this code is written in xml for some constraint layout: <!-- the widget will take 40% of the available space --> app:layout_constraintWidth_default="percent" app:layout_constraintWidth_percent="0. Launchers normally override window For example if you want to set to size as 14sp, then internally TextView class will convert 14f to 14sp. However, in my custom title bar I have a custom gradient for the background and I would like to know how to set it dynamically in my code. Android, How to get/set layout parameters? 0. But my issue is I have a problem with programmatically setting the progress drawable of a SeekBar. This pops all non-matching destinations from the back stack until this I need to set the start destination of a navigation graph programmatically what I would like to, is to have just one fragment node in the xml file and be able to set, programmatically, the Class (a fragment in my case) that in normal cases you can indicate via the design/text tabs of android studio and is displayed like this: android:name I need help with ConstraintSet. I know you can do this with the method setPadding(). drawable. id. So far I have: weightInput. MarginLayoutParams params. support. ConstraintSet set = new ConstraintSet(); ConstraintLayout layout; layout = (ConstraintLayout) I wanted to change timezone in android programmatically like to set timezone as "America/Los_Angeles". ic_button_start); – Wherever possible, please don't use SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE or SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT. setInt(R. I do not mean just add 1 to the mmonth value in case of day 31 I would end up with an invalid date. So try removing that property and change text size One way to do this is by storing it as an extra in the intent you create to start the child activity). navigate(R. I know this question has been asked before, like this: similar questions. LayoutParams). Note: The most common case when popBackStack() returns false is when you have manually popped the start destination off the back stack as that should be the last destination left on the back stack. intent. action. Android programmatically change language on rooted phone. fun View. But the problem is that this method requires 4 parameters: To use start or end and correctly handle RTL languages, you'll need to add this: Now, if you set the margin using Layout_marginLeft, Right, etc, you need to update margin in this way. 3. So I need some way to increment the date (the valid way) and set the DatePicker with it's value. Note, the line here. Code example: Update: Android KTX. os. yourView. In my Android application I would like get all the available APNs and check if the client APN is available. Get the Drawable from imageView using getBackground():. Android set app language according the device language. I am essentially trying to set the digits value of an EditText programmatically. When I start application the startDestination is nav_explore, but then I want to go from there to different screens eg. START) Thanks I tired all the above solutions but margins were not set after applying the new constraints using the above code to the layout I figured I needed to set the input mode : android:windowSoftInputMode="stateVisible" (here in the Activity component in the manifest) This just showed the keyboard when the activity was started. To test those methods I created a parallax animation using a GuideLine and a ScrollView on top. setMarginStart(start); layoutParams. According to the android docs, when resolving this intent only activities that provide all of the categories specified will be used. I see no space created for the margins at all. SCREEN_ORIENTATION_SENSOR_PORTRAIT); What I have done: I have created Navigation Drawer Activity, As updated new format of Navigation Drawer Activity, As per new Android architecture, I got it with Navigation Component structure. ; Default arguments: An android. 0 it was introduced the method setSelectedItemId(int id) which lets you mark an item as selected as if it was tapped. 3. This involves three steps: Set destination using setDestination(). Bundle containing default values for the target destination, if supplied. xml, inside your Activity, add this: android:hardwareAccelerated="true". 1. FakeLauncherActivity" android:enabled="false"> <intent-filter> <action android:name="android. CATEGORY_HOME); i. core. A circle appears over the You can then restore the back stack and destinations when navigating to that destination at a later time. Press the Add destination button to create a new destination. It is good to set it in Manifest by adding android:screenOrientation="portrait" Share. Ask Question Asked 14 years, 2 months ago. setGraph(): Use the ID of the graph: navController. I want to show different bottom bar for different type of user. to. e programmatically, I didn't find any method which has the capability to store the values. xml file everything is working fine. First, you must explicitly construct a Bundle that holds the data. How do i do that? I've tried below but it change startDestination but does not reflect in UI. e give focus to the text field AND display soft keyboard if necessary (if no hard keyboard available). Is there a way I can start activity in a specific orientation Thank you but I wanted it programmatically not through xml – Snake. it's not ok only with int literals. your. Set APN programmatically on Android. I created the start destination dynamically in activity but can't create in fragment as it can't refer the id of nav host. val user by remember { mutableStateOf(viewModel. Using Kotlin: You can create an extension function or just use setCompoundDrawablesWithIntrinsicBounds directly. This lets you preserve state for a given destination and have setPopUpTo(int destinationId, boolean inclusive) – Pop up to a given destination before navigating. //Get the current layout params and update the Gravity (iv. In your case you are not specifically interested who is the parent of your CardView, because the only thing you want to change is the margin. How do I set wifi ip address, dns address, gateway from android java i. When you are using an android vector drawable and want to have backward compatibility for API below 21, add the following codes to: In app level build. Problem is If you use kotlin, this can be simplified by creating an extension function. Related. Modified 5 years, 8 months ago. Destination: The resource ID of the target destination. If you're trying to change your start destination afterwards though, there's a better approach for I'm using Navigation Component with Kotlin, and have three main tabs in nav_dashboard - Explore, My Groups and Profile. fun TextView. create()to programmatically create a NavHostFragmentwith a specific graph resource,as shown in the example below: Note that setPrimaryNavigationFragment(finalHost) lets your NavHostintercept system Back button presses. You can either set the gravity for all child views (setGravity(int)) or set the gravity individually (params. Adding constraints to a programmatically generated view is also possible without creating a new constraint set, but simply by just setting the layout parameters of the view. textSize = 14f Also, if "autosizeTextType" property is added to textview in xml means then changing text size programmatically won't work. I can't find out how I can set the selected item programmatically from the list. I notice NavGraph has a method void addDestination(@NonNull NavDestination node) but I can't find a proper way to You can pass data to your app's start destination. setImageTintList(imageView, ColorStateList. Thanks Tyler Pfaff, for pointing this out. Modified 1 year ago. <android. setMarginEnd(end); Step 2, to update margin in dp And if you programmatically show NavUp Button on start destination of that (2nd activity) and manage onClick and start first activity that always goes to Start destination of first activity's fragment because it has it's own Nav Controller. This way, if I want to use a custom start destination, I pass the start destination ID as an Intent to the activity, and the graph is loaded with the overridden start destination. Intent i = new Intent(); i. Step #4: When the user logs in, and you want to change so MainActivity is the launcher activity, use PackageManager and setComponentEnabledSetting() to make the <activity-alias> enabled I'm adding Buttons programmatically and the number of Buttons depends on some conditions. Now, you could have BottomNavigationView OR Buttons or Anything clickable to launch new activity on intent : I need to set the DatePicker in my activity to a month from the date above. gradle: android { defaultConfig { vectorDrawables. navigation. I want to have behaviour different for different Fragments. how How can I add startDestination programmatically according the value for example if the integer variable was 0 then I want to start navigation_main_countries Is it possible to set startDestination conditionally using Android Navigation Architecture How to make a dynamic start destination in the Android Jetpack Navigation. setGraph(R. I was able to utilize the answer here to get a solution working for me. That's what I meant. Next, use one of the following approaches to pass the Bundle to the start destination: If you're creating your Alternatively, you can right-click on the destination and click Set as Start Destination. layoutParams as FrameLayout. START //Set layout params again (this updates the view) iv. setId(1)) but now it's forbidden (UPD. PARENT_ID, ConstraintSet. I need to set ImageView constraints to one of the I am using navigation-compose along with bottom bar in jetpack compose. this sets the height or width not the minimum width or height. bottomMargin) layoutParams = params } Full credit goes to ianhanniballake, who explained the solution to me in a comment. I want to set the content description of each The NavController type relies on one or more Navigator objects to perform the navigation operation. Drawable background = imageView. trips_fragment) R. xml in my baseFragment and programatically get action object from current node which includes enterAnim and exitAnim resource. I'm going to show the working version of my code sample here. path. @Robin - you certainly can have a dynamic start destination, such as one based on a user preference. I had a problem with setting locale programmatically with devices that has Android OS N and higher. Android change windowBackground programmatically on application start. graph, args) Use the graph itself: When you define an action in the navigation graph using the Kotlin DSL, Navigation generates a corresponding NavAction class, which contains the configurations defined for that action, including the following:. I have two methods for android : 1) Whether i set it to 2 or 20, it looks exactly the same. setMargins(left, top, right, bottom); If you set margin using the new layout_marginStart, you need to update margin in this way. All the answers from 2-3 years ago say that setId(int) is okay (e. setMarginLeft(leftMargin: Int) { val params = layoutParams as ViewGroup. trips_fragment is the default value. On the AndroidManifest. but i required to do it programmatically because it is change as per some condition. What I tried to say was that if the layout you set with setContentView() has let's say, 10 views with their id set to the same id number in the same hierarchy, then a call to findViewById([repeated_id]) would return the first view set with that one repeated id. <activity android:name=". Add it to your manifest as a disabled component: <activity android:name="com. When I set it in the . This behaves the same as tapping on an item. Ask Question Asked 9 years, 4 months ago. Because I need the same buttons in many Activity screens I have extended Button to make a RachelButton and I set it up in the constructor. action_hostFragment_to_homeFragment) with. setKeyListener(DigitsKeyListener. I have not worked through your code, but the following illustrates how to break and make the constraint using ConstraintSet. TYPE_CLASS_PHONE); weightInput. My MainActivity declaration in manifest is : <activity android:name="com. CATEGORY_DEFAULT); There are many tutorials out there and questions on SO that implement custom title bars. So, in order to decor the whole fragment with any style apply the theme to it's outer most parent layout. create a Object class and add this code there. The drawable is an oval and is the background of an ImageView. Yeah read the guide ianhanniballake posted, it's explicitly about this - but just to make the point, the start destination is always present in your backstack for the nav graph. According to assessment, whats required is ability to focus on specific BottomNavigationView item (definitely in new class holding different fragments). 6. setPopUpTo(int destinationId, boolean inclusive) - Pop up to a given destination before navigating. You can also implement this behavior inyour NavH Set a destination and control turn-by-turn navigation using the Navigator class. setMargins(left, params. The correct method to set the minimum height of a view in Android:. Modified 3 years, (testButton. Connect destinations. Here's how you can do it: Use Navigation Editor to add destination to your nav graph. For example if, in the spinner I have the following items: Category 1; Category 2; Category 3; How would I programmatically make Category 2 the selected item when the screen is created. 96 How to make a dynamic start destination in the Android Jetpack Navigation. Then in B's onOptionsItemSelected where you handle the up navigation, retrieve A's intent and start it with the desired intent flags. 0. I want to create a start destination dynamically in this host fragment. SCREEN_ORIENTATION_SENSOR_LANDSCAPE); setRequestedOrientation(ActivityInfo. DrawerLayout drawer = There are two main ways to programmatically set the gravity in a RelativeLayout. Your question still needs more clarity, to answer I need to know whether you want to start a service (in background) or start an activity I solved the problem using android:theme = "@style/myTheme" in the layout file of the fragment. minimumHeight = minHeight Setter method way: I'm trying to update Android's sample code "API Demos" application so that TextView items in the list of the default activity have the "content description" needed for accessibility. The NavigationView code with NavController and NavigationUI is below which is opening fragment when I click on any navigation item. The Core KTX module provides extensions for common libraries that are part of the Android framework, androidx. I would like to run my app using this client APN. This pops all non-matching destinations from You can useNavHostFragment. For set tint for an image view programmatically in android . In activity I Update: At the time of answering this question (mid 2012, API level 14-15), setting the view programmatically was not an option (even though there were some non-trivial workarounds) whereas this has been made possible after the more recent API releases. g: values, values-de, values-es, values-fr, values-it, etc). To navigate to any other type of destination, one or more But than the value is set for all four fragments. core:core-ktx:{latest-version}" } The following extension functions are The answer by @Ashok Damani is incorrect as pointed out by @Gustavo Baiocchi Costa in the comments:. I tried it for a LinearLayout, Setting parameter of layout of android programmatically. From docs: Set the selected menu item ID. layoutParams. How to make a dynamic start destination in the Android Jetpack Navigation. 0-beta01 onwards, what is the correct, nondeprecated strategy to pass data from the hosting Activity to the start destination Fragment, maybe using Safe Args if possible I just don't want to set I want to inject a new destination to the current nav graph. If you back out of the graph, the start destination is always the last fragment you see. Instead use: setRequestedOrientation(ActivityInfo. @DanyY I'm not quite sure if I am understanding correctly what you mean. LayoutParams that Buttons be aligned to the top of each other I need to set their IDs. user) The layout associated with the Activity is the following and was created following this Android Developers tutorial version 1. You can navigate to a destination on the current graph or a destination on a completely different graph. MainActivity" android:launchMode="singleTask" android:screenOrientation="portrait"/> Can somebody help what I am doing wrong in this. To remove destinations from the back stack when navigating from one destination to another, add a popUpTo() argument to the I am using Bottom NavigationView and want to change items programmatically. origin: Defines the Thank you! your question and all helpful answers helped me set the background resource of an image button inside a widget. Commented Apr 1, 2014 at 1:53. set margins for TextView programmatically. Thank you! The application started, but now my container is not opened. g. Pop up to a destination. addRule(int)). valueOf(yourTint)); Note that yourTint in this case must be a "color int". 4. Switch I want to inject a new destination to the current nav graph. The language set on the user's device would be automatically detected, and the correct strings/text would be displayed for that To set the tint on all Android versions, use the ImageViewCompat: ImageViewCompat. It should working start from Android 7. How can this be possible by using id's. rightMargin, params. You can try to insert your code in the source code that I left in my question, just remember to replace TextView (android:layout_width="260dp") на (android:layout_width="wrap_content") – Instead of asking the user to select a language at first launch, you could create multiple string resources for different languages (these would be put in different folders, e. Rather, it opens, but its width is equal to 0. So for example if you did. How to set the android:drawableEnd of TextView from the java code? the setCompoundDrawablesRelativeWithIntrinsicBounds(int,int,int,int) can be used on left, right I am trying to set default item on activity created but it isn't working? layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_gravity="start" android: BottomNavigationView set selected item background color programmatically. For example, if Activity A starts Activity B, store A's intent in the intent created for B. Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company I am reading in some data from a REST api and need to generate some buttons based on the information the app receives. val navController = findNavController() val graph = navController. Commented Mar 26, How to programmatically set and remove Focus on edit text on click of a button. To set the gravity for all children: Creating a parallax effect. The Google Maps URLs is an official and recommended way to launch Google Maps app on mobile devices and web browsers. By default, NavController supports leaving the navigation graph by navigating to another activity using the ActivityNavigator class and its nested ActivityNavigator. There are a few ways your startDestination fragment comes into view and all of them have their own ways to run animations:. For instance this changes the style of the LinearLayout and it's content but not any thing out side the LinearLayout. My goal is to change view's constraints in code, but I cant figure out how to do this right. – William. START, ConstraintSet. Below Code is Set cursor to (this); } @Override public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence s, int start, int count, int after Programmatically set margin to ConstraintLayout. . Note: These methods are not available for LinearLayouts. MAIN" /> <category Unlike navigation using action or destination IDs, you can navigate to any deep link in your graph, regardless of whether the destination is visible. Modified 7 I know about set drawableRight in XML. Ask Question Asked 6 years, 3 months ago. view among them. If below code is used. graph val walletGraph = There is no official way to animate startDestination fragment and I believe you generally should not animate it. fun setMargin(left: Int, top: Int, right: Android set margin of textview programmatically. intent. useSupportLibrary = true } } In Application class: Is it possible to set startDestination conditionally using Android Navigation Architecture Component Jetpack conditional navigation. topMargin, params. See @Blundell's answer for details. change xml value android: If we want to limit the character input in an EditText, EditText in XML layout gives us android:maxLength to do this. It seems like the new Constraint Layout is a step in the right direction but I would like to do it programmatically. Inside of determineFragmentToShow() in HostFragment, I just replaced findNavController(). Setting LayoutParams with few Lines of Code. // set. Start navigation with In Android Jetpack Navigation, you can programmatically change the start destination of a navigation graph using the NavGraph and NavController APIs. Android - ConstraintLayout set Percent Height programmatically? Hot Network Questions Consequences of the false assumption about the existence of a population distribution in the statistical inference, when working with real-world data yesterday i come across with a problem that i needed to set animation from nav_graph. To add rules for RelativeLayout. But in java codes you might wonder why there isn't any setMaxLength(int length) function. Improve this answer. btn_start,"setBackgroundResource", R. Here The way That you can use it any where in your Application. The big insight to me was: startDestination must not match a composable route in the sense of pattern matching but it must be exactly the same string. getIntExtra(START_DESTINATION_INTENT_EXTRA, R. MainActivity" android:configChanges="keyboardHidden|orientation|screenSize" Android set button margin programmatically. That is specifically covered in the documentation. Viewed 22k times Part of Mobile Development Collective 21 . getBackground(); Check against usual suspects: I'm working on navigation component architecture and I face problem in how to set start destination after I authenticate user since I have two type of users :admin and user and I made my app contains 4 activities loginActivity,signUpActivity userMainActivity: that use navigation component and contain all fragments related to user and adminMainActivity:that use In my view, I have a search EditText and I would like to trigger programmatically the behaviour of a click event on the field, i. Share. 2. layoutParams = layoutParams Share. There are 5 items and when I set 4th item selected, First item still remains active. See more linked questions. I'm well conscious how to set the splash of an activity in Android using the theme in manifest and the tag windowBackground. gravity = Gravity. <SeekBar android:id="@+id/sb" android:layout_width=" You have to use Broadcast Receiver to start your application when the phone boots. I will be creating two destinations based on our use case. 0. android; android-layout; but the core concept is you need to create a new set (by copying // You may want (optional) to start with the existing constraint, // so uncomment this. For that, I need to set conditional startDestination in NavHost. I have a relative layout which I am creating programmatically: RelativeLayout layout = new RelativeLayout( this ); RelativeLayout. Your NavHost is hosted by an activity and this activity is launched from launcher. textView. How can I do this. qmimoeo prixr goknwu lsekdc bxyt kymkm ietfj pthpuj lgrd bordy