Town of avon indiana. Avon, Indiana, 46123.
Town of avon indiana State of Indiana, IC 36-7-4 et seq. Minutes are available following approval. Learn more about our Town. It is part of the Indianapolis metropolitan area and has a history dating back to 1830. Highway 36, Avon, Indiana, 46123 on (Date of the Public Hearing) Aug 21, 2024 · Town of Avon, Indiana Avon Plan Commission_____ Avon Town Hall | 6570 East US Highway 36 | Avon, IN 46123 | 317-272-0948 | avonindiana. gov/townroads Town of Avon 1,028,588,444 $ 2. The Building Department's mission is to provide safe and secure places to live, work and play in Avon. S. 1. severability section 1-7. Standards in the Avon Town Hall located at 6570 East U. In the event these issues ·town of avon contract documents ·town of avon construction standards ·town of avon uniform development ordinance (udo) ·avon subdivision control ordinance ·indot standards and specifications ·developer plans and specifications 4. 5:30 pm; 2nd Thursday of every month (in September, October, November, and December, 1st Thursday) Avon Town Hall 6570 E U. from the Avon High School Entrance to Dan Jones Road, all within the Town of Avon in Hendricks County, Indiana Feb 16, 2024 · It aims to improve traffic flow and safety for all Avon residents. Find details about the 30 parks and 5 golf courses within 7 miles of Avon. Rules of Construction; General Penalty Appendix: Town Flag and Seal CHAPTER 2: TOWN ADMINISTRATION 1. Neighborhood Traffic Calming. Find information on building, clerk-treasurer, community resources, economic development, parks and rec, planning, police, public works, and town manager. Although the Town rarely pays damages for such claims from its own funds, the Town [s liability carrier has paid such claims against the Town . Summary1 Percent Value Town of Avon, IN Indiana USA Town of Avon, IN Indiana USA Demographics Apr 4, 2024 · Please note, this service is only for residents of the Town of Avon, and a valid form of ID will be required at drop-off. Town of Avon 6570 East US Highway 36 Avon, Indiana 46123 Re: Pickleball Pocket Park / Site Design Services Landscape architecture, Civil engineering, permitting. Water. 3274 Net Increase: (Town of Avon only; per $100 of Assessed Value) $. Avon Police Department is hiring full time officers! For information regarding qualifications, benefits, and to submit your online registration to test with our police department beginning January 18th 2025, you can visit their career opportunities page! TOWN OF AVON, INDIANA 2019 Capital Funding Plan Introduction A fast growing town like the Town of Avon (the “Town”) recognizes the importance of long-range capital investment planning to maintain the growth and sustainability of the Town’s current programs and services. Avon Unified Development Ordinance Online. town ordinance 2002-14 chapter 1. Cannon previously served as the Assistant Town Manager as well as the Public Works Director for over 20 years with the Town of Avon. Hours of Operation: Work Sessions. Learn about the services provided for your protection. Avon Indiana Town Hall, 2020 Credit: Michaeldavisson via Wikimedia Commons View Source. Town of Avon, Indiana Avon Plan Commission_____ Avon Town Hall | 6570 East US Highway 36 | Avon, IN 46123 | 317-272-0948 | avonindiana. The Town of Avon is home to one of the largest public libraries in Hendricks County, the Avon-Washington Township Library. Mr. Hours of Operation: Monday: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Tuesday: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Wednesday: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Thursday: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Friday: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Saturday & Sunday: CLOSED. 6% have a bachelor’s degree or higher which compares with 31. Avon has a 2025 population of 25,928. The Town should consider moving levy to the MVH Fund in the 2020 budget. Avon is a town in eastern Hendricks County, Indiana, United States, with a population of 21,474 at the 2020 census. Tulli is also a member of the Indiana Association of Building Officials and the International Code Council. Waste Removal. 9301 0. Hwy. This document should be considered as a companion document to the Ordinance. The median household income in the Town of Avon, IN is $93,116 and the median house value is $182,800. Avon is a westside suburb of Indianapolis that offers small-town hospitality, access to city amenities, and quality education. 3392 Council District The Annexation Area will initially be assigned to Town Council District No. Klein: We have prepared a report entitled, “TOWN OF AVON, INDIANA, AVON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AREA, 2012 TIF Annual Report” (the “Report”), dated July 9, 2013, which we respectfully submit herewith. Elected in 2019, Mrs. The Town’s portion of tax rate is lower than any Town of which Avon is competitive with in the County; 7. purposes section 1-4. It is conveniently just 12 miles west of Indianapolis, offering a peaceful suburban feel with a population of approximately 23,920 residents as of 2024. Highway 36, Avon, Indiana, 46123, between the hours of 8:00 AM-11:30 AM and 12:30-4:00 PM, Monday through Friday. Hours of Operation: Monday: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Town of Avon Indiana Code Book; Vote 2024 Avon is governed by a Town Council compromised of five (5) elected officials and a Town Manager. Funding assistance was provided by the Indianapolis Metropolitan Planning Organization (Indy MPO). scope section 1-5. All payments must be by credit card or check. Welcome to Avon, Indiana, the land of parks, gardens, and comedy clubs. The Town of Avon supervises over 100 acres of park land and open space area. QuickFacts provides statistics for all states and counties. Local Parks. Stay Informed - For any questions or more information, please reach out to Keeton Olson, Asset Manager for the Town of Avon, at kolson@avonindiana. gov 2 15 TAC SUBMITTAL AND REVIEW (DETAILED AMENDMENT ONLY) The applicant shall be responsible for the submittal of any proposed project with the Town of Avon to members of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). Code violations can have a negative impact on surrounding property values, public safety, and the overall appearance of the Town. Loker began working for the Town of Avon in January of 2020. (317) 780-1555 HENDRICKS COUNTY Project Description Sidewalk and Multi-use-path Plans along CR 150 S. Mar 7, 2025 · Avon Town Council Ordinance 202 5 -08 ADOPTING TEXT AMENDMENTS OF THE UNIFIED Avon, Indiana, 46123. The Planning Department is responsible for overseeing a variety of town construction policies and regulations, as well as zoning code enforcement. Council District . The specific legal sources that comprise each book have been adapted during the codification process from the original formatting of the official hard copy. We will accept your cashier's check, personal check, or money order for payment Complete online Board and Commission Application form for the Town of Avon Indiana. Subdivision Zoning Classifications within the Town of Avon Corporate Limits (PDF) Permit Applications. Census Data for Town of Avon; Census Data for Hendricks County; Indiana Census Statistics; Quick Facts Census Data Town of Avon, Indiana Stormwater Management Ordinance 3 County, Indiana, that the municipal code be amended as follows: Section 3: Applicability and Exemptions This ordinance shall apply to all development which requires the Town of Avon Improvement Location Permits and official review and approval of any Town of Avon agencies. Let’s take a look at some of the best things to do and places to visit in Avon. For emergency management questions or issues within the Town of Avon, please contact either the Avon Police Department or the Hendricks County Emergency Management Director. Avon Town Hall located at 6570 East U. 39% annually and its population has increased by 19. Even the name of the town here in Avon has evolved – originally it was called Hampton, then White Lick, then Smootsdell, then New Philadelphia, and finally Avon. Aug 22, 2024 · Town of Avon, Indiana Avon Plan Commission_____ Avon Town Hall | 6570 East US Highway 36 | Avon, IN 46123 | 317-272-0948 | avonindiana. The Redevelopment Town of Avon Town Hall 16513 W. Learn about the boards, commissions, council, court, trustee, and more. Building Documents The Town of Avon accomplished much in 2023 and has outlined priorities for 2024. The Town Manager serves as the Chief Administrative Officer of the Town and oversees the departments, excluding the In partnership with the Avon/Washington Township Library, the Town of Avon has created a section on the website where the Library will provide articles on the history of Avon. avon zoning ordinance town of avon, indiana 1. 1,789 Followers, 49 Following, 793 Posts - Town Of Avon, Indiana (@avonindianaparks) on Instagram: "Avon parks Department Government Organization Follow us on Facebook @AvonParksandRec 6570 E US Hwy 36, Avon, IN 46123" The Town of Avon Tax Rate (per $100 of Assessed Value) $. You’re in for a treat as you explore the hidden gems of this town. Avon, Indiana, in Hendricks county, is 12 miles W of Indianapolis, Indiana. Hosted by the Town of Avon at the Avon Hendricks Regional Health parking lot, the Avon Farmers Market is open every Tuesday from June through September. Board of Zoning Appeals 6. A Rainy Day Fund with $774,000; 4. Dear Shelby: Thank you for the opportunity to provide this proposal for Construction Documents, and Bidding for the Pickleball Pocket Park. Mailing Address 15444 W Skinner Rd Brodhead, Wisconsin 53520. 876 times smaller than the national average ($240,500). The UDO is used for planning and zoning decisions, including development standards, zoning districts, uses, and technical processes for new development. Board of Zoning Appeals. Please use a detailed address, description, and photo (if possible) to give as much information to the Town of Avon staff so they can investigate and Ryan Cannon was appointed on September 24, 2020, as the Town Manager with the Town of Avon. Through agreement of the Town Council and staff to be bound by these practices, administration of Town Council affairs is greatly enhanced. The town is conveniently located inside the Indianapolis metropolitan area. The Farmers Market brings fresh produce, baked goods, and handcrafted items to Avon residents. The home is an example of a brick dwelling in the Italianate Jan 17, 2024 · TOWN OF AVON, INDIANA PLAN COMMISSION Resolution No. Note: The office will be closed for lunch every day 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM More contact info > The Town of Avon Tax Rate (per $100 of Assessed Value) $. 3, subject to any later statutorily-required reappointment. Citizens Energy Group 2020 N Meridian Street Indianapolis, IN 46202 317-924-3311 Town Code (Chapter 4. Hours. Much has changed since 1818 when settlers first came to Hendricks County. TOWN OF AVON TRANSPORTATION PLAN | 1 Acknowledgements Activate Avon - the Town of Avon Thoroughfare Plan, 2018 Update – was prepared in response to the 2017 Comprehensive Plan, and amends the previous Thoroughfare Plan, 2006 Update. The Town of Avon is located in the state of Indiana, in Hendricks County. title, purpose and effect section 1-1. gov 2 15 revised plans approximately three (3) weeks before the Plan Commission meeting. 7 8: . Text Search. Town Manager 3. Highway 36, Avon, Indiana, 46123 on (Date of the Town of Avon, Indiana Stormwater Management Ordinance ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This document was prepared by GRW Engineers, Inc. The Library just completed a 2 year Avon Oral History project and many articles are a result of the Oral History Project. Amenities by Park (including Schools!) (PDF) Avon, IN 46123 Phone: 317-272-0948. Parks & Golf Courses. The Board of Zoning Appeals is five-member board that is charged with the power to grant variances or special exceptions from the town's Development Standards as defined in the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. Feb 14, 2024 · While it can be a little confusing to know if the road you live on is within the Town of Avon, and in turn the responsibility of the Town of Avon to maintain it, we have dedicated a page on our website to show every road within the Town of Avon boundary. For all your administrative procedures, you can go to the Town hall of Avon at the address and schedules indicated on this page or contact the Town hall government by phone or by email depending on your preference or on the service's availability. Please submit your application online. No service is provided by the town. AVON, INDIANA CODE OF ORDINANCES TABLE OF CONTENTS Article CHAPTER 1: GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. Since that time, the Town Staff has implemented a policy to manage risk with the goal of mitigating liability for the Town. 0462 2. 04 Purpose This Subdivision Control Ordinance is intended to guide the growth and development of the Town of Avon in accordance with the goals, objectives, and strategies stated within the Town of Avon Comprehensive Plan and for the following purposes: Avon, IN 46123 Phone: 317-272-0948. Or you are welcome to CLICK HERE to The Town of Avon has developed its first Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). The Avon Farmers Market is hosted by the Town of Avon at the Avon Hendricks Regional Health parking lot. Please Note: These books are supplemented from time-to-time with amendments and additions made by Town of Avon Indiana. Also, note that we can only accept cashier The Town of Avon Tax Rate (per $100 of Assessed Value) $. Article 3) Beekeeping in a residential area: Personal beekeeping is allowed in all single-family residential and agricultural zoning districts within town boundaries. INDIANA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS DATED 2024 TO BE USED WITH THESE PLANS CROSSROAD ENGINEERS, P. n7 age Average2 H. Ordinance Violation Bureau 4. 9763 1% 2% 3% Pay 2018 Property Tax District Tax Cap Tax Cap Tax Cap TOWN OF AVON, INDIANA Estimated Tax Impact Avon is a town located in Hendricks County, Indiana. Avon, IN 46123 317-272-2980. 2. Avon UDO Public Input Graphics (PDF) Incorporated in 1995, the Town of Avon is a professionally managed community located five miles west of Indianapolis in Hendricks County. The Town of Avon is located five miles west of Indianapolis and is included as part of the Indianapolis Metropolitan Statistical Area. 2: ENTER your address under "Address Search" 3: LOOK under the "Taxing District" section for details. C . saving provision section 1-9. Significant capital additions to the Park and a long-term funding plan through Food and Beverage Tax; and In addition to her professional experience, Mrs. This document, the Town of Avon Stormwater Technical Standards Manual, prepared by CrossRoad Engineers, P. Through voluntary compliance, cooperation, a spirit of personal responsibility, and community pride, conditions that create code violations can be eliminated. 3. wherever proprietary brands are specified, all proposals for substitution shall be submitted to the town and shall The Town of Avon Tax Rate (per $100 of Assessed Value) $. 3392 Net Increase: (Town of Avon only; per $100 of Assessed Value) $. title section 1-2. Farmers Market. under contract for the Town of Avon, Indiana. Aug 21, 2024 · Town of Avon, Indiana - Avon Plan Commission Avon Town Hall | 6570 East US Highway 36 | Avon, IN 46123 | 317-272-0948 | avonindiana. Additionally, the town's close location to Indianapolis offers a variety of resources to residents of the community Avon visitors. You can view that easily at avonindiana. Our Parks include 83 acre Town Hall Park, WWII Memorial Park, Gable Park, Winton Meadows Park, future park on Dan Jones. Here are the key details: When: Saturday, April 27, 2024, from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM. Those living in Avon can expect a rich community life only minutes away from the bustle of nearby Indianapolis. U. Agendas are available prior to the meetings. The Annexation Area will initially be assigned to Town Council District No. Oct 23, 2020 · Photography Provided by the Town of Avon. 7 8 Date (Date Letters Mailed) Name Address: , . AT&T 220 N Meridian Street Indianapolis, IN 46202 317-556-4000. gov or mailed to: - The Town of Avon Attn: Event Planner Position 6570 E US Highway 36 Avon, IN 46123 The Greater Avon Chamber of Commerce provides services to the growing business community. These acts will make the Town of Avon a better place to live. Note: The office will be closed for lunch every day 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM More contact info > Find information about the government services and departments of the Town of Avon, Indiana. Apr 21, 2016 · These rates were adopted by the Avon Town Council on November 16, 2017 (Avon Ordinance 2017-25) If you have any more questions, please call the Avon Public Works Department at 317-272-0948. Roadwork map showing projects in and around Avon Indiana. provisions declared to be minimum requirements section 1-6. Th is claims history adversely affects t he Town [s liability insurance premiums. Please be advised the type of services or getting help on issues is for non-emergency issues only. Portions of this document were modified from Storm Drainage, Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance, Town of Avon, Indiana, adopted July 18, 1996 developed by Schneider Engineering TOWN OF AVON TRANSPORTATION PLAN | 1 Acknowledgements Activate Avon - the Town of Avon Thoroughfare Plan, 2018 Update – was prepared in response to the 2017 Comprehensive Plan, and amends the previous Thoroughfare Plan, 2006 Update. Private contractors provide removal services and curbside recycling. Avon is currently growing at a rate of 3. Learn about the various departments and services that serve the residents of Avon, Indiana. Note: The office will be closed for lunch every day 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM More contact info > The median household income within the town of Avon is $94,213. Brodhead, Wisconsin 53520. o9us8ehold Size Avon, Indiana. Avon, IN 46123 Phone: 317-272-0948. View map of Avon, Indiana and the surrounding area. Please note that all payments must be made in exact money order or cashier's check. Written objections to a Avon, IN 46123 Phone: 317-272-0948. This Capital Improvement Plan (“CIP”) matches the highest ***TOWN OF AVON RESIDENTS ONLY*** Town of Avon Indiana - 2024 Fall Heavy Trash Day 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM The Town of Avon Tax Rate (per $100 of Assessed Value) $. Avon is a safe 1: VISIT The Town of Avon Beacon Resource Webpage to be taken to the Town of Avon Beacon page. Hours of Operation: Monday: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM Town of Avon Indiana Code Book; Vote 2024 Indiana State Building Codes. Town Clerk-Treasurer 2. It highlights online registration, rental opportunities, ways to get involved, and contact details. 2024-01 A Resolution Amending the Policy by Which Members of the Plan Commission May Participate in Meetings by Electronic Means Whereas, on December 19, 2023, the Avon Plan Commission adopted Resolution 2023-02, adopting a policy by which members of the Plan Commission may participate in In emergency situations, please call 911. Beloit Newark Rd. Jul 1, 2024 · QuickFacts Avon town, Indiana. exclusion section 1-8. Skip to Main Content. Please note: The Town of Avon no longer accepts cash. Town of Avon , Indiana 202 4 Risk Management Annual Report The Avon Town Council adopted a risk management plan in December 2015. Learn about Avon's history, culture, events, and schools from a local writer. Avon Hist Town of Avon Indiana 6570 East US Highway 36, Avon, IN 46123 / 371-272-0948. Listen to Avon Mayor Amy Phillips outline some highlights from last year and the current priorities and initiatives for Avon, Colorado. gov. Where: Gable Park, 229 S Gable Drive, Avon, IN 46123 (just behind Ashley Home Furniture, Marks Mattress, and Dollar Tree) What You Can Bring: Mar 25, 2022 · The Avon, Indiana Parks and Recreation page provides information on parks, trails, facilities, and events, including a farmers market. Town of Avon Indiana Code Book; Vote 2024 The Town of Avon Tax Rate (per $100 of Assessed Value) $. Effective October 1st 2016, the Town of Avon has adopted a no-cash handling policy for the Avon Police TOWN OF AVON, INDIANA 2020 Capital Funding Plan Introduction A fast-growing town like the Town of Avon, Indiana (the “Town”) recognizes the importance of long-range capital investment planning to maintain the growth and sustainability of the Town’s current programs and services. *** Location The Town of Avon "Selected 17th best place to live in America by Money Magazine" Av1o7n P,o5p6ula8tion Washington Township population 4 5 ,6 4 7 M3e4dia. It celebrated its 90th year in 2010. Town Manager, Town of Avon 6570 E. Select a tab below to see open job opportunities for the Town of Avon, Avon Police, and Avon Parks & Recreation. The Town of Avon Tax Rate (per $100 of Assessed Value) $. Learn about our Traffic In compliance with state statutes that govern the fees associated with these records, the Town of Avon has established a fee schedule. 3274 Council District The Annexation Area will initially be assigned to Town Council District No. Purpose of Avon Procedures Manual The Town of Avon has prepared its own procedures manual to assist the Town Council by documenting accepted practices and clarifying expectations. This Capital Improvement Plan (“CIP”) matches the highest priority of the Town of Avon, Hendricks County, Indiana, that the municipal code be amended as follows: Section 3: Applicability and Exemptions This ordinance shall apply to all development which requires the Town of Avon Improvement Location Permits and official review and approval of any Town of Avon agencies. Avon, IN 46123 Phone: 317-272-0948. During 202 4, Department Heads received training regarding risk management, Alarm permits may be obtained at the Avon Town Hall, as no appointment is needed. Highway 36 Avon, IN 46123; Agendas & Minutes. 'Avon Indiana Action Center', powered by SeeClickFix, is an easy way for residents to report concerns directly to the Town of Avon and have department staff follow up to resolve the issues. , contains the necessary technical standards for administering the requirements of the Town of Avon Stormwater Management Ordinance. Go! Avon This document, the Town of Avon Stormwater Technical Standards Manual, prepared by CrossRoad Engineers, P. Public Safety. Advisory Plan Commission 5. If it states "State District AVON", you ARE within the Town of Avon town limits. Office Hours. In 2019, the median property value for a home was $210,600, which is . Avon was the first Tree City USA Community in Hendricks County and prides itself in the preservation of the natural environment. The Town of Avon Indiana's Action Center and app (powered by SeeClickFix) helps residents reach the Town of Avon online or via your smartphone or tablet to request services or get help fixing issues. . 1, subject to any later statutorily-required reappointment. Loker has served the Town of Avon as an Avon Police Merit Commissioner as well as the Secretary and the Band Booster President for the world champion Avon Marching Black and Gold for 4 years. There are 30 parks and 5 golf courses located within 7 miles of the center of town. Aug 21, 2024 · Department at the Avon Town Hall located at 6570 East U. My question isn't listed here. Questions regarding Permit Applications may be emailed to the Planning and Building Department and a Staff member will assist you. 2, subject to any later statutorily-required reappointment. Created Date: 3/7/2025 9:08:49 AM Avon Town Hall 6570 East U. BY 5 Town of Avon Redevelopment Commission District End Dates • TIF Area #1 – base assessment date is March 1, 1998 – expiration March 1, 2028; Avon, Indiana, a charming town in Hendricks County, stands out with its unique blend of history, culture, and community spirit. 3392 . Town of Avon - 317-272-0948; Avon Community School Corporation - 317-544-6000; Avon Parks & Rec - 317-272-0948; Avon Police Administration - 317-272-4485; Avon-Washington Township Public Library - 317-272-4818; Child Care Solutions - Family Friendly Policies; Hendricks County Government - County Commissioners Office - 317-745-9221 Town of Avon. Mar 1, 2018 · Of individuals 25 to 64 in the Town of Avon, IN, 44. Avon Town Hall 6570 East U. C. The John W. A very sound TIF Fund and plan; 5. Click an image for the complete job description. Its area, population and other key information are listed below. Introduction to Avon, Indiana. Roadwork Map. McClain House, built about 1876, was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 2004. Telephone. There are an estimated 6,248 people in Avon. Feb 26, 2025 · - The Town of Avon will be accepting resumes for this position until Friday March 21, 2025. 57% since the most recent census, which recorded a population of 21,685 in 2020. To keep everyone informed and safe, temporary construction signs will be placed along Dan Jones Road and Oriole Way. - Resumes and cover letters may be e-mailed to: dharmon@avonindiana. Every Tuesday June through August 2025 4 to 7 pm ***PLEASE NOTE: THERE IS NO MARKET ON TUESDAY, JULY 1ST, 2025. Several strong Cumulative Funds to help fund lower dollar capital projects; 6. authority section 1-3. many claims are made against the Town even when there is little or no evidence of negligence by the Town. All hives must be 15 feet away from any property line, and all beekeepers must have an adequate amount of fresh water and a diversity of natural pollen and The Town of Avon Tax Rate (per $100 of Assessed Value) $. Highway 36 Avon, IN 46123 Phone: 317-272-0948. 8% in the nation. 36 Avon, Indiana 46123 RE: 2012 TIF ANNUAL REPORT Mr. No problem! Please give us a call at the Avon Public Works Department: 317-272-0948. Also for cities and towns with a population of 5,000 or more. wou ezjof awxku rwbx nwvnnnwh yhr hzqhmj cswpnd orbl frwz jxrokjt xtifby neewy rhzpv qvb